Destiny 2 How to Get Choir of One

Choir of One is a unique Auto Rifle. This guide will help you obtain this weapon as well as its crafting components and catalysts. We'll walk you through the Encore exotic mission, explaining all of its encounters and puzzles. Furthermore, we'll help you find all 3 secret chests in this mission and give you some hints as to how to get to them.

Unlock Choir of One Exotic Auto Rifle

The first-ever Auto Rifle that uses special ammo is something nobody expected to get. Today, we’re talking about how to get Choir of One Destiny 2, an exotic weapon that deals insane amounts of damage and might even get nerfed pretty soon.

If you want to get this gun as soon as possible, while it is undeniably at the top of the meta right now, you can just Buy Choir of One Auto Rifle at SkyCoach. This is the fastest way to get the gun. Otherwise, you’d have to learn how to complete the mission on your own, and it doesn’t feature any mini-map directions or pointers. Besides, the mission also has several puzzles that you must figure out. It will definitely take much longer than it should to get Choir of One Exotic Auto Rifle, so why go through all of that when the first-ever special ammo auto rifle can be yours much faster? Let SkyCoach handle the task and enjoy this incredible weapon before it gets nerfed into oblivion!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Apart from learning how to get Choir of One, you can also Buy Destiny 2 Boost from SkyCoach. We offer a wide range of products at the lowest market price and with the fastest delivery. You can make your first purchase even CHEAPER if you find a special PROMO CODE (highlighted in green) hidden in this article and get a 20% DISCOUNT.


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Unlocking Choir of One in Destiny 2

The first step in the Destiny 2 Choir of One guide would be unlocking Encore. You must complete Acts 1 and 2 of the first episode that’s been going on since after the release of the Final Shape. When you’re done with those missions, talk to Failsafe v2.1, who will give you a quest called A Rising Chorus. Failsafe has overridden the Conductor’s security measures and stands ready to guide you to her stronghold at the center of Nessus. Explore the Conductor’s domain and wield the secrets hidden within.

Complete Encore Exotic Mission once to get Choir of One and its crafting pattern.

After that, you’ll be able to find the Encore: Overture at the War Table in the H.E.L.M. The quest objective is: “Face the Conductor’s compelled Vex at the center of Nessus.”

There are two difficulties available for this mission: regular and expert, but we recommend doing the regular one for the first time so that you can learn the mechanics and puzzles present in the mission faster.

You will then end up doing the expert version of the Choir of One exotic mission to get the weapon’s catalyst. Now, let’s walk you through the Encore mission itself.

Encore: Overture Exotic Mission Walkthrough

Now that you know how to get Choir of One exotic Auto Rifle, it’s time to grab some friends and beat the big bad guy. Once you start the mission, you’ll find yourself in an open area with no markers or directions. Basically, you must explore the surroundings to find your way in. This is what you’re going to do:

  1. As you spawn, turn and go right until you detect a steep incline.
  2. Follow the ramp to ascend, and on your left, you’ll see a massive orb with a hole in it. That’s where you need to go.

Once you reach the bottom, you’ll then have a pretty lengthy traversal section that consists of a lot of jumping over bottomless gaps and walking along very narrow paths along the walls. Just make sure you’re following the lights that will always take you to the next bit of this section, whether it is the moving platforms or paired elevators that you’ll use to get further up.

First Puzzle

At the end of the traversal section, you’ll find what will be a major mechanic of this mission – Vex nodes. You can’t miss these objects that look like nodes. And what you do is – find a buff, either somewhere else or when you kill an enemy, and then you take it and slot it into one of these nodes to unlock the path forward.

The very first node you’ll see can’t be interacted with for now. Keep moving past it until you find another node with the green Vex Module installed. Take it with you (will be displayed as a buff) and put it on another node located in the center of the room. Doing so will generate a floor, letting you get to the other side, where there’ll be a Vex conflux and 3 crimson diamonds on the wall next to it.

P.S.: just to be clear, what’s what: nodes = pots, buffs = modules. Obviously, you can call them whatever you like.

Then you will continue the process of retrieving the modules and installing them into the nodes until you find the second conflux.

At some point, you’ll encounter a yellow node and a green node. To get the yellow buff, you need to kill the Minotaur that spawns nearby. Grab it and dunk it into the yellow node. This will remove a wall so that you can grab and dunk the last green module.

Now, go back to the door with the 3 diamonds that are now opened. Proceed forward and pick up another green buff from the pedestal. Once you do that, you’ll be chased by a red wall, so you’ll need to return to the very first node that you saw when you started the puzzle.

As you run back, a bunch of Vex will spawn. Remember, you don’t have to kill them all. In fact, you might not make it in time if you tried. Just clear a path and make sure that the red wall of death doesn’t catch up with you. BLOG20

Install that module into the first node you ever saw and this will create a bridge that will take you to the next part of the mission.

Second Puzzle


The next section combines the traversal section with module collection. Once you encounter Vex enemies, keep killing them until one of them drops the yellow buff, aka the Vex Module // PARTITION. Dunk it into the next yellow node to get through the wall and into the room with teleports. 

There, you will also encounter a new cyan-colored buff, aka the Vex Module // ACCESS, that, when you dunk it into a node, activates a portal. Go through the activated portal, and you’ll be taken to an arena with the green buff and empty cyan nodes.


Don’t take the green buff. Just wait for the cyan buff to spawn. Get a hold of it and then take it to the node on the right side to activate a portal that will send your team back to the first room. There, you have to grab the cyan buff you installed previously, take it into the arena-looking room through the portal, and use it to activate what we would call “the main” portal.

Basically, your job is to find a way to activate all of the portals by utilizing a limited amount of cyan buffs.

So, go through the main portal and grab the green buff, which you can now slot into that empty pot in the round room. This will materialize a bridge leading to yet another portal, at which point you should get back using the previous portal, retrieve one cyan buff, and slot it in a pot to activate this last portal. This will take you into a boss fight section.

Eexonios and Iziira Boos Fight

In this section, your fireteam will need to deal with a Subjugator and a Tormentor boss, so make sure you get some kind of precision-type weapons that will allow you to focus on the boss’s weak points.

The way this fight works is you fight them one at a time, and when their health drops to a certain amount, at which point they will drop a cyan buff, allowing you to activate a portal to the next arena, where you’ll find the other boss of this pair.

Once both bosses are on their last legs, you’ll fight them both at the same time. In the end, you’ll get a loot chest next to a portal that will take you to the final section of the mission.

Final Boss Fight – Parodos

Just behind the portal, you’ll be greeted by a small traversal section with a bunch of Vex in the middle. Finish them off and carry on until you see two portals. Jump in, and you’ll be taken to the Exo testing area.

You’re going to need to listen to the dialogue before you can proceed further, so there’ll be a moment for you and your fireteam to catch a breath.

The fight with Parodos, Choral Mind, starts with you dealing with some adds. You’ll need to kill the Vex Minotaur, who will drop the green buff, aka the Connection Module, which you will need to slot into an empty pot right next to you. Doing so will spawn a bridge with a conflux on it, which will cause the boss to move to either of the sides of the arena. Take the buff out and place it into the pot closest to the boss, who would be on one of the flying platforms. This will spawn a large platform with a capture point on it. Stand on it to spawn an orb and then shoot it to disable the shield, making the boss vulnerable to your weapons.

After you’ve caused the boss to lose one third of its health, he will spawn some immovable walls of death and a bunch of adds. You should still focus on dealing damage to the boss until he telports away. Once that happens, you’ll then need to kill some Minotaurs to get the cyan buff to activate a portal that will swing your team to the platform where you’ll be able to deal the decisive attack and defeat Parodos.

As soon as Parodos is successfully defeated, the mission will be over, and you’ll get another loot chest from which you’ll receive the Choir of One D2.

How To Get Choir of One Catalyst and Intrinsics

Since this weapon is craftable, you’ll be able to select any of the available perks & traits, which must be obtained through some puzzles. 

In this part of the guide, we’ll explain how to unlock Choir of One catalyst and all of the optional parts that you’ll use in crafting your own version of the weapon.

To get these additional parts, you’ll have no choice but to beat Encore on Expert difficulty and find the secret chests hidden throughout the mission. As per tradition, the chests appear weekly. So, in order to open them all, you’re going to have to come back and do this mission on a weekly basis until you find and open all of the chests. BLOG20

On top of that, you need to make sure to do some extra activities before finding the secret chests. One of the prerequisites is continuing the seasonal story and the Choir of One quest: “A Rising Chorus,” which comes in several Acts. Each one of these acts has different objectives, from finding some boxes around the lost sectors to killing Vex enemies in various activities.

You need to do all of this to end a questline for upgrading Failsafe and getting the EXO Prototype #314, which in turn unlocks the Conductor’s Imprint Codes. What this does is it: 

“Unlocks a new Hub in the Encore exotic mission.” This is what you need to access the secret puzzles within the mission.

Finally, remember to grab the Catalyst quest “Choir: Eternal” from Banshee-44, which asks you to open the first secret chest in the Encore and complete this mission on Expert difficulty.

Unlocking The First Secret Chest In Encore

To find the first secret chest, get through the initial traversal section, at the end of which you will find the first green node (or pot). Now, the area just behind it will have a new room unlocked by the “Specimen” quest. Inside the room, you’ll find the conflux. Activate it to spawn four cubes above it. One of these cubes will have a white orb below it. Shoot that box, and then shoot the next box that will have that orb. Basically, the orb shows the order in which you shoot these boxes. After that, there’ll be another set of boxes that will spawn around the room. Repeat the process to reveal the secret chest.

Unlocking The Second Secret Chest In Encore

Progress through the mission as you normally would until you encounter the first cyan buff. There’s a planetary piston right before that buff and a conflux, which opens a portal that takes you to the same room where you found the first secret chest.

One of the portals in that room will be active, so go through it, and you will end up in the first puzzle room. There, you’ll find another conflux, in which you will activate these little faint white lines that you’ll need to follow. These lines will lead you to the Vex disks that need to be destroyed.

Once you destroy all disks quickly enough, you’ll spawn the Secret Chest that will give you some loot and the Command Frame 2 upgrade for the Choir of One.

Unlocking The Third Secret Chest In Encore

Return to the mission using the portal and continue through the mission until the moment when you need to listen to a dialogue before proceeding. This is where you’ll find the last conflux that opens up a portal. You’ll find yourself in a room with several crimson diamonds and portals. Place the cyan buffs into the pots to activate the portals, then enter them and destroy them. Each portal that you activate connects to one of the crimson diamonds above, which shows where you’ll be taken when you enter that portal. Each time you go through a portal, you’re taken into this segmented room with a purple diamond that needs to be destroyed. Doing so will make two adjacent diamonds vulnerable, so you’ll need to go back and activate the right portals so that you can enter and destroy those purple diamonds.

If this sounds confusing, just try following the lines, and after some trial and error, you’ll get it. Once all diamonds have been destroyed, this will spawn the third and final secret chest that will give you the first exotic catalyst - “Subsistence Refit.”

In the coming weeks, we’ll update the Destiny 2 Choir of One catalyst guide and tell you how to get the other two catalysts: the Destabilizing Rounds and Onslaught.


Choir of One is the first-ever auto rifle that uses special ammo. It is also currently the most broken gun in the game, simply because of how much damage it can deal. You should get it as fast as possible by either completing the Encore exotic mission yourself or using our fast and secure service at SkyCoach.

Either way, Encore sheds some light on the lore surrounding the Vex invasion, Failsafe, and a lot of other stuff. We recommend playing this mission yourself at least once because if you want to get custom parts for Choir of One, you’ll need to be very effective at completing this mission on Expert difficulty.

We do hope that this guide has been useful for you, we always strive to provide the best quality of guides that can help players get through some difficult content in the game. So, thank you for reading and we’ll see you in the next one!


How to get Choir of One Exotic?


In order to get Choir of One, you must complete the Encore exotic mission on any difficulty for the first time.

How to get Choir of One Catalysts?


There are 3 catalysts that can be obtained by completing weekly puzzles within the Encore exotic mission:

  • Subsistence
  • Destabilizing Rounds
  • Onslaught

What is the Choir of One God Roll?


Choir of One is relatively new, so the god roll might change in the future. Right now, it’s this:

  • Command Frame
  • Arrowhead Brake
  • Steady Rounds
  • Fanatical Lance
  • Composite Stock

Is Choir of One a good exotic?


Choir of One is more than just good; it is literally overpowered right now.

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