Arms Warrior Guide - The War Within 11.1

This article is a comprehensive WoW The War Within Arms Warrior guide for players who want to improve their skills when playing this specialization. It includes information about the spec's strengths and weaknesses, recommended talents, gear, rotations, and more. By reading this guide, you will excel in both PvE and PvP types of content. Sharpen your weapons and get ready for battle!

Read Our Arms Warrior Guide

Fellow adventurers, welcome to our comprehensive WoW The War Within Arms Warrior guide. This article has been created to assist you in mastering this specialization and achieving greatness in both PvE and PvP aspects. It does not matter if you are a novice or a seasoned player, as our class overview contains all the essential information, including talent builds, gear, rotations, and more. With this guide, you will be fully prepared to tackle any obstacle that comes your way. So, gear up, sharpen your blades, and prepare yourself for battle!

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Arms Warrior Pros and Cons

We would like to begin our WoW Arms Warrior DPS guide by describing the spec’s strengths and weaknesses. After reading this paragraph, you will understand whether this specialization is worth your attention and what it is capable of.

Let us start with the Upsides, they include the following points:

  • Simple rotation that is easy to learn and execute;
  • Decent mobility thanks to Charge, Heroic Leap, and Intervene;
  • High survivability in both PvE and PvP content;
  • Battle Shout is an amazing raid-wide buff.

Moving further, we have the following Downsides to discuss:

  • Can be vulnerable to kiting in PvP situations;
  • Relatively low utility compared to other classes;
  • Can be susceptible to interrupts and silences, disrupting the rotation and damage output;
  • Have to choose between single-target or multiple-target builds, combining both does not work.

To see how this spec performs, you are to reach the level cap first. Only then, you get access to all the strongest abilities that can help you outbattle your opponents in PvE and PvP. We know that making your way to the maximum level can be time-consuming and tough. Therefore, we offer you to try out The War Within Leveling service. By doing so, you can be sure our professional players will boost your character in a blink of an eye.

Arms Warrior Basics

This is a melee specialization that focuses on dealing heavy physical damage to enemies. They primarily use two-handed weapons such as swords and axes to deal damage. It is possible to wear a one-handed weapon and shield but this will make most of your abilities unable to be used. The spec has a focus on burst damage and relies heavily on its abilities and cooldowns to deal massive amounts of damage quickly. BLOG20

It is also known for its strong self-healing capabilities and can sustain itself in combat for longer periods of time than other melee classes. Arms Warriors have a variety of abilities to help control and mitigate damage, making them a valuable asset to any group in both PvE and PvP content. 

To use its most powerful abilities, the spec builds a unique resource called Rage. The latter is gained while in fight and dealing damage to enemies. In general, Arms Warrior The War Within gameplay is relatively easy to master and requires less time if compared to other classes and specializations. If you only begin your journey in WoW, it is a perfect choice to start with.

Arms Warrior Core Abilities

As a rule, you use a pretty standard range of abilities in most combat scenarios. They allow you not only to deal heavy damage but soak the incoming one. On top of that, you can boost your allies’ DPS, which makes you a desirable member for any raiding party. To see what abilities are considered the main ones, we have prepared the list you can see below. It contains the most powerful WoW Arms Warrior abilities, which are as follows:

  • Mortal Strike – Acts as a heavy-hitting strike that deals damage and reduces healing received by the target;
  • Colossus Smash – Deals damage and increases the target's vulnerability to subsequent attacks;
  • Overpower – A quick attack that deals additional damage and has a chance to reset the cooldown of Mortal Strike;
  • Slam – An instant attack that deals moderate damage and is often used when other abilities are on cooldown to fill the gap;
  • Execute – Can only be used when your opponent’s HP is lower than 20% yet deals overwhelming damage in this case;
  • Whirlwind – A sweeping attack that deals damage to all enemies within range and generates Rage for each enemy you hit;
  • Victory Rush – Becomes available after killing an enemy, allowing you to restore a portion of your character’s HP;
  • Battle Shout – Grants additional damage to your character and nearby allies’;
  • Charge – Acts as a gap-closing ability that allows you to quickly close the distance to an enemy and gain extra Rage to continue the rotation;
  • Heroic Leap – One of your primary mobility tools that allows you to leap a short distance, damaging enemies upon landing.

Of course, other abilities are also widely used depending on the situation in battle. However, these skills are your core and should be used more often than others. When playing this spec, a lot of players are sure that their primary goal is to deal damage. Of course, this is the biggest part of this specialization. Nonetheless, it is also important to understand when to use your defensive cooldowns and retreat by using your mobility tools if the situation requires so.

Once you have got acquainted with the spec’s core abilities, you can imagine what your rotation will look like in both PvP and PvE content types. Surely, we will cover this topic further in the article, as you keep reading it. Though, playing well on your own does not guarantee you success in Mythic+ content. You still have to rely on your party and everyone should perform perfectly to receive the rewards. If you wish to get the stuff you like effortlessly, you can order our Mythic Carry services. We offer reasonable prices and guarantee the result.

Arms Warrior Stat Priority

Since your main goal is to maximize damage output, you always want to focus on Strength above all other stats. The reason you should do this is that it is your primary stat. It provides you with tons of benefits and boosts your DPS as nothing does. Then, you want to go for Critical Strike to increase your rage generation speed and have a higher chance to deal double damage.

To ensure you execute your rotation quickly and flawlessly, Haste should be the next stat to pay attention to. After that, you can prioritize Mastery and Versatility since they do not provide such a noticeable damage boost if compared to other stats. Bearing all that in mind, your Arms Warrior stats are usually distributed like this:

  1. Strength;
  2. Critical Strike;
  3. Haste;
  4. Mastery;
  5. Versatility.

It is crucial to note that the stat priority can change based on your gear and talent choices, and it is always recommended to use a simulation tool to determine the optimal stat priority for your specific character.

Best PvE Arms Warrior Builds

After people had tested an updated talent system implemented in The War Within, it became obvious how many build variations the game has to offer now. You can try out dozens of them and see how they perform in this or that combat scenario. However, not all of them will be equally efficient.

To save your time, we are here to share the best Raiding and Mythic+ talent builds. The following two extracts of the article are devoted exactly to this topic. By using these alternatives, you can strengthen your character and deal with any boss or complete a dungeon of any difficulty.

Even if you have a perfect talent setup, it does not guarantee you success in most PvE activities. Therefore, we offer you to Buy The War Within Boost from our company to receive any loot you like in the shortest time possible. We provide the best market price and guarantee the result.

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Arms Warrior Single-Target Raid Build

If you are a fan of Raiding content, you should know that it mainly revolves around dealing solo-target DPS. For this, you can use the following Arms Warrior raid build we have presented below. It performs perfectly against bosses with millions of health points allowing you to maximize your damage exactly for this situation.

Copy and paste the following code to see how this build works for you:


Arms Warrior Mythic+ Build

Up next, we would like to discuss Mythic+ content and what build type suits its best. Unlike the previous alternative, this The War Within Arms Warrior PvE build variety is completely different. Instead of prioritizing solo-target damage, it focuses on maximizing multiple-target DPS. It performs perfectly well, as you need to deal with large groups of enemies while trying to clear out another dungeon.

By copying the following code, you can export this build directly into your game:


Best Arms Warrior PvP Build

If you prefer fighting real people instead of an army of mobs, you cannot go without our The War Within Arms Warrior PvP build we have prepared for you here. Remember, it is crucial to use your mobility tools to gain an advantage and close the distance. You have several abilities that can help you close the gap between you and your target, such as Charge and Heroic Leap. Be sure to use these abilities strategically to keep up with your opponent and stay in range to deal damage.

In team-based PvP modes such as battlegrounds and arenas, coordination with your team is key. Communicate with your teammates to coordinate your attacks, focus on high-priority targets, and peel for each other when needed.

This spec excels at dealing burst damage, especially with your Colossus Smash ability. Be sure to coordinate your burst with your teammates and use it to take down enemy healers and damage dealers quickly.

Finally, you strongly rely on Rage to use your abilities. So, it is important to manage your Rage effectively. Do not spam abilities and waste your Rage, but also do not let your Rage bar sit at full capacity for too long.

Try out our PvP build by copying the following code:


Before you test your skills in PvP fights, you should reach the level cap. After you achieve level 80, you gain access to all the most powerful abilities. To speed up this process, you can always rely on our WoW Powerleveling services. In this case, our pros will get your character to the maximum level in the shortest time possible.

Arms Warrior Best in Slot Gear

If you still think that Raiding and Mythic+ content are the only ways to get powerful equipment, let us clarify one important point here. The Crafting Order system has revolutionized the concept of Best-in-Slot (BiS) gear in WoW. This feature was introduced with the Dragonflight expansion and has become extremely popular among players. With this system, players no longer have to spend countless hours trying to acquire powerful items from end-game content.

Instead, they can seek out artisans who can craft substitutes that are almost as good as what they get from end-game activities. However, it is important to keep in mind that the ideal gear for your character can vary depending on several factors like your raid group's composition, boss encounter, and personal playstyle. To determine the perfect equipment and stat priority for your character, it is advisable to use a simulation program.

Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope Best in Slot Gear for Arms Warrior

If you wish to collect certain gear pieces from end-game activities, you cannot walk on by Raiding and the loot this type of content offers. Nonetheless, it is practically impossible to obtain all the equipment pieces you would like to have. So, it would be great if you manage to get your hands on at least a few of the items listed below.

Always remember that simply having BiS gear does not guarantee success in the game. Your personal skills and execution are crucial factors that can outweigh the benefits of the items you wear. 

Additionally, obtaining BiS gear can be a time-consuming and demanding process. If you're not aiming for top-tier performance, alternative gear can provide similar results with less effort, especially in PvP where strategy plays a significant role.

Moreover, gear upgrades are a constant feature of the game. New patches and expansions can introduce better gear with improved stats and bonuses, rendering BiS equipment obsolete. Instead of focusing solely on grinding and farming for BiS gear, we recommend enjoying the game and exploring the new content that the developers release regularly.

Mythic+ Best in Slot Gear for Arms Warrior

If you enjoy clearing out dungeons more than slaying a mighty boss, you can try to collect unique Mythic+ equipment pieces from this activity. A lot of players consider a Mythic+ set to be a stronger alternative if compared to the previous option. However, it is also extremely difficult to collect all the pieces listed below. If you manage to do this, you will have the best Arms Warrior gear for quite a long period of time.

Keep in mind that trying to collect all the listed items can spoil the gaming experience. Instead, focus on completing various in-game activities and enjoy exploring the Dragon Isles to the full.

Best Upgrade, Spark of Dreams, and Embellishment Options for Arms Warrior

You now have the opportunity to increase the ilvl of your favorite item with the newly-introduced currency, Dreaming Crests. It is specifically designed to boost PvE equipment level up to, providing a significant stat increase.

To acquire Dreaming Crests, you must participate in raids, dungeons, and other in-game activities completing them successfully. Since this currency is a rare thing to get your hands on, it is crucial to use it wisely and focus on upgrading the most crucial gear pieces first. As a DPS spec, you should begin by enhancing your main hand weapon. After that, you can focus on your trinkets, especially if you have decent alternatives to spend this currency on. Here are a few options to consider:

  1. Gnarlroot's Bonecrusher;
  2. Cataclysmic Signet Brand;
  3. Coiled Serpent Idol;
  4. Crafted embellishments.

If you are not a fan of end-game activities, you can use Spark of Dreams to create substitutes for the items you get from Mythic+ content. Even though they have slightly worse stats, they are a great alternative for many average players. If you have a few of these sparks, think of crafting the following items:

  1. Vibrant Wildercloth Shawl;
  2. Allied Wristguard of Companionship.

Finally, we would like to discuss the Embellishment system, which also lets you make your character more powerful. If explained briefly, it allows you to imprint extra effects onto your equipment pieces. The only restriction here is that you cannot wear more than 2 gear parts with Embellishments simultaneously. Therefore, you have to choose from the following alternatives:

  1. Shadowflame-Tempered Armor Patch – Lets you deal Shadowflame damage when attacking a target;
  2. Allied Wristguard of Companionship – Provides you with additional Critical Strike and Haste stats, which you value more than any others. Besides, it grants you a bit of Versatility for every ally nearby;
  3. Unstable Frostfire Belt – Grants you extra Critical Strike and Mastery stats. On top of that, you can deal Frostfire damage when attacking a target;
  4. Fang Adornments – This is the most common choice for practically any melee DPS specialization and Arms Warrior is not an exception here.

To get geared up in a proper way, you need to have quite a lot of gold under your belt. If you wish to become richer in a blink of an eye, we have the solution for you. Forget about endless grinding and farming, as you can Buy WoW Gold with our company’s help instead. We guarantee the best market price and the fastest delivery as well.

Best Arms Warrior Enchants and Consumables

Another way to improve your character’s stats is to use certain consumables and insert various enchantments. By doing so, you will gain additional primary and secondary stats. This will boost your damaging potential in any type of content you take part in. As a rule, you can purchase them at the Auction House or craft them on your own.

Adding a few words on consumables, if you do not know where to start, go for Phial of Tepid Versatility in any type of content. On top of that, Phial of Glacial Fury can perform especially well in Mythic+. However, it requires certain conditions to unlock its full potential.

To maximize your DPS for a short period of time, you can use Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power for any activity. If you lack healing or wish to improve your survivability rate, pay attention to Refreshing Healing Potion.

A lot of players also forget about gems and how they can be important in a real-case scenario. You should definitely get your hands on the following options:

To enhance your performance even further, do not forget to use Grand Banquet of the Kalu'ak or Hoard of Draconic Delicacies. As alternatives, Fated Fortune Cookie or Feisty Fish Sticks would do just fine as well. Additionally, do not forget to empower your weapon with Buzzing Rune or Howling Rune to deal even higher damage.

If you use all the described enchantments and consumables, you will note the difference in your performance whether we are talking about Mythic+ or Raiding. However, you can still lose a lot of fights due to your teammates. If you wish to get the desired item guaranteed, our WoW Raid Boost services are what you are looking for.

Arms Warrior Rotation Guide

Although this specialization may seem easy to master at first glance, playing it efficiently requires knowledge of various rotations. There is no all-in-one WoW Arms Warrior rotation for this spec, so it is essential to learn each rotation separately. Depending on the combat situation, the sequence of abilities and how you use them may vary. However, we have compiled some of the strongest rotations you can use when playing this spec.

When practicing a chosen rotation, it is crucial to keep an eye on your Rage bar. This is your primary resource, and it enables you to use your most potent attacks. Additionally, you need to press buttons immediately after they refresh to avoid losing potential damage and disrupting the rotation.

No matter which rotation you use in a particular fight, you should understand whom you are fighting against. This specialization is all about applying pressure and being an initiator. Use your mobility tools first to get closer to the high-priority target and start dealing all the damage you have.

Arms Warrior Single-Target Rotation

  1. Make sure that the target is always affected by the Rend’s debuff;
  2. Colossus Smash and Avatar should be used at the same time;
  3. Mortal Strike;
  4. Thunderous Roar for extra damage and Rage;
  5. Execute should be used during Sudden Death procs;
  6. Overpower;
  7. Ignore Pain;
  8. Whirlwind to gain Rage;
  9. Thunder Clap for extra Rage and to reapply Rend;
  10. Overpower;
  11. Slam to fill the gap between cooldowns.

Arms Warrior Multi-Target Rotation

  1. Thunder Clap to reapply Rend;
  2. Sweeping Strikes before using Colossus Smash;
  3. Avatar;
  4. Warbreaker;
  5. Execute;
  6. Cleave;
  7. Mortal Strike;
  8. Overpower.

Arms Warrior Leveling Guide

To unlock the spec’s full potential and enjoy end-game activities, you are to reach the level cap first. This extract of the article contains all the tips and tricks you need to know to achieve this goal quickly and with minimum effort. First, we are going to share the most efficient build you can use exactly for leveling purposes.

To export it directly into your game, copy this code:


When fighting large groups of mobs, you cannot go without certain consumables. The latter helps you survive and boost your damage output as well. Usually, they can be easily purchased at the Auction House and do not cost a fortune:

  • Spectral Flask of Power – Provides you with a bit of extra Strength with the effect lasting for an hour;
  • Potion of Spectral Strength – Works in a similar way yet grants you a more noticeable Strength boost;
  • Cosmic Healing Potion – If you lack survivability and die too often, this can help you solve this problem;
  • Fried Bonefish – Can be used to restore a ton of HP. Most importantly, it grants you a decent movement speed buff every time you kill a foe;
  • Shaded Sharpening Stone – Gives you additional attack power with the effect lasting for an hour.

After you have successfully made it to level 80, you gain access to various end-game activities. This is where you need a reliable team to achieve success in them. If you have no skillful friends or play alone intentionally, you can use our World of Warcraft Boosting services to obtain the desired loot guaranteed. We provide fair prices and guarantee the result.

Best Primordial Stones for Arms Warrior

A lot of players were waiting for the 10.0.7 patch just because of this feature. After the Onyx Annulet ring was implemented into the game, it became clear how powerful this mechanic was. You can use various Primordial Stones to insert into it and gain unique bonuses for that. No other item boasts this feature apart from this one. In this extract of the article, you will find out what Primordial Stones suit this specialization better and why.

  • Raiding Content

  1. Desirous Blood Stone – While fighting an enemy, you can deal Shadow damage and restore HP for the amount of damage dealt;
  2. Echoing Thunder Stone – Allows you to deal extra damage thanks to moving around and building a charge;
  3. Freezing Ice Stone – Deals Frost damage and slows a target for a short period of time. This is a perfect alternative for you, as you need to stick as close to the target as possible;
  4. Obscure Pastel Stone – When executing your rotation, you can activate a random Primordial Stone effect;
  5. Prophetic Twilight Stone – Your damaging Primordial Stones also activate the healing effects of their counterparts and vice versa.

  • Mythic+ Content

  1. Storm Infused Stone – After you inflict a critical strike, you can also deal damage to 2 nearby enemies dealing Nature damage;
  2. Pestilent Plague Stone – Works in a similar way if compared to the previous stone;
  3. Obscure Pastel Stone – When executing your rotation, you can activate a random Primordial Stone effect;
  4. Flame Licked Stone – Allows you to deal extra Fire damage and set a target aflame;
  5. Freezing Ice Stone – Deals Frost damage and slows a target for a short period of time. This is a perfect alternative for you, as you need to stick as close to the target as possible.

  • World Content

  1. Desirous Blood Stone – While fighting an enemy, you can deal Shadow damage and restore HP for the amount of damage dealt;
  2. Prophetic Twilight Stone – Your damaging Primordial Stones also activate the healing effects of their counterparts and vice versa;
  3. Storm Infused Stone – After you inflict a critical strike, you can also deal damage to 2 nearby enemies dealing Nature damage;
  4. Flame Licked Stone – Allows you to deal extra Fire damage and set a target aflame;
  5. Freezing Ice Stone – Deals Frost damage and slows a target for a short period of time. This is a perfect alternative for you, as you need to stick as close to the target as possible.

How to Become a Better Arms Warrior in The War Within

Moving further, we would like to share the most crucial Arms Warrior 11.1 patch tips, which look as follows:

  1. Rotations matter: When playing this spec, you have two basic yet different rotations to choose from depending on the situation. Practice each of them until you can execute them flawlessly;
  2. Manage your resources: Keeping an eye on your Rage bar is essential to play this spec effectively. You need to know when to spend and when to save it for your most powerful abilities;
  3. Positioning is key: Depending on how you position yourself on the battlefield can make a huge difference. You need to be aware of your surroundings and make sure you are in a good position to attack your enemies while avoiding their attacks;
  4. Use your defensive abilities: Do not forget about your defensive abilities, as they play a huge role in any battle. Properly timing these abilities can save your life and turn the tide of a fight;
  5. Stay up-to-date on gear and talents: As new gear and talents become available, make sure to stay informed about which ones are best for your playstyle. Keeping up with changes in the game can give you an advantage over other players;
  6. Practice makes perfect: Watching high-level players can give you valuable insights into how to improve your own gameplay. Pay attention to their positioning, resource management, and rotations, and try to incorporate what you learn into your own playstyle.

Other Articles to Read

Looking for other specializations to try? The SkyCoach team has you covered, as we are ready to offer you dozens of articles to read. If you wish to try a more agile class with a much wider range of mobility tools, you would enjoy our Havoc Demon Hunter Guide. Maybe you want to destroy your opponents with dark magic? Then, check out our Shadow Priest Guide to find out more about this spec and class as a whole. Finally, you can keep mastering the specialization you are reading about right now. Then, you would find our Arms Warrior Mage Tower Guide useful for sure.


Fellow heroes, this marks the end of our guide. We hope you have found this article useful and understand how to play Arms Warrior after reading it. Despite being a relatively easy spec to master, you are to learn its mechanics and abilities to perform well.

With the right gear, rotation, and tactics, this specialization can deal significant damage and be a valuable asset to any raid or group. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this guide, you can improve your skills and become more effective in your gameplay. Stay tuned, as we will keep updating this article if any changes occur.


Are Arms Warriors good in The War Within?

They have strong burst damage and can excel in PvP and PvE situations. With their high damage output, good survivability, and utility abilities such as stuns and interrupts, they are a popular choice for any activity.

Is Arms Warrior hard to play in WoW?

It is not that difficult to learn the spec’s basics. However, it can be challenging to play this specialization efficiently, as it requires the player to master various rotations and manage their Rage resource effectively.

What is the best weapon for an Arms Warrior?

Since most of your abilities require you to wear a two-handed weapon, you have to do this. As a rule, you choose between Swords, Axes, and so on.

What is the best profession for an Arms Warrior?

Usually, you should go for Blacksmithing and Engineering to create high-end gear on your own. On top of that, having unique gadgets and tools that you can use in combat is always nice. However, it is important to note that any profession can be useful depending on the player's playstyle and needs.

Is Arms Warrior good in PvE WoW?

To put it shortly, yes. The spec brings high single-target damage and decent AoE damage, making it effective in boss fights and dungeon runs. With the right gear and talent choices, you can provide useful utility to a group, such as stuns and interrupts. Not to mention the specialization’s raid-wide buff that increases allies’ damage output.

How do I maximize DPS as an Arms Warrior? 

Always keep an eye on your Rage bar, as this resource lets you use your strongest abilities. You also want to make sure that your debuffs are constantly applied to the target you are focusing on during a battle. Doing so will make a huge difference in your damage output in the long run.

What is the best rotation for an Arms Warrior?

Depending on the situation, a particular rotation should be used. We have described the two most popular ones you can use in the game. You can find them earlier in our guide.

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