Assassination Rogue Mage Tower Guide - The War Within 11.1

By reading this WoW The War Within guide, you will learn every detail concerning Assassination Rogue Mage Tower gameplay and its The God-Queen’s Fury encounter. It includes BiS gear, the optimal talent build, available rewards, and more.

Read Our Assassination Rogue Mage Tower Guide

Fellow heroes, welcome to another episode of our guides devoted specifically to the Mage Tower challenge. After reading this article, you will learn everything concerning the Assassination Rogue Mage Tower The War Within gameplay. It includes BiS gear, the optimal talent build, and much more. We will also share a few essential and non-standard tips that will help you deal with the encounter’s boss quicker.

Assassination Rogue Mage Tower Challenge Info

To see what challenge has prepared the game for you when playing as Assassination Rogue, you are to talk to War Councilor Victoria. The latter is responsible for teleporting players to the Mage Tower’s arenas where you fight your role-specific bosses. This NPC is waiting for you at Deliverance Point. To get there quicker, you can buy and use Dalaran Hearthstone, which immediately teleports you to Dalaran. After you arrive in the city, it will take you about 2 minutes to get to the required destination if flying on your mount.

When playing this specialization, you are to complete The God-Queen’s Fury encounter. During it, you will face off against Sigryn, Jarl Velbrand, and Runeseer Faljar. All three bosses will attack you at once. However, they share a common HP bar, which means you can attack any of them to deal damage.

Unlike in some other encounters, you will have neither allies nor AI NPCs helping you out during the fight. You can only rely on yourself and your skills. Therefore, it is important to be a true master of the spec and know its mechanics before attempting to complete the challenge. 

At the same time, you will see Orb of Valor spawning from time to time at a random location on the platform. One can pick it up to restore HP. Make sure you leave it waiting for you until the right moment. Do not be afraid, it will not despawn until you use it.

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Since this encounter also has a 6 min 30 sec enrage timer, this is probably one of the toughest challenges currently available. You are to deal with multiple enemies, play around their deadliest mechanics, position yourself correctly, and slay all of them within a certain period of time. To make sure you succeed, we have prepared the Assassination Rogue Mage Tower strategy that can be found toward the end of the article.

However, if you wish to get the rewards right away and have no spare time to practice, we have the solution for you. Check out our Timewalking & Mage Tower Boost services where our pro players can deal with any boss for you. We offer reasonable prices and guarantee the fastest result once an order is placed.

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Best Gear for Assassination Rogue Mage Tower

Since the Mage Tower challenge returns from the previous expansions, it already has a certain set of rules to make players’ lives harder. Taking your equipment as an example, its ilvl is temporarily decreased to 120 while you are at the encounter’s arena. 

A similar feature goes for your character’s level, as it is downscaled to 45. Keep in mind that these restrictions were implemented long ago before The War Within and the game’s developers decided to keep them unchanged in the current expansion as well.

This is necessary to make the Assassination Rogue Timewalking Mage Tower challenge fair for all players. It means you can no longer fully rely on your armor and weapons. In most cases, they will not grant you a large stat or unique-ability boost to one-shot the boss.

Instead, you need to learn to prioritize stats in the correct order. When playing this spec, you usually focus on Critical Strike and Mastery over other secondary stats. At the same time, Agility stays the most important thing you prioritize since it is your primary stat.

If you still do not know what Assassination Rogue Mage Tower gear to choose, we have a ready-made solution for you down below. Most of these items are lootable by Raid and Mythic+ bosses. Though some of them can be crafted instead. Remember, none of the mentioned equipment parts are mandatory to complete the encounter. Your success mostly depends on your skills and practice. BLOG20

Wearing a Mythic+ set instead of this one is also a good replacement. However, it may take you months before you collect all the required gear pieces. In fact, you do not even need that powerful equipment. If you still wish to get it, you can always rely on our Mythic Carry services. By ordering it, you can be sure our pro players will clear out any dungeon for you.

To increase your chances of winning the fight, you cannot neglect the following Assassination Rogue Mage Tower trinkets. The latter is a great source of extra main and secondary stats. Besides, you can get a few powerful on-use abilities that will help you during this battle.

To get these and other items from these lists, you need to focus on Raiding content a lot. In most cases, you cannot do anything to win if you are not lucky with a team. However, you can always order our WoW Raid Boost services and be sure our pro players will slay any boss for you. All you are left to do is to enjoy the loot and keep preparing for the encounter.

Assassination Rogue Mage Tower Best Enchants & Gems

Moving further, it is time to talk about what enchantments and gems you should use for this specialization. This part of our Assassination Rogue Mage Tower guide is devoted exactly to this topic. Check out the following list containing the most optimal options.

Equipment Slot Best Alternative Provided Bonus
Main Hand Sophic Devotion If it procs, you will get a ton of Agility, which is a large DPS increase.
Off Hand Sophic Devotion Use the same enchant for this weapon slot.
Cloak Graceful Avoidance Provides you with extra Avoidance, which increases your survivability rate.
Chest Waking Stats Grants you additional Agility to hit harder.
Boots Watcher's Loam Slightly boosts your Stamina to live longer in the fight.
Legs Fierce Armor Kit Gives you extra Stamina and Agility to live longer and deal higher damage.
Ring Devotion of Critical Strike Another source of Crit stat, which you need the most.

Up next, we would like to discuss what Assassination Rogue Mage Tower recommended gems you have at your disposal. Of course, you can replace the suggested alternatives, but here is our pick:

To purchase all the mentioned and other important equipment parts, you cannot neglect the Auction House. However, you will need a ton of gold to get everything you want. To speed up this process, you can Buy WoW Gold with our company’s help. We offer the best market price and guarantee the fastest delivery time to any server you play on.

Assassination Rogue Mage Tower Best Consumables

Another crucial part of your preparation for the encounter is consumables. They provide you with extra main and secondary stats. On top of that, they greatly enhance your DPS potential and allow you to deal devastating damage. Make sure to craft or buy the following items before taking your first attempt:

  1. Greater Flask of the Currents is probably the strongest pick to get a ton of extra Agility;
  2. Boralus Blood Sausage is a great choice for additional secondary stats;
  3. Astral Healing Potion can be used in urgent situations when your HP drops to a critical level;
  4. Potion of Unbridled Fury can greatly boost your DPS. On top of that, it syncs well with your rings since it deals Fire damage.


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Assassination Rogue Mage Tower Best Talent Build

With the updated Dragonflight talent system, one can experiment with possible talent setups as one wish. However, your chances of achieving success in this fight mainly lie in a correctly built talent tree. Down below, you can find the optimal Assassination Rogue Mage Tower 11.1 talent build. The latter works perfectly and sufficiently increases your victory chances.

By copying the following code, you can easily export this build into your game to try it out yourself:


Before you unlock all the required talents, you are to reach level 80 first. Without that, you will not have access to your core abilities. To speed this process up, you can order our WoW Powerleveling services to let our pro players boost your character in a blink of an eye.

Sigryn Mage Tower Fight Strategy

It is true, you are going to face off against three bosses simultaneously. However, your main target remains Sigryn. Two other bosses are just her henchmen who assist her throughout the fight. To get done with all the enemies, we have prepared a few Assassination Rogue Mage Tower tips that can significantly increase your chances of achieving victory.

Let us begin with the easiest opponent who is Jarl Velbrand. The latter is a melee-range warrior with two axes. In most cases, you can easily kite him and dodge any outgoing spells. One of them is his Hurl Axe, which deals moderate damage and is relatively easy to dodge. When the boss uses his Berserker’s Rage, do not go any close to him. This buff immensely increases his DPS yet slows him down as well. Keep running away from him for 20 seconds before it is over. During it, he may try to use Bladestorm to pull you closer to his location. Make sure to interrupt this case before it happens.

Moving further, it is time to deal with Runeseer Faljar who is a ranged mage. This boss’ Shadowbolt ability cannot be interrupted and you have no choice but to soak its damage every time. He will also spawn Runic Detonation at a random location in the arena. Make sure you step on these runes before they shrink. If you fail to do this on time, you will suffer a ton of damage. When the boss uses his Ancestral Knowledge, he gains a large shield and his casts cannot be interrupted while it is active.

The most powerful and annoying enemy is, of course, Sigryn. Her basic ability is Throw Spear, which deals moderate damage and can be ignored most of the time. When she uses Dark Wings, you are to stand in the gap zone to avoid damage from Val’kyr. Finally, you always want to interrupt her Blood of the Father with Blind. If you fail to do this, you will be wiped practically instantly. Your talent has a lower cooldown than hers. So, you will always have it ready when she uses her special ability.

Summing up the information and answering the question of how to do the Mage Tower as Assassination Rogue, everything revolves around correct positioning, constant movement, and dealing maximum damage.

Since this spec is really strong, a lot of players wonder if a possible Assassination Rogue Mage Tower nerf can happen. In fact, the game’s developers have already nerfed all Rogue specs. Therefore, it is now not that overpowered anymore. Still, it remains strong and can be a great pick for this challenge.

Assassination Rogue Mage Tower Rewards

After defeating all three bosses, you will be teleported back to your original location. There, you will receive a unique Assassination Rogue Mage Tower appearance that you can see in the screenshot down below.

Completing all 7 encounters currently available in the game will grant you Soaring Spelltome. The latter is a unique ground mount that looks like an open book your character stands on to float over the ground.

To get all the desired rewards quicker and with minimum effort, you can order our World of Warcraft Boosting services. In this case, our professional players will take care of any boss for you. We offer reasonable prices and guarantee the result.


Fellow heroes, this brings us to the end of the guide. We hope you have had a fun time reading the article. Make sure to get prepared for the challenge thoroughly, as it is actually tough. Stay tuned, as we will keep updating the article if any changes occur.


What reward do Assassination Rogues get from Timewalking Mage Tower?

The main reward has always been and remains a class-specific transmog set. You can see the picture of it a few paragraphs above.

What are the best Assassination Rogue talents for Mage Tower?

We have already shared the most optimal talent build for this class. You can find it attached in a separate paragraph earlier in the article.

How do you increase damage as Assassination Rogue in Mage Tower?

Make sure to spend your Combo points effectively. This is your main damage-dealing mechanic.

Is Assassination Rogue good for Mage Tower?

Despite being slightly nerfed, it still remains a perfect pick for this encounter. Though you should be able to play it, as it is one of the hardest specs in the game.

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