Fellow heroes, welcome to another episode of the Mage Tower guide series. This time, we are going to focus on the Blood Death Knight Mage Tower The War Within gameplay. We will share the most crucial tips and tricks you can use to ensure you get the long-awaited and desired rewards. After reading this article, you will also learn what gear and talent build can make your walkthrough noticeably easier.
Blood Death Knight Mage Tower Challenge Info
As a tank, you have a specially designed encounter. To see what stages it consists of and what challenges await you, go ahead and find War Councilor Victoria. This NPC is responsible for teleporting you to a fighting arena. You need to go to Deliverance Point, which is 2 minutes away from Dalaran. You can use a portal to get there or buy Dalaran Hearthstone. The latter shortens your traveling time radically, as you will be immediately teleported to the city.
Being a tank, your task is not only to kill enemies but also to protect allies. This is what The Highlord’s Return challenge revolves around. This encounter tests your ability to prioritize correct targets, watch active debuffs, and defend two AI NPCs at the same time.
The whole battle can be split into 2 phases, each having a powerful boss with unique mechanics and spells. Right after the fight starts, you will face off against Inquisitor Variss and several add types that will spawn throughout the stage. Once you are done with the first boss, Highlord Kruul will appear and try to kill you. Defeating him ends the encounter meaning you have finally won.
As we have already mentioned, you need to protect two allies as well. They are Velen and Kor’vas Bloodthorn. You are to protect them by all means. If you fail to do this, you will have to start the challenge from the beginning. The first NPC spawns Holy Ward every 30 seconds of the fight. Picking it up restores your HP and cleanses all active debuffs. Moreover, it disorients all enemies (even the boss) around you for 5 seconds.
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Being one of the toughest challenges currently available, it may take you over one hundred attempts to pass it. You can make your life easier by using our Blood Death Knight Mage Tower strategy we have prepared for you. It can be found toward the end of the article. Also, keep reading the guide further to learn everything about smaller tips, which actually influence the battle’s outcome.
If you have no time to practice or simply wish to get the rewards ASAP, we have the solution for you. By ordering our Timewalking & Mage Tower Boost services, you can be sure our professional players will take care of any encounter for you. We offer fair prices and guarantee the result.
Best Gear for Blood Death Knight Mage Tower
Since this activity is designed to test your personal skills, it has certain rules. They were implemented back in the Legion expansion. As most players expected, they remained unchanged in The War Within as well.
Starting with your equipment’s ilvl, it is going to be decreased to 120. A similar feature is applied to your character’s level, as it is downscaled to 45. Do not be afraid, these effects are temporary and work only during the encounter.
These restrictions are necessary to make all players participating in this activity more or less equal. It is no longer enough to wear a high-rank set to one-shot all enemies around. That is why completing the Blood Death Knight Timewalking Mage Tower challenge can take you days if not weeks. You should actually play a particular specialization superbly well and know its mechanics perfectly.
The only trick, which can actually help you pass the encounter quicker is the stat priority. As a rule, you want to focus on Critical Strike and Versatility. They greatly increase your DPS potential and allow you to hit harder. At the same time, you always want to go for Strength since it is your primary stat.
Since your equipment does not matter that much, you can wear practically any Blood Death Knight Mage Tower gear you currently have. The most important thing here is to follow the correct stat priority we have described above. If you are looking for the most powerful set, we have prepared the following table for you. Almost all of the mentioned items are lootable from Raid and Mythic+ bosses. However, they are not mandatory to complete this challenge, as your success mostly depends on your personal skills. BLOG20
Equipment Slot | Item Name | Source |
Head | Piercing Gaze of the Risen Nightmare | Tindral Sageswift |
Neck | Amulet of Eonar's Chosen | Nymue |
Shoulders | Skewers of the Risen Nightmare | Smolderon |
Cloak | Vibrant Wildercloth Shawl | Crafted |
Chest | Carapace of the Unbending Flame | Fyrakk |
Wrist | Primal Molten Vambraces | Crafted |
Gloves | Thorns of the Risen Nightmare | Volcoross |
Belt | Smoldering Chevalier's Greatbelt | Tindral Sageswift |
Legs | Greaves of the Risen Nightmare | Larodar, Keeper of the Flame |
Boots | Fused Obsidian Sabatons | Smolderon |
Ring | Signet of the Last Elder | Igira the Cruel |
Ring | Band of Burning Thorns | Larodar, Keeper of the Flame |
Trinket | Cataclysmic Signet Brand | Smolderon |
Trinket | Rezan's Gleaming Eye | Atal'Dazar |
Weapon | Gorehowl, Might of the Warchief | Dawn of the Infinite |
Going for a Mythic+ alternative is also a good option. However, it may take you too much time to collect all the required equipment pieces. To speed up this process, you can order our Mythic Carry services. In this case, our professional players will clear out a dungeon of any difficulty for you. We offer reasonable prices and guarantee the fastest result.
If you are looking for another way to make your character stronger, we highly recommend that you check Blood Death Knight Mage Tower trinkets enlisted below. They act as a great source of main and secondary stats. Besides, they provide you with unique on-use abilities that can help you in battle.
Item Name | Source |
Cataclysmic Signet Brand | Smolderon |
Branch of the Tormented Ancient | Gnarlroot |
Coiled Serpent Idol | Volcoross |
Rezan's Gleaming Eye | Atal'Dazar |
Augury of the Primal Flame | Fyrakk |
Getting these and other items requires you to spend a lot of time Raiding. When participating in this type of content, your success mostly depends not only on you but your party members as well. If you are never lucky with a team, you can order our WoW Raid Boost services and let our pros do the job for you. We will get you the desired item in a blink of an eye and for a reasonable price.
Blood Death Knight Mage Tower Best Enchants & Gems
Moving further, we would like to discuss what enchants and gems you can use when playing this specialization to ensure you complete this encounter easily. This part of our Blood Death Knight Mage Tower guide is devoted exactly to this topic. To make it more convenient, we have compiled a table containing the best enchants followed by a list of the most powerful gems currently available.
Equipment Slot | Best Alternative | Provided Bonus |
Weapon | Sophic Devotion | If procs, it immensely increases your Strength for a short period of time. |
Cloak | Homebound Speed | Grants you additional Speed to dodge the bosses’ spells easier. |
Chest | Waking Stats | Provides you with extra Strength, which is always nice. |
Bracers | Devotion of Speed | Another source of Speed to move around the arena faster and to dodge deadly spells easier. |
Legs | Fierce Armor Kit | Increases your Stamina and Strength. |
Boots | Watcher's Loam | Slightly boosts your Stamina enhancing your survivability rate. |
Ring | Devotion of Critical Strike | Gives you additional Crit allowing you to hit harder. |
Adding a few words on Blood Death Knight Mage Tower recommended gems, they look as follows:
- Resplendent Illimited Diamond increases your Strength and Versatility stats to deal higher damage and live longer;
- Radiant Malygite is probably your number one option for all other slots, as it boosts your Versatility and Crit stats.
Buying all the required items requires a ton of gold. Not all of us have enough time to farm it manually. Besides, this is a really boring and routine process. To get the desired amount of in-game currency, you can Buy WoW Gold with our company’s help. We guarantee the best market price and are ready to deliver it to any server you play on.
Blood Death Knight Mage Tower Best Consumables
You cannot rush into the fight without having the following consumables. They are an irreplaceable part of your preparation for this challenge. Make sure you craft or buy them to increase your chances of achieving victory with minimum attempts:
- Greater Flask of the Undertow boosts your Strength, which is your primary stat and you can never have too much of it;
- Boralus Blood Sausage is used to gain additional secondary stats;
- Astral Healing Potion can save your life when your HP drops to a critical level, and you need to restore it quickly;
- Potion of Unbridled Fury increases your damage output and triggers your rings’ effects, as it deals Fire damage.
Blood Death Knight Mage Tower Best Talent Build
With the completely changed talent system brought by the latest expansion, players can now experiment with various setups. However, we have prepared a ready-made solution that works perfectly exactly in this challenge. This is arguably the best Blood Death Knight Mage Tower 11.1 talent build you can use to complete this encounter.
To see how this build works in the game, copy the following code:
Before you get access to all the required talents, you need to reach level 80. Even though the entire leveling process has become easier in TWW, it still takes a lot of time to reach the level’s cap. To speed things up, you can order our WoW Powerleveling services. Our professional players will get your character boosted in a moment.
Inquisitor Variss Fight Strategy
The following two paragraphs of the guide are devoted to Blood Death Knight Mage Tower tips you can use during the battle. We are going to share the information concerning each boss’ deadliest spells and mechanics. Starting with Inquisitor Variss, whom you are going to fight during Stage 1. His most annoying talents are Aura of Decay and Life Drain. The first one reduces your Stamina, which can eventually lead you to a wipe if you have more than 5 stacks of this debuff. The second ability restores the boss’ HP if not interrupted on time.
Apart from the boss, you also need to defend constantly spawning Tormenting Eye, Smoldering Infernal, and Nether Horror. Even though they have a relatively small HP pool, they have a range of annoying spells. For example, the eye can push you off of a platform with his Inquisitive Stare. On top of that, this mob is immune to Physical damage, which is a huge problem for this specialization.
Speaking of the infernal, he does constant damage with his Fel Resonation. However, this debuff also damages him as well. Besides, you need to learn to dodge his Smash or you can fall off of a platform as well.
Adding a few words on Nether Horror, this mob always targets Velen and tries to kill him ASAP. Therefore, if you still wonder how to do the Mage Tower as Blood Death Knight, you should not allow this mob to kill your ally. Otherwise, you will have to start the encounter from the beginning.
Highlord Kruul Fight Strategy
Slaying the first boss starts Stage 2 of the challenge. Here, you will face off against Highlord Kruul who will fly down to the platform right after you are done with Variss. This boss is much stronger and more dangerous than the previous one. His primary abilities are Annihilate, Netherstomp, and Twisted Reflection. The first talent increases the damage you take from him. If you do not cleanse this debuff with Holy Ward on time, it may lead you to a wipe.
Luckily, his second ability is relatively easy to dodge due to the Speed stat you have received from enchants. However, if you get hit by it, the chances of falling off of the platform are high.
Finally, his last ability is the most annoying one. If you do not interrupt it on time, the boss will restore HP to full. This feels so overpowered, as you always have to keep a CC ability to stop this cast. On top of that, you want to avoid getting hit by purple beams, which radically slow down your movement speed. Besides, they can push you away from the platform, which leads to an instant wipe.
Speaking of a possible Blood Death Knight Mage Tower nerf, it is not likely to happen in the nearest future. This specialization is not that powerful and deserves no nerfs whatsoever. Still, it is strong enough to complete this challenge. So, if you enjoy playing it, do not hesitate to give it a shot.
Blood Death Knight Mage Tower Rewards
After slaying both bosses, you will be teleported back to your original location. There, you will receive a unique Blood Death Knight Mage Tower appearance, which you can see in the screenshot below.
Completing all 7 encounters currently available in the game grants you access to Soaring Spelltome. This is a unique ground mount, which can only be received in this activity. It looks like an open book your character stands on to float over the ground.
Getting all the desired rewards is quite a time-consuming process. To speed it up, you can always order our World of Warcraft Boosting services and let our professional players do the job for you. We offer fair prices and guarantee the fastest result.
Fellow heroes, this brings us to the end of our guide. We hope you have had a fun time reading this article and learned a lot about this exciting in-game activity. Make sure to stay with us, as we will keep updating this guide if any changes occur.
What reward do Blood Death Knights get from Timewalking Mage Tower?
Slaying both bosses grants you a class-specific transmog set we talked about earlier.
What are the best Blood Death Knight talents for Mage Tower?
To find out what talent build works best, you should check a separate paragraph devoted to this topic.
How do you increase damage as Blood Death Knight in Mage Tower?
Any talents like Bloodshot decently boost your damage output if used correctly and timely.
Is Blood Death Knight good for Mage Tower?
This is definitely one of the most reliable tank specializations to use for this challenge. If you enjoy its playing style, it is high time to try it out in the game.