Destruction Warlock Mage Tower Guide - The War Within 11.1

By reading this WoW The War Within guide, you will learn every detail concerning Destruction Warlock Mage Tower gameplay. It includes BiS gear, the optimal talent build, available rewards, and more.

Read Our Destruction Warlock Mage Tower Guide

Fellow heroes, welcome to another article devoted to the Mage Tower challenge. Today, we are going to focus on Destruction Warlock Mage Tower The War Within gameplay. After reading this guide, you will learn all possible tips and tricks concerning this specialization’s encounter. We will also share BiS gear and the most optimal talent build. Make sure to read the article to the end to complete the challenge with minimum effort.

Destruction Warlock Mage Tower Challenge Info

Before starting your preparation, you are to visit War Councilor Victoria first. This NPC is located at Deliverance Point, not that far from Dalaran. To shorten your traveling time, you can use Dalaran Hearthstone and fly on your mount from the city to the required destination. Once your conversation is over, she will teleport you to the special platform.

After that, you can try to complete the challenge without thorough preparation but that is unlikely to happen. Playing as Destruction Warlock, you are to pass the Feltotem’s Fall encounter in Mage Tower. During it, you will face off against two bosses simultaneously. They are Tugar Bloodtotem and Jormog the Behemoth, each having unique fighting mechanics and range of spells.

Just like in most other encounters, you will be fighting them on your own. It means there will be no allies or even AI NPCs to assist you. On top of that, you will have to deal with constantly spawning adds who can deal significant damage if ignored for too long.

To make your life easier, we have prepared the Destruction Warlock Mage Tower strategy you can try out in the game. You can find it toward the end of the article. As for now, let us start with the most crucial preparation steps that will help you outbattle the bosses with minimum attempts.

If you wish to get your well-deserved reward right away and have no time to practice, we have the solution for you. By ordering our Timewalking & Mage Tower Boost services, you can be sure our pro players will slay any boss for you. We offer fair prices and guarantee the fastest completion time.

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Best Gear for Destruction Warlock Mage Tower

When it comes to equipment choice, things get a little bit tricky. Since the Mage Tower challenge first appearance in the Legion expansion, a set of rules were implemented. Starting with your gear, its ilvl is temporarily decreased to 120 while you are at the arena. The same goes for your character’s level, as it is downscaled to 45. These rules have remained unchanged in The War Within as well.

The main reason why this feature exists is that the game’s creators try to make all players more or less equal. At least, for the time they are fighting the bosses. Therefore, you can never find a perfect equipment set to complete the Destruction Warlock Timewalking Mage Tower challenge too easily. Even if you wear top-rank gear, it will not provide you with the same bonuses as in other PvE activities.

Instead of paying too much attention to equipment, you should think of what stat priority you are going to have for this encounter. In most cases, it plays a huge role and directly influences your chances of achieving victory. As Destruction Warlock, you usually prioritize Intellect, Haste, and Mastery stats over others. They greatly boost your DPS potential allowing you to deal maximum damage throughout the fight. BLOG20

If you still do not know what Destruction Warlock Mage Tower gear to choose, we have a ready-made solution for you. Down below, you can find the table containing the best equipment parts. All of them are lootable from the bosses from Raids and Mythic+ dungeons. However, none of these items are mandatory to complete the challenge. They are just a slight boost that can help you in this or that situation in battle.

Going for the Mythic+ set instead is also a good idea. Nonetheless, it may take you too much to get all the required parts. In fact, you do not need this powerful gear to pass this encounter. If you still wish to get it for other PvE activities, you can order our Mythic Carry services where our pro players will gladly clear out any dungeon for you.

Buying the strongest Destruction Warlock Mage Tower trinkets is another way of increasing your winning chances. They not only boost your main and secondary stats but also grant you unique on-use abilities that can be helpful in the fight.

To get everything you need, it may take you weeks if not months of constant raiding. Besides, you can never be completely sure about your party members. Therefore, you may enjoy our WoW Raid Boost services where our pro players can defeat any boss for you. You will get the required loot and can keep preparing for the encounter further.

Destruction Warlock Mage Tower Best Enchants & Gems

The following section of our Destruction Warlock Mage Tower guide is devoted to various enchants and gems you can wear. They also greatly boost your main and secondary stats. There is no reason for neglecting this part of the equipment if you can craft or buy them.

Equipment Slot Best Alternative Provided Bonus
Weapon Sophic Devotion If procs, this item can greatly boost your Intellect for a short period of time.
Cloak Homebound Speed Slightly boosts your Speed stat allowing you to dodge earthquakes easier during the encounter.
Chest Waking Stats Another source of Intellect to hit harder.
Bracers Eternal Intellect Slightly increases your Intellect, which can never be extra.
Legs Frozen Spellthread Noticeably boosts your Intellect and Stamina stats allowing you to deal higher damage and live longer.
Boots Plainsrunner's Breeze A great source of Speed to dodge earthquakes.
Ring Devotion of Haste Grants you extra Haste, the stat you need most during this fight.

As for Destruction Warlock Mage Tower recommended gems, we have prepared the following options for you. They work perfectly well and should not be replaced with other alternatives:

You cannot go without the Auction House when looking for buying all this stuff. For this, you will need a ton of gold. Farming it may take too much time and effort. Instead, you can Buy WoW Gold with our company’s help. We offer reasonable prices and guarantee the fastest delivery time no matter what server you are playing on.

Destruction Warlock Mage Tower Best Consumables

Just like in the previous expansions, properly chosen consumables play a crucial role during the encounter. As a damage-dealing spec, you want to maximize your DPS output as much as possible. Besides, you can use a few items to stay alive longer. Check out the following list of consumables that will help you win this fight for sure:

  1. Greater Flask of Endless Fathoms is probably the best source of Intellect you can have for this battle;
  2. Boralus Blood Sausage is usually used to get additional secondary stats;
  3. Astral Healing Potion can be used if your HP drops to a critical level and you need to restore it quickly;
  4. Potion of Unbridled Fury syncs with both of our rings since it deals Fire damage. It also greatly boosts your DPS potential in general.


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Destruction Warlock Mage Tower Best Talent Build

Thanks to the updated talent system, players can now experiment with possible talent setups. If you do not know what alternative to try out first, check out the suggested option made by our professional players. It is one of the best Destruction Warlock Mage Tower 11.1 talent builds at the moment. Using it can radically increase your chances of achieving victory.

By copying the following code, you can export this build directly into your game:


Before testing your skills, make sure you have reached the level’s cap. By doing so, you will get access to all talents you see in the screenshot above. To get your character boosted quicker, you can use our WoW Powerleveling services to save your precious time and get the result faster.

Tugar Bloodtotem & Jormog the Behemoth Fight Strategy

In this paragraph, you will learn a few Destruction Warlock Mage Tower tips that can help you pass both stages of the encounter easily. Starting with the most crucial one, make sure you focus Tugar Bloodtotem first because the worm will have a damage reduction buff for most of the fight.

Let us begin with both bosses’ deadliest abilities during Stage 1. As for Tugar Bloodtotem, try to interrupt each cast of his Fel Burst since it deals noticeable damage and should not be ignored. From time to time, you will see a yellow X on the ground. Make sure to step away from this zone or you will be hit by his Earthquake. Luckily, you will have more than enough time to avoid it.

If you see Fel Surge Totem has been summoned, get rid of it ASAP. If ignored for too long, it will get you stunned for quite a long time. In most cases, this will lead you to a wipe and you will have to start the encounter from the beginning.

As for Jormog the Behemoth, his most dangerous ability for you as a caster is Sonic Scream. The latter does not allow you to cast any spells for 6 seconds and deals moderate damage. Make sure to interrupt it if you have the opportunity. Besides, the worm will have 9 stacks of Fel Hardened Scales, which reduce all damage he takes. The only way to get rid of these stacks is to make the worm hit a rock while charging at you from underground. Your task is to bait him and stand near these rocks after they fall from the ceiling. This happens each time Tugar uses his Earthquake.

Summing up the information given and answering the question of how to do the Mage Tower as Destruction Warlock, you should defeat Tugar first. After that, Stage 2 will begin. This will lead to Jormog gaining a 150% damage buff. However, he will be relatively easy to deal with since he will have no damage-reduction stacks.

Speaking of a possible Destruction Warlock Mage Tower nerf, it will definitely not happen in the nearest future. In fact, this specialization should be buffed instead. It is not the most popular pick for this encounter yet can be used if you enjoy playing this specialization.

Destruction Warlock Mage Tower Rewards

After you are done with both enemies, you will be teleported back to your original location. There, you will get a unique Destruction Warlock Mage Tower appearance that you can see in the screenshot below.

If you are looking for a true challenge, you can try to complete all 7 encounters currently available. After this, you will be rewarded with Soaring Spelltome, which looks like an open book your character stands on to float over the ground.

To get all the sought-after rewards quicker, you can use our World of Warcraft Boosting services. Our pro players will gladly defeat any boss for you. The only thing left for you to do is to enjoy the loot.


Fellow heroes, this brings us to the end of the guide. We hope you have learned a lot about the Destruction Warlock Mage Tower gameplay and this in-game activity as a whole. Make sure to stay with us, as we will keep updating the article if any changes or updates occur.


What reward do Destruction Warlocks get from Timewalking Mage Tower?

Usually, all players are trying to get a class-specific transmog set that you have seen in the screenshot above.

What are the best Destruction Warlock talents for Mage Tower?

We have prepared a ready-made talent setup you can find earlier in this article. Make sure to try it out in the game, you will definitely enjoy it.

How do you increase damage as a Destruction Warlock in Mage Tower?

As a DPS spec, you already have enough damage under your belt. You just need to make sure you got rid of the worm’s damage-reduction stacks to kill him quicker.

Is Destruction Warlock good for Mage Tower?

It may not be the strongest specialization for the encounter. However, it has decent damage-dealing potential. If you like to play this spec, then you should surely try it out yourself for this encounter.

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