Enhancement Shaman Mage Tower Guide - The War Within 11.1

Meet another part of our Mage Tower Class Guides series, this time we are going to talk about Enhancement Shaman. In this article we will discuss how you can fight your way through the Enhancement Shaman Mage Tower encounter in WoW The War Within as easily as possible - starting from the best gear and talents setup, to the actual gameplay tips, which will not leave God-Queen Sigryn a single chance against you

Read Our Enhancement Shaman Mage Tower Guide

While Mage Tower itself is not much of a novelty and old WoW veterans should remember it very well, however, the new talent system, consumables, and all the class changes, introduced with the The War Within expansion are surely going to significantly change your Mage Tower experience. 

To access the Mage Tower and put your abilities to a serious test, you will need to speak with War Councilor Victoria. She is waiting for you at Deliverance Point. You can find the place very close to the city of Dalaran hovering above the Broken Shore, the journey from the city to Deliverance Point should not take more than a few minutes. After you interact with War Councilor Victoria she will offer you to start a challenge, depending on your class and specialization. For Enhancement Shaman it will be The God-Queen’s Fury encounter.

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Enhancement Shaman Mage Tower General Tips

In The God Queen;s Fury encounter you will have to fight against God-Queen Sigryn herself and two of her faithful minions - Jarl Velbrand, and Runeseer Faljar. You, however, will have no allies in this fight, aside from friendly Valkyries who will sometimes spawn the Orbs of Valor, which you can use to heal yourself in the heat of battle. There is no Enhancement Shaman Mage Tower nerf, so the fight will be very challenging.

You should use them very tactically, because they are your only way to mitigate the damage you will take for three bosses simultaneously. Since those yellow spheres have no timer and will not disappear if you do not use them, you can wait until you really need them.

The key to success in this encounter is careful health management rather than dealing tons of damage. Since you will fight three bosses at once the hardest part of the fight will be when all three of them are alive. There will be a lot of lethal damage you will have to avoid as well as plenty of unavoidable damage, which you will have no choice but to tank. Because the amount of Orbs of Valor at your disposal is very limited, you should use them wisely. We will talk more about the Enhancement Shaman Mage Tower strategy later in this article, so you will be able to prepare yourself for this challenge.

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Best Gear for Enhancement Shaman Mage Tower

Unlike most of the other activities in the game, your gear composition is not really that important for successful completion of Enh Shaman’s Mage Tower challenge. There are a whole lot of variants, especially considering that in Mage Tower your item level will be scaled down to 120, so items from previous expansions can also be of use. However, we do not recommend you waste your time getting old gear, while you can do just as good with actual gear.

However, If you were planning to just get the top available gear and thus make your Mage Tower completion an easy feat, then we have bad news for you - this PVE challenge is specifically designed to provide an extremely difficult environment for any player, regardless of how good their gear is. This makes Enhancement Shaman Mage Tower challenge a real test for your abilities.

So, when choosing the best gear for a Mage Tower run, you do not need to rely on item level. Instead, pay more attention to stats and unique mechanics your gear will give you. In Mage Tower your stat priority matters the most. You even may want to consider getting more Versatility to help you survive all the damage you are going to receive in the encounter. So, PVP gear may be a good option.

Your secondary stats priority for Mage Tower is:

  • Mastery;
  • Haste;
  • Versatility;
  • Critical Strike.

Enhancement Shaman Mage Tower Best Trinkets

Trinkets are extremely important for your Mage Tower build, because they can give you unique effects. Some of them are simply irreplaceable, which can give you an overwhelming amount of Mastery upon use. Below you will find a table with a tier-list of best trinkets you can use for your Enhancement Shaman Mage Tower run:

Some of the above-mentioned trinkets are very hard to get your hands on. Usually, they are the most sought-after pieces of gear in raids and M+ dungeons. Luckily, we can help you with that! The WoW Raid Boost services available on our website are really the quickest way to gear up your character and get those best-in-slot trinkets for your character.

Enhancement Shaman Mage Tower Best Enchants, Gems and Consumables

Enchants and Gems are a great source of additional secondary stats. There is always a set of best-in-slot enchants and gems for your specializations, so you can feel free to use them for your Mage Tower runs. What is more interesting is consumables. While using enchants and gems from previous expansions in your gear seems a bit too much, consumables like food, flasks and potions can be just great for Mage Tower. They will give good stats bonuses and they are cheap, which is also important because, considering the difficulty of Mage Tower challenges, you will need a lot of them. Here is the list of consumable we recommend to use for Enhancement Shaman Mage Tower challenge:


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Enhancement Shaman Mage Tower Best Talents

Considering how significantly the classes’ talent trees have changed in the The War Within expansion it is very important to have an appropriate talent build if you want to succeed in Mage Tower. You will have plenty of possible variants in both the Shaman talent tree (the left one) and the Enhancement talent tree (the right one), however, we recommend you to use the following setup:

As you see, with this build you will have very strong AoE-damage as well as plenty of survivability, thanks to Earth Shield and Nature’s Guardian talents. You will also have an additional strong DPS cooldown - Ascendance.

To copy this build use the following code:


The God-Queen’s Fury Mage Tower Encounter Strategy

The fight will take place in the central room of the Halls of Valor just before the light bridge that leads to Odin’s throne. All three bosses here will share the same life-pool and will die in the following order:

  • Jarl Velbrand;
  • Runeseer Faljar;
  • Sigryn.

This encounter also has an enrage timer, which is 6:30 minutes, so you will need to optimize your damage output and stick bosses together in order to beat the clock. Here you will need good AoE damage for that, so you may want to take the Fire Nova talent, instead of the Hailstorm talent, but we do not recommend that, because you will have only 3 targets in this encounter, so your Frost Shock AoE will be more beneficial in terms of both overall damage and crowd-control. 

All three bosses will have their own unique mechanics:

Jarl Velbrand - This is a furious Vrykul capable of dealing devastating damage in melee, so you should keep your distance with him whenever possible. Velbrand have the following abilities:

  • Hurl Axe - Velbrand throws his axes at targeted locations and they start to spin, dealing significant damage. Simply avoid them.
  • Bladestorm - This ability will pull you towards Velbrand and deal damage based on your distance to the boss.
  • Berserker’s Rage - Increases Velbrand’s damage by 500% but slows his movement speed for 20 seconds. He will also ficate on you, so you should kyte him while this buff is active. Use your Frost Shock, Capacitor Totem, or Earthbind Totem.

Runeseer Faljar - This is a powerful caster with a range of unique abilities, such as:

  • Shadowbolt - Faljar will constantly use this ability to deal medarate damage to you. Can be interrupted.
  • Ancestral Knowledge - This spell deals a huge amount of damage and should be interrupted at all costs. However, before you can stop the cast you will need to destroy a large shield Faljar covers himself with, which makes Faljar casting Ancestral Knowledge your top priority. Do not hesitate to use DPS cooldowns to break through the shield.

God-Queen Sigryn - This is your main enemy in this encounter. Sigryn is a furious Vrykul queen, with a range of powerful abilities at her disposal:

  • Throw Spear - Sigryn throws her spear at the player's location. Upon impact the spear leaves a big green paddle, which deals damage while you are standing in it.
  • Blood of the Father - After 3 seconds cast makes Sigryn radiate large amounts of Fire damage every second for 27 seconds. The cast can be interrupted with any crowd-control ability.
  • Dark Wings - This ability will spawn a line of Valkir outside of the arena, who will run through the arena and deal near lethal damage if you do not manage to squeeze through the gap in the Valkir line. Note that you cannot prevent Sigryn from using this ability.

Aside from bosses’ abilities, there will be other mechanics in this Mage Tower challenge:

  • Runic Detonation - Purple runes will periodically appear in the arena. They will deal very high damage if you let them shrink completely, so you should deactivate them by simply stepping on them.
  • Orb of Valor - In this fight you will receive some help in the form of Orbs of Valor, which will fully heal you when you step in them. Use them wisely.

The key to success in this encounter is good managing the Sigryn’s Blood of the Father ability. You should use any means necessary to stop Sigryn from casting this ability. If she, despite all your efforts, manages to use the ability, you will need to do your best to survive the damage using your defensive cooldowns. 

Also, you should always deactivate Runic Detonation before they shrink completely and do your best to not get yourself caught in Dark Wings.

Regarding two other bosses of this encounter, as stated above you should always keep your distance with Jarl Velbrand when he gets empowered and use all the damage you have to bring down Runeseer Faljar’s shield when he casts his Ancestral Knowledge and interrupt the cast.

Enhancement Shaman Mage Tower Macros

Many players know very well how useful a good Macros can be. Especially in PVP. We have created a few very useful Macroses, that will definitely be quite helpful in your fight with Sigryn and her minions:

Pre-Fight Macros

/tar Sigryn


/script SetRaidTarget("target", 1);

/tar Jarl

/script SetRaidTarget("target", 8);

/tar Runeseer

/script SetRaidTarget("target", 3);

/cast Earth Shield

This will help you keep an eye on the HP level of all three bosses.

Hex Macros

/tar Sigryn

/cast Hex


Use this whenever Sigryn starts casting her Blood of the Father ability. Very useful to always prevent her cast from going off in the heat of battle.
Interrupt Runeseer

/tar Runeseer Faljar

/cast Wind Shear


Another interrupt-Macros for Runeseer Faljar. Use this wisely, because when the boss start using his Ancestral Knowledge ability, he will cover himself with a large shield you will need to destroy before you can interrupt the spell.
Slow Jarl Velbrand

/tar Jarl

/cast Frost Shock


Use this Macros when Jarl Velbrand is focused on you. Very helpful to kyte the boss around and avoid near-lethal damage he will deal to you if he manages to reach you.

Enhancement Shaman Mage Tower Rewards

Mage Tower offers a range of cool rewards, unique for every class. Shamans who manage to fight their way through this challenge will receive the Regalia of the Skybreaker set as a transmog option, which you can see on the screenshot below:

Aside from Enhancement Shaman Mage Tower appearance you can get additional rewards from Mage Tower. If you complete all Mage Tower challenges on your account you will also be rewarded with a unique flying mount - Soaring Spelltome. This is one of the most difficult to obtain mounts in the game, because whether you get it or not depends only on your personal skill, rather than on extremely low drop chance.


So, now you know how to complete Mage Tower’s The God Queen’s Fury challenge playing Enhancement Shaman and whether you manage to do so or not depends only on your personal skill and dedication. Make sure to check out this article later, as here can be more information later on.


What reward do Enhancement Shamans get from Timewalking Mage Tower?


After you are done with all three bosses, you will receive a class-specific transmog set - Regalia of the Skybreaker. This is probably the most sought-after reward of this challenge.

What are the best Enhancement Shaman talents for Mage Tower?


All players may have different opinions about the best Enhancement Shaman talents for Mage Tower completion. The main rule is simple, however: everything that helps you interrupt the bosses’ abilities is useful. Besides, you want to increase your survivability, which means more shields and defensive totems. To learn more, return to our talent build paragraph in this article. 

How do you increase damage as an Enhancement Shaman in Mage Tower?


This encounter is more about surviving rather than dealing damage. You need to prioritize the enemies in the correct order to pass this challenge. If you manage to withstand incoming damage from all of them simultaneously and slay at least one boss, it is a great job already.

Is Enhancement Shaman good for Mage Tower?


Since you have a large specter of all-purpose abilities, this specialization works just fine for this encounter. If you enjoy playing this spec and know its essentials, try it for this encounter.

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