Greetings, devoted followers of the Light! Are you seeking to excel in World of Warcraft as a Holy Priest? Look no further than our WoW The War Within Holy Priest 11.1 guide, which encompasses all facets of playing as a Holy, from abilities and talents to equipment, consumables, and ways to enhance your performance. Our guide caters to both seasoned veterans and newcomers to the specialization, offering something for everyone.
We recommend that novice players read the guide from start to finish to gain a thorough comprehension, while experienced players can skip to the section that piques their interest. Let's embark on this journey together and emerge as an unstoppable force in the game!
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Holy Priest Pros and Cons
Each specialization in World of Warcraft has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the Holy Priest is no exception. It's essential to comprehend these factors early on, particularly if you intend to switch to the Holy specialization.
Holy Priests are a powerful class that should never be underestimated. They possess several advantages that make them a formidable force, such as:
- Mastery of single-target healing, thanks to the Lightweaver talent, with all direct healing abilities causing a Healing Over Time effect afterwards through Mastery: Echo of Light.
- Flexible single-target and AoE healing abilities with Holy Words.
- Raid-oriented cooldowns that can restore health, reduce defensive cooldowns, or replenish mana to the group, such as Symbol of Hope, Divine Hymn, and Holy Word: Salvation.
- The ability to heal through death for a brief period with Spirit of Redemption.
It's also important to acknowledge that the Holy Priest specialization has its share of limitations:
- Lacks many mobile or instant cast abilities, which can be challenging on encounters that require significant movement.
- Requires stacked players to optimize the use of Holy Word: Sanctify effectively.
- Doesn't have the same level of damage reduction tools that other healers possess.
To truly unlock the full potential of any specialization in World of Warcraft, it's vital to play at the maximum level. However, starting from scratch and leveling up to level 80 can be daunting and time-consuming, particularly for those who don't already have a Holy Priest at that level. Fortunately, there is a simple and efficient solution available. Our The War Within Leveling service can help you level up your character quickly and effectively. Our team of skilled players will take charge of your character and level it up to the cap, sparing you the countless hours of grinding on your own. Our prices are reasonable, and we guarantee successful results.
Holy Priest Basics
In The War Within, the Holy Priest is a skilled triage healer with a focus on single-target healing. They are experts in quickly healing players with dangerous debuffs or providing healing to tanks. The Holy Priest excels at directing a significant amount of healing into a single target and using talents to spread this output to other allies while also applying Healing Over Time effects from the specialization's Mastery: Echo of Light. BLOG20
Holy Priest Core Abilities
As a Holy Priest in WoW TWW, your primary resource for casting healing spells is Mana. Managing your Mana effectively during each encounter is essential to ensure that you can maintain competent healing throughout. Here are some of the WoW Holy Priest abilities you will use the most:
- Heal: This is a simple single-target heal with a long cast time.
- Flash Heal: It heals for slightly less than Heal but has a shorter cast time and higher Mana cost.
- Renew: It heals the target over 15 seconds.
- Prayer of Healing: It heals the target and the 4 nearest allies within 40 yards of them. It has a cast time and is one of your most reliable sources of AoE healing.
- Holy Word: Serenity: This is a strong instant-cast, single-target heal with a 60-second cooldown that can be further reduced by casting Heal or Flash Heal.
- Holy Word: Sanctify: This is a potent instant-cast spell that heals up to 6 allies in a targeted 10-yard radius. It has a 60-second cooldown, which can be further reduced by casting Prayer of Healing or Renew.
- Divine Hymn: This is a channeled spell that heals all raid members within 40 yards over 8 seconds, and also increases the healing they receive during that time.
It's important to remember that the abilities mentioned earlier are not the only ones available to Holy Priests. Players should thoroughly review their spellbook, become familiar with their rotational skills, and learn when to use them effectively. While practicing on target dummies can be helpful, it's important to eventually tackle more challenging content.
Mythic+ dungeons are an excellent way for players to test their skills and earn valuable gear, but running them with random groups can be stressful and negative, especially for healers looking to gear up and improve their M+ score. Thankfully, there is a solution to this issue. With our Mythic Carry Services, you can team up with our professional players who will successfully clear any The War Within dungeon for you. This not only guarantees success but also provides you with valuable gear and a boost to your M+ score, significantly benefiting you in your future adventures.
Holy Priest Stat Priority
Let's now turn our attention to Holy Priest stats. Intellect serves as our main primary stat and should be present on all the gear we want to equip, except for rings and some trinkets.
For secondary stats, Holy Priests prioritize the following:
- Critical Strike: This provides a chance to double the healing output of our spells, which synergizes well with Mastery and the Holy Word playstyle. While it's not reliable, as it relies on chance, it can help increase the size of the Echo of Light heal that follows direct heals. In raid healing, this stat is next in priority after Mastery.
- Haste: This stat decreases the cast time of our spells and adds ticks to Renew's healing over time effect. While Haste breakpoints still exist for Renew, they are not as relevant today due to the partial ticks that are added in between breakpoints. Haste also reduces the Global Cooldown (GCD) and cooldowns of certain spells, making it easier to respond to incoming damage.
- Mastery: This stat boosts the effectiveness of Mastery: Echo of Light, which leaves HoTs on targets from our direct heals. Mastery has become especially powerful and is currently our top priority secondary stat.
- Versatility: This stat provides a linear increase in both outgoing healing and damage, as well as a reduction in damage taken.
- Item Level;
- Mastery;
- Critical Strike;
- Versatility;
- Haste.
- Item Level;
- Haste;
- Versatility;
- Critical Strike;
- Mastery.
As you progress in your gameplay, it's important to have a reliable way to determine whether an item is an upgrade for your character. While this guide is a useful tool for that purpose, it's recommended that you use a character simulator to accurately evaluate an item's stats. This is because the significance of each stat may change as you acquire new gear, and a character simulator can provide a precise assessment of an item's true value.
Although character simulation is the most accurate way to assess upgrades, prioritizing higher item level gear will usually suffice. However, it's still a good idea to review your stat priorities periodically to ensure that you're equipping items that align with your preferred playstyle. By doing so, you can make the most of the available gear and maximize your character's potential.
Best Holy Priest PvE Builds
The War Within has recently made changes to the talent system, providing players with more flexibility and options to customize their characters. With the new system, players can create multiple builds to adapt to different situations and experiment with different playstyles.
By utilizing the talent builds provided below and saving them as templates, Holy Priests can have the versatility needed to handle any challenge they may encounter in World of Warcraft. However, it's important to note that success in the game requires more than just having the right talent build. Factors such as teamwork, player behavior, and unexpected circumstances can all impact the outcome of a game. To overcome these obstacles and make faster progress in the game, we offer a variety of The War Within Boosting Services tailored to players' specific needs.
Holy Priest Raid Build
The following Holy Priest The War Within PVE talent builds offer different playstyles for Holy Priests in World of Warcraft. The first build is recommended for high output, but may lack in spot-healing and tank support.
To use this talent build, simply copy and paste the provided string into the game:
Holy Priest Mythic+ Build
The second build, similar to one used in Shadowlands, emphasizes damage and includes a builder/spender maintenance requirement:
To incorporate this talent build into your character's template, copy the provided string below:
Best Holy Priest PvP Build
Holy Priests are often considered to be underdogs in PvP, but they are actually exceptional healers. While some healing specializations struggle in certain situations, Holy Priests shine when healing against widespread pressure and single-target teams. Their ample utility and immunities make them a valuable asset to any team.
In addition to keeping your team alive, as a Holy Priest, you should focus on using your utility to prevent your teammates from needing to use cooldowns and keep them offensively strong. You can also provide crowd control, such as Holy Word: Chastise, Psychic Scream, and Mind Control, as well as offensive purges. However, keep in mind that your positioning is crucial since Priests are not as mobile as other classes.
For players looking for a Holy Priest The War Within PvP build, the following setup is highly recommended:
Import string:
When participating in PvP, players have the option of selecting up to three talents from a list that is available to them. Each talent serves a particular purpose, and the most effective choice may vary depending on the player's team strategy and objectives.
Essential PvP Talents:
Cardinal Mending boosts the healing of Prayer of Mending by 50% and extends its jump range by 10 yards. This talent is highly recommended for every matchup as it can be incredibly beneficial in keeping your team alive.
Situational PvP Talents:
- Ray of Hope: A powerful defensive cooldown that Holy Priests lack in their core toolkit. For 6 seconds, it delays all incoming damage and healing taken to the target. While active, healing is increased by 50%.
- Spirit of the Redeemer: Puts you in a spirit form for 8 seconds, allowing you to free-cast heals on your team. However, you cannot heal yourself in spirit form, and if you die, you won't enter spirit form.
- Holy Ward: Wards the friendly target against the next full loss of control effect, making it difficult for enemy teams to get crowd control on you. Use it right before being put into crowd control against teams with multiple Purge or Spellsteal effects.
- Catharsis: An interesting choice if you want to trade survivability for a damage talent. It deals a high amount of instant damage to the enemy once you've stored enough damage with the initial application of Shadow Word: Pain. Be careful with this talent choice, as it won't provide any value if you're not taking much damage.
- Purification: Gives Purify a maximum of 2 charges, making it crucial against teams with spammable, dispellable crowd control like Polymorph or Fear. You'll be able to dispel your teammates multiple times, increasing their uptime and preventing the enemy team from controlling the pace of the game.
- Divine Ascension: A great talent against melee opponents, it allows you to fly into the air to free-cast spells with an increased spell range.
- Thoughtsteal: An exciting talent that steals an ability from an enemy, denying them access to it for 20 seconds. It's especially effective against Mages as it denies them their primary crowd-control ability.
- Precognition: This talent gives you 15% haste and makes you immune to interrupts and Crowd Control for 4 seconds in case you fake an interrupt. If you're confident in faking interrupts, this talent is a solid choice.
Holy Priest Best in Slot Gear
In WoW The War Within, you'll find a variety of ways to acquire gear, from tackling raids and Mythic+ dungeons to participating in the Crafting Order system. While Best-in-Slot (BiS) gear has lost some of its significance, many players still pursue specific items as their primary motivation for engaging in WoW content.
It's important to keep in mind that gear effectiveness can vary depending on several factors, such as whether you're participating in PvP or PvE content and what other gear you have equipped. To determine the exact value of any gear for your Holy Priest, it's highly recommended that you simulate your character.
As a general rule of thumb, prioritize items with higher item levels, as they provide the most significant boost to your primary stat, Intellect. After that, consider the stat priority that was discussed earlier.
Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope Best in Slot Gear for Holy Priest
It's important to keep in mind that raiding in TWW might not be the most efficient way to acquire gear. If you're looking for a faster route to gear, it's recommended that you consider other options like crafting or Mythic+ dungeons. However, if you enjoy raiding and want to pursue it, we have compiled a list of items that you should strive to obtain:
Although acquiring the best-in-slot gear mentioned earlier can significantly enhance your character's abilities, it's essential not to become fixated solely on obtaining them. While aiming for the "best" options on paper is natural, there are often more accessible alternatives that offer similar benefits and can be obtained more easily.
Furthermore, the game is constantly updated with new gear options and changes to gameplay that can disrupt the best-in-slot theorycrafting. It's crucial to review gear lists regularly to stay up-to-date.
Remember that performing your rotation effectively, mastering encounters, and communicating and collaborating with your team can have a more significant impact on your overall performance than any single piece of gear. While gear is undoubtedly helpful, it's not the sole determinant of success.
Mythic+ Best in Slot Gear for Holy Priest
If you're looking for a challenging but rewarding way to obtain powerful gear in The War Within, the Mythic+ system is an excellent option to consider. While completing higher-level keys can be a daunting task, the rewards can make it well worth the effort. By successfully completing these challenging dungeons, you can equip your character with some of the most formidable gear available in WoW's PvE content:
It's worth mentioning that the gear mentioned previously serves as a reference to assist you in targeting the best items that can be obtained from the end-of-run chests and the Great Vault. While pursuing gear from Mythic+ dungeons or other sources, you may come across other items that may be more suitable for your character. It's not obligatory to acquire the exact set of gear discussed earlier, as there are other practical alternatives accessible.
The Best Upgrade, Spark of Dreams, and Embellishment Options for Holy Priest
Given the limited availability of Dreaming Crests as a currency, it is advisable for Holy Priests to prioritize the upgrade of their weapons and trinkets. Since weapons generally have a high intellect budget, they are relatively easier to upgrade and should be given priority over a mediocre trinket option. Once you have upgraded your weapons, you can then shift your focus towards other ilvl upgrades.
Upon obtaining the Spark of Dreams, your priority should be to craft the following items at the highest possible item level. Keep in mind that you have the option to use the recrafting system later on to increase their item level if you desire. Once you have crafted the best pieces, you can then use your sparks to improve slots that have the lowest item level pieces, with the goal of increasing your overall average item level. The items you should aim to craft are as follows:
- Primal Molten Spellblade / Illuminating Pillar of the Isles;
- Elemental Lariat;
- Allied Wristguards of Time Dilation;
- Idol of the Life-Binder.
When crafting items with Embellishments, they come with unique properties and effects, in addition to their regular stats. However, it's important to note that only two pieces of gear with Embellishments can be equipped at a time. Therefore, it's crucial to choose the best Embellishments available, such as:
We understand that obtaining the meticulously crafted gear mentioned earlier can be a considerable gold investment, requiring weeks of dedicated grinding. However, there is an alternative for those looking for a more efficient approach. Our services offer the option to buy WoW Gold, which will be delivered quickly and securely to your character. We take great care in providing fair prices and ensuring a smooth transaction. With this convenient option, you can quickly obtain the necessary gold, freeing up your time and energy to improve your character's gear and overall gameplay.
Best Holy Priest Enchants and Consumables
Ensuring that your gear is equipped with the appropriate enchantments is a wise decision. These enchantments not only enhance your character's abilities but also showcase to fellow players that you are a competent and committed member of your class. To assist you in this process, we have compiled a comprehensive catalog of the best enchantments currently available in The War Within:
Equipment Slot | Optimal Choice |
Weapon | Sophic Devotion |
Cloak | Graceful Avoidance |
Chest | Reserve of Intellect |
Belt | Shadowed Belt Clasp |
Bracers | Devotion of Avoidance |
Legs | Temporal Spellthread |
Boots | Plainsrunner's Breeze |
Ring | Devotion of Mastery |
In general, the Phial of Tepid Versatility is the best option for Holy Priests.
There are various potions that can be helpful in different situations for Holy Priests:
- For raiding, you should use Potion of Frozen Focus, while Aerated Mana Potion is a simpler, weaker version.
- In Mythic+ dungeons, Potion of the Hushed Zephyr is useful for skips, and Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power is a good choice for both damage and healing.
It's also important to keep enough Refreshing Healing Potions on hand, and to consider carrying Potion of Withering Vitality for emergencies.
To optimize your performance, don't forget about the advantages of weapon enchantments and feasts prior to each encounter. In raids, Holy Priests should utilize Buzzing Rune on their weapons, while in Mythic+ dungeons, Howling Rune is preferred. As for feasts, those who are willing to share should partake in the Grand Banquet of the Kalu'ak, while those who prefer solo indulgence may opt for the Thousandbone Tongueslicer.
When it comes to gemming your gear, it's recommended to use Sensei's Neltharite in all of your sockets, with the exception of one socket where a Skillful Infinite Diamond should be used instead.
While gear enchants and consumables are undoubtedly essential for success in taking down raid bosses, they may not be enough on their own. Moreover, if you are unable to find a suitable raid group for a given week, you risk missing out on completing a raid lockout. Luckily, our WoW Raid Boost services offer a solution to this problem. Our expert team will help you acquire the best raid items for your character, allowing you to fully utilize your gear enchants and consumables. With our assistance, you can be confident that you are well-equipped to tackle any raid challenge that comes your way.
Holy Priest Rotation Guide
Becoming a proficient Holy Priest requires diligent practice. Spend time honing your skills by practicing on target dummies before engaging in real battles. This allows you to become familiar with your abilities, optimize your rotations, and better prepare yourself to keep your allies alive in the midst of combat. Remember, practice is the key to mastering the art of playing a Holy Priest.
Holy Priest Raid Healing Rotation and Priority
The Holy Priest raid healing rotation requires careful management of abilities to ensure the best possible outcome for your allies.
- Start by casting Prayer of Mending whenever it's available.
- Use Holy Word: Sanctify for AoE healing and Holy Word: Serenity for single-target healing.
- If the damage is consistent and players are stacked, use Divine Word on Holy Word: Sanctify.
- Circle of Healing should be cast on cooldown, taking advantage of raid damage.
- Use Halo for AoE healing as damage occurs.
- Prayer of Healing can also be used regularly to reverse raid-wide damage, especially after casting Circle of Healing or Holy Word: Sanctify.
- Power Word: Life should be reserved for allies whose health is below 35%.
- Use Divine Hymn or Holy Word: Salvation when raid-wide damage is occurring, in coordination with your other healers.
- Symbol of Hope should also be used frequently, especially when Desperate Prayer is on cooldown or allies' defensives are unavailable.
By prioritizing these abilities and keeping a watchful eye on the battlefield, you can maximize your Holy Priest potential as a reliable and effective raid healer.
Holy Priest Mythic+ Healing Rotation and Priority
- Start by building stacks of Lightweaver with Flash Heal and spending them with Heal.
- Remember to cast Prayer of Mending on cooldown during boss fights, but hold off on trash packs unless the group is taking consistent damage.
- For AoE healing, use Holy Word: Sanctify on cooldown, and cast Holy Word: Serenity for single-target healing.
- If damage is consistent and the party is stacked, consider using Divine Word on Holy Word: Sanctify to maximize healing output. Alternatively, use it with Holy Word: Chastise for additional damage.
- Don't be afraid to use Apotheosis frequently to save mana, reset your Holy Words, and prepare for burst damage. You can also use it as a damage cooldown during downtime.
- Cast Divine Star on cooldown to provide additional AoE healing.
- Use Power Word: Life as needed on allies who are below 35% health.
- Lastly, use Symbol of Hope frequently, especially when Desperate Prayer is on cooldown or your allies' defensives are on cooldown. This will help ensure that your allies have the mana they need to keep fighting.
Holy Priest Damage Rotation and Priority
- Use Divine Word on Holy Word: Chastise as often as possible.
- Start your rotation by casting Holy Fire and then activate Empyreal Blaze before spamming Holy Fire until it's on cooldown.
- Use Divine Star whenever it's available, especially on packs when there are more targets to hit.
- For multiple enemies, use Holy Nova to deal AoE damage.
- Apply Shadow Word: Pain for multi-DOT damage.
- Use Shadow Word: Death to finish off enemies that are low on health.
Cooldown Usage for Holy Priests
Divine Hymn and Holy Word: Salvation provide significant raid-wide support. Remember that Divine Hymn can be cast while out of sight of allies, as can Symbol of Hope, which is especially useful in dungeon settings where dangerous mobs require line of sight (LoS) tactics.
Guardian Spirit serves as your main tank external, acting as a cheat death that restores the target to 40% health when they take fatal damage. However, keep in mind that there is a limit to the amount of damage the target can receive, and Guardian Spirit is particularly useful on tanks with strong self-healing capabilities, such as Blood DKs. Communication and discretion are crucial when using these abilities.
As Priest is often weak on the defensive front, Guardian Spirit can also be self-cast if necessary and tanks are not using the cooldown.
Holy Priest Leveling Guide
Healing classes are typically slower levelers compared to their DPS counterparts, but Holy Priests have a variety of damage cooldowns and abilities to control adds, making leveling less of an issue.
As a Holy Priest, you can efficiently gather groups of enemies with several AoE abilities. Empyreal Blaze allows you to rapidly cast multiple Holy Fires, spreading the light Damage Over Time effect or focusing down an enemy. Shadow Word: Pain provides steady and moderate damage, while Divine Star deals significant AoE damage.
Although Holy Priests have weak armor, Fade can help reduce incoming damage or allow you to avoid enemies altogether with its reduced aggro radius. Additionally, Mind Soothe decreases the range at which Humanoids and Dragonkins will target you, enabling you to avoid unnecessary fights. Psychic Scream can also give you time to heal yourself if multiple enemies are attacking.
Here's a talent build that can help with leveling:
Sting for copying:
Ensure that you have the necessary consumables such as Spectral Flask of Power and Shadowcore Oil while leveling, along with appropriate food buffs such as Crit/Haste/Intellect. Don't forget to stack on Gunshoes for faster travel and consider bringing along some Goblin Glider Kits for safe descents.
Reaching the maximum level in World of Warcraft can be an exciting achievement, unlocking a plethora of opportunities for your character. However, if you feel overwhelmed or need help with your newly leveled character, our team offers WoW Raid Boosting services at competitive prices. Our skilled players can provide efficient assistance to help you make the most out of your WoW experience.
The Best Primordial Stones for Holy Priest
When it comes to Holy Priests, the best Primordial Stones are superior to a Season 1 ring with maximum stats. However, it's important to keep in mind that they may eventually be replaced by a Heroic/Mythic Aberrus ring. Therefore, while you're gearing up, it's worthwhile to farm and upgrade primordial gems.
In situations where damage is the focus, such as in World or Mythic+ content, Damage-focused Primordial Stones will remain as Best in Slot (BiS) for Holy Priests throughout the patch. This may require sacrificing some healing ability in favor of the significant damage boost that these gems provide.
Primordial Stones for Raiding and Healing focused Mythic+
When deciding which Primordial Stones to socket into your Onyx Annulet as a Holy Priest for healing, there are a few options to consider. Some of the top choices include:
- Wild Spirit Stone;
- Exuding Steam Stone;
- Deluging Water Stone;
- Desirous Blood Stone;
- Cold Frost Stone.
Keep in mind that to fully benefit from Wild Spirit Stone, you'll need to wear two healing/nature stones. Desirous Blood Stone counts as a healing stone but requires you to deal damage to get its full value. After a recent tuning patch, Deluging Water Stone is slightly stronger than Desirous.
Primordial Stones for Mythic+ (Damage focused)
if you're looking to focus on damage for Mythic+ runs, keep in mind that replacing a stat ring with the Onyx Annulet for damage purposes will result in a loss of healing output.
- Desirous Blood Stone;
- Prophetic Twilight Stone;
- Storm Infused Stone;
- Pestilent Plague Stone;
- Humming Arcane Stone.
How to Become a Better Holy Priest in The War Within
After obtaining the appropriate gear, enchantments, and consumables, and mastering your opener, there are advanced techniques that Holy Priests can use to improve their gameplay. Here are some useful tips and tricks:
- Take the time to thoroughly explore your spellbook and talents, including those that aren't part of recommended builds. This will help you to fully understand your specialization and distinguish yourself as an exceptional player.
- Target dummy training and low-level key runs are beneficial for practicing your healing and damage skills and developing muscle memory for executing your abilities correctly.
- Rather than focusing solely on "Best in Slot" gear lists or a particular content type, look for gear upgrades from various sources. The War Within provides gear from almost every activity, which is advantageous for novice players.
- Study raid strategies and dungeon routes to gain knowledge and become the most informed and prepared player in your group.
- Collaborate with your party and raid members, and coordinate crowd control and cooldowns to achieve remarkable results. In WoW, individual accomplishments are rare.
- Experiment with new talents and abilities to determine what works best for you. Your talents and abilities are not set in stone, so don't be afraid to try new things.
Other Articles to Read
SkyCoach is dedicated to providing comprehensive coverage of all our favorite games. Our blog offers a wealth of information on a variety of topics related to World of Warcraft. We provide in-depth guides and articles on different WoW specializations and in-game activities.
Whether you're interested in healing and want to learn more about the Holy Paladin or are looking to try a different specialization such as Shadow Priest, our blog has something for you.
If you're still focusing on Holy Priest, we highly recommend checking out our Holy Priest Mage Tower Guide. This exciting challenge is a true test of your healing skills and offers unique rewards that you won't want to miss out on!
Our goal was to provide a comprehensive Holy Priest healing guide covering all aspects of how to play a Holy Priest in The War Within. We hope that this guide has answered any lingering questions you had about the Holy Priest and will assist you in improving your gameplay and enjoyment in WoW. However, it's important to keep in mind that these are recommendations and not rigid rules. Don't be afraid to try out different talents, gear, and rotations to find what works best for you. Remember that World of Warcraft is a game meant to be enjoyed, so have fun with it!
Are Holy Priests good in The War Within?
Absolutely! Holy Priests are excellent at reactive healing, especially in larger groups and raids. With a variety of tools to deal with various types of damage, playing Holy Priest requires quick thinking and adaptability.
Is Holy Priest hard to play in WoW?
While learning the basics of this spec is relatively easy, mastering the intricacies of Holy Priest The War Within playstyle at higher levels, such as in Mythic+ or raids, can be challenging. It takes a skilled player with a determined mindset to achieve mastery.
What is the best weapon for a Holy Priest?
Equipping a weapon with Intellect is always the best choice, whether it's a two-handed weapon or a one-handed weapon with an off-hand.
What is the best profession for a Holy Priest?
While not necessary, Tailoring is a great profession choice for Holy Priests, as it allows you to craft armor for yourself. Herbalism and Mining are also good choices for general gold-making purposes.
Is Holy Priest good in PvE WoW?
Holy Priest is a reliable 3rd or 4th healer in any raid composition. It offers decent on-demand healing compared to the ramp-style healing of Discipline and Resto Druids. Symbol of Hope and Divine Hymn are both powerful cooldowns when used in a coordinated manner. Holy Fire passive damage is also decent if you're not pressing any other damage abilities. With the use of Power Infusion, Holy Priests can contribute a reasonable amount of damage to a raid group.
What is the best rotation for a Holy Priest?
Mastery of cooldowns is crucial for playing Holy Priest effectively. Once you have mastered this, the spell sequence will come naturally. Reviewing the Holy Priest rotation section of our guide is an excellent starting point. Remember, however, that these are suggestions, not strict guidelines. Feel free to experiment with different talents, gear, and rotations to discover what works best for you. Ultimately, WoW is a game, and it's meant to be enjoyed.