Holy Priest Mage Tower Guide - The War Within 11.0.2

This guide is specifically designed to provide you with all the necessary information about the Holy Priest Mage Tower gameplay and the End of the Risen Threat encounter in WoW The War Within. You will find details about the best-in-slot gear, optimal talent build, rewards, and other relevant information to help you succeed.

This article includes the most essential Holy Priest Mage Tower The War Within gameplay tips and tricks. After reading this guide, you will be able to pass all the encounter stages with minimum effort. You will also learn what gear and talent build you can use to make this challenge as easy as possible. Make sure to read it to the end, and you will outbattle the final boss with no problem.

Holy Priest Mage Tower Challenge Info

You cannot enter the encounter’s arena on your own. For this, you need to talk to War Councilor Victoria first. She is waiting for you at Deliverance Point, which is a location situated not that far from Dalaran. The easiest way to get there is to use Dalaran Hearthstone if you have one. After your conversation is over, you will be teleported to a special platform where the challenge begins.

The encounter designed for healers is called End of the Risen Threat and can be roughly split into 7 stages. Unlike in other roles’ challenges, you will have three allies helping you throughout the fight. Your primary task is to keep them alive or you will have to start from the beginning. On top of that, you will need to destroy an army of various adds, each having annoying spells and mechanics.

This is probably one of the toughest and long-lasting challenges currently existing in the game. The reason for this is that some phases act as restoration ones. During them, you have no enemies to face off against. Instead, you can take as much time as you need to replenish your HP and Mana, or wait for core abilities’ cooldowns.

Getting through all the stages requires time, patience, and practice. However, we have prepared the Holy Priest Mage Tower strategy you can find toward the end of the article. We have described all the smaller mobs’ mechanics and provided a few tips concerning the final boss fight.

If you are not a fan of painful challenges and are just looking for new cosmetic rewards, we are here for you. Make sure to check out our Timewalking & Mage Tower Boost services where our pros help you complete any encounter. We offer reasonable prices and guarantee the fastest result.

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Best Gear for Holy Priest Mage Tower

Old-school players remember this activity from previous WoW expansions. It saw the world for the first time back in Legion. Since then, its set of rules has not changed much and remained nearly the same from one expansion to another. Luckily, The War Within has not become an exception. We still have similar restrictions, which make all players participating in this activity more or less equal.

Taking your equipment as an example, its ilvl is temporarily downscaled to 120. As for your character’s level, it is also lowered to 45. This means your DPS will be decreased, spell-casting time slowed, and you will take higher incoming damage. Most importantly, you will also do less healing, which is a big deal since you need to keep three NPCs alive.

After being wiped several times, you will realize how difficult the Holy Priest Timewalking Mage Tower challenge actually is. In fact, it may take you well over hundreds of attempts before you succeed and receive the much-desired transmog set.

As you already understand, your top-tier set will not help you much in this activity. However, the correct stat priority is what matters a lot. Since you will not have as many stats as usual, you want to focus on Haste and Critical Strike. They are your key to increased healing, which is what you need to keep several teammates alive. Of course, Intellect, which is your main stat, should be a priority in any case.

To get the maximum amount of the mentioned stats, we have prepared a list containing Holy Priest Mage Tower gear you can wear exactly for this encounter. However, collecting all of these items may take a lot of time as well. The reason for this is that they drop only from Raid and Mythic+ bosses. Remember, none of them are mandatory to complete this encounter. They are just a nice addition that can help you out a bit. BLOG20

If you prefer Mythic+ content instead of Raiding, it is also an excellent option. In this case, you can use our Mythic Carry services to get all the required equipment parts you need. Our pros will gladly clear out a dungeon of any difficulty for you.

When looking for another way of making your character stronger, you cannot neglect Holy Priest Mage Tower trinkets. They are a great source of main and secondary stats, which is exactly what you need in this type of content. As a rule, they also grant you unique on-use abilities you cannot get from any other items.

 While hunting for these and other rare items, you cannot neglect Raiding. This is one of the most widespread types of content almost all players enjoy. However, you completely depend on a team and do not always have enough time to take part in a raid yourself. To get your loot, you can order our WoW Raid Boost services and let our pros do this job for you. No matter what difficulty you choose, we will get you the items you need.

Holy Priest Mage Tower Best Enchants & Gems

The following section of our Holy Priest Mage Tower guide is dedicated to the enchant and gem choice. These smaller equipment parts actually play a vital role in any activity. Whether we are talking about PvE or PvP content, you cannot neglect their value. They act as a great source of main and secondary stats and allow you to make your character more powerful.

Equipment Slot Best Alternative Provided Bonus
Weapon Sophic Devotion This item works a bit randomly yet grants you a ton of extra Intellect if the effect procs.
Cloak Graceful Avoidance Reduces the amount of AoE damage you take.
Chest Reserve of Intellect Passively increases your Intellect and enlarges your Mana pool.
Bracers Devotion of Avoidance Works in the same way as the cloak’s enchant does.
Legs Temporal Spellthread Provides you with extra Intellect and increases your Mana pool.
Boots Plainsrunner's Breeze Grants you additional Speed to move around the arena faster.
Ring Devotion of Haste Slightly boosts your Haste stat allowing you to cast spells quicker.

Adding a few words concerning Holy Priest Mage Tower recommended gems, we have prepared the following list for you. The latter contains the strongest alternatives and looks like this:

  • Fierce Illimited Diamond provides you with extra Intellect and Haste stats boosting your damage and healing done;
  • Crafty Ysemerald increases your Haste and Crit stats allowing you to cast spells quicker and heal more.

Crafting all the required items is definitely a cheaper option of acquiring them. However, purchasing them at the Auction House is a better alternative. For this, you can Buy WoW Gold with our company’s help and get everything you need in a moment. We offer the best market price and are ready to deliver in-game currency to any server you choose.

Holy Priest Mage Tower Best Consumables

Completing the encounter becomes nearly impossible if you are not using consumables. They are a great source of main and secondary stats. Down below, you can find a list of the strongest items to use before testing your skills in this challenge. In most cases, you can buy them at the Auction House for a reasonable price:

  1. Greater Flask of Endless Fathoms is arguably the best source of additional Intellect you can get on the go. Besides, the effect stays up for quite a long time;
  2. Boralus Blood Sausage slightly increases your secondary stats. One can use it to restore HP and Mana during the restoration stages;
  3. Astral Healing Potion is a life-saving tool that allows you to restore HP when you have no healing for yourself left;
  4. Potion of Unbridled Fury greatly improves your damage output. Most importantly, it deals Fire damage, which is what you need to activate your rings’ effects.


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Holy Priest Mage Tower Best Talent Build

When preparing for the encounter, you can forget about achieving victory without the correct talent setup. If you have no time to experiment on your own and wish to try a ready-made solution, we are here for you. Down below, you can find the optimal Holy Priest Mage Tower 11.0.2 talent build. The latter mostly focuses on healing yet has a slight damaging potential as well.

To export this setup into your game, copy the following code:


To get access to all the talents you see in the screenshot above, you need to reach the level’s cap first. The game’s developers have done their best to speed up this process by default. However, it can still take you a ton of time to get to level 80. By ordering our WoW Powerleveling services, our pros will do it for you in a blink of an eye.

Lord Erdris Thorn Fight Strategy

If you keep asking the question of how to do the Mage Tower as Holy Priest, worry no more. After reading this paragraph, you will learn what every stage of the fight consists of. We are going to share a few tips on how to counter the boss’ and mobs’ mechanics. Before we begin, keep in mind that this challenge is not about damage output or speed. All 7 phases require you to be patient and move as slowly as possible.

Before moving to Holy Priest Mage Tower tips, we would like to describe every stage to let you prepare in advance. Also, you can check out the way the final boss looks like in the screenshot above.

  • Stage 1

This phase is simple yet annoying at the same time. You will have to defeat three different add types. The first mob strikes from range and is probably the most annoying one due to its talent we describe below. As for the mage, there is nothing to be afraid of, as it is an ordinary ranged mob. 

Finally, we have the soldier who is a melee attacker and has an impressive HP pool. None of their abilities can be called too dangerous. The only exception here is the arbalest’s talent. The latter drains your Mana yet can be dodged if you get behind your ally.

  • Stage 2

Here, you can recover your breath and wait for your HP and Mana to restore. Most importantly, you can wait for your core abilities’ cooldowns to refresh.

  • Stage 3

This phase has four add types you are going to face off against. The first two are not really dangerous and can be easily cleared out. However, Panicked Soul and Damaged Soul are worth the attention. Dispelling the first mob is the only wait to avoid getting feared. As for the second one, you need to heal this add or it will evolve into a stronger enemy and try to kill you.

  • Stage 4

After you are done with an army of mobs from the previous phase, you can restore HP and Mana again. Besides, you can wait for your talents to refresh before moving further.

  • Stage 5

Healing every Damaged Soul is your main task during this phase. The more of them you heal to full, the fewer mobs you will face off against during the next stage.

  • Stage 6

If you have managed to heal all the mobs from the previous phase, you can practically skip this phase and start fighting the boss.

  • Stage 7

When trying to slay Lord Erdris Thorn, entrust yourself to your allies. They will deal enough damage to win this battle. The only thing you need to take care of is to keep them fully healed. At the same time, you want to avoid the boss’ leap. The latter not only deals a sufficient amount of damage but also leaves a large fel patch on the place he lands. If you stand on it, you will suffer constant damage.

His main ability is Ignite Soul, which can literally wipe your entire team. This talent deals damage to all your party members equal to your current HP. Once you see the boss starts casting it, you will have 9 seconds to reduce your HP to the minimum. If done correctly and timely, you will take lower damage.

Speaking of a possible Holy Priest Mage Tower nerf, you are not likely to see it in the nearest future. This specialization is far from being overpowered and definitely deserves no nerf. If you enjoy its playing style, go ahead and give it a try.

Holy Priest Mage Tower Rewards

Defeating the final boss ends the encounter. After that, you will be teleported back to your original location and receive the long-awaited reward. The latter represents a unique Holy Priest Mage Tower appearance, which you can check out in the screenshot below.

True skillful players can test their skills and complete all 7 encounters. For this, you will get Soaring Spelltome, which represents a unique ground mount. It looks like an open book your character stands on to fly over the ground.

Passing all those challenges on your own may take you much time and effort. Instead, you can use our World of Warcraft Boosting services and let our pro players do this job for you. They will gladly complete any encounter for you.


This marks the end of our article. We hope you enjoyed reading our guide and learned a lot from it. We wish you good luck in testing your skills and hunting for the rewards you like. Make sure to stay with us, as we will keep updating this article if any changes occur.



What reward do Holy Priests get from Timewalking Mage Tower?

Outbattling the boss ends the encounter. After that, you will get a class-specific transmog set we described earlier.

What are the best Holy Priest talents for Mage Tower?

No talent can be called strong if used separately from others. Make sure to try the suggested talent setup from our team to see how it works for you in the game.

How do you increase damage as Holy Priest in Mage Tower?

You do not really have to care about dealing damage. Your AI allies will do this for you.

Is Holy Priest good for Mage Tower?

It might not be the strongest healing specialization. However, it works fine and you can baldly try it for this encounter.

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