Marksmanship Hunter Mage Tower Guide - The War Within 11.1

By reading this guide, you will learn every detail concerning Marksmanship Hunter Mage Tower gameplay in WoW The War Within. It includes BiS gear, talent builds, available rewards, and more.

Read Our Marksmanship Hunter Mage Tower Guide

With the legendary Mage Tower challenge coming back, it is time to get prepared for the toughest encounters. Originally added in the Legion expansion, this unique in-game activity returns in The War Within. Players are to face off against the same bosses. The pull of rewards also remains similar to what we had in previous patches. The only difference is that you are going to use new gear, talents, and so on.

This opens up space for improved strategies to test your personal skills when playing a particular specialization. The total number of encounters has also remained untouched. There are 7 of them to pass, but you have to execute a different role to challenge all available bosses.

No matter what class you are playing and what encounter is designed for it, you are to find War Councilor Victoria to begin it. She will be waiting for you at Deliverance Point. The easiest way to get there is to use Dalaran Hearthstone. After that, it will only take you a few minutes to fly to your destination.

Having so many specializations and possible encounters to choose from, we have decided to stop at Marksmanship Hunter Mage Tower The War Within guide this time. After you finish reading this article, you will learn every detail you need to know to complete this spec’s challenge. We will also describe what equipment, talents, and strategy you should use to succeed.

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Marksmanship Hunter Mage Tower Challenge Info

The Thwarting the Twins encounter represents a 3-stage challenge where you are to defeat twin brothers. They are Karam Magespear and Raest Magespear, both being very annoying and having deadly abilities under their belts. Since this encounter is designed for ranged DPS specializations, your main goal is kiting the enemy while dealing maximum damage.

Unlike in some other encounters, you are to defeat both of these bosses and the army of mobs they summon completely alone. It can only be done by correct positioning and non-stop movement around the arena.

To help you get prepared thoroughly, we will share the best Marksmanship Hunter Mage Tower strategy you can try on your own to see how well it works for you. Once you learn both bosses’ mechanics, it will become way easier to predict their future actions. Consequently, you can defeat them effortlessly and get a well-deserved reward.

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Best Gear for Marksmanship Hunter Mage Tower

Just like any other in-game activity, you should thoroughly prepare to succeed in it. The most crucial step here is to get geared up properly. Luckily, it has been a while since the Dragonflight expansion was launched and most players can boast decent equipment. At the same time, your top-rank armor and weapons do not play a too significant role during this encounter.

You see, the game’s creators have implemented the downscale-mechanic for this activity. The latter makes all players’ equipment be ilvl 120 while you are at the arena. The same goes for your character’s level, as it will be lowered to 45. Do not worry, everything will return to its normal state once you leave the encounter’s platform. 

This makes all players participating in this challenge more or less equal. Since your equipment level plays a subtle role, you are to rely on the stats it provides instead. The same goes for the on-use effects some of the items have. BLOG20

Fighting two deadly bosses under such conditions makes you realize how tough the Marksmanship Hunter Timewalking Mage Tower challenge is. To make it easier, define what stats work best for you during this encounter. Speaking of the secondary stats, they are Mastery and Critical Strike. Both of them provide you with an amazing DPS boost, which is exactly what you need.

If you are still looking for the perfect Marksmanship Hunter Mage Tower gear, take a look at the option below. Its pieces can be found after defeating Raid and Mythic+ bosses. We should warn you that this is also a challenging task, but the provided rewards are worth it. To make it easier, do not try to collect all the equipment pieces from the table. Get as many of them as you can and you are good to go.

As you can see, the mentioned set is actually powerful and can help you complete the encounter faster. Nonetheless, it can be done without top-rank gear. More importantly, you definitely do not need to spend a ton of your precious time trying to get Mythic+ gear to pass this challenge. It is going to be even more difficult than you can imagine. This encounter is all about testing your personal skills, not grinding and farming ones.

On top of that, you can resort to other methods to make your character more powerful. One of them is wearing the best Marksmanship Hunter Mage Tower Trinkets. The latter also boosts your stats and grants you unique on-use abilities.

Collecting even low-grade equipment pieces can turn out to be a time-consuming and challenging task. If you wish to speed up this process and get the desired gear in a blink of an eye, we have the solution for you. Buy WoW Raid Boost from our company and enjoy our professional players doing the job for you.

Marksmanship Hunter Mage Tower Best Enchants & Gems

To make your character practically unbeatable, you cannot go without enchantments. If you know nothing about them, this part of our Marksmanship Hunter Mage Tower guide is for you. On top of that, we will discuss what gems are worth your attention. Both of these seemingly insignificant equipment pieces play a vital role when completing the encounter. Starting with the enchants, we have prepared a table containing the best options for this spec.

Equipment Slot Best Alternative Provided Bonus
Weapon High Intensity Thermal Scanner Periodically increases a random secondary stat. No matter which one is chosen, you cannot pick the wrong one here.
Cloak Homebound Speed Increases your Speed, the stat that helps you kite the melee-range boss easier.
Chest Enchant Chest - Waking Stats Significantly increases your primary stat allowing you to deal more damage.
Bracers Devotion of Speed Just like the cloak’s enchant, it radically boosts your Speed allowing you to kite an enemy easier.
Legs Fierce Armor Kit Grants you a bit of Stamina, Agility, and Strength.
Boots Enchant Boots - Plainsrunner's Breeze Another perfect option to maximize your Speed stat.
Ring Enchant Ring - Devotion of Mastery Boosts your Mastery, the stat you need most to deal overwhelming DPS.

All the described enchants help you kite the melee-range boss. The latter is going to chase you throughout the entire encounter. Your primary goal is not to get hit and always stay away from him. On top of that, we have a few enchants maximizing our damaging potential, which is a perfect addition to our build.

Up next, we would like to add a few words on Marksmanship Hunter Mage Tower recommended gems, as there are many possible alternatives. You can try your own variations, but we highly advise you to wear the following items:

  • Skillful Illimited Diamond is a number one choice, as it grants you extra Agility and Mastery stats;
  • Sensei’s Neltharite should be inserted in all other gem slots. It provides you with a decent Mastery and Crit boost, both stats are great for this encounter.

To afford everything you need, one will have to spend an eternity farming gold for this. If you are not a big fan of mob grinding, we have another solution for this problem. Instead, you can Buy WoW Gold with our company’s help. The provided service is totally legit and safe. We guarantee the result and fastest delivery time.

Marksmanship Hunter Mage Tower Best Consumables

To ensure you complete the Mage Tower successfully, you are to pick the right consumables. Just like the gear, they are a crucial part of your build and radically increase the chances of winning the fight. Check out the following alternatives that prove themselves best:

  1. Greater Flask of the Currents is a perfect source of additional Agility, which directly influences your DPS potential;
  2. Boralus Blood Sausage is usually used to get extra stats. However, some Mage Tower encounters have intermission parts where you can eat it to restore HP and Mana;
  3. Astral Healing Potion is the strongest choice for quick healing during the fight;
  4. Potion of Unbridled Fury radically boosts your damaging potential and also procs rings that sync with Fire damage. The latter is often worn by many specializations.


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Marksmanship Hunter Mage Tower Best Talent Build

In this part of the article, we would like to pay attention to the talent build you are going to use during this encounter. Just like with equipment, the final choice depends on your personal preferences. However, some talents are absolutely irreplaceable and we highly recommend that you use them. Check out our Marksmanship Hunter Mage Tower 11.1 talent setup to see how it works for you.

You can easily export this build to your game by copying the following code:


As you can see, the presented talent build aims at maximizing your kiting potential. You have a range of spells you can use on the go. Dealing such overwhelming damage without stopping is what you need to pass this encounter. To get all the mentioned and other talents, you are to level up your character beforehand. If you are tired of leveling another alt, make sure to check out our WoW Powerleveling services. By ordering it, you can be sure our professional players will boost your character in a blink of an eye.

Karam and Raest Magespear Fight Strategy

In this part of the article, we would like to share a few Marksmanship Hunter Mage Tower tips concerning the fight strategy. To put it simply, the chance of you completing this challenge with the first attempt is practically zero. To succeed, you are to learn the bosses’ mechanics and see how to act in a particular situation.

Though facing both twins at the arena, you are not going to fight them simultaneously from the beginning. First, you are to deal with Karam Magespear who is a melee-range boss having one deadly ability that can instantly kill you. It is called Rising Dragon and you do not want to get hit by it whatsoever.

During Stage 1, you just want to keep kiting Karam around the arena. Using Tar Trap and Concussive Shot can help you do that relatively easily. Once the boss’ HP drops to 33%, he will start channeling Purgatory and become immune to damage.

Stage 2 starts with Raest Magespear fighting you instead of his brother. He will be casting Shadow Bolt non-stop. However, this deal insufficient damage and can be ignored most of the time. He will also try to summon Hand from Beyond who casts Grasp from Beyond. No matter what happens, do not let it complete casting it. Otherwise, you will be instantly killed. Your task is to bring Raest’s HP to 60% to start the final stage. Until you do this, Stages 1 and 2 will be repeated.

Stage 3 is all about dealing maximum damage to Raest and kiting Karam. On top of that, you are to destroy Rune of Summoning. Failing to do this, Thing of Nightmare will be summoned who is likely to one-shot you. Keep slowing Karam with your CCs and use your pet to destroy those annoying runes instead of you. Answering the question of how to do the Mage Tower as Marksmanship Hunter, you do not have to kill Karam to complete this encounter. It will be enough to deal with Raest only.

With a variety of spells that can be cast on the move, a lot of players may think of a possible Marksmanship Hunter Mage Tower nerf. However, this spec seems pretty balanced and a great number of instantly cast abilities is just a part of this specialization’s mechanic. It is no stronger than other specs you can use to complete this encounter. So, do not get all jacked up on such subtle details and use any class you like.

Marksmanship Hunter Mage Tower Rewards

Defeating Raest Magespear ends the challenge and you will be returned to your initial location. After that, you will receive a special Marksmanship Hunter Mage Tower appearance, which represents a transmong set. The latter changes the way your character looks and proves the fact that you have passed this encounter.

On top of that, you can get access to Soaring Spelltome, a unique mount that can only be received after completing all 7 encounters. It represents an open book your character stands on, which looks amazing.

If you still struggle with completing any of the encounters, we are here to help you. Check out our World of Warcraft Boosting services where we can help you practically with any in-game activity. Let our professional players do the job for you while you enjoy the well-deserved loot and keep exploring the continent.


This brings us to the end of the article. With a legendary Mage Tower challenge return, players are ready to fight the deadliest bosses. We hope you have learned a lot about it and are ready to test yourself in the game. Stay with us, as we will keep updating the article if any changes occur.


What reward do Marksmanship Hunters get from Timewalking Mage Tower?

The best reward you can hope to receive is a unique class-specific transmog set. It looks like nothing else in the game and changes your character’s appearance completely.

What are the best Marksmanship Hunter talents for Mage Tower?

It depends on your personal choice and preferred playing style. However, we have shared an optimal talent build you can find in the middle part of our guide.

How do you increase damage as Marksmanship Hunter in Mage Tower?

Make sure to use your damage-dealing abilities in a particular sequence. The reason for doing so is that most of them complement each other allowing you to deal overwhelming DPS if used correctly.

Is Marksmanship Hunter good for Mage Tower?

This is definitely one of the best specializations you can choose to pass this encounter. To succeed, you are to kite and deal consistent damage from a distance. Both things are possible when playing this spec.

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