The Mage Tower challenge is already here and it is time to get prepared to test your skills once more. The War Within brings good old encounters back with tons of new equipment, rebuilt talent system, and more. You are to face off against the same bosses and try your best to receive the rewards. They are Legion-themed transmog sets and unique ground transmog. All of them were available in the previous expansions as well.
To see how well you perform while playing a particular spec, find War Councilor Victoria. This NPC is located at Deliverance Point. The most convenient way to get to this location is to use Dalaran Hearthstone. Once you are in Dalaran, hop on your mount and you will be there in a few minutes. After you talk to her, you will be teleported to a special arena where you are to defeat a boss.
In this article, we would like to describe the Outlaw Rogue Mage Tower The War Within challenge in particular. We will cover everything from BiS gear to the most optimal talent build you are to use. Most importantly, you will learn what strategy works best against this encounter’s boss and how to maximize your chance of winning the battle.
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Outlaw Rogue Mage Tower Challenge Info
Your main enemy during the An Impossible Foe challenge is Agatha. Along with that, you are to deal with the imps she will be spawning throughout the fight. Despite being a relatively easy encounter if compared to others, it is not that simple to complete it playing as Outlaw Rogue. In most cases, you will not have enough self-sustain or can die because of a random boulder smashing you.
This encounter revolves around dealing AoE damage, prioritizing the right target, and correct positioning. On top of that, you are to learn to counter the boss’ specific mechanics. All that can take hours of preparation and training. Unlike in a few other challenges, you will be completely alone during this one. It means you have no one to rely on and victory depends on you only.
To make your life easier, we will share the best Outlaw Rogue Mage Tower strategy towards the end of the article. We will describe all 3 stages of the encounter in detail telling you about the deadliest boss’ mechanics and spells. So, make sure to stay with us to get your well-deserved rewards quicker.
If you are not ready to try hard, let us do this job for you. We are always ready to help you complete any challenge. For that, check out our Timewalking & Mage Tower Boost services and place your order. Our professional players will take care of any boss for you. We guarantee the fastest completion time and offer fair prices.
Best Gear for Outlaw Rogue Mage Tower
One of the most important parts of preparation for Mage Tower is the equipment choice. Before you rush into the game and try to get yourself the most expensive set, we would like to warn you about one thing. No matter what gear you are wearing, its ilvl will be temporarily lowered to 120. Even if it is a top-rank set or anything, it will not grant you the same bonus. Additionally, your character’s level will also be downscaled to 45.
This feature may seem unfair and annoying at first. However, it makes all players participating in this challenge more or less equal. Instead of relying on your high-rank equipment, your chances of winning this fight depend solely on your skills. BLOG20
To pass Outlaw Rogue Timewalking Mage Tower successfully, you need to focus on your stat priority more. Since you are going to take tons of damage, it would be a wise choice to get extra Versatility for this battle. Your Haste and Crit stats are also important, as you are going to restore energy much faster while dealing higher DPS. At the same time, do not forget about your primary stat, as it maximizes your damage-dealing potential as nothing else.
If you are still looking for a way to empower your character, we have compiled the table containing the Outlaw Rogue Mage Tower gear you can wear. All equipment parts mentioned below are lootable from Raid and Mythic+ bosses. Though they are not must-haves to complete this encounter, they are just a nice bonus to make your life easier.
Equipment Slot | Item Name | Source |
Head | Life-Bound Cap | Crafted |
Neck | Ouroboreal Necklet | Volcoross |
Shoulders | Lucid Shadewalker's Bladed Spaulders | Smolderon |
Cloak | Vibrant Wildercloth Shawl | Crafted |
Chest | Lucid Shadewalker's Cuirass | Nymue |
Wrist | Needlessly Complex Wristguards | Crafted |
Gloves | Lucid Shadewalker's Clawgrips | Igira the Cruel |
Belt | Life-Bound Belt | Crafted |
Legs | Lucid Shadewalker's Chausses | Larodar, Keeper of the Flame |
Boots | Toxic Thorn Footwraps | Crafted |
Ring | Signet of the Last Elder | Igira the Cruel |
Ring | Signet of Titanic Insight | Crafted |
Trinket | Cataclysmic Signet Brand | Smolderon |
Trinket | Coiled Serpent Idol | Volcoross |
Main Hand | Thorncaller Claw | Urctos |
Off Hand | Nick of Time | Dawn of the Infinite |
The same goes for Mythic+ gear, as it is extremely hard to get and is not worth the time invested. Besides, the provided bonus would not be that impressive due to the downscaling feature. One can successfully pass this encounter without wearing it.
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For extra stats, you should pay attention to Outlaw Rogue Mage Tower Trinkets currently available. Those included in the table below provide you with additional DPS and grant helpful on-use abilities.
Collecting at least part of the mentioned gear is time-consuming and takes much effort. Besides, you heavily depend on your raid party. If you want to speed up this process and get the desired items quicker, we have the solution for you. Make sure to buy our WoW Raid Boost services where our pro players do any raid for you. The only thing left for you is to enjoy the loot and get prepared for the encounter.
Outlaw Rogue Mage Tower Best Enchants & Gems
In this part of our Outlaw Rogue Mage Tower guide, we would like to pay attention to various enchants and gems. These seemingly insignificant parts of your gear actually matter a lot during this encounter. They are a nice addition and can greatly increase your secondary stats in the long run. We have compiled a table that contains the options you are most likely to use.
Equipment Slot | Best Alternative | Provided Bonus |
Weapon | Sophic Devotion | A decent choice that can randomly boost your Agility to deal extra damage. |
Cloak | Graceful Avoidance | Grants you extra Avoidance to take less AoE damage, which can be useful in this encounter. |
Chest | Waking Stats | Always increases your Agility influencing your DPS potential. |
Bracers | Devotion of Avoidance | Just like the cloak’s enchantment, this one provides you with additional Avoidance. |
Legs | Fierce Armor Kit | Increases your Stamina, Agility, and Strength. |
Boots | Watcher's Loam | Grants you more Stamina, which is nice for extra survivability throughout the fight. |
Ring | Devotion of Versatility | Boosts your Versatility allowing you to take reduced damage. |
Most of the mentioned enchantments focus on increasing your survivability during the battle. At the same time, a few of them provide you with extra Agility, which is always nice. The overall stat increase is not that significant but every point matters for a successful encounter completion.
Up next, we would like to discuss Outlaw Rogue Mage Tower recommended gems you are most likely to insert. The suggested list looks as follows yet it can be changed depending on what gear you are wearing:
- Radiant Alexstraszite grants you additional Crit and Versatility stats, both are essential for us in this encounter;
- Radiant Malygite works in a similar way to the previous item. However, it focuses on Versatility instead of Crit.
- Resplendent Illimited Diamond boosts your Agility and Versatility stats, which is what we need for this battle.
To get fully geared up, you need to have a bunch of gold. There are many ways to get it but all of them are exhausting and time-consuming. If you do not wish to spend so much time farming it, we are here for you. Instead, you can Buy WoW Gold with our company’s help and get it in the shortest time possible.
Outlaw Rogue Mage Tower Best Consumables
Make sure to craft or buy certain consumables before you try to fight the boss. They are absolutely crucial and play an important role throughout the fight. Most of them increase your damage and allow you to survive longer. This part of our guide is all about what consumables you should take with you:
- Greater Flask of the Currents is a perfect source of additional Agility, which directly influences your DPS potential;
- Boralus Blood Sausage is usually used to get extra stats. However, some Mage Tower encounters have intermission parts where you can eat it to restore HP and Mana;
- Astral Healing Potion is the strongest choice for quick healing during the fight;
- Potion of Unbridled Fury radically boosts your damaging potential and also procs rings that sync with Fire damage. The latter is often worn by many specializations.
Outlaw Rogue Mage Tower Best Talent Build
Another crucially important part of your preparation for the encounter is your talent setup. Now, we have got a huge update concerning the way the talent system works in WoW The War Within. It allows players to create completely new and unseen before combos and variations. As for the Outlaw Rogue Mage Tower 11.1 talent build, we have prepared one for you.
However, feel free to change it according to your playing style. In the long run, this specialization has a ton of AoE damage, which is what you need to successfully clear out constantly spawning adds during the fight.
By copying the following code, you can export the whole build directly into your game:
The game’s developers strongly recommend that you try passing the challenge only after you reach the level’s cap. This significantly increases your chances of outbattling the boss, as you will have access to all required talents. If you want to speed up this process, you are going to like our WoW Powerleveling services. Buying it is the easiest and fastest way to boost your character to level 80. Our pro players will do that for you in the shortest time possible.
Agatha Fight Strategy
The entire challenge can be roughly split into 3 stages. During all of them, your primary target remains Agatha. She does not deal too much damage on her own but summons a ton of imps practically every minute of the fight. This part of the article is devoted to Outlaw Rogue Mage Tower tips you can use to ensure you pass it with minimum attempts.
Before talking about the boss’ abilities, let us pay attention to what imps are the most dangerous. Starting with the strongest and most annoying one, Umbral Imp. The latter grants Agatha immunity to any type of damage. This mob is your number one target, as you cannot deal any damage to the boss while at least one of them is alive.
Moving further, we have Fuming Imp with their Plague Zone. This mob’s ability plagues a piece of the platform where it dies. Therefore, you want to kill this imp as far from the boss as possible so as not to take constant damage and be slowed down.
Killing Imp Servant is also crucially important, as they will heal the boss once they reach her location. Luckily, their HP pool is relatively low and they are relatively easy to deal with.
The easiest add you are to face during this encounter is Smoldering Imp. The latter uses Fire Bolt, which deals insignificant damage at first. However, it starts hitting harder if you take several casts of it.
The boss will constantly summon all the mentioned imps during Stage 1 and others as well. In most cases, Blade Flurry is enough to get rid of them and return to dealing damage to the boss.
As for Agatha’s most dangerous spells, you should only be aware of Dark Fury. The latter grants her a large shield and increases the damage you take. The biggest problem here is that you cannot interrupt it until you break the shield. Once you get her HP pool as low as 50%, the next phase will begin.
During Stage 2, Agatha will teleport to the opposite side of the room and gain new abilities. Make sure you avoid every Smoldering Boulder she throws at you. If you fail to do this, you will be stunned for a couple of seconds and take an immense amount of damage. Besides, you do not want to stand on her Fel Lava Blast, as it deals constant Fire damage.
Stage 3 is the final one and it begins after you make the boss’ HP as low as 33%. During this phase, she does not get any new abilities or anything like that. She will start teleporting to the opposite side of the platform literally every minute. This is not a problem for you, as you can use Grappling Hook or Sprint to gap close the distance quickly.
Summing up the information given and answering the question of how to do the Mage Tower as Outlaw Rogue, you want to get rid of the boss’ annoying imps and dodge her deadliest abilities. As for the rest, this is a relatively easy encounter and should not take you too much time to pass it.
Adding a few words concerning a possible Outlaw Rogue Mage Tower nerf, we can say it has happened already. After the 10.0.5 patch was released, this spec got slightly nerfed. However, it still remains quite strong and you can use it to complete this challenge successfully.
Outlaw Rogue Mage Tower Rewards
The most wanted reward has always been and remains a unique Outlaw Rogue Mage Tower appearance that you can see in the screenshot below. It looks like no other transmog set and can be acquired only by finishing this encounter.
If you are a true try harder and are ready to prove your skills, you can try to complete all 7 encounters currently available. Doing this grants you Soaring Spelltome, which is a ground mount that looks like an open book.
If you are not ready to spend so much time trying to pass this encounter on your own, we are always here to help you. By ordering our World of Warcraft Boosting services, our professional players will complete any challenge for you. We guarantee the shortest completion time and offer reasonable prices.
This marks the end of our guide. We hope you like the latest patch and already have fun in the game. We are also sure you have learned a lot from this article and are fully prepared to test your skills. Make sure to stay with us, as we will keep updating this guide if any changes occur.
What reward do Outlaw Rogues get from Timewalking Mage Tower?
After defeating the boss, you will be granted a class-specific transmog set that completely changes the way your character looks.
What are the best Outlaw Rogue talents for Mage Tower?
In most cases, your Blade Furry is the main tool you can use to get rid of all annoying imps. As for other talents, you should better return to the separate paragraph where we share the whole build.
How do you increase damage as Outlaw Rogue in Mage Tower?
You already have decent DPS by default. However, using your Combo abilities wisely is the most obvious way to make it even higher.
Is Outlaw Rogue good for Mage Tower?
Despite recent nerfs, this specialization remains quite a strong one. If you know the rotation well, you can safely choose it to complete the encounter.