Preservation Evoker Mage Tower Guide - The War Within 11.1

By reading this guide, you will learn every detail concerning Preservation Evoker Mage Tower gameplay in WoW The War Within. It includes BiS gear, talent builds, available rewards, and more.

Read Our Preservation Evoker Mage Tower Guide

The War Within expansion does not only include new features, but also brings back one of the most widespread in-game activities from previous patches. As you have already guessed, we are talking about the Mage Tower challenge. Initially added in the Legion expansion, it is now available once again.

The main idea of the challenge stays unchanged. You are to defeat a role-specific boss to get a unique reward. The latter completely changes your character’s look. On top of that, you can get a special mount if you manage to pass all 7 encounters, each is designed for a particular in-game role.

To start a challenge, go ahead and talk to War Councilor Victoria. She is located at Deliverance Point. After your conversation is over, she will teleport you to a special arena where the rules of the encounter are explained. To get to this NPC, you are to use several portals, which is quite time-consuming. Instead, you can buy Dalaran Hearthstone to speed up the whole process and get to her quicker.

This guide includes everything you need to know about playing Preservation Evoker Mage Tower in WoW The War Within. Unlike all other classes, this one has been added recently and we have not seen yet the way it performs in this challenge. By reading this article, you will find out what gear, talent builds, and strategy you are to use to defeat the final boss of this encounter.

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Preservation Evoker Mage Tower Challenge Info

The End of the Risen Threat encounter is designed specifically for healing specializations. During it, you will be fighting against large mob packs to make your way to Lord Erdris Thorn, who is the final boss waiting for you at the last stage. Since you mostly focus on healing, you are to work together with Commander Jarod Shadowsong, Granny Marl, and Callie Carrington. They will help you defeat all the enemies on your path to victory. To win this battle, all of them should survive or you will have to start again.

At the same time, the encounter tests not only your healing abilities yet damaging ones as well. Your team will constantly need backup damage to deal with smaller mobs quicker. Luckily, this specialization has a variety of spells that can put out a significant amount of damage.

Still, this is one of the toughest encounters present in the game. The reason for this is that you are to pass 7 different phases before you face off against the boss. Further in this article, we will share the best Preservation Evoker Mage Tower strategy to make things easier for you. Additionally, you will have a few preparation stages where you can take a rest to restore HP and Mana. It is also important to wait for your primary cooldowns to get refreshed before moving further.

After giving this challenge a few shots on your own, you might find it too difficult for you. However, it does not mean you cannot get the desired reward for your character. To solve this problem, you can order our Timewalking & Mage Tower Boost services. Our team of professional players will pass any encounter in the shortest time possible. All you are left to do is to enjoy the loot and keep exploring TWW further. Go ahead and order this service right now to become one of the first players who complete this challenge in the latest expansion.

Best Gear for Preservation Evoker Mage Tower

Your biggest step to successful preparation is well-chosen equipment. To make this encounter an actual pain, the game’s developers have decided to make all players equal. Therefore, your gear will be temporarily downscaled to ilvl 120 while participating in this activity. On top of that, your character’s level is also downscaled to 45. 

The positive side of this feature is that you do not need top-rank gear to pass this encounter. On the contrary, you will have to take dozens if not a hundred attempts to complete it. This is the main idea of this challenge and you have to deal with it. BLOG20

Succeeding in the Preservation Evoker Timewalking Mage Tower challenge is not about having the highest-level equipment. Instead, you should pay more attention to what stats it grants. As a healer, you mostly rely on your Critical Strike and Haste stats. The first one is crucial, as it provides you with a chance of extra healing. The second one is a handy tool to cast your spells quicker, which is what you need when you need to keep three other characters alive.

If you wonder what Preservation Evoker Mage Tower gear you are to wear, we have created the following table containing BiS equipment for this specialization. All these items can be achieved by defeating Vault of the Incarnates bosses from the current expansion. Therefore, do not hesitate to spend some time and get geared up properly for the encounter.

Of course, getting at least some of the mentioned items is also tough. However, they are your key to passing the encounter successfully. You can try to loot top-rank equipment from Mythic+ dungeons, but it is definitely more challenging. The chance of getting stuck at a certain level is huge. After all, you can give it a shot and try your luck completing the encounter without any epic equipment pieces. Keep in mind, it tests your personal skills and the ability to work as a team first of all.

To make your character stronger, here is a list of Preservation Evoker Mage Tower Trinkets you can wear. Most of them are focused on dealing damage or healing nearby allies. Both of these aspects are what you need during the encounter.

If you decide to collect as many Raiding set pieces as possible, you are to try really hard. Remember how heavily you rely on your raid members when fighting a boss. If you are never lucky with a team or simply want to spare time, buy WoW Raid Boost services from our company. This is a legit and safe way to receive the desired loot and get prepared for the encounter.

Preservation Evoker Mage Tower Best Enchants & Gems

This paragraph of our Preservation Evoker Mage Tower guide is all about additional equipment you can wear to increase your chance of winning this battle. Of course, we are talking about various enchants and gems. They are a crucial part of your preparation process, as they grant a ton of secondary stats. To make it easier for you, we have compiled a table with the best enchant options for you to choose from.

Equipment Slot Best Alternative Provided Bonus
Weapon Sophic Devotion Grants you a chance of increasing your primary stat for a short duration.
Cloak Regenerative Leech Increases your Leech stat to survive longer during the encounter.
Chest Waking Stats Permanently increases your primary stat, which is always a nice thing to have.
Bracers Devotion of Leech Another source of Leech to stay alive longer.
Legs Temporal Spellthread Noticeably increases your Intellect stat and grants you a bit of extra Mana as well.
Boots Watcher's Loam Provides you with additional Stamina, which increases your survivability.
Ring Devotion of Critical Strike Increases your chance of applying extra healing.

All the mentioned enchants focus on maximizing your survivability. On top of that, your primary stat (Intellect) gets boosted as well. Of course, the provided bonus is not that high compared to your armor, but you have to take anything you can to pass the encounter.

As for the Preservation Evoker Mage Tower recommended gems, the list includes the following items:

  • Sensei’s Neltharite is a great choice to increase your Mastery and Crit stats. Both of them are highly needed throughout the encounter;
  • Sensei’s Sundered Onyx represents a cheaper version of the previous gem. It grants the same stats but in a lower amount;
  • Skillful Illimited Diamond provides you with a decent Intellect boost and some Mastery as well. It is probably the best choice for this gem slot, but you can try and insert something else to experiment.

To get geared up, you will need a ton of gold. The most obvious way of getting in-game currency is farming it. However, we offer a better solution for you. To afford anything you need, Buy WoW Gold with our company’s help. This is the safest and easiest way to become richer in the game. We offer fair prices and guarantee the fastest delivery time no matter what server you are playing on.

Preservation Evoker Mage Tower Best Talent Build

It is particularly difficult to single out certain talents for this encounter, as most of them are indispensable to keep your allies alive. Besides, the frequency of use of specific talents depends on your playing style. However, we have tried our best to compile the perfect talent build you need to pass this encounter. Here is what your Preservation Evoker Mage Tower 11.1 talent build should look like:

You can easily export it to the game by copying the following code:


To learn all the talents, you are to level up your character first. This process may seem too tiring and time-consuming for some players. Therefore, we are here to help you with that. By ordering our WoW Powerleveling services, you can be sure our pro players will get your character boosted in a blink of an eye. We offer reasonable prices and guarantee the fastest result.

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Lord Erdris Thorn Fight Strategy

Despite having 7 stages to pass, not all of them include fighting a ton of mobs. Some phases are designed for you to take a rest and get your HP/Mana back. To make it easier for you, we are going to describe all enemies you are to defeat during each phase. At the end, we will share the strategy you are to use to slay the final boss. Now, look at the following Preservation Evoker Mage Tower tips for each stage.

  • Stage 1

This is one of the most challenging phases, as you are to fight against three various mob types. They are Corrupted Risen Arbalest, Corrupted Risen Mage, and Corrupted Risen Soldier. Their main abilities to be aware of are Mana Sting, Arcane Blitz, and Knife Dance respectively. The most dangerous one is Mana Sting, as it can easily drain all your Mana if not dispelled. In most cases, you want your ally to take this debuff instead of you.

  • Stage 2

This phase is a safe checkpoint where you can restore HP/Mana and wait for the strongest spells to refresh before moving further.

  • Stage 3

During this phase, you will face off against four different mob types. They are Flickering Eye, Unstable Fel Orb, Panicked Soul, and Damaged Soul. The first two are relatively easy to defeat, as they have no dangerous spells and mostly deal damage by auto attacks. Speaking of Panicked Soul, you are to dispel this mob to keep it calm. The most annoying enemy here is Damaged Soul, as it needs to be healed or it will revive as a powerful enemy shortly after it dies.

  • Stage 4

Take your time to restore HP/Mana and wait for your main abilities’ cooldown to refresh. This preparation phase has no time limit, so you can stay here as long as you like. Answering the question of how to do the Mage Tower as Preservation Evoker, you just want to take it slow and watch the enemies’ behavior to see how your strategy works against them.

  • Stage 5

During this stage, you will meet the final boss but you cannot fight him yet. Instead, you should heal every Damaged Soul that tries to reach Lord Erdris Thorn. Once healed to the full, they will become friendly towards you and your allies.

  • Stage 6

If you have managed to heal all Damaged Soul during the previous stage, you will have no one to fight. However, if you have missed a few mobs, they will become a powerful enemy you are to defeat to unlock the final phase.

  • Stage 7 

Here, you are to face off against Lord Erdris Thorn himself. Be aware of his leaps that leave a huge large fel patch on the ground. The latter deals sufficient damage and it is better to avoid it. His deadliest ability is Ignite Soul, as it deals damage to your allies equal to your current HP. To prevent your party from being wiped out, make sure to step in a fel patch during this ability’s cast. It will lower your HP and your allies will suffer less damage.

The main difficulty of this stage is to keep your party alive and catch a moment to deal a bit of damage as well. However, you should prioritize healing over damaging, as your allies can handle the boss on their own. You just want to make sure they all stay alive during this battle.

Since the Preservation Evoker is a completely new class, some players may find it too strong compared to other healing specs. There is a bit of truth in that and Preservation Evoker Mage Tower nerf can actually happen. Still, it is one of the best specializations you can choose to pass this encounter. Even if it gets nerfed, it is worth trying to play it for a new experience.

Preservation Evoker Mage Tower Rewards

Once you defeat the final boss, the encounter is considered to be over. For that, you will receive a unique Preservation Evoker Mage Tower appearance that completely changes the way your character looks. This transmog set serves as proof of defeating this boss and can be worn proudly.

On top of that, you can test your skill and try to complete all 7 encounters. If you manage to do this, you will receive Soaring Spelltome, a unique mount. The latter looks like an open book your character stands on to soar over the ground.

Completing this and other encounters on your own may turn out to be too challenging. If you do not have enough time to take endless attempts, we are here to help you. By ordering our World of Warcraft Boosting services, you can be sure our professional players will pass any encounter for you. We offer reasonable prices and guarantee the result.


This marks the end of our guide. We hope you have learned a lot about the recently-added class and the way it performs in the Mage Tower challenge. Make sure to try it out in the actual game. The rewards are definitely worth it. Stay with us, as we will keep updating the article if any changes occur.


What reward do Preservation Evokers get from Timewalking Mage Tower?

Speaking of the most widespread and desired reward, it is a class-specific set. It changes the way your character looks and cannot be found anywhere else except for completing the encounter.

What are the best Preservation Evoker talents for Mage Tower?

To answer this question, check out our paragraph devoted to the strongest talents of this specialization. Most of them are focused on healing allies, which is your primary activity during this challenge.

How do you increase damage as Preservation Evoker in Mage Tower?

Despite specializing in healing, you can also do decent damage with a variety of spells. For example, you have Fire Breath and Living Flame as your primary damage-dealing abilities.

Is Preservation Evoker good for Mage Tower?

You have tons of healing spells to keep all three allies alive throughout the fight. This is one of the strongest healing specializations in the game so far. Mastering it allows you to complete this encounter quite easily.

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