Protection Paladin Mage Tower Guide - The War Within 11.1

By reading this WoW The War Within guide, you will learn every detail concerning Protection Paladin Mage Tower gameplay and The Highlord’s Return encounter. It includes BiS gear, the optimal talent build, available rewards, and more.

Read Our Protection Paladin Mage Tower Guide

Fellow heroes, it is time to plunge into another Mage Tower article. By reading this guide, you will learn every detail concerning the Protection Paladin Mage Tower The War Within gameplay. It includes BiS gear, the optimal talent build, and much more. Most importantly, you will find what strategy you want to use against encounter’s both bosses to achieve victory with minimum effort. Make sure to read the article to the end to claim all the desired rewards and prove how masterly you play this specialization.

Protection Paladin Mage Tower Challenge Info

After talking to War Councilor Victoria, you will find out what Mage Tower encounter is prepared for you when playing this specialization. To start a conversation with this NPC, you are to head to Deliverance Point. You can get there much faster by using Dalaran Hearthstone. Once you are in Dalaran, it will take you around 2 minutes to get to the required destination by flying on your mount.

The Highlord’s Return is the challenge you are to complete when playing this spec. It has been designed specifically for tanks. During this encounter, you will not only have to deal with two bosses but also protect two allies. Starting with the bad guys, your foes are Inquisitor Variss and Highlord Kruul. Luckily, you do not need to fight them simultaneously since the entire challenge is split into 2 Stages.

As for your allies, you will fight together with Velen and Kor’vas Bloodthorn. Remember that both of them should stay alive until the battle is over. Otherwise, you will need to start the challenge from the very beginning. This is the encounter for tanks after all, right? 

Your first ally will spawn Holy Ward every 30 seconds or so. The latter can be picked up to restore HP and cleanse all debuffs. Most importantly, it stuns all surrounding enemies including the bosses. Therefore, it can save your life or buy a bit of time when needed. This ward looks like a yellowish sphere and cannot be confused with anything else in the arena. The second character does nothing apart from a moderate amount of damage.

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This challenge definitely deserves the title of one of the toughest ones currently available in the game. To complete it successfully, you need to pick the right Protection Paladin Mage Tower strategy. We will share the one toward the end of the article. Using it may greatly help you during the fight and reduce the number of attempts you take before winning the battle.

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Best Gear for Protection Paladin Mage Tower

Since the Mage Tower is designed to be extremely hard, its difficulty is emphasized not only by overwhelmingly powerful enemies but also by certain rules. The following restrictions were implemented back in the Legion expansion. The game’s developers have remained them untouched and they exist in practically the same way in the current expansion as well.

The first rule concerns your equipment’s ilvl since it is temporarily decreased to 120 while you are fighting enemies in the arena. The second one goes for your character’s level, as it is also downscaled to 45. This is what actually makes the Protection Paladin Timewalking Mage Tower challenge difficult to complete. Besides, players can no longer rely on their top-rank gear only. Instead, you need to be a true master of your specialization and play it supremely well.

Another feature that can also help you is the correct stat priority. As a rule, you want to focus on Haste and Critical Strike stats during the challenge. However, a bit of extra Versatility can increase your survivability rate and allow you to deal more damage as well. At the same time, there is no more important thing than Strength since it is your primary stat that should be prioritized in any situation.

Down below, we have prepared a list containing one of the possible Protection Paladin Mage Tower gear variations. It includes the equipment pieces from Raids and Mythic+ dungeons. Keep in mind that these items are not mandatory to complete the challenge. They are just a decent source of the stats you need most. You can easily pass the encounter with practically any equipment you are currently wearing. BLOG20

Going for a Mythic+ set alternative is also an option. Though being overwhelmingly powerful, its parts can be really difficult to get. If you cannot pass a particular dungeon, you can always rely on our Mythic Carry services where our professional players can help you clear out any dungeon for you. No matter at what difficulty level you are stuck, consider the job done.

Moving further, it is important to add a few words concerning what Protection Paladin Mage Tower trinkets to use for this encounter. They are an essential part of your equipment since they grant you extra main and secondary stats. Besides, some of them provide you with helpful on-use abilities that can save your life or deal additional damage in battle.

Indulging in Raiding content is a fun and exciting way of getting geared up. However, your experience can be spoiled by a number of factors you have no control over. For example, you can never be lucky with a team. In this case, you can use our WoW Raid Boost services to be sure that you get the desired loot. Our pro players will slay any boss for you and you just need to enjoy the rewards.

Protection Paladin Mage Tower Best Enchants & Gems

Moving further, we would like to discuss what enchantments and gems you can use to increase your chances of achieving victory. This part of our Protection Paladin Mage Tower guide is devoted exactly to this topic. For your convenience, we have prepared the following table containing the best enchant options for this encounter.

Equipment Slot Best Alternative Provided Bonus
Weapon Sophic Devotion Grants you a ton of additional Strength if procs.
Cloak Homebound Speed A great source of extra Speed to move around the arena faster.
Chest Sustained Strength Passively boosts your Strength and Stamina to hit harder and live longer.
Bracers Devotion of Speed Another source of Speed to dodge the bosses’ spells easier and stay on the platform.
Legs Fierce Armor Kit Grants you additional Stamina and Strength.
Boots Plainsrunner's Breeze Gives you a ton of Speed, which can never be extra in this encounter.
Ring Devotion of Haste Provides you with additional Haste, which is the stat you value over others in this battle.

As for the Protection Paladin Mage Tower recommended gems, you have a ton of options to choose from. However, these are the most common picks particularly for this encounter:

  • Fierce Illimited Diamond grants you additional Strength and Haste. Both stats are extremely important for this spec;
  • Quick Ysemerald or Keen Ysemerald is a usual choice for the rest of your slots. If you feel like you need more Haste, go for the first alternative. If you wish to get a bit of Mastery as well, take a look at the second item.

Getting all these and other items is impossible without the Auction House. Though you will need a ton of gold to purchase everything you need. To get the required amount of it, you can always Buy WoW Gold with our company’s help. We guarantee the best market price and can deliver it to any server you play on.

Protection Paladin Mage Tower Best Consumables

During the encounter, you cannot go without certain consumables. Some of them can greatly boost your DPS potential. Others give you extra secondary stats or restore HP when necessary. Down below, you can find a list containing the most powerful consumables you should craft or prepare for this challenge:

  1. Greater Flask of the Undertow provides you with additional Strength, which is always nice to have;
  2. Boralus Blood Sausage can be used to gain extra secondary stats;
  3. Astral Healing Potion is one of the best options to restore HP if you get focused too heavily;
  4. Potion of Unbridled Fury immensely boosts your DPS and also procs your rings that sync with Fire damage.


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Protection Paladin Mage Tower Best Talent Build

With the completely updated talent system brought in Dragonflight, players have got dozens of possible talent builds that never existed before. Your chances of achieving victory also highly depend on what talent you are using. To make it easier for you, we have prepared the following Protection Paladin Mage Tower 11.1 talent build that works perfectly for this encounter.

To export it to your game, copy the code you see down below:


Keep in mind that you will not have access to all the talents you see in the screenshot if you have not achieved level 80 yet. To speed this process up, you can always order our WoW Powerleveling services to let our professional players do this routine job for you. We offer reasonable prices and guarantee the fastest completion time.

Inquisitor Variss Fight Strategy

The following two paragraphs of the article are devoted to the tactics you can use to defeat both bosses successfully. They include various Protection Paladin Mage Tower tips that can help you play around your future enemies’ mechanics more effectively. Once you enter the arena, Stage 1 begins. During it, you will fight Inquisitor Variss and 3 mob types he summons from time to time.

His deadliest abilities include Aura of Decay and Life Drain. The first debuff reduces your Stamina stat. Try not to have more than 5 stacks of this aura or you will be wiped for sure. The second spell should be your priority target to interrupt. If you fail to do this, the boss will restore his HP to the maximum after the cast ends.

The boss’ assistants are Tormenting Eye, Nether Horror, and Smoldering Infernal. The first two mobs do not possess too much danger to your life. However, you want to look directly at the eye when his Inquisitive Stare cast ends. If you do not do this, you will be knocked away and are likely to fall off the platform. On top of that, you cannot deal physical damage to this mob.

Adding a few words on the infernal, you just need to dodge his Smash to stay in the arena. This mob will quickly die even if you do not damage him. All thanks to his Fel Resonation that deals damage to himself.

If your Velen keeps dying too quickly and you cannot understand how to do the Mage Tower as Protection Paladin, here is the answer. Nether Horror starts focusing Velen right after he spawns. If you do not neutralize this mob ASAP, your healer may die and you will have to start the encounter from the beginning.

Highlord Kruul Fight Strategy

After defeating the first boss, Stage 2 begins. You will see Highlord Kruul flying down to the platform. This boss is deadlier than the previous one and has a set of annoying abilities. They are Annihilate, Nether Stomp, and Twisted Reflection. His first talent is a debuff that increases the damage you take from Kruul. To get rid of it, you should pick up Holy Ward. Always watch how many stacks of the debuff you have or you can get one-shot quite easily.

Dodging his second ability is the key to staying at the arena. If you fail to do this and get hit by it, you are likely to fall off the platform. This is where your Speed stat starts playing a great deal since it helps a lot.

Finally, his third ability is the one that you want to interrupt by any means. Remember that Holy Ward also disorients all enemies, which can be used to stop the boss’ casts. Failing to do this will restore his HP to the maximum and he will simply out sustain you. At the same time, you want to avoid getting hit by purple beams spawning in the arena. They slow your movement speed and push you off the platform.

Despite being a great tank, we cannot say that a Protection Paladin Mage Tower nerf can happen in the nearest future. This specialization is not that powerful and requires you to be a skillful player to perform well when playing it.

Protection Paladin Mage Tower Rewards

After you are done with both bosses, the challenge is considered over. After that, you will be teleported back to your original location where you will receive a unique Protection Paladin Mage Tower appearance. As you can see from the screenshot below, it looks absolutely amazing.

You can test your skills again by passing all 7 encounters currently available in the game. For this, you will get Soaring Spelltome, a unique ground mount that can only be received this way. It looks like an open book your character stands on to soar over the ground.

To get all the desired rewards quicker, you can always order our World of Warcraft Boosting services. In this case, our professional players will do the whole job for you. No matter what challenge you want us to pass, consider it done. We offer fair prices and guarantee the result.


Fellow heroes, this marks the end of our guide. We hope you have learned a lot about the Mage Tower challenge and the way you can complete it when playing this specialization. Stay tuned, as we will keep updating this guide if any changes occur.


What reward do Protection Paladins get from Timewalking Mage Tower?

Your class-specific transmog set is the number one reward you want to get.

What are the best Protection Paladin talents for Mage Tower?

To get an answer to this question, check out a separate paragraph devoted exactly to this topic. All the included talents complement each other and cannot be effective on their own.

How do you increase damage as Protection Paladin in Mage Tower?

Since you are a tank, you cannot boast a too high DPS potential. Though pressing all your damaging cooldowns once they refresh is enough to kill both bosses.

Is Protection Paladin good for Mage Tower?

It is definitely one of those specs that deserve attention in this challenge. If you enjoy playing it, go ahead and give it a try.

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