Protection Warrior Mage Tower Guide - The War Within 11.1

By reading this WoW The War Within guide, you will learn every detail concerning Protection Warrior Mage Tower gameplay. It includes BiS gear, the optimal talent build, available rewards, and more.

Read Our Protection Warrior Mage Tower Guide

After reading this article, you will learn everything you need to know about the Protection Warrior Mage Tower The War Within gameplay. We will share information concerning BiS gear and the most optimal talent build for this specialization. To win this encounter, we will provide you with a few tips and tricks toward the end of the guide. Make sure to read the article to the end and you will complete this encounter much easier.

Protection Warrior Mage Tower Challenge Info

To find out what Mage Tower challenge awaits people playing as Protection Warriors, you are to talk to War Councilor Victoria first. This NPC is located at Deliverance Point, which is not that far from Dalaran. If you wish to shorten your traveling time to a minimum, make sure to buy and use Dalaran Hearthstone. Once you are there, it will take you about 2 minutes to get to the required destination by flying a mount.

There is a special challenge designed exactly for tanks and it is called The Highlord’s Return. It consists of 2 phases, each having its main foe with a range of deadly spells and mechanics. During the first stage, you will face off against Inquisitor Variss and a large number of mobs he summons. After you are done with him, the next stage begins. There, you are to defeat Highlord Kruul.

Unlike in most other challenges, you will have two AI NPCs helping you out through the entire fight. They are Velen and Kor’vas Bloodthorn. Keep in mind that both of them should stay alive or you will need to start from the beginning. The first character plays a crucial role since he spawns Holy Ward every 30 seconds. The latter can be picked up to restore HP and get rid of all debuffs.

On top of that, it stuns all enemies around you for 5 seconds. It even affects the boss, which can save your life in certain situations. The second character is not that helpful, as he only deals an insignificant amount of damage. Make sure to pick the right timing to use Holy Ward and try not to activate it accidentally.

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To tell you the truth, it may take you up to hundreds of attempts to complete this challenge. Your chances of winning it revolve around correctly chosen tactics and preparation. Besides, you should actually play this specialization well. To make your life a bit easier, we have prepared the Protection Warrior Mage Tower strategy you can find toward the end of the article.

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Best Gear for Protection Warrior Mage Tower

This in-game activity radically differs from other PvE content. The game’s creators have implemented certain rules that all players must follow. Starting with your gear first, its ilvl is temporarily decreased to 120. This makes even the strongest set much weaker and does not let the person complete the challenge that easily.

A similar rule is applied to your character’s level since it is downscaled to 45. Both features are aimed at making all players more or less equal for the time of the encounter. Though looking quite annoying at first, these rules actually make sense. They were introduced back in the Legion expansion and remained unchanged ever since.

To complete the Protection Warrior Timewalking Mage Tower challenge, you are to play your specialization well and learn the bosses’ mechanics. No armor or weapons can help you in this battle if you are not a true master of your spec.

To increase your chances of carrying this fight, you are to choose the right stats to prioritize. In most cases, you go for Strength, Haste, and Versatility over anything else. This priority grants you enough DPS potential and survivability.

If you still do not know what Protection Warrior Mage Tower gear to wear, we have prepared the following table exactly for you. It contains the set pieces that can be looted by slaying the Raid and Mythic+ bosses. However, these items are just a nice addition to your final build and none of them are mandatory to complete this encounter. You can wear practically anything since your equipment does not play a too huge role. BLOG20

Equipment Slot Item Name Source
Head Incarnate's Perceptive Casque Dawn of the Infinite
Neck Amulet of Eonar's Chosen Nymue
Shoulders Molten Vanguard's Shouldervents Smolderon
Cloak Shadowfeather Shawl Black Rook Hold
Chest Molten Vanguard's Plackart Nymue
Wrist Agonizing Manacles Igira the Cruel
Gloves Molten Vanguard's Crushers Igira the Cruel
Belt Smoldering Chevalier's Greatbelt Tindral Sageswift
Legs Molten Vanguard's Steel Tassets Larodar, Keeper of the Flame
Boots Fused Obsidian Sabatons Smolderon
Ring Band of Burning Thorns Larodar, Keeper of the Flame
Ring Ring of Contempt Black Rook Hold
Trinket Augury of the Primal Flame Black Rook Hold
Trinket Cataclysmic Signet Brand Fyrakk
Weapon Gholak, the Final Conflagration Fyrakk
Shield Verdant Matrix Beacon Nymue

Opting for a Mythic+ set instead is not worth the time you are going to spend farming its parts. In most cases, you do not need this powerful equipment to pass this encounter. Therefore, getting this set’s parts should not be your priority.

Though you can find it useful for other in-game activities. In this case, you can order our Mythic Carry services where our pro players will clear out any dungeon for you. All you are left to do is to enjoy your loot and keep exploring The War Within.

No build can be considered complete if you do not wear some of these Protection Warrior Mage Tower trinkets. They are a great source of main and secondary stats. Besides, they grant special on-use abilities that can help you in the fight.

To get geared up, you cannot neglect raiding content. If you cannot defeat a particular boss or are never lucky with a party, we have the solution for you. By ordering our WoW Raid Boost services, our pro players will deal with any boss for you. We offer reasonable prices and guarantee the fastest result.

Protection Warrior Mage Tower Best Enchants & Gems

In this paragraph of our Protection Warrior Mage Tower guide, we are going to focus on the best enchants and gems currently available for this spec. They are a great source of main and secondary stats. If you have a bit of extra money, do not forget to buy them to increase your chances of achieving success in the encounter.

Equipment Slot Best Alternative Provided Bonus
Weapon Sophic Devotion Can randomly boost your Strength, which is always nice.
Cloak Regenerative Leech Slightly increases your self-sustain capability.
Chest Sustained Strength Provides you with extra Strength and Stamina to hit harder and live longer.
Bracers Devotion of Leech Works in the same way as the cloak’s enchant does.
Legs Fierce Armor Kit Grants you a bit of Stamina and Strength.
Boots Watcher's Loam Another source of Stamina, which is great for your survivability potential.
Ring Devotion of Haste Provides you with additional Haste, which is the best stat for you in this battle.

Up next, we have prepared the list of the Protection Warrior Mage Tower recommended gems that you can see down below. One can change the suggested options with anything that gives you extra Haste. However, these alternatives usually work better than anything:

  • Fierce Illimited Diamond is a number one choice for this spec due to a large Strength and Haste stat increase;
  • Energized Ysemerald should be your primary pick for the rest of the slots. It grants you additional Haste and Versatility stats.

To get geared up quicker, you can always buy stuff at the Auction House. Nonetheless, you will need a bunch of gold for that. Instead of farming it, one can Buy WoW Gold with our company’s help. We guarantee the best market price and can deliver it to any server you play on.

Protection Warrior Mage Tower Best Consumables

Rushing into the fight without having a few consumables prepared in advance will likely lead you to failure. Down below, you can find a list of the most effective consumables you can use for this specialization. Make sure to craft or buy at least a few of them before testing your skill in this challenge:

  1. Greater Flask of the Undertow gives you a ton of additional Strength for a long period of time;
  2. Boralus Blood Sausage can be used to gain extra secondary stats;
  3. Astral Healing Potion is your lifesaver in case your HP level drops too low;
  4. Potion of Unbridled Fury immensely boosts your DPS and also procs your rings that sync with Fire damage.


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Protection Warrior Mage Tower Best Talent Build

With the updated Dragonflight talent system, a lot of amateur players have no idea what talent setup to choose. There are so many options to choose from that it will take weeks to experiment with the available builds. To save your time, we have prepared the optimal Protection Warrior Mage Tower 11.1 talent build you can see down below.

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Before you get access to all the talents you see in the screenshot, you need to reach level 80. If you wish to do this faster, you can buy our WoW Powerleveling services where our pro players will get your character boosted in a blink of an eye.

Inquisitor Variss Fight Strategy

By reading the next two sections of the article, you will learn helpful Protection Warrior Mage Tower tips that can save your life and help win this battle. After you enter the arena, you will face off against Inquisitor Variss first. He will also summon 3 different mob types to assist him. Be aware of his Aura of Decay and Life Drain abilities. Make sure you never have more than 5 stacks of his first ability. Besides, you want to interrupt his second spell ASAP or he will restore his HP to the maximum.

During this stage, you will also have to slay Tormenting Eye, Smoldering Infernal, and Nether Horror. The first two mobs are relatively easy to deal with since they do not have that much HP. Nonetheless, the eye can be really annoying because of his Inquisitive Stare ability. 

One can dodge its effect if you look directly at him when the cast ends. Otherwise, you will be knocked away and can fall off the platform. Besides, this mob is immune to physical damage, which is a true pain for this specialization.

As for the infernal, you just need to stay away from his Smash or you can also be kicked out of the arena. Thanks to his Fel Resonation, he will deal decent damage himself, which makes it easier for you to kill this mob.

Finally, we have the last mob who is always trying to focus Velen. Therefore, he should be your primary target right after he spawns.

If you still wonder how to do the Mage Tower as Protection Warrior, you just want to stay on the platform and watch what debuffs you are suffering from. Also, do not forget to protect your loyal allies who help you in this fight.

Highlord Kruul Fight Strategy

After Stage 2 starts, Highlord Kruul will be your next primary target. His core abilities to be aware of are Annihilate, Netherstomp, and Twisted Reflection. The first one works as a debuff and increases the damage you take from the boss. You can get rid of this ability’s stacks by picking up Holy Ward. His Netherstomp is relatively easy to doge. However, it can kick you out of the platform if you get hit by it.

Still, his main ability to be afraid of is Twisted Reflection. You should interrupt it right after the cast start or the boss will quickly restore his HP to the maximum. One also wants to stay away from purple beams that will appear from time to time around the arena. They greatly slow you down and start pushing you off the platform.

If you wonder whether a possible Protection Warrior Mage Tower nerf can happen, it is unlikely. This specialization is definitely strong yet it cannot be called overpowered. If you enjoy playing it, go ahead and try it out in this challenge.

Protection Warrior Mage Tower Rewards

Defeating both bosses means you have completed the encounter. After that, you will be teleported back to your original location. There, you will receive a unique Protection Warrior Mage Tower appearance that you can check out in the screenshot below.

If you are a truly skillful player, you can test your skills in all other challenges. Passing all 7 of them will get you Soaring Spelltome. The latter is a unique ground mount that looks like an open book your character stands on to soar over the ground.

If you wish to collect all the rewards ASAP, you can always count on our World of Warcraft Boosting services. By ordering it, you can be sure our pro players will complete any challenge for you in the fastest time possible.


Fellow heroes, this marks the end of our guide. We hope you have learned a lot about the Protection Warrior Mage Tower gameplay and are now ready to test your skills in the actual fight. Make sure to stay with us, as we will keep updating the article if any changes occur.


What reward do Protection Warriors get from Timewalking Mage Tower?

In most cases, all players hunt for a class-specific transmong set we have described above.

What are the best Protection Warrior talents for Mage Tower?

Check out a separate paragraph earlier in the article. There, you can find a ready-made talent build that works best for this encounter.

How do you increase damage as Protection Warrior in Mage Tower?

Watch your Rage meter and use it wisely to maximize your damage output. 

Is Protection Warrior good for Mage Tower?

It is definitely one of the most efficient specializations you can pick for this challenge. If you enjoy its playing style, you should absolutely try it out yourself.

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