Restoration Druid Mage Tower Guide - The War Within 11.1

By reading this guide, you will learn every detail concerning Restoration Druid Mage Tower gameplay in WoW The War Within. It includes BiS gear, the optimal talent build, available rewards, and more.

Read Our Restoration Druid Mage Tower Guide

By reading this guide, you will learn everything you need to know about the Restoration Druid Mage Tower The War Within gameplay. The provided information includes tips and tricks you can use to defeat the boss with minimum attempts. Besides, we will share a few pieces of advice concerning BiS gear and a possible talent build. We can assure you that after reading this article to the end, you will complete the challenge with no problem.

Restoration Druid Mage Tower Challenge Info

To see what challenge awaits you in the Mage Tower when playing as Restoration Druid, talk to War Councilor Victoria who is located at Deliverance Point. If you have Dalaran Hearthstone, you can reduce traveling time, as the required destination is 2 minutes away from Dalaran. Once you are there, find the NPC and you will be teleported to the platform where the fight starts.

The End of the Risen Threat encounter is designed specifically for healing specializations. Unlike in other challenges, you are not fighting all alone this time. You will have several NPCs helping you out during the entire battle. Your main enemy is Lord Erdris Thorn whom you are going to fight once you reach the final stage. Before that, you will have to deal with dozens of enemies, each having its unique abilities and mechanics.

To test your healing skills, you will need to keep Commander Jarod Shadowsong, Granny Marl, and Callie Carrington alive throughout the fight. If any of your allies die, you will have to start the challenge from the beginning. At the same time, you will need to catch the opportunity to deal extra damage to help your party members clear out certain stages faster.

The entire challenge consists of 7 phases and is considered one of the toughest ones currently existing in the game. It may take you hundreds of attempts before you succeed in this encounter. To make your life easier, we have prepared the Restoration Druid Mage Tower strategy for you. By following it, you can outbattle the boss quicker and save tons of time.

If you are not ready to invest so much time practicing, you can always rely on our assistance. By ordering our Timewalking & Mage Tower Boost services, our professional players will gladly help you complete any challenge. All you are left to do is enjoy your well-deserved rewards and continue exploring WoW TWW further.

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Best Gear for Restoration Druid Mage Tower

The Mage Tower challenge is one of those activities where your top-rank gear does not play a too huge role. To complete the encounter successfully, you are to be a true master of your specialization and play it well. Besides, the game’s creators implemented a certain set of rules concerning this challenge back in the Legion expansion.

No matter what equipment you are wearing, its ilvl will be lowered to 120 for the time of the challenge. On top of that, your character’s level will also be decreased to 45. These rules make all players participating in this encounter more or less equal. Besides, you cannot fully rely on your high-rank gear during the Restoration Druid Timewalking Mage Tower challenge, as the provided bonus is not that high. Instead, you want to prioritize certain stats that will help you the most.

In most cases, you want to focus on Haste and Mastery stats. If you have some gear parts that provide you with extra Critical Strike, it is also good since you will have a higher chance of doubling the amount of healing you do. Of course, take anything that grants you Intellect, as it is your main stats and is valued over anything else.

If you are looking for the most powerful Restoration Druid Mage Tower gear, we have prepared the following table for you. It contains equipment parts from the latest expansion. All of them are lootable from Raid and Mythic+ bosses. However, none of the mentioned items are mandatory to pass the encounter since they only slightly increase your chances of winning the fight. Your success mostly depends on your personal skills and knowing your spec’s mechanics. BLOG20

Farming a Mythic+ set instead of this one is usually not worth it. This will take too much and will not provide you with a too noticeable boost. However, if you still consider this a good idea, we can help you with that. By ordering our Mythic Carry services, our professional players will clear out any dungeon for you. It will take minimum time and the result is guaranteed.

Another source of main and secondary stats is Restoration Druid Mage Tower trinkets you can wear. On top of that, some of them provide you with helpful on-use abilities that can influence the outcome of the battle.

To get the required items, you are to focus on Raiding content. However, we can help you speed up this process. Check out our WoW Raid Boost services where our pro players slay any boss for you. We offer reasonable prices and guarantee the result. You will get the desired loot in a blink of an eye to ensure you pass the challenge with no problem.

Restoration Druid Mage Tower Best Enchants & Gems

In this section of our Restoration Druid Mage Tower guide, we would like to discuss the choice of enchantments and gems. They allow you to deal higher damage and boost your healing potential as well. To make it more convenient for you, we have made up the following list containing the best enchants for this specialization.

Equipment Slot Best Alternative Provided Bonus
Weapon Sophic Devotion Gives you additional Intellect, which can never be extra.
Cloak Regenerative Leech Allows you to restore a small part of your HP just by healing your allies.
Chest Waking Stats Greatly boosts your Intellect stat.
Bracers Devotion of Leech Works in the same way as the cloak’s enchant does.
Legs Temporal Spellthread Provides you with extra Intellect and increases your Mana pool.
Boots Watcher’s Loam Grants you a bit of Stamina allowing you to live longer.
Ring Devotion of Haste Slightly boosts your Haste stats to cast spells quicker and more often.

Up next, we have prepared the list of the Restoration Druid Mage Tower recommended gems that can make your life easier during this challenge. In most cases, the suggested alternatives work best and should not be changed with other options:

  • Fierce Illimited Diamond is a perfect source of Intellect and Haste stats, both are vitally important for this encounter;
  • Keen Ysemerald or Crafty Ysemerald should be your pick to fill the rest of the slots with. The first one provides you with additional Haste and Mastery stats. The second one boosts your Haste and Crit stats.

In most cases, you cannot craft the mentioned items by yourself. It is much easier to buy them from other players. However, you may need quite a bunch of gold for that. You can Buy WoW Gold with our company’s help and get it delivered to the server you play on in a blink of an eye. We offer reasonable prices and guarantee the safety of the provided service.

Restoration Druid Mage Tower Best Consumables

To complete the challenge successfully, you cannot neglect certain consumables. They greatly increase your damaging and healing potential. Besides, you can use some of them to stay alive longer. Here are a few items that you should always have in your backpack before starting the encounter:

  1. Greater Flask of Endless Fathoms significantly boosts your Intellect, which is your primary stat and you can never have too much of it;
  2. Boralus Blood Sausage slightly increases your stats and can be used to restore HP and Mana during the preparation stages;
  3. Astral Healing Potion can help you restore a ton of HP quickly if you get focused too hard;
  4. Potion of Unbridled Fury is a perfect source of additional damage that helps you clear out certain encounter stages way faster. It also procs your rings since it deals Fire damage to your enemies.


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Restoration Druid Mage Tower Best Talent Build

Another crucial step of your preparation for the encounter is the talent setup you choose to use. In this part of our article, we would like to share one of the possible Restoration Druid Mage Tower 11.0.7 talent builds. It balances between strong healing and also lets you deal a decent amount of damage. One can change it according to one's playing style, but this alternative usually works well enough.

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Make sure you have reached level 80 before you try to complete this encounter. Otherwise, you will not have access to all the required talents. If you wish to get your character boosted quicker, you can order our WoW Powerleveling services. We offer fair prices and guarantee the result ASAP.

Lord Erdris Thorn Fight Strategy

After reading this paragraph, you will learn how to do the Mage Tower as Restoration Druid. We will describe the mechanics you are to face during each stage. On top of that, we will share several tips that will allow you not to get wiped by the boss. As we mentioned earlier, the entire challenge consists of 7 phases. Do not be scared, not all of them revolve around fighting an army of mobs. In fact, some of them are designed to allow you to restore HP and Mana after a tough stage.

Let us move on and provide you with Restoration Druid Mage Tower tips that will save your life during each stage. We will also briefly describe each mob’s deadliest ability and its mechanics to prepare you for the fight better.

  • Stage 1

During this phase, you will face off against Corrupted Risen Arbalest, Corrupted Risen Mage, and Corrupted Risen Soldier. They do not have a too wide range of spells to cast. However, you should be aware of Mana Sting that is cast by arbalests since it drains your Mana. It is better to stand behind your ally and let them soak this spell for you.

  • Stage 2

This phase has no enemies to fight with. Instead, you can take your time to restore HP and Mana. On top of that, you can wait for your core abilities to refresh since you will need them soon.

  • Stage 3

This phase is really dangerous, as you will have to fight against four different mob types. Nonetheless, Flickering Eye and Unstable Fel Orb are easy to deal with since they have no deadly mechanics to be aware of. As for Panicked Soul and Damaged Soul, the first one should be dispelled to keep it calm or it may scare you. The second mob should be healed or it will transform into a strong enemy after it dies.

  • Stage 4

This phase works the same as the second one does. Take your time to restore HP and Mana before moving further. It has no time limit, so you can stay there as long as you like.

  • Stage 5

Make sure to heal every Damaged Soul you will see during this phase. If you fail to do this, it will reach the final boss and transform into a powerful enemy right after the next stage starts.

  • Stage 6

You can basically skip this phase if you have managed to heal every Damaged Soul to the full during the previous stage. If not, then you will have to kill it before the final part of the encounter begins.

  • Stage 7

Do not focus on dealing damage to Lord Erdris Thorn, your allies can handle the boss on their own. Instead, make sure you keep them fully healed and alive. Of course, you will have a few opportunities to deal extra damage but this is not your priority. Be aware of the boss’ leap since it does quite a decent amount of damage. Every location he leaps onto will be cursed with a large fel patch that also deals damage if you stand on it.

However, his Ignite Soul is the ability that you should be afraid of. The latter deals damage to your allies equal to your current HP. Therefore, you want to have as little HP as possible when its cast ends. For this, you should stand on the fel patch during the 9-second cast.

Despite being quite a powerful specialization, we are not likely to see any Restoration Druid Mage Tower nerf in the nearest future. If you like this spec’s playing style, go ahead and try it out in the game to see how well you perform in this challenge.

Restoration Druid Mage Tower Rewards

After you defeat the final boss, you will be teleported back to your original location. The challenge is considered to be complete after you receive a unique Restoration Druid Mage Tower appearance that you can see in the screenshot below.

If you feel confident enough and are ready to pass all 7 encounters currently available, you will be rewarded with Soaring Spelltome, a unique ground mount. It looks like an open book your character stands on to soar over the ground.

If you cannot pass the challenge by yourself yet wish to get all the rewards anyway, we have you covered. By ordering our World of Warcraft Boosting services, our pro players will outbattle any boss for you. We offer fair prices and guarantee the fastest completion time.


Fellow heroes, this brings us to the end of the guide. We hope you have learned a lot about the Restoration Druid Mage Tower gameplay and this in-game activity as a whole. Make sure to stay with us, as we will keep updating the article if any changes occur.


What reward do Restoration Druids get from Timewalking Mage Tower?

In most cases, players wish to get nothing but a class-specific transmog set that completely changes the way their characters look.

What are the best Restoration Druid talents for Mage Tower?

Make sure to check out a separate paragraph devoted to what talent build you can use for this encounter. They are all important and complement each other.

How do you increase damage as Restoration Druid in Mage Tower?

This encounter is not really about dealing damage, as your primary goal is to keep all your allies alive. Focus on that task and you will succeed.

Is Restoration Druid good for Mage Tower?

It is one of the strongest healing specs you can complete this challenge with. If you enjoy this specialization’s playing style, make sure to try it out in the game.

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