This time around, we are going to pinpoint attention to the Restoration Shaman Mage Tower The War Within gameplay. It includes not only tips and tricks you can use during the boss fight but also a few pieces of advice concerning the preparation process. For example, we are going to discuss what gear and talent build work best for this encounter when playing this specialization. After reading the article to the end, you will learn everything you need to know about this exciting in-game activity for sure.
Restoration Shaman Mage Tower Challenge Info
To find out what encounter is prepared exactly for your role, you need to talk to War Councilor Victoria first. This NPC is located at Deliverance Point, which is a 2-minute flight from Dalaran. Instead of taking several portals, you can just use Dalaran Hearthstone to shorten your traveling time. After talking to her, you will be teleported to a special arena where the challenge begins.
As a healing specialization, the encounter you are to complete is called End of the Risen Threat. The latter can be roughly split into 7 phases. As you keep reading the guide further, you will find a detailed description of each stage. Since your primary task lies in keeping allies alive, you are not going to be all alone during this battle. There will be three AI NPCs helping you out a lot, every one of them should stay alive or you will have to start the encounter from the beginning.
According to many players, this challenge is one of the toughest currently existing in the game. That is why you are not likely to pass it without thorough preparation. One of the most important steps is to utilize the correct Restoration Shaman Mage Tower strategy and master your spec. Luckily for you, we are here to help you with both of these things and more.
If you have no spare time to practice and just wish to collect the much-desired rewards, we have you covered. Check out our Timewalking & Mage Tower Boost services where our pros can help you complete any challenge. This will take us a minimum time and the result is guaranteed.
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Best Gear for Restoration Shaman Mage Tower
All players are used to the fact that top-tier equipment plays a large role in any PvE activity. However, the Mage Tower is an exception here since it brings a certain set of rules, which has not changed much since the Legion expansion. Some people may find it annoying yet these restrictions are necessary to let players of any level take part in this challenge.
For example, your gear ilvl is temporarily downscaled to 120. No matter what actual ilvl it has, you will not have the same number of stats as usual. It means you will take more damage, deal less, and your spell-casting speed will also be reduced. As for your character’s level, it is lowered to 45 as well.
Being a difficult activity by default and having the above-mentioned restrictions, not all players can actually complete the Restoration Shaman Timewalking Mage Tower challenge. It may take you more than a few hundred attempts before you succeed. Besides, apart from your personal skills, nothing can help you.
The only thing that increases your chances of achieving victory is the correct stat priority. To maximize your healing potential, you want to focus on Haste and Versatility stats. This is not a common priority yet it allows you to deal a decent amount of damage as well. On top of that, you prefer Intellect over anything else since it is your primary stat.
If you do not know what Restoration Shaman Mage Tower gear to equip for all the mentioned stats, we have a ready-made solution for you. All of these items can be looted by killing Raid and Mythic+ bosses. However, they are not mandatory to complete this encounter whatsoever. You can use practically any equipment, just follow the described stat priority presented above. BLOG20
Equipment Slot | Item Name | Source |
Head | Greatwolf Outcast's Jaws | Tindral Sageswift |
Neck | Ouroboreal Necklet | Volcoross |
Shoulders | Greatwolf Outcast's Companions | Smolderon |
Cloak | Inflammable Drapeleaf | Gnarlroot |
Chest | Ancient Haubark | Gnarlroot |
Wrist | Adaptive Dracothyst Armguards | Leatherworking |
Gloves | Greatwolf Outcast's Grips | Igira the Cruel |
Belt | Waistguard of Deteriorating Grace | Waycrest Manor |
Legs | Greatwolf Outcast's Fur-Lined Kilt | Larodar, Keeper of the Flame |
Boots | Venom-Steeped Stompers | Leatherworking |
Ring | Daydreamer's Glimmering Ring | BoE Drop |
Ring | Lord Waycrest's Signet | Waycrest Manor |
Trinket | Pip's Emerald Friendship Badge | Council of Dreams |
Trinket | Echoing Tyrstone | Dawn of the Infinite |
Staff | Dreambinder, Loom of the Great Cycle | Nymue |
Main Hand | Vakash, the Shadowed Inferno | Fyrakk |
Off Hand | Defender of the Ancient | Gnarlroot |
If you prefer Mythic+ content over Raiding, it is also a great choice. In this case, you might be interested in our Mythic Carry services where our pro players can help you clear out any dungeon effortlessly. All you are left to do is to enjoy your loot and keep preparing for the challenge.
Adding a few words concerning Restoration Shaman Mage Tower trinkets, they are a great source of main and secondary stats. On top of that, they provide you with unique on-use abilities, which can help you outbattle practically any foe.
Getting all the described and other items is a tiring and time-consuming process. Instead, you can rely on our WoW Raid Boost services where our pro players defeat any boss for you. We guarantee the best market price and can help you get the required loot in no time.
Restoration Shaman Mage Tower Best Enchants & Gems
Our Restoration Shaman Mage Tower guide includes information not only about large equipment pieces but about smaller ones as well. Therefore, the following paragraph of the article is devoted to the enchantment and gem choice. They will greatly increase your chances of achieving victory and help you deal with enemies easier. To make it more convenient, we have compiled a table containing the most powerful options you can use for this specialization.
Equipment Slot | Best Alternative | Provided Bonus |
Weapon | Sophic Devotion | If this enchant’s effect procs, you get a ton of Intellect for a short period of time. |
Cloak | Regenerative Leech | Allows you to restore your own HP while healing allies. |
Chest | Waking Stats | Significantly boosts your Intellect just by applying this enchant. |
Bracers | Devotion of Leech | Works in the same way as the cloak’s enchant does. |
Legs | Temporal Spellthread | Increases your Intellect and Mana pool. |
Boots | Watcher's Loam | Slightly boosts your Stamina enhancing your survivability rate. |
Ring | Devotion of Haste | Grants you a bit of Haste, which is the state you value most. |
Adding a few words on Restoration Shaman Mage Tower recommended gems, the list looks as follows:
- Fierce Illimited Diamond provides you with a ton of Intellect and Haste, which can never be extra;
- Energized Ysemerald gives you additional Haste and Versatility, both secondary stats are highly valued in this encounter.
To get thoroughly prepared, you will need a large amount of gold. Farming it manually is a time-consuming and boring process. Instead, you can always Buy WoW Gold with our company’s help. We provide the best market price and are ready to deliver it to any server you play on.
Restoration Shaman Mage Tower Best Consumables
To increase your chances of success, it is essential to use specific consumables. They provide you with a significant primary and secondary stat increase. By utilizing these items, you can achieve a considerable DPS boost. This will help you complete the encounter with minimum attempts. The following list of consumables can be acquired either through purchase or crafting:
- Greater Flask of Endless Fathoms is incredibly crucial, as it provides a substantial boost to your Intellect, which is your primary stat and vital for success in battle;
- Boralus Blood Sausage may only slightly increase your stats, but it can be extremely useful for restoring HP and Mana during the preparation stages;
- Astral Healing Potion can save your life when you need to restore a large amount of HP urgently;
- Potion of Unbridled Fury is an excellent tool for dealing additional damage and can help you clear certain encounter stages quicker. Additionally, it procs your rings by dealing Fire damage to your foes.
Restoration Shaman Mage Tower Best Talent Build
Since the Dragonflight expansion has completely changed the way the talent system works, players can now experiment with various setups. Nonetheless, not all of them are worth your attention and suit this particular encounter. If you are looking for the ready-made Restoration Shaman Mage Tower 11.1 talent build, we have you covered. Make sure to try it out in the game to see how it performs.
You can export this setup directly into your game by copying this code:
To unlock all the talents you see in the screenshot, you need to reach the level’s cap first. To speed up this process, you can rely on our WoW Powerleveling services. In this case, our pros will get your character boosted in a blink of an eye.
Lord Erdris Thorn Fight Strategy
By following the instructions outlined in this paragraph, you will find out how to do the Mage Tower as Restoration Shaman. We will provide a detailed breakdown of the mechanics you will face during each stage and share several tips to prevent getting wiped by the boss. While the challenge consists of 7 phases, do not be afraid since not all of them entail fighting an army of mobs. Some stages are specifically designed to allow you to restore HP and Mana after a challenging fight.
All Restoration Shaman Mage Tower tips you will find down below are split into smaller paragraphs for your convenience. On top of that, nothing replaces your patience and practice. This encounter is not about speed and damage dealing. You need to take your time and make up a plan for each phase before entering it.
- Stage 1
The upcoming phase is relatively straightforward yet can be quite vexing. Your objective is to defeat three different add types. The first mob is the most troublesome due to its ranged attacks and its unique talent, which we will describe below. As for the mage, it is a typical ranged mob that poses no significant threat.
Lastly, the soldier is a melee attacker with a considerable amount of HP, and while none of its abilities are particularly dangerous, the arbalest's talent is an exception here. This ability drains your Mana yet can be evaded by positioning yourself behind an ally.
- Stage 2
This phase is restoration one, as you will have no mobs to fight. During it, you can take your time and restore HP/Mana. On top of that, we highly recommend that you wait for your core abilities’ cooldowns to refresh.
- Stage 3
Here, you will face off against four different add types. The first two are not worth your attention since their mechanics are relatively straightforward. Nonetheless, you will fight Panicked Soul and Damaged Soul, each having a unique mechanic to play around. The first mob should be dispelled or it will fear you. This will make you run in a random direction while taking a lot of damage. The second one should be healed to full or it will evolve into a powerful enemy and try to destroy you.
- Stage 4
This phase works in a similar way as the second one does. You just wait for your main abilities’ cooldowns to restore and move further.
- Stage 5
Your primary objective during this phase is to heal every Damaged Soul you encounter. The number of mobs you will face in the next stage can be reduced by healing as many of them as possible to full HP.
- Stage 6
Assuming you have successfully healed all the mobs from the previous phase, you can essentially bypass this phase and proceed directly to fighting the boss.
- Stage 7
During the fight with Lord Erdris Thorn, you can be sure your allies can deal enough damage on their own. You can completely focus on keeping them fully healed. Avoiding the boss' leap is also crucial, as it not only inflicts significant damage but also creates a harmful fel patch wherever he lands.
The boss' main ability is Ignite Soul, which can potentially wipe out your entire team by dealing damage equal to your current HP to all party members. When he begins casting this ability, you will have a 9-second window to reduce your HP to the minimum to reduce the possible damage. It is critical to execute this maneuver correctly and promptly. Otherwise, you will have to start the encounter from the very beginning.
As for a Restoration Shaman Mage Tower nerf, this specialization definitely does not deserve it. In fact, it may use a sort of buff since it is not the most widespread spec to play. Still, it is fun and if you enjoy its playing style, you can give it a shot in this challenge.
Restoration Shaman Mage Tower Rewards
After you are done with the final boss, you will be returned to your original location. There, you will receive a unique Restoration Shaman Mage Tower appearance. We have attached a screenshot of it below for your convenience.
If you are a really skillful player, you can try to complete all 7 encounters currently added to the game. Succeeding in it grants you Soaring Spelltome, an extraordinary ground mount. One can only receive it in this challenge. It looks like an open book your character stands on to fly over the ground.
If you are stuck at the encounter’s certain stage or simply wish to get all the rewards quicker, we have the solution for you. Make sure to check out our World of Warcraft Boosting services where our professional players can easily complete any challenge for you. We offer fair prices and guarantee the result.
Fellow heroes, this brings us to the end of the guide. We hope you enjoyed reading our article and learned a lot from it. We wish you good luck in testing your skills and hunting for the rewards you like. Make sure to stay with us, as we will keep updating this article if any changes occur.
What reward do Restoration Shamans get from Timewalking Mage Tower?
Defeating the final boss means you have completed the encounter. The most desired reward is definitely a class-specific transmog set we talked about earlier.
What are the best Restoration Shaman talents for Mage Tower?
To find out what talents prove to be the strongest, you need to check a separate paragraph in our article. It contains the optimal talent setup for this specialization to pass this challenge.
How do you increase damage as Restoration Shaman in Mage Tower?
As a healer, this is not your priority task. Instead, make sure that all your AI allies stay fully healed.
Is Restoration Shaman good for Mage Tower?
While it is not the most popular pick for this encounter, it still performs well enough. If you enjoy this spec’s playing style, do not hesitate to give it a try.