Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris Guide: Rotation, Tips and Useful Info
Hello, Guardians. Even if you are not into Destiny’s PvP, there is a very high possibility you have heard about Trials of Osiris Destiny 2. Mostly curses, I bet. However, despite all the frustration that this extremely competitive PvP mode has to offer, it does bring joy and some of the best weapons in the game. And some really fancy threads, too.
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Anyway, the thing is – ToS has some very complicated features that you, aspiring Flawless, should probably know. Features that this guide will try to break down in the easiest manner possible. When ToS rotation starts again in December, make sure to check on this guide again as we will update it. So let’s get started with some basics!
This Week’s Rotation
This week's ToS gun is Burden of Guilt! Great Kinetic Fusion rifle, capable of being the best kinetic weapon in both PvE and PvP. Check out our offer, we have god rolls available for purchase!
Trials of Osiris Destiny 2 Availability
Destiny 2 how to unlock Trials? For starters, let’s talk about timing, because timing is always important. What time does Trials of Osiris start? Unlike Crucible or Gambit, the Trials of Osiris is a limited time offer, available only on Friday Evening (7:00 pm) and until Weekly Reset on Tuesday (7:00 pm) during specific weeks. When does Trials of Osiris start, and when does Trials of Osiris end? For example, Season of Plunder’s ToS Schedule looked like this:
- September 16–20;
- September 23–27;
- September 30–October 4;
- October 7–11;
- October 14–18;
- October 21–25;
- October 28–November 1;
- November 11–15;
Intermissions between ToS weeks are usually dedicated to Iron Banner, other “new content like raids, or Season’s first week. So there is no “best time to play Trials of Osiris,” just start when they will become available! Next ToS week’s date is still unconfirmed, but chances are it is sometime during the second week of December, so stay tuned!
How to Get Access to Trials of Osiris
This is end-game PvP content, did you expect to just jump in? Nah, there is a huge quest thing going on here before you will be able to enter ToS. BLOG20
Remember Saint – 14, that huge pigeon-lover hanging out in the Hangar? Yes, the one who admitted to committing war crimes during the Season of the Splicer. If it is ToS week, he will give you the “Trials Access” quest, which consists of numerous stages:
- Reach a specific power level, so-called “soft cap” (for the Season of Plunder it was 1580+);
- Reach Valor rank “Mythic III” (takes approximately 3 to 4 days of Crucible sweating);
Note: Glory rank and Valor rank are two different things. The first one is about competitive matchmaking, the second one is upgraded through playing Crucible matches.
- Defeat 50 Opponents in Elimination Crucible mode (about 2 to 3 days to complete).
Once you are done with these objectives – you are free to start looking for competent Fireteam, and if you already have a couple of friends waiting for your call, then it is time to purchase a Passage. Wait, what are those?
Passages and What They Do
So, imagine you are buying a ticket to the movies and there are several options you can choose from. The first one gives you additional leg space, and the other offers a free soda/popcorn or maybe a sweet spot not too far or too close to the screen. These are basically passages – a ticket that allows you to enter ToS + a specific benefit that comes with it. There are 5 Passages in total:
- Passage of Wisdom: Increased amount of Experience gained from ToS matches;
Note: Passage of Wisdom’s EXP multiplayer scales with a number of wins.
- Passage of Wealth: Increased amount of tokens gained from ToS matches;
- Passage of Mercy: Allows you to lose one match before resetting your win streak;
- Passage of Ferocity: Gives you one free win after three consecutive victories;
- Passage of Confidence: Flawless chest grants bonus rewards.
Quite a choice, right? Our advice is quite simple, if you are new to the Trials of Osiris and still testing the waters, then Passage of Ferocity or Passage of Mercy are your best friends. That one additional win or forgiven loss can save your inexperienced Fireteam a lot of sweat. And if you are quite certain that your mates are basically PvP gods – Passage of Wealth or Passage of Confidence are your pick.
Every Passage costs 15 Legendary Shards and 25 000 Glimmer, and can be purchased directly from Saint – 14. Only one Passage can be in your inventory at a time.
And do not forget, you will need to purchase the latest expansion to be able to play ToS. Currently, it is The Witch Queen, with Lightfall coming in February 2023.
Trials of Osiris: How It Is Different from Elimination. Trials’ Flawless Pool.
Now to the more intricate stuff. The reason ToS is so infamous and difficult is its mechanics. What is Trials of Osiris? Back in OG Destiny, Trials were a modification for Elimination mode. Now, however, it has several notable differences:
- The map stays the same for every match and change weekly;
- Each round lasts 1 minute and 30 seconds. 5 rounds are required to win;
- Revive timers are prolonged;
- 3rd person emotes are locked into 1st person (to diminish picking over the
corners); - Swords can not be used without ammo;
- Different matchmaking system.
This last one requires some clarification, folks were asking us “when does flawless matchmaking start” a lot. When you buy a Passage from Saint – 14, it starts tracking how many wins or loses you have. ToS matchmaking system tries to put you against opponents with the same number of wins or loses.
It is no secret, though, that this system is deeply flawed, throwing you against some really op teams from time to time. Another important thing is Flawless Pool. It is another matchmaking mechanic that becomes available every Sunday, putting Flawless player to compete against other Flawless players, allowing flawed players to fight each other in the more fair surroundings.
If you got Flawless at least one time during the event – you get thrown into that Flawless pool till Tuesday reset.
Going Flawless: The Lighthouse and “Flawless” Seal
We have been throwing that word around a lot, but what exactly does it mean? What are Destiny 2 Flawless Trials? How to play Trials of Osiris to become Flawless? Going Flawless means winning seven Trials games without a single loss. Flawless players are put into a Flawless matchmaking pool, granted access to The Lighthouse – a unique hub area with a set of very sweet rewards.
The Lighthouse’s chest drops the following Destiny 2 Flawless rewards:
- Ascendant Shards;
- Adept Weapon Modes;
- Adept variant of a Trials Weapon;
- Stat based Armor Piece.
After entering the Lighthouse, you are welcome to claim your well-deserved loot. Getting that fancy “Flawless” title next to your nickname for all to see will be much harder, though. Just like all other seals, “Flawless” requires you to complete several difficult ToS-related tasks, and all of them are quite complex:
- Confidence is High: Complete Flawless while using Passage of Confidence. This one requires excellent communication and skill, especially if you are on PC – cheaters are always there to ruin your win streak.
- Safe Harbour: After entering the Lighthouse at least once, assist 3 other players in going Flawless as well. Considering that ToS Fireteams consists of three Guardians, completing “Safe Harbour” means winning 7 matches in the row at leat two times.
- Guardian of the Lighthouse: Win 15 matches on the ticket after reaching Flawless. Which basically means winning 15 more matches, but in a very short amount of time and while in the Flawless pool.
- This is the Way: Go Flawless on 6 different maps. ToS maps rotate each week, unlike the Crucible, where every new match means a new, randomized map. This task is probably one of the most tedious ones, due to it requiring you completing Flawless several weeks in the row.
- All the Roads to Victory: This one will also take some time to accomplish. All the Roads to Victory requires you to win 10 matches while using each one of 5 passages at least ones, so buckle up. Good news is, wins can have some space in between them and do not need to be consecutive. Your progress is tracked on your account, and you can jump off or in ToS any time you want.
Now, there is such thing as “Gilding” in Destiny 2. It basically means upgrading your seal and title and getting it to another level. All in all, it is just another set of difficult ToS related tasks:
- Lighthouse Warrior: Eliminate 180 Guardians. This one is quite straight-forward. Aim to have at least a few guaranteed kills while completing other Gilded tasks, and you will be fine.
- Light for the Lost: Carry two guardians to the Lighthouse for their first time ever while having “Light of the Lost” emblem equipped. You can get the emblem from your first Flawless Chest. If you for some reason dismantled it – just reclaim it from your “Collections” tab for a small pile of Glimmer.
- Flawless Empyrean: Win 7 matches after going Flawless while having “Flawless Empyrean” emblem equipped. Same thing as with “Light of the Lost”, your loses are not tracked, so play to your heart content. If, for some reason, you dismantled “Flawless Empyrean” emblem – just reclaim it from your “Collections” tab for a small pile of Glimmer.
- Guardian, I Have a Gift For You: Receive approximately 80+ rewards from Saint-14. Everything that Saint-14 gives you counts towards this task.
- Exotic Passage: Complete a Flawless Passage while having a Seasonal Exotic equipped. Season 18th Exotics include Touch of Malice Pulse Rifle and Delicate Tomb Fusion Rifle. Season Pass include one free Delicate Tomb, so it might be your best choice. Touch of Malice can be acquired from King’s Fall Raid’s Last Boss.
To complete these, trials practice quest in Destiny 2 is your main task.
Trials of Osiris Loot Pool and Adept Weapons
ToS has four different loot sources:
- Flawless Chest;
- Pinnacle Weeklies;
- Saint 14’s Rewards;
- Passages.
Your main source of Trials of Osiris weapons and D2 Trials of Osiris Armor will be Saint-14’s engrams and Passages. There are also some minor rewards acquired after some ToS stages, although these are minor. Trials Engrams can be focused at Saint-14 to guarantee specific armor pieces or weapons. Focusing a Trials Engram costs 20,000 Glimmer and 100 Legendary Shards. If you reached The Lighthouse and did not receive the Adept weapon of your choice, then you can focus a Trials Engram to get this particular weapon, but it will cost a bit more: 50,000 Glimmer and 250 Legendary Shards.
Now let’s go through all the Trials of Osiris gear you can get from either Saint-14 or other ToS related sources.
Saint-14’s Reputation Rewards:
Rank Up | Trials Engram |
Division Rank-Up | Prime Trials Engram |
4th Rank | 2 Upgrade Modules |
7th Rank | 7 Enchancement Prisms |
10th Rank | New Trials Weapon |
13th Rank | 2 Upgrade Modules |
16th Rank | New Trials Weapon |
16th Rank Completed | 1 Accendant Shard |
All in all, Trials’ ranks and Trials drop work similarly to the Crucible.
Trials Engrams:
Aisha's Embrace | Void Scour Eifle |
Burden of Guilt | Stasis Fusion Rifle |
Eye of Sol | Kinetic Sniper Rifle |
Forgiveness | Arc Sidearm |
The Inquisitor | Arc Shotgun |
Reed's Regret | Stasis Linear Fusion Rifle |
Sola's Scar | Solar Sword |
The Summoner | Solar Auto Rifle |
Whistler's Whim | Kinetic Bow |
And remember, Trials’ Loot means only a number of guns being in rotation. Now, about Adept Version. Each ToS gun has an Adept Version, which is basically a better and fancier version of it. You can acquire an Adept Version either from The Lighthouse chest or after each additional win once you go Flawless. List also includes Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris armor. Stop googling “how many trials tokens for engram”, the number you are looking for is 20. Also, if you are asking how to get Trials of Osiris armor, then engrams is your best bet.
Trials of Osiris Ranks look like this:
- Guardian I:
- Guardian II: 0 - 50;
- Guardian III: 50 - 125;
- Brave I: 125 - 250;
- Brave II: 250 - 500;
- Brave III: 500 - 950;
- Heroic I: 950 - 1550;
- Heroic II: 1550 - 1925;
- Heroic III: 1925 - 2525;
- Fabled I: 2525 - 3350;
- Fabled II: 3350 - 3875;
- Fabled III: 3875 - 4650;
- Mythic I: 4650 - 5700;
- Mythic II: 5700 - 6450;
- Mythic III: 6450 - 7525;
- Legend: 7525 - 9000;
Q: How do I get better at Trials of Osiris?
A: Check the internet for best PvP guns and current meta. You are also welcome to check our Xur Drop guide, as sometimes our friendly Agent of the Nine has some really nice PvP gear.
Q: What happens if you win 7 times in Trials of Osiris?
A: You get the access to the Lighthouse and special rewards. Check the corresponding part of this article for more info!
Q: Which passage is best for Trials of Osiris?
A: Passage of Mercy or Passage of Ferocity are your best picks if you are just getting started. Passage of Confidence is your best friend if you have a reliable team. Check the corresponding part of this article for more info!
Q: How do I prepare for Trials of Osiris?
A: Check PvP guides with the fresh Trials of Osiris tips for year 3 and current meta, and test yourself in the Elimination mode of the Crucible. Also check what is the best gear for Trials of Osiris!
Q: What do you get from Trials of Osiris?
A: Check our loot table and this week’s rotation for more info!
Q: What is the 3 win reward for Trials of Osiris?
A: Threshold rule no longer applies in D2 Trials of Osiris. You will get Trial Engrams for rank-ups, but nothing else.
Q: What is the Trials of Osiris weapon this week?
A: Check the beginning of the article. We will upgrade it every rotation!
Q: What do you get for 7 wins in trials?
A: Best weapons for Trials of Osiris year 3! Also: Ascendant Shards, Adept Weapon Modes, Adept variant of a Trials Weapon, Stat based Armor Piece.