Beast Mastery Hunter Guide - The War Within 11.1

Welcome to our ultimate WoW The War Within Beast Mastery guide. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned player, our guide has got you covered. We will walk you through the basics, from understanding your abilities to delving into the intricacies of secondary stats and talent configurations. With our expert tips and tricks, you will become a seasoned pro in no time. Plus, our guides are constantly updated to keep you up to date with any changes implemented by the game developers.

Read Our Beast Mastery Hunter Guide

Greetings, pet enthusiasts! Are you ready to dominate every challenge that comes your way in World of Warcraft as a Beast Master? Look no further than our all-inclusive WoW The War Within Beast Mastery Hunter guide, packed with essential information to help you succeed. We'll guide you through every aspect of playing as a Beast Mastery Hunter, from mastering abilities and talents to acquiring the right equipment and consumables. 

Our guide also includes tips on how to improve your gameplay and answers to frequently asked questions. Whether you're a seasoned player or a newbie, we have something for you. 

If you're familiar with the specialization, feel free to skip ahead to the section that interests you the most. However, if you're new to the game, we recommend reading our guide from start to finish. Let's embark on this journey together and become the ultimate Beast Mastery Hunter!

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Beast Mastery Hunter Pros and Cons

Every specialization in World of Warcraft has its own set of strengths and weaknesses, and the Beast Mastery Hunter is no exception. It's crucial to familiarize yourself with these attributes beforehand, so you know what to expect if you decide to switch to the Beast Mastery specialization.

The Beast Mastery Hunter is a potent class that should not be underestimated. They possess several advantages that make them a formidable force to be reckoned with:

  • Unrestricted movement is a major advantage of the Beast Mastery Hunter, allowing you to dish out damage while on the move.
  • In addition, this specialization is highly valued in dungeon groups due to its excellent crowd control, Primal Rage, and Tranquilizing Shot abilities.
  • It also performs well when tackling solo content, whether it's old or new.
  • The Beast Mastery Hunter is equipped with an immunity feature, Aspect of the Turtle, and several effective defensive buttons that can be used in emergencies.
  • Its single-target damage output is also competitive.

However, it's worth noting that the Beast Mastery Hunter does have some limitations

  • The pet AI isn't flawless and can get stuck in certain raids and dungeons. This issue can be frustrating to deal with and requires you to dismiss and summon your pet again.
  • The specialization's ability to damage multiple targets that aren't stacked is also limited, and it lacks significant burst damage.
  • Furthermore, it's not very strong against rot damage and doesn't possess passive defensiveness.
  • Lastly, while it does bring some utility to raids, it doesn't offer anything particularly unique compared to other specializations.

The best way to fully explore the capabilities of any specialization is by playing it at the maximum level. But starting from scratch can be intimidating and can take up a significant amount of time, especially if you don't already have a level 80 Beast Mastery Hunter. Thankfully, there is a simple and effective solution available.

Our The War Within Leveling service is the perfect solution for this issue. Our team of expert players will quickly level up your character to the cap, allowing you to focus on honing your skills and mastering the Beast Mastery Hunter specialization. We offer reasonable prices and a guarantee of successful results, making this service an ideal option for any WoW player.

Beast Mastery Hunter Basics

Beast Mastery Hunter in 11.1 is an exceptional choice for players seeking a class that offers a unique and well-defined fantasy. By utilizing a mix of animal companions, this specialization excels at obliterating enemies. Its strong pet-based identity, coupled with its versatile and mobile ranged DPS capabilities, make it an appealing choice for any player looking for a challenge. BLOG20

One of the primary advantages of the Beast Mastery specialization is its remarkable mobility. It is the only ranged DPS specialization in the game that can dish out 100% of its damage while moving, without any limitations (except for Wailing Arrow). This makes it particularly useful in any kind of PvE content, allowing players to deal with mechanics or handle any situation without losing out on valuable damage, something that no other ranged DPS can match.

Beast Mastery Hunter Core Abilities

Focus is a valuable resource that hunters and their animal companions use in combat, similar to Rage and Energy for other classes. Some abilities grant Focus, while others require it to be used.

  • One of the primary abilities that utilize Focus is Kill Command, which commands the pet to launch an immediate attack dealing moderate damage at a moderate cost of Focus.
  • Meanwhile, Cobra Shot deals a smaller amount of Physical Damage but has a lower cooldown than Kill Command and reduces its cooldown by one second. This ability serves as a filler spell.
  • Multi-Shot is another Focus-based ability that deals minor physical damage to all nearby enemies at a moderate cost, but it's not very effective on its own without the aid of Beast Cleave.
  • Barbed Shot is a crucial ability in Beast Mastery Hunter rotation. It applies a bleed effect on the target and grants the pet a stacking 30% attack speed buff for eight seconds, up to three times. Moreover, it replenishes a small amount of Focus over the same period.
  • Bestial Wrath is the primary cooldown ability that boosts the damage of both the hunter and their pet by 25% for 15 seconds. Additionally, it makes the pet immune to crowd control effects.
  • Aspect of the Turtle is a defensive ability that provides an eight-second window for hunters to deflect attacks and reduces damage taken by 30%. However, hunters can't attack during this duration.

It's worth noting that this is not an exhaustive list of Beast Mastery Hunter abilities. It's essential for players to carefully review their spellbook and become familiar with additional rotational skills and cooldowns. Knowing when to use them effectively is crucial for success in challenging content. While practicing on target dummies can be helpful, it's vital to eventually take on more challenging encounters to fully test your abilities.

Mythic+ dungeons are an excellent way to put your skills to the test while earning valuable gear. However, running these dungeons with random groups can be stressful, especially for tanks who are trying to gear up and improve their M+ score. Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem. Our Mythic Carry services allow players to team up with our professional players, who will successfully clear any The War Within dungeon for them. This guarantees success and provides players with valuable gear and a boost to their M+ score, which can significantly benefit them in future adventures.

Beast Mastery Hunter Stat Priority

Let's now focus on the Beast Mastery Hunter stats. The following are the secondary stats that the Beast Mastery Hunter utilizes:

  • Critical Strike: Besides dealing additional damage, crit also affects the Wild Call mechanic, which resets the Barbed Shot cooldown. It also works with the Piercing Fangs and Improved Kill Shot talents. Furthermore, your pets inherit your critical strike chance.
  • Haste: Haste boosts your passive focus regeneration and decreases the cooldown of Barbed Shot and Kill Command. It also increases the auto attack speed of both you and your pets, resulting in more Wild Call procs. Additionally, Haste lowers the global cooldown time, making your rotation smoother. Your pets inherit your Haste to enhance their attack speed.
  • Mastery: This stat provides a simple damage boost to all your pets, including talents that summon any type of beast, such as A Murder of Crows and Dire Beast. It also includes AoE damage that your pets inflict, such as Stomp and Beast Cleave.
  • Versatility: This stat amplifies all damage dealt and reduces the damage received. It's particularly beneficial when using traits and trinkets that deal direct damage.

As a Beast Mastery Hunter, Agility is your top priority stat. As a result, you should typically aim for higher item level gear that provides more Agility. However, it's always a good idea to use simulation tools to ensure the best setup for your character. This same concept applies to weapons since Weapon DPS is crucial, making the weapon's item level more important than its secondary stats. Your stat priority is as follows:

  1. Weapon DPS;
  2. Agility;
  3. Haste/Mastery/Critical Strike;
  4. Versatility.

As you can see, Haste, Mastery, and Critical Strike are all relatively similar in priority. Generally, your secondary stat priority is "anything but Versatility." This priority applies to all forms of content.

This guide offers a valuable starting point for assessing whether an item is an upgrade for your character. However, as you gain more experience, it's recommended to use a character simulator to determine the precise value of an item's stats, as the relative importance of each stat can change as you acquire new gear. While simulating your character is the most precise method for evaluating upgrades, in most situations, prioritizing higher item level gear will be sufficient. It's also a good idea to periodically check your stat priority to ensure that you're using items that align with your preferred playstyle.

Best Beast Mastery Hunter PvE Builds

The War Within has implemented a new and improved talent system, providing increased flexibility for character customization and allowing the creation of multiple builds. This system encourages experimentation and offers better adaptability for different encounters, which was the developers' goal.

By utilizing the talent builds described below and saving them in your templates, your Beast Mastery Hunter will be well-prepared to handle any situation in World of Warcraft. It's essential to keep in mind, however, that success is not solely dependent on having the right talent build. While Beast Mastery Hunters are known for their ability to solo, teamwork is frequently required to achieve success in a world of lengthy raid queues, abrupt key departures, and frustrating PUG experiences. If you're seeking to expedite your progress, Our The War Within Boost offers a variety of services that are sure to meet your needs.

Beast Mastery Hunter Raid Build

The primary focus of this build is to maximize single-target damage output while also incorporating various utility options. The inclusion of the Dire Pack talent provides additional opportunities for Kill Commands, enhancing offensive capabilities. Defensive talents primarily emphasize personal defenses and mobility, as other utility options may not be as beneficial in single-target scenarios.

To implement this build, copy and paste the provided string below into your game:


Beast Mastery Hunter Mythic+ Build

The following build is designed to excel in Mythic+ dungeons while also containing some single-target capabilities. It incorporates several utility abilities, including Tranquilizing Shot, Wailing Arrow, and Intimidation, which can prove to be especially advantageous in dungeon runs. However, depending on the dungeon or personal preferences, some abilities may not be as useful and can be replaced with other viable options.

To implement this build, copy and paste the text provided below into your game:


Best Beast Mastery Hunter PvP Build

At present, the meta heavily favors Beast Mastery Hunters due to their exceptional performance. Their single-target sustained damage output is among the best in the game, and they also possess unparalleled mobility, making them difficult for melee classes to engage with. The Hunter's pets are the primary source of damage for Beast Mastery Hunters, which enables them to continue dealing substantial damage even while crowd-controlled. Additionally, their toolkit includes abilities such as Disengage for kiting enemy teams and Freezing Trap for locking down enemy healers.

In case you're seeking a talent setup optimized for PvP, the following build is highly recommended:

Import string:


When it comes to PvP, having the right talents can make all the difference. Some talents are essential for any Hunter looking to make an impact, while others are more situational depending on the opponent you're facing. Here are some of the talents you should consider:

Essential PvP Talents:

  • Roar of Sacrifice is a powerful defensive cooldown that instructs your pet to protect a friendly target from critical strikes. Although 20% of the damage taken by the target is transferred to your pet, this ability prevents critical strikes from landing on your ally. With a short cooldown of only 1 minute, this ability can be a lifesaver when your healer is stuck in crowd control.
  • Survival Tactics is a must-have talent when you're facing classes that deal damage over time (DoTs) such as Affliction Warlocks, Shadow Priests, and Balance Druids. This talent allows Feign Death to remove all harmful magical effects and reduce incoming damage by 99% for 1.5 seconds. It's an excellent way to reduce the enemy's overall damage and help your healer dispel harmful effects. You can also use this talent to interrupt incoming spells that are being cast on you.

Situational PvP Talents:

  • Kindred Beasts is a versatile PvP talent that can come in handy in a variety of situations. This talent reduces the cooldown of important pet abilities such as Master's Call, which can be useful when you need to break out of crowd control.
  • Chimaeral Sting is another great situational talent that can help your team gain an edge. This ability has three different effects that switch after three seconds. First, it reduces the movement speed of the target, then it silences them. Finally, it reduces the damage and healing that the target can do. This talent is perfect if your team needs additional slows or crowd control.
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Beast Mastery Hunter Best in Slot Gear

In the world of Azeroth, there are numerous ways to acquire gear, ranging from raids and Mythic+ dungeons to the Crafting Order system. Consequently, the concept of BiS (Best-in-Slot) gear has lost some of its significance. Nevertheless, many players still enjoy pursuing a specific list of items as their primary motivation for engaging in WoW content.

It's worth bearing in mind that the effectiveness of an item depends on various factors, such as whether you're participating in PvP or PvE content and the other gear you have equipped. Therefore, to determine the precise value of any gear for your Beast Mastery Hunter, we highly recommend simulating your character.

In general, prioritize items with higher item levels, as they provide the most significant boost to your primary stat, Agility. After that, consider the stat priority discussed earlier.

Amirdrassil Best in Slot Gear for Beast Mastery Hunter

While raiding can be a fulfilling activity, it may not be the quickest way to obtain gear for your character. If speed is your top priority, you may want to explore other options, such as crafting or Mythic+ dungeons. However, if raiding is your preferred activity, here is a list of items you should aim to acquire for your Beast Mastery Hunter from the new raid:

While pursuing the best possible gear for your character can certainly increase your power in the game, it's important to maintain a healthy perspective. Focusing too much on obtaining BiS gear can cause you to overlook viable alternatives that are easier to acquire and still provide substantial benefits.

It's worth noting that BiS lists are constantly evolving due to game developers adding new gear and altering game mechanics. Therefore, these lists should be updated regularly to stay relevant. It's crucial to remember that maximizing your damage output and survivability involves more than simply equipping the "mathematically best" gear. Executing your rotation effectively, mastering encounters, and communicating and collaborating with your team can have a much greater impact.

Mythic+ Best in Slot Gear for Beast Mastery Hunter

In The War Within, the Mythic+ system is a fantastic way to obtain powerful gear for your Beast Mastery Hunter. While completing high-level keys can be challenging, the rewards are some of the best PvE equipment available in the game.

It's important to remember that the gear mentioned earlier is just a starting point for what you can aim for in terms of end-of-the-run chests and the Great Vault. There may be other gear that you come across through completing Mythic+ dungeons or other means that could be better suited for your Beast Mastery Hunter. It's not crucial to obtain the exact set mentioned earlier, as the most important thing is finding gear that optimizes your character's abilities and helps you perform better in PvE content.

The Upgrade, Spark of Dreams, and Embellishment Options for Beast Mastery Hunter

As Dreaming Crests are limited by time, it's important to use them wisely when upgrading gear. A good strategy is to prioritize items in low item level spots while also considering items that you're unlikely to replace in the near future. To help make informed decisions, you can use Raidbots to simulate potential upgrades.

Here are some items that make good candidates for upgrades, listed in no particular order:

Once you've obtained the Spark of Dreams, it's recommended that you craft the following items at the highest possible item level. Keep in mind that you can use the recrafting system to increase the item level later on if desired. Once you've crafted your best gear, use the remaining sparks to improve any slots with the lowest item level, in order to increase your average item level.

Here are some items to consider crafting with the Spark of Dreams:

Make sure to focus on upgrading your lowest item level slots first.

Crafting items with Embellishments gives them special properties and effects in addition to regular stats. However, you may only wear 2 pieces of gear with Embellishments at a time. With that in mind, the best Embellishments are:  

  1. Shadowflame-Tempered Armor Patch;
  2. Adaptive Dracothyst Armguards;
  3. Elemental Lariat with all gems;
  4. Adaptive Dracothyst Armguards;
  5. Blue Silken Lining;
  6. Elemental Lariat with no gems.

It's important to be aware that acquiring all the crafted equipment mentioned can be quite expensive in terms of gold, and it may take several weeks of dedicated effort to gather the necessary resources. However, players can opt to buy WoW Gold from a trustworthy service provider for a quick and convenient solution. The prices are reasonable, and the results are guaranteed.

Best Beast Mastery Hunter Enchants and Consumables

Ensuring that your gear is equipped with suitable enchantments is a wise decision. Enchantments have the ability to enhance your character's abilities and demonstrate to fellow players that you are a competent and committed member of your class. To assist you in this endeavor, we have compiled a comprehensive inventory of the most effective enchantments currently accessible in WoW The War Within:

When considering the optimal phial for a Beast Mastery Hunter, the Phial of Tepid Versatility is the leading choice. It is important to note that in a Mythic+ scenario, switching between Phial of Glacial Fury and Phial of Tepid Versatility is recommended when engaging trash and bosses, respectively. However, it may be costly, so only do so if you deem it necessary.

To maximize performance in both raiding and Mythic+ settings, Beast Mastery Hunters should always have an Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power at their disposal, along with an ample supply of Refreshing Healing Potions for any potential situation. In the event of dire circumstances, a Potion of Withering Vitality can prove to be useful.

To optimize your performance, remember to enchant your weapon with Completely Safe Rockets and indulge in a Grand Banquet of the Kalu'ak before every encounter. If sharing isn't your style, Deviously Deviled Eggs can provide a similar effect.

For gemming your gear, it is advised to utilize Sensei's Neltharite / Sensei's Alexstraszite / Crafty Ysemerald / Keen Ysemerald / Keen Neltharite / Crafty Alexstraszite in all your sockets, except for one, which should be occupied by either a Skillful Illimited Diamond / Fierce Illimited Diamond / Inscribed Illimited Diamond.

Although having the appropriate gear enchants and consumables is vital, they alone do not ensure triumph in defeating raid bosses. Additionally, if you are unable to locate a suitable raid group during a particular week, you may miss out on an entire raid lockout. Thankfully, our WoW Raid Boost services provide a solution to this predicament. Our team will assist you in obtaining the best raid items for your character, enabling you to maximize the effectiveness of your gear enchants and consumables. With our support, you can feel confident in your ability to confront any raid challenge.

Beast Mastery Hunter Rotation Guide

Now we are finally going to learn how to play Beast Mastery Hunter! Let's begin by examining the rotation for the opener. It's important to note that like any skill, mastery comes with practice. Thus, it is recommended to engage with target dummies before entering live combat.

Beast Mastery Hunter Opener Rotation

  1. Wailing Arrow 1.5 seconds before pull if talented;
  2. Barbed Shot;
  3. Barbed Shot, again;
  4. Bloodshed.;
  5. Death Chakram;
  6. Bestial Wrath;
  7. Barbed Shot;
  8. Kill Command;
  9. Follow your normal priority.

Beast Mastery Hunter Single-Target Rotation

  1. Barbed Shot in order to maintain Frenzy if it has less than 1.5 seconds remaining or if Bestial Wrath is coming off cooldown in less than 20 seconds;
  2. Kill Command if you are about to reach 2 charges of it. During Dire Pack, this will result in you spamming the ability;
  3. Bloodshed;
  4. Death Chakram;
  5. Bestial Wrath;
  6. Kill Command;
  7. Barbed Shot if you are less than 6 seconds away from reaching 2 charges;
  8. Dire Beast;
  9. Kill Shot if the target is below 20% hp;
  10. Cobra Shot.

Beast Mastery Hunter multi-target rotation

  1. Barbed Shot in order to maintain Frenzy if it has less than 1.5 seconds remaining or if you are about to reach 2 charges of it, or Bestial Wrath is coming off cooldown in less than 20 seconds. Prioritize targets without Barbed Shot;
  2. Multi-Shot in order to maintain Beast Cleave if it has less than 1.5 seconds remaining;
  3. Kill Command if you are about to reach 2 charges of it;
  4. Death Chakram;
  5. Bloodshed;
  6. Bestial Wrath;
  7. Barbed Shot if you are less than 8 seconds away from reaching 2 charges. Prioritize targets without Barbed Shot;
  8. Kill Command;
  9. Kill Shot if the target is below 20% hp;
  10. Cobra Shot if you are close to capping focus.

Beast Mastery Hunter Leveling Guide

The Beast Mastery specialization offers a versatile and enjoyable leveling experience that allows for various playstyles and utility options. The key to this gameplay is the inclusion of a loyal pet, which can serve as an effective tank and defender against hostile enemies. Whether playing solo or in a group, Beast Mastery can hold its own.

When playing solo, you can utilize clever tactics such as Feign Death and Camouflage to carefully target the necessary quest mobs. With the aid of Misdirection, you can easily gather a large number of enemies for your pet to take on while you unleash powerful abilities like Beast Cleave and Kill Command. Plus, your high mobility with Trailblazer and Posthaste allows you to quickly move around the map.

To ensure your success, it's important to incorporate all of these abilities into your playstyle when appropriate. With that said, the optimal talent setup for the leveling process may look different for each player. Therefore, it's essential to experiment with different combinations to find what works best for you. Here is a sample build:

Sting for copying:


As you progress through the levels of your Beast Mastery Hunter, you might want to consider utilizing various consumables to enhance your abilities and aid you on your journey.

  1. For instance, a Spectral Flask of Power can provide an overall boost to your power,
  2. Potion of Spectral Agility can increase your damage output.
  3. If you find yourself in a tight spot, Cosmic Healing Potions can come in handy for quick health restoration.
  4. Gunshoes can help you move around faster to get where you need to go.

When it comes to leveling, there is no strict rotation to follow. You can refer to the general rotation outlined earlier in our Beast Mastery Hunter dps guide.

Reaching the level cap in WoW opens up a world of possibilities for your character, but it can also be overwhelming. If you find yourself needing assistance with your newly-leveled character, you can always check out our World of Warcraft Raid Boosting services. Our professional players offer these services at competitive prices and complete them as quickly as possible.

The Best Primordial Stones for Beast Mastery Hunter

Beast Mastery Hunters should avoid using Primordial Stones in Season 2 as they are not worth the investment. Currently, an Onyx Annulet with the best stone combinations at item level 424 is only comparable to a 430 item level ring with a socket. This means that the Onyx Annulet is easily replaced in Season 2, and as we progress further into the patch, its value will decrease even more due to stat scaling.

If you still want to use the Onyx Annulet, below are some recommendations for which Primordial Stones to use.

Primordial Stones for Raiding

Primordial Stones for Mythic+

When it comes to raid or Mythic+ performance, the Desirous Blood Stone and Prophetic Twilight Stone combo proves to be an excellent choice due to the former's perceived "healing" effect. Consequently, this combination, along with the Freezing Ice Stone, is deemed to be the most potent gem pairing available.

How to Become a Better Beast Mastery Hunter in The War Within

After ensuring that you have the proper equipment, enchantments, and nourishment, as well as familiarity with your opener, it's time to delve into more advanced tips for a Beast Mastery Hunter. This section contains some valuable insights and tricks that will aid you in your quest:

  1. Take your time exploring your spellbook and talents, paying close attention to everything, including talents that are not part of our recommended builds. Becoming a master of your specialization is what sets exceptional Hunters apart from good ones.
  2. Don't overlook target dummy training or running low-level keys. Our opener and resource management are complex and require muscle memory to execute correctly.
  3. Seek gear upgrades from multiple sources rather than solely focusing on "Best in Slot" lists or a single content type. WoW TWW offers equipment from nearly every activity, making it advantageous for beginners.
  4. Research raid strategies and dungeon routes to become the most informed and prepared player in your group.
  5. Be a team player! In WoW, individual accomplishments are rare. Learn to coordinate crowd control and cooldowns with your party and raid members to achieve extraordinary results.
  6. Feel free to experiment! As previously mentioned, your talents and abilities are not set in stone. Try new things and discover what works best for you.

Other Articles to Read

At SkyCoach, our goal is to provide comprehensive coverage of our favorite games, including World of Warcraft. If you're looking for information on topics related to WoW, we encourage you to check out our blog. We offer a wide range of detailed guides and articles on various specializations and in-game activities.

Whether you're interested in learning more about the Holy Paladin and the art of healing, or you're eager to try out a new dps specialization such as the Balance Druid, our blog has got you covered.

If your main focus is on Beast Mastery Hunter, we highly recommend our Beast Mastery Hunter Mage Tower Guide. This exciting challenge provides unique rewards and will put your skills with this ranged spec to the test!


The primary objective of this article was to offer a comprehensive guide on every aspect of playing as a Beast Mastery Hunter in The War Within. If you had any lingering questions concerning Beast Mastery, we hope that we were able to provide satisfactory answers here. Our recommendations in this guide are intended to help enhance your gameplay experience and increase your overall enjoyment of World of Warcraft. However, it is crucial to note that these are only suggestions, not hard and fast rules to adhere to. Don't be afraid to experiment with different talents, gear, and rotations to find the perfect fit for you. Ultimately, WoW is a game meant to be enjoyed, so have fun with it! That's all we have for now. Stay safe, and we'll see you in the Dragon Isles!


Are Beast Mastery Hunters good in The War Within?

Beast Mastery Hunters may be considered middle-of-the-pack for both raiding and Mythic+. That being said, there is no reason not to play one if you enjoy their rotation or class fantasy.

Is Beast Mastery Hunter hard to play in WoW?

On the surface, Beast Mastery Hunter looks relatively easy and straightforward. However, there are still many intricacies in the spec, and climbing the ranks in Mythic+ or raiding can be a daunting challenge at higher levels.

What is the best weapon for a Beast Mastery Hunter?

Your weapons of choice are bows, crossbows, and guns. As you can imagine, there won’t be much competition for those in the raid (except from your fellow hunters).

What is the best profession for a Beast Mastery Hunter?

While not strictly mandatory, Leatherworking is an obvious choice as it allows you to craft armor for yourself. Herbalism and Mining are also excellent choices for general gold-making purposes.

Is Beast Mastery Hunter good in PvE WoW?

While Beast Mastery may have some shortcomings in terms of survivability and patchwerk-style theoretical DPS, it has a distinct advantage among ranged DPS specs in that it is exceptionally mobile. This mobility can help Beast Mastery Hunters lose less damage in mechanically intensive fights than other specs, and may ultimately enable them to achieve top rankings on the meters in the right circumstances.

What is the best rotation for a Beast Mastery Hunter?

Mastering your resources and cooldowns is key to playing Beast Mastery Hunter effectively. Once you've achieved this, the spell sequence will come naturally. Reviewing the Beast Mastery Hunter rotation section of our guide is a great place to start.

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