If you have missed a true challenge, worry no more. The legendary Mage Tower comes back in WoW. The old 10.0.5 patch has brought this feature back into the game to let players test their skills. Originally added in the Legion expansion, this activity has not changed much. You still have 7 encounters that are designed for particular roles. To get the reward, you are to defeat your role-specific boss.
To begin the challenge, make your way to Deliverance Point. Buying Dalaran Hearthstone is probably the fastest method to get there. The reason for this is that Dalaran is 2 minutes away from the required destination. Once you have reached the mentioned location, look for War Councilor Victoria. After talking to this NPC, you will be teleported to the special arena/platform to fight a boss.
To ensure you complete the encounter with minimum attempts, we are here to describe Elemental Shaman Mage Tower The War Within gameplay. As you keep reading the article, you will learn what gear suits this challenge best. We will also share one of the most effective strategies you can use against this boss.
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Elemental Shaman Mage Tower Challenge Info
During the An Impossible Foe challenge, you are to face off against Agatha. Unlike enemies from other encounters, she will have a whole army of imps. The latter keeps her healed and empowered throughout the fight. Therefore, getting rid of her annoying imps on time is half of success.
Besides, you will have neither guild members nor even AI NPCs to help you pass this encounter. You are to rely on yourself only, which makes this challenge insanely difficult for unprepared players. Further in this guide, we will describe every imp you are to face off against during this challenge.
Apart from her imp army, you are to learn the boss’ mechanics. By countering them, you are less likely to die from a random boulder Agatha throws at you. This is exactly what will happen during the second phase of the battle. Speaking of how many stages you are to survive, there are 3 of them. They are all different regarding the boss’s abilities and specific mechanics.
To make your path to victory easier, we have prepared the Elemental Shaman Mage Tower strategy that you will find toward the end of the article. If you are not ready to test your skill but wish to claim the reward ASAP, we have you covered. By ordering our Timewalking & Mage Tower Boost services, you can be sure our pro players will take care of any boss for you. We offer reasonable prices and guarantee the result.
Best Gear for Elemental Shaman Mage Tower
The whole gearing up process is probably one of the most crucial steps in your preparation. However, the game’s creators have set certain rules concerning this challenge. Starting with your equipment, its ilvl will be temporarily decreased to 120. As for your character’s level, it will be downscaled to 45 as well. All this is necessary to make players equal for the time they fight the bosses. Once you are teleported back from the arena, everything will return to its usual state. BLOG20
Even though this feature was implemented back in the Legion expansion, it still looks annoying. Nonetheless, these restrictions have a positive side as well. Since your gear level does not play such a huge role, it means you can use practically any equipment to complete the challenge. For a higher chance of success, prioritize Haste and Critical Strike stats during the whole Elemental Shaman Timewalking Mage Tower challenge. To ensure you stay alive longer, focus on increasing your Versatility as well. These stats are your key to surviving all 3 stages while dealing decent DPS.
Returning to the BiS gear topic, we have prepared the following table. The latter contains one of the most powerful equipment pieces that can be looted by killing Raid and Mythic+ bosses. However, none of the mentioned items is mandatory to complete this encounter. Wearing the presented set just slightly increases your chances of winning this battle. You still have to rely on your skill rather than top-rank gear.
Equipment Slot | Item Name | Source |
Head | Greatwolf Outcast's Jaws | Tindral Sageswift |
Neck | Eye of the Rising Flame | Tindral Sageswift |
Shoulders | Greatwolf Outcast's Companions | Smolderon |
Cloak | Shadowfeather Shawl | Black Rook Hold |
Chest | Greatwolf Outcast's Harness | Nymue |
Wrist | Adaptive Dracothyst Armguards | Crafted |
Gloves | Greatwolf Outcast's Grips | Igira the Cruel |
Belt | Jeweled Sash of the Viper | Volcoross |
Legs | Allied Legguards of Sansok Khan | Crafted |
Boots | Boots of the Molten Hoard | Gnarlroot |
Ring | Band of Burning Thorns | Larodar, Keeper of the Flame |
Ring | Arch-Druid's Tainted Seal | Darkheart Thicket |
Trinket | Sea Star | Throne of the Tides |
Trinket | Balefire Branch | Waycrest Manor |
Main Hand | Vakash, the Shadowed Inferno | Fyrakk |
Off Hand | Verdant Matrix Beacon | Nymue |
While wearing the Raiding set is definitely beneficial, some players might think of getting Mythic+ gear parts instead. Though it will make your character a bit stronger, it does not influence the outcome of the battle as a whole.
Keeping in mind the amount of time you will spend to get all the required equipment pieces is not worth it. We highly recommend that you focus on mastering the specialization you play instead. If you still wish to do this, make sure to use our Mythic Carry services to speed up the process of getting the required gear. Our pro players will clear out any dungeon for you in the shortest time. No matter what party members are there, consider the job done.
Moving further, let us take a look at Elemental Shaman Mage Tower trinkets you can use. They are a great source of secondary stats. Also, some of them provide you with decent on-use abilities that prove themselves to be quite helpful during the fight.
Item Name | Source |
Balefire Branch | Waycrest Manor |
Sea Star | Throne of the Tides |
Belor'relos, the Suncaller | Tindral Sageswift |
Pip's Emerald Friendship Badge | Urctos |
Vessel of Skittering Shadows | Atal'Dazar |
Gearing up takes a lot of time and resources. On top of that, you fully depend on your party members while participating in raiding content. If you are tired of this and just wish to get the desired equipment, we have the solution for you. Make sure to check out our WoW Raid Boost services. Our professional players can take care of any boss for you. The only thing you are to do is to enjoy the long-awaited loot.
Elemental Shaman Mage Tower Best Enchants & Gems
Moving further to the next part of our Elemental Shaman Mage Tower guide, we would like to pay your attention to enchantments and gems. They are another source of secondary stats that should not be ignored if you wish to succeed in this encounter. To make it more convenient, we have prepared the following table containing the most optimal enchant choices.
Equipment Slot | Best Alternative | Provided Bonus |
Weapon | Sophic Devotion | Grants you a chance of gaining additional Intellect for a short period of time. |
Cloak | Regenerative Leech | Increases your Leech, which influences your self-sustain capability and improves overall survivability. |
Chest | Waking Stats | A perfect option to get extra Intellect and start dealing higher damage. |
Bracers | Devotion of Leech | Another source of Leech to live longer in battle. |
Legs | Frozen Spellthread | Greatly boosts your Intellect allowing you to hit harder. |
Boots | Watcher's Loam | Slightly increases your Stamina, which is good for your HP pool. |
Ring | Devotion of Critical Strike | Provides you with extra Critical Strike stat to deal more damage. |
As you can see, most of the mentioned enchantments are aimed at boosting your DPS potential. A few of them also influence your self-sustainability, which is what you need when fighting on your own. Besides, you get a bunch of Intellect to deal higher damage by default.
Up next, we would like to discuss the Elemental Shaman Mage Tower recommended gems you can wear. Check out the following list:
- Inscribed Illimited Diamond provides you with extra Intellect and Crit stats. Both of them are crucial for this challenge;
- Crafty Alexstraszite should be an optimal choice for the rest of the slots, as it grants you Crit and Haste stats.
Buying all the required equipment is expensive. However, farming and crafting it on your own is too time-consuming and boring. To get everything you need ASAP, you can Buy WoW Gold with our company’s help. No matter what server you play on, we will deliver it in the shortest time possible. We guarantee safety and the best market price.
Elemental Shaman Mage Tower Best Consumables
If you are looking for another way to increase your chances of winning this battle, you cannot neglect consumables. They greatly boost your stats and allow you to stay alive longer as well. In this paragraph of our guide, you will find the best alternatives you can use to win this fight:
- Greater Flask of Endless Fathoms is a perfect source of additional Intellect, which directly influences your DPS potential;
- Boralus Blood Sausage is usually used to get extra stats. However, some Mage Tower encounters have intermission parts where you can eat it to restore HP and Mana;
- Astral Healing Potion is the strongest choice for quick healing during the fight;
- Potion of Unbridled Fury radically boosts your damaging potential and also procs rings that sync with Fire damage. The latter is often worn by many specializations.
Elemental Shaman Mage Tower Best Talent Build
Another crucially important step of your preparation is the talent setup you are going to use. Of course, the latter can be changed according to your personal preferences and playing style. However, we have prepared the following Elemental Shaman Mage Tower 11.1 talent build for you to try.
It focuses on dealing single-target damage and has a bit of AoE to get rid of annoying imps quicker. You also play around your Fire Elemental, which increases your DPS potential and buffs your core abilities.
By copying the following code, you can export this build to your game:
Before you test your skills in this challenge, make sure you have reached the level’s cap. Otherwise, you will not have access to your spec’s strongest abilities. To get to level 80 quicker, you can order our WoW Powerleveling services. In this case, our professional players will get your character boosted in a blink of an eye.
Agatha Fight Strategy
The entire battle against Agatha includes 3 stages. You are to pass them all to get your rewards and consider the challenge completed. To make your life easier, we have prepared several Elemental Shaman Mage Tower tips you can use during the fight. We will also describe what Agatha’s abilities possess the biggest danger to your life.
Let us begin with the fact that Agatha is not that dangerous on her own. The boss’ imps are what makes her powerful and hard to kill. One of the most annoying mobs you are to face off against is Umbral Imp. Once they are summoned, the boss stops taking any damage. Your primary goal is to get rid of these mobs ASAP and continue dealing damage to her.
As for Fuming Imp, you want to kill it somewhere far from the boss’ main location. The reason you want to do this is that this mob plagues a small piece of the arena after it dies. This effect stays active until the battle is over. Standing in this zone damages you and reduces your movement speed.
Moving further, we have Imp Servant that serves as a healer for Agatha. Your task is to get rid of this mob before it reaches the required range and starts healing the boss. Using one of your AoE spells is usually enough, as they do not have too much HP.
Finally, we have Smoldering Imp. The latter acts as a damage dealer and often casts Fire Bolt. Killing a pack of these mobs is relatively easy since they have a low HP pool by default. However, make sure to do this ASAP since their main ability starts hitting harder with each successful cast.
All the mentioned imps will be constantly around you during Stage 1. Focusing them right after they spawn is the easiest way to prevent Agatha from gaining any value out of them. You should also be aware of her Dark Fury. This spell grants her a massive shield and increases all damage you take. Make sure to break the shield or you will not be able to interrupt the cast. Keep focusing the boss until her HP drops to 50%, which brings you to the next phase.
When Stage 2 begins, you will face off against the same imps. Besides, the boss will teleport to the opposite side of the arena. On top of that, you will need to dodge Smoldering Boulders that will constantly fall on your head and start rolling to the center of the room. If you cannot do this, you will be stunned for a few seconds and suffer overwhelming damage. As for Fel Lava Burst, do not stand in the zone it covers, as it deals constant Fire damage.
Once you make her HP to 33%, you will get to Stage 3. During the final phase, she does not get any new abilities. All the known imps continue spawning as well. The only difference is that the boss will teleport from one part of the room to another every minute. Since she does not have too much HP left, it will not be a big deal to finish her.
Answering the question of how to do the Mage Tower as Elemental Shaman, make sure you kill all the imps before they bring any value to the boss. You also want to dodge her boulders, as they deal immense damage.
Speaking of a possible Elemental Shaman Mage Tower nerf, it is not likely to happen. This specialization is well-balanced and has no overpowered abilities or anything like that. Besides, it requires you to master it to unlock its full potential.
Elemental Shaman Mage Tower Rewards
After defeating the boss, the challenge is considered over. You will be teleported back to your original location. There, you will get a unique Elemental Shaman Mage Tower appearance that you can check out in the screenshot below.
If you are skillful enough, you can try to complete all 7 encounters playing other roles and specs. Getting this done grants you Soaring Spelltome, a special ground mount. The latter looks like an open book your character stands on to float over the ground.
If you are one of those players who are not ready to spend so much time practicing for this encounter, we are here to help you. Instead, you can order our World of Warcraft Boosting services where we will help you complete any challenge. It requires minimum time, and we guarantee the best price.
Fellow heroes, this marks the end of our guide. We hope you are ready to test your skills. By reading this article, you have surely learned a lot about this specialization’s gameplay and the Mage Tower challenge in general. Make sure to stay with us, as we will keep updating this guide if any changes occur.
What reward do Elemental Shamans get from Timewalking Mage Tower?
All players are usually interested in a class-specific transmog set only. The latter changes the way your character looks and features an amazing design.
What are the best Elemental Shaman talents for Mage Tower?
To get the full answer, make sure to check a separate paragraph devoted to the talent build. However, your Fire Elemental is definitely one of the most important talents for this encounter.
How do you increase damage as Elemental Shaman in Mage Tower?
Your core abilities become even stronger when your Fire Elemental is up. Make sure to cast everything you have before it dies.
Is Elemental Shaman good for Mage Tower?
It is one of the most exciting and fun specializations to play. Make sure to try it out yourself to see how this spec works for you.