How to Get Harbinger Crests in WoW The War Within

By reading our guide, you can learn how to get Harbinger Crests in The War Within. We also share details on these currency types and weekly cap limits. Finally, you will find out about Enchanted Harbinger Crests and how to craft them.

Discover How to Get Harbinger Crests

Harbinger Crest is the direct analog of what we have seen throughout each Dragonflight season. For example, we had Awakened Crests in Season 4. As previously, this type of currency serves to upgrade your gear. In this guide, you will learn how to get Harbinger Crests in WoW The War Within. We will also cover all their existing types and answer how many of them can be earned on a weekly basis.

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What Are Harbinger Crests in The War Within

Kicking off our Harbinger Crest guide, let’s begin with the basic definition. This will help you understand the purpose of this currency if you are new to the game. As has been mentioned, players can use it to upgrade their gear. They can be earned through several sources we will cover further in this article.

To put it simply, Harbinger Crests can be split into the following categories:

  • Basic;
  • Nascent;
  • Enchanted.

Each of them is earned in a different way and has its own value. However, most players will be interested in obtaining the basic version first of all. They are the main currency you use to upgrade your gear in The War Within throughout Season 1. The latter also come in several types and are split into the following groups:

  1. Explorer – ilvl from 654 to 676;
  2. Adventurer – ilvl from 667 to 689;
  3. Veteran – ilvl from 680 to 702;
  4. Champion – ilvl from 693 to 715;
  5. Hero – ilvl from 706 to 722;
  6. Mythic – ilvl from 719 to 728.

To get BiS gear, you will have to complete a variety of Raids and Mythic+ instances. If you have no time for a grind like this, SkyCoach has you covered. Check out our Mythic+ Carry and Raid Boosting services offered at the lowest market price. Let our professional players take care of any instance for you and enjoy the best rewards!

How to Farm Harbinger Crests

Now that we are done with the basic definition let’s get to the most interesting part of the guide. Below, you can learn how to farm Harbinger Crests with the exact details on Mythic+ levels and Raid difficulties:

Crest Name Source
Weathered Harbinger Crest Regular and world quests, Nerub'ar Palace LFR bosses, and M+ instances up to level +3.
Carved Harbinger Crest Specific quests, Nerub'ar Palace Normal bosses, and M+ instances up to level +3.
Runed Harbinger Crest Nerub'ar Palace Heroic bosses and M+ instances from +4 up to +8 levels.
Gilded Harbinger Crest Nerub'ar Palace Mythic bosses and M+ instances from +9 and higher levels.

This is everything we know about Harbinger Crests farm in War Within Season 1 so far. As always, the devs will change the rules once the next season arrives. For now, there do not seem to be many changes concerning the way the gear upgrade system works.

As previously, Raids and M+ instances remain the main sources of where to find Harbinger Crests in TWW. To add a bit of diversity, you can also delve into a range of quests. However, the rewards will be significantly lower. When it comes to higher-level Harbinger Crests (e.g. Runed and Gilded), completing endgame content is the only way to earn this currency. BLOG20

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Harbinger Crest Types

All the Harbinger Crest types you see above are the ones you need most. You can use them to upgrade your gear of a specific level. Each crest corresponds to one of the equipment alternatives we talked about earlier:

Crest Name Upgradable Gear
Weathered Harbinger Crest Higher ilvl Adventurer gear and lower ilvl Veteran equipment pieces.
Carved Harbinger Crest Higher ilvl Veteran gear and lower ilvl Champion equipment pieces.
Runed Harbinger Crest Higher ilvl Champion gear and lower ilvl Heroic equipment pieces.
Gilded Harbinger Crest Heroic and Mythic gear.

We have already covered how to earn Harbinger Crests and described all the possible sources. Ideally, you want to get your hands on either Runed or Gilded alternatives. However, getting them can be particularly difficult if you do not play too much.

In case you are not well prepared enough, you can exchange lower-quality Harbinger Crests for higher-quality ones. This is one of the ways you can use to move from bottom to top in this gear upgrade system.

How to Get Enchanted Harbinger Crests

Now that we are done with the basics let’s move on to something more complex. The following part of the article explains how to get Enchanted Harbinger Crests and why players need them. To start with, they are used to upgrade your crafted gear. For example, you want to upgrade your Gloves crafted by your friend who specializes in Blacksmithing. The same goes for that Ring you are wearing created by a random guy mastering Jewelcrafting.

Compared to usual Harbinger Crests, you will not find the Carved version of Enchanted Harbinger Crests here:

Crest Name Ilvl Upgrades
Enchanted Weathered Harbinger Crest 577-590
Enchanted Runed Harbinger Crest 606-619
Enchanted Gilded Harbinger Crest 616-629

Judging by the name, you can already suggest how you can get Enchanted Harbinger Crests. Of course, they are earned through the Enchanting profession only. If you are not specializing in it, do not worry.

You can ask your friend or guild member to create the required reagent for you. In case you have no one to turn to, Crafting Orders can help you out. Just look for a skillful artisan who is ready to take your order for a small service fee in return.

How to Craft Enchanted Harbinger Crests

In case you are a masterful enchanter yourself, you can create any Enchanted Harbinger Crest on your own. Below, we have prepared a list of the required ingredients to create this or that type of reagent:

Crest Name Required Materials
Enchanted Weathered Harbinger Crest

x1 Nascent Weathered Harbinger Crest

x50 Storm Dust

x5 Gleaming Shard

Enchanted Runed Harbinger Crest

x1 Nascent Runed Harbinger Crest

x100 Storm Dust

x10 Gleaming Shard

x1 Refulgent Crystal 

Enchanted Gilded Harbinger Crest

x1 Nascent Gilded Harbinger Crest

x150 Storm Dust

x15 Gleaming Shard

x2 Refulgent Crystal

As you can see from the table above, you need another type of Harbinger Crest to create its Enchanted version. For each corresponding alternative, you need to acquire its Nascent version as well. Here is how you can do this:

  • Nascent Weathered Harbinger Crest costs x30 Weathered Harbinger;
  • Nascent Runed Harbinger Crest costs x45 Runed Harbinger Crest;
  • Nascent Gilded Harbinger Crest costs x60 Gilded Harbinger Crest.

No player can get all the required materials on their own. For this, you will need to use the Auction House to buy some stuff from others. Thanks to our WoW Gold Service, you can have the required amount of currency no matter what server you are playing on. Do not waste time farming it, and always have enough gold to purchase whatever you need.

Harbinger Crest Weekly Cap

Obtaining a total of 150 Harbinger Crests of each type is the current weekly cap. Earning these Crests through trading also counts toward your weekly cap. So, spend them wisely and always think twice about what gear parts you want to upgrade first.


To sum up our The War Within Harbinger Crest guide, we have covered all the important details on this currency. We have also provided information on how the gear upgrade system works in the latest expansion. Get ready to conquer the most challenging Raids and M+ instances to get the rarest Harbinger Crests to become even more powerful.

In our article, we have talked about the Enchanted version of these Crests. Finally, you can learn about the Harbinger Crest weekly cap and other important details. Make sure to stay tuned and check this page occasionally to find the latest updates. This is it for now, heroes, we will see you in Azeroth!


How do you get Harbinger Crests in WoW?


Players can obtain them from the following sources:

  • Raids of all difficulties, including LFR;
  • M+ instances of all levels, starting from +1;
  • Regular and World Quests.

How to farm Runed Harbinger Crests?


You can earn Runed Harbinger Crests from Nerub'ar Palace Heroic bosses and M+ instances from +4 up to +8 levels.

What are Harbinger Crest types in WoW?


Currently, there are four distinct types of Harbinger Crests in WoW:

  1. Weathered Harbinger Crest
  2. Carved Harbinger Crest
  3. Runed Harbinger Crest
  4. Gilded Harbinger Crest

Can I upgrade PvP gear with Harbinger Crests?


You can use Harbinger Crests to upgrade PvE gear only.

How do you get Nascent Harbinger Crests?


Nascent Harbinger Crests can be earned by exchanging their basic version in a specific amount. For example, you need x30 Weathered Harbinger Crest to get x1 Nascent Weathered Harbinger Crest.

What is Harbinger Crest weekly cap?


You can get up to 150 Harabinger Crests of each type per week.

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