Hunter Best in Slot Gear Guide - The War Within 11.1

Wondering what the BiS gear for your class is? In this series of guides, we’ll give you the answers you seek. Inside, you’ll find the list of Hunter BiS gear as well as the best craftable gear options.

Wow the War Within Hunter Bis Gear List

Welcome to your Hunter BiS gear guide for The War Within Season 2! Whether you’re raiding, pushing high Mythic+ keys, or crafting your way to the top, gearing up with the right items makes all the difference. In this guide, we’ll break down the best gear for Beast Mastery, Marksmanship, and Survival Hunters, covering raid drops, dungeon loot, and top-tier crafted gear. No fluff—just a straightforward look at what’s best and where to get it. Let’s dive in!

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Beast Mastery Hunter BiS Gear – Season 2

When it comes to gearing up as a Beast Mastery Hunter in The War Within Season 2, your top priorities are Haste and Critical Strike, with Mastery coming in third. These stats ensure faster attack speed, increased pet damage, and more fluid rotation uptime.

The best in slot Hunter gear comes from two primary sources:

  • Liberation of Undermine (Raid) – Provides the highest item level gear and tier set bonuses.
  • Mythic+ Dungeons – Great for repeatable loot farming with strong secondary stats.

Below, you'll find the Best-in-Slot (BiS) gear for Beast Mastery Hunters from both sources. If you can’t get a BiS piece immediately, prioritize high item level gear with the best stat distribution.

Best in Slot Gear from Liberation of Undermine (Raid)

Slot Item Source
Head Tireless Collector's Chained Cowl Catalyst / Raid / Vault
Neck Semi-Charmed Amulet Rik Reverb
Shoulders Epaulettes of Failed Enforcers Mug'zee, Heads of Security
Cloak Test Pilot's Go-Pack Sprocketmonger
Chest Tireless Collector's Battlegear Catalyst / Raid / Vault
Wrist Made Manacles Mug'zee, Heads of Security
Gloves Tireless Collector's Gauntlets Catalyst / Raid / Vault
Belt Dealer's Covetous Chain Chrome King Gallywix
Legs Tireless Collector's Armored Breeches Catalyst / Raid / Vault
Boots Shrapnel-Ridden Sabatons Vexie
Ring 1 Miniature Roulette Wheel One-Armed Bandit
Ring 2 The Jastor Diamond Chrome King Gallywix
Trinket 1 House of Cards One-Armed Bandit
Trinket 2 (ST) Eye of Kezan Chrome King Gallywix
Trinket 2 (AoE) Reverb Radio Rik Reverb
Weapon (ST) "Tiny Pal" Mug'zee, Heads of Security
Weapon (AoE) Tournament Arc Cauldron of Carnage

The BM Hunter BiS list from the Liberation of Undermine raid offers top-tier item levels and set bonuses that synergize well with Beast Mastery’s pet-focused playstyle. If you’re progressing in raid content, this should be your primary gearing target. BLOG20

Best in Slot Gear from Mythic+

If raiding isn’t your thing or you want more flexible gearing options, Mythic+ dungeons offer some excellent alternatives. Mythic+ gear tends to have strong secondary stats, and you can farm dungeons repeatedly to fill missing slots. Here’s the M+ Hunter BiS list:

Slot Item Source
Head Tireless Collector's Chained Cowl Catalyst / Vault
Neck Strapped Rescue-Keg Cinderbrew Meadery
Shoulders Crashguard Spaulders The MOTHERLODE!!
Cloak Cloak of Questionable Intent The MOTHERLODE!!
Chest Tireless Collector's Battlegear Catalyst / Vault
Wrist Consecrated Baron's Bindings Priory of the Sacred Flame
Gloves Tireless Collector's Gauntlets Catalyst / Vault
Belt Portable Power Generator Operation: Floodgate
Legs Tireless Collector's Armored Breeches Catalyst / Vault
Boots Boots of Shuddering Matter Theater of Pain
Ring 1 Footbomb Championship Ring The MOTHERLODE!!
Ring 2 Bloodoath Signet Theater of Pain
Trinket 1 Improvised Seaforium Pacemaker Operation: Floodgate
Trinket 2 Signet of the Priory Priory of the Sacred Flame
Weapon Keeza's 'B.' B.B.B.F.G Operation: Floodgate

If you're focusing on raiding, Liberation of Undermine should be your top priority, as it provides the highest item level gear and set bonuses that synergize well with Beast Mastery’s pet-heavy playstyle. But if you're more into Mythic+, dungeon gear can be just as strong—or even better in some cases—thanks to strong secondary stats and the ability to farm specific dungeons for missing pieces. No matter where your gear comes from, it’s always a good idea to sim your character using Raidbots to make sure a new piece is actually an upgrade before committing to it.

Marksmanship Hunter BiS Gear – Season 2

Marksmanship Hunters thrive on high Agility, with Critical Strike as their most important secondary stat, followed by Mastery and Haste. In The War Within Season 2, the Sentinel Hero Talent is the priority for gearing, though Dark Ranger builds may favor Haste over Mastery in some cases.

Below are the Best-in-Slot (BiS) gear lists for Marksmanship Hunters, separated by Raid and Mythic+. If you’re missing BiS pieces, prioritize high item level gear that aligns with your critical strike-heavy stat priority.

Best in Slot Gear from Liberation of Undermine (Raid)

Slot Item Source
Head Tireless Collector's Chained Cowl Catalyst / Raid / Vault
Neck Semi-Charmed Amulet Rik Reverb
Shoulders Epaulettes of Failed Enforcers Mug'zee, Heads of Security
Cloak Undercircuit Racing Flag Stix Bunkjunker
Chest Tireless Collector's Battlegear Catalyst / Raid / Vault
Wrist Made Manacles Mug'zee, Heads of Security
Gloves Tireless Collector's Gauntlets Catalyst / Raid / Vault
Belt Dealer's Covetous Chain Chrome King Gallywix
Legs Tireless Collector's Armored Breeches Catalyst / Raid / Vault
Boots Shrapnel-Ridden Sabatons Stix Bunkjunker
Ring 1 The Jastor Diamond Chrome King Gallywix
Ring 2 (RNG Drop) Miniature Roulette Wheel One-Armed Bandit
Ring 2 (Normal Drop) Faded Championship Ring Cauldron of Carnage
Trinket 1 (Dark Ranger-only) House of Cards One-Armed Bandit
Trinket 1 Geargrinder's Spare Keys Stix Bunkjunker
Trinket 2 (3+ Minute Encounters) Eye of Kezan Chrome King Gallywix
Trinket 2 (All-Rounder) Reverb Radio Rik Reverb
Weapon "Tiny Pal" Mug'zee, Heads of Security

For Marksmanship Hunters, Liberation of Undermine provides the strongest overall gear due to high base item levels and set bonuses that enhance damage output. If you plan on raiding, this is where you’ll get the best upgrades.

Best in Slot Gear from Mythic+

Mythic+ dungeons offer repeatable ways to farm great gear, making it a viable alternative to raiding. Some items from dungeons even outperform raid gear, particularly Flickering Glowtorc, which offers higher Critical Strike values than any raid neckpiece.

Slot Item Source
Head Tireless Collector's Chained Cowl Catalyst / Vault
Head Flickering Glowtorc Darkflame Cleft
Shoulders Crashguard Spaulders The MOTHERLODE!!
Cloak Chef Chewie's Towel Cinderbrew Meadery
Chest Tireless Collector's Battlegear Catalyst / Raid / Vault
Wrist I'pa's Pale Aleguards Cinderbrew Meadery
Gloves Tireless Collector's Gauntlets Catalyst / Vault
Belt Tireless Collector's First Kill Catalyst
Legs Tireless Collector's Armored Breeches Catalyst / Vault
Boots Boots of Shuddering Matter Theater of Pain
Ring 1 Ring of Perpetual Conflict Theater of Pain
Ring 2 Hoop of the Blighted The Rookery
Trinket 1 Signet of the Priory Priory of the Sacred Flame
Trinket 2 Azerokk's Resonating Heart The MOTHERLODE!!
Weapon Keeza's 'B.' B.B.B.F.G Operation: Floodgate

Mythic+ is an excellent way to fill in missing slots, and certain pieces—like Flickering Glowtorc—even outperform raid gear. Since you can run dungeons repeatedly, this is the best way to farm strong gear without waiting on raid lockouts.

If you're aiming for the best possible setup, raiding should be your priority, but Mythic+ can quickly fill in gaps while offering some high-value alternative items. No matter which path you take, be sure to sim your character on Raidbots to confirm which upgrades work best for you.

Survival Hunter BiS Gear – Season 2

Survival Hunters rely on Agility as their primary stat, with Mastery and Critical Strike as the most important secondaries. Haste is still useful but takes a backseat to the other stats. In The War Within Season 2, Sentinel is the preferred Hero Talent for gearing, as Pack Leader is currently underperforming. However, the BiS gear listed below will still work well if you prefer playing Pack Leader.

The two main sources from this SV Hunter BiS list remain the same:

  • Liberation of Undermine (Raid) – The best place to get high item level gear with set bonuses.
  • Mythic+ Dungeons – Offers solid alternatives, repeatable loot farming, and in some cases, better secondary stats.

Below are the Best-in-Slot (BiS) gear lists for Survival Hunters, divided between Raid and Mythic+. If you’re missing BiS pieces, prioritize high item level gear that enhances Mastery and Critical Strike.

Best in Slot Gear from Liberation of Undermine (Raid)

Slot Item Source
Head Tireless Collector's Chained Cowl Catalyst / Raid / Vault
Neck Gobfather's Gifted Bling Mug'Zee
Shoulders Tireless Collector's Hunted Heads Catalyst / Raid / Vault
Cloak Test Pilot's Go-Pack Sprocketmonger Lockenstock
Chest Tireless Collector's Battlegear Catalyst / Raid / Vault
Wrist Made Manacles Mug'Zee
Gloves Gravi-Gunk Handlers Sprocketmonger Lockenstock
Belt Tireless Collector's First Kill Catalyst / Raid / Vault
Legs Tireless Collector's Armored Breeches Catalyst / Raid / Vault
Boots Dubious Table-Runners One-Armed Bandit
Ring 1 Faded Championship Ring Flarendo
Ring 2 The Jastor Diamond Chrome King Gallywix
Trinket 1 Eye of Kezan Chrome King Gallywix
Trinket 2 House of Cards One-Armed Bandit
Weapon Giga Bank-Breaker One-Armed Bandit

Liberation of Undermine is the go-to source for WoW Hunter BiS survival, especially because it provides powerful tier set bonuses. Some pieces, like The Jastor Diamond and Test Pilot's Go-Pack, are unique raid-only items that offer unmatched stat combinations.

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Best in Slot Gear from Mythic+

Mythic+ offers great alternative gearing options, especially for players who don’t raid or are still waiting on BiS drops. While some raid trinkets outperform dungeon options, Mythic+ trinkets like Signet of the Priory are strong choices due to the lack of solid 2-minute cooldown options from raid drops.

Slot Item Source
Head Tireless Collector's Chained Cowl Catalyst / Vault
Neck Strapped Rescue-Keg Cinderbrew Meadery
Shoulders Tireless Collector's Hunted Heads Catalyst / Raid / Vault
Cloak Chef Chewie's Towel Cinderbrew Meadery
Chest Tireless Collector's Battlegear Catalyst / Raid / Vault
Wrist Consecrated Baron's Bindings Priory of the Sacred Flame
Gloves Linked Pummeler Grips The MOTHERLODE!!
Belt Portable Power Generator Portable Power Generator
Legs Tireless Collector's Armored Breeches Catalyst / Raid / Vault
Boots Boots of Shuddering Matter Theater of Pain
Ring 1 Ring of Perpetual Conflict Theater of Pain
Ring 2 Radiant Necromancer's Band Priory of the Sacred Flame
Trinket 1 Improvised Seaforium Pacemaker Operation: Floodgate
Trinket 2 Signet of the Priory Priory of the Sacred Flame
Weapon Gallytech Turbo-Tiller Operation: Floodgate

Mythic+ provides excellent flexibility for gearing, and some dungeon pieces, like Strapped Rescue-Keg and Signet of the Priory, are as good or better than raid options in many situations. Since dungeons are repeatable, it’s a fast way to gear up and replace weaker pieces.

Best Trinkets for Hunters in The War Within Season 2

Hunter trinkets play a huge role in maximizing damage output, and choosing the right ones can make or break your performance. The best trinkets for Beast Mastery, Marksmanship, and Survival Hunters depend on whether you’re focusing on Single-Target (ST) encounters, AoE fights, or Mythic+ dungeons. BLOG20

Below is a consolidated table showing the best trinkets for each spec, divided into ST and AoE categories to help you make the best choice for your build.

Signet of the Priory is hands-down one of the best Hunter trinkets for all three specs, offering strong, consistent secondary stat bonuses that scale well in both single-target and AoE encounters. If you can get one, you’re set for most situations.

For single-target fights, Eye of Kezan is a great alternative for Beast Mastery and Marksmanship, as it lines up well with their cooldowns. Mechano-Core Amplifier is the best ST option for Marksmanship, especially for Sentinel builds that rely on Trueshot uptime. Survival, on the other hand, prefers House of Cards, since it pairs well with Coordinated Assault.

When it comes to AoE and Mythic+, Improvised Seaforium Pacemaker is a great choice for Beast Mastery and Survival, offering solid multi-target damage. Marksmanship Hunters, however, should look for House of Cards, which works well with their burst windows during Trueshot.

If you’re not sure which trinkets to run, always sim your character using Raidbots to check for upgrades based on your current gear. But if you can grab Signet of the Priory, you’re in a great spot no matter what content you’re running.

Best Crafted Gear & Embellishments for Hunters – Season 2

Crafted gear offers strong stat customization and powerful embellishments that enhance your build. You can obtain these items via crafting orders using Spark of Fortunes, and embellishments provide unique effects beyond regular stats. Remember: you can only equip two embellished pieces at a time (marked by the “Unique-Equipped: Embellished (2)” tag).

Crafted gear plays a crucial role in gearing up efficiently in The War Within Season 2, offering flexibility and strong secondary stats tailored to your spec. Hunter Embellishments provide unique damage, utility, or survivability benefits, making the right crafted choices essential for maximizing your performance.

Since you can only equip two embellished pieces, it's important to choose wisely based on your playstyle and content focus (raiding, Mythic+, PvP). If you’re unsure about the best gear or embellishments for your setup, always sim yourself to confirm what provides the biggest upgrade!

Best Crafting Order for Optimal Power Gains

Crafting in The War Within Season 2 is a great way to fill gaps in your gear, especially early in the season when raid and Mythic+ drops are still uncertain. Since crafted items can be upgraded over time, it's important to prioritize the right slots first for maximum long-term value.

The order below is designed to maximize your power gains for Hunter pre BiS progression while ensuring you get the best return on Spark of Fortunes investments. If you already have high-level drops in a specific slot, feel free to adjust your crafting priority accordingly!

  1. Boots or Belt First – Glyph-Etched Stompers or Binding are strong across all specs and have high-value stats.
  2. Weapon (If Needed) – Marksmanship should craft P.0.W. x2, while Survival should prioritize Charged Halberd if no Myth-track weapon is available.
  3. Bracers (Glyph-Etched Vambraces) – A low-budget slot that benefits from Dawnthread Lining, making it a great long-term craft.
  4. Any Additional Crafted Gear – Fill remaining weak slots based on your current progression and gear gaps.

Pro Tip: Sim your character before crafting final pieces, as stat priorities shift based on what you already have equipped.

Alternative Gear & Noteworthy Mentions

Not every player is going to lock in their Hunter BiS items immediately—sometimes, drops just don’t go your way. Thankfully, dungeons, PvP vendors, and raid sidegrades offer solid backup choices that can still perform well while you work toward your endgame setup.

The table below highlights strong alternatives across different content sources:

Slot Alternative Item Source
Head Flickering Glowtorc Darkflame Cleft (Dungeon)
Neck - PvP Conquest Vendor
Shoulders Crashguard Spaulders The MOTHERLODE!! (Dungeon)
Cloak Chef Chewie’s Towel Cinderbrew Meadery (Dungeon)
Chest - PvP Conquest Vendor
Wrist Consecrated Baron’s Bindings Priory of the Sacred Flame (Dungeon)
Gloves Linked Pummeler Grips The MOTHERLODE!! (Dungeon)
Belt Portable Power Generator Operation: Floodgate (Dungeon)
Legs Squallrider's Kilt The Rookery (Dungeon)
Boots Boots of Shuddering Matter Theater of Pain (Dungeon)
Ring 1 Ring of Perpetual Conflict Theater of Pain (Dungeon)
Ring 2 Hoop of the Blighted The Rookery (Dungeon)
Trinket 1 Improvised Seaforium Pacemaker Operation: Floodgate (Dungeon)
Trinket 2 Signet of the Priory Priory of the Sacred Flame (Dungeon)
Weapon Keeza’s 'B.' B.B.B.F.G Operation: Floodgate (Dungeon)

If you’re missing your BiS pieces, there are plenty of ways to stay competitive while you farm for upgrades.

Mythic+ Dungeon Drops

Dungeon gear is the best backup option when you’re unlucky with raid drops. Many Mythic+ pieces have great secondary stats and some even outperform raid gear in certain slots. Flickering Glowtorc (Neck) and Boots of Shuddering Matter are perfect examples of strong dungeon alternatives that Hunters can rely on.

PvP Gear – A Viable Stopgap

If you’re willing to do some PvP, Conquest gear is an easy way to fill in gaps—it’s often well-itemized for Critical Strike and Mastery, which benefit all Hunter specs. While it won’t always be optimal, Backline Tracker’s Medallion (Neck) and Night Hunter’s Chainmail (Chest) are great pickups if you need higher item level fast. BLOG20

Trinkets – What If You Don’t Have BiS?

  • Improvised Seaforium Pacemaker is a great Mythic+ alternative for Beast Mastery and Survival if you can’t get a raid trinket.
  • Eye of Kezan is one of the best raid trinkets for ST fights, making it a solid backup for Marksmanship and Beast Mastery.
  • Signet of the Priory remains a must-have, but if you don’t have it yet, House of Cards is a decent fallback.

While raid weapons tend to be BiS, Keeza’s ‘B.’ B.B.B.F.G from Operation: Floodgate is a strong dungeon alternative if you haven’t secured a high-end ranged weapon.

If you haven’t secured your BiS setup, don’t stress—there are plenty of strong alternatives available across dungeons, crafting, and PvP vendors. Dungeon drops and crafted gear are your best bet for filling in missing slots, while PvP gear can be a surprisingly solid stopgap.

No matter what, always sim your character using Raidbots before making final gearing decisions—sometimes, a well-itemized alternative can perform just as well as a raid BiS piece!


Gearing in The War Within Season 2 is all about optimizing your Hunter for your preferred content—whether it's raiding, Mythic+, or PvP. While Best-in-Slot (BiS) gear is the ultimate goal, alternative options from dungeons, crafting, and PvP vendors ensure you stay competitive while farming for upgrades.

Crafted gear and embellishments offer another layer of customization, allowing you to fine-tune your stats and power gains. Prioritizing high-value slots and simming your character will always give you the best results when deciding what to craft or equip.

At the end of the day, BiS lists are guides, not rules—your best gear is what works for your playstyle, goals, and available loot. Keep farming, use Raidbots to sim upgrades, and most importantly—enjoy the hunt!


What is the BiS gear for Hunters in WoW War Within Season 2?


BiS (Best-in-Slot) gear for Hunters in Season 2 includes a mix of Liberation of Undermine raid gear, Mythic+ dungeon drops, and crafted items. The best items vary by spec, but common BiS pieces include Tireless Collector’s set, high-crit jewelry, and top-tier trinkets like Signet of the Priory and Eye of Kezan.

How to get BiS gear for Hunters in WoW War Within Season 2?

  • Liberation of Undermine Raid – Highest item level gear and tier sets.
  • Mythic+ Dungeons – Farmable gear with strong secondaries.
  • Crafting & Embellishments – Customizable items using Spark of Fortunes.
  • PvP Gear (as a backup) – Can be used temporarily if it provides higher item levels.

What is BiS gear is World of Warcraft?


BiS gear refers to the best possible items for a character’s spec and role, offering the highest stats, best secondary effects, or set bonuses for optimal performance in PvE or PvP content.

What is the best crafted gear for Hunters in WoW War Within Season 2?

  • All Specs – Glyph-Etched Stompers, Glyph-Etched Vambraces.
  • BM Hunter – Glyph-Etched Binding with Dawnthread Lining.
  • MM Hunter – P.0.W. x2 (crafted weapon), Glyph-Etched Binding.
  • SV Hunter – Charged Halberd (crafted weapon), Glyph-Etched Stompers.

What are the best trinkets for Hunters in WoW War Within Season 2?

  • Beast Mastery (BM): Signet of the Priory, Eye of Kezan, Improvised Seaforium Pacemaker.
  • Marksmanship (MM): Mechano-Core Amplifier, House of Cards, Signet of the Priory.
  • Survival (SV): Signet of the Priory, House of Cards, Improvised Seaforium Pacemaker.

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