This WoW The War Within Survival Hunter Mage Tower guide includes all the details you want to know about this difficult activity. We are going to share the most essential tips and tricks that will help you outbattle the boss and complete this challenge successfully. Besides, you will find information on the optimal talent build and gear you can use for this encounter.
Survival Hunter Mage Tower Challenge Info
The main enemy you are to defeat during the Closing the Eye encounter is Archmage Xylem. On top of that, Corrupting Shadows will be summoned after the first boss’ HP gets to 10%. After that happens, you will not have much time to finish the challenge, as the arena you are fighting in will slowly start covering with Void.
This encounter can be roughly split into 3 phases, each testing you with unseen-before mechanics. For instance, you need to learn to play around Frost, Arcane, and Shadow abilities. Considering how difficult this challenge is, it may take you hundreds of attempts to complete it.
However, the reward you get is definitely worth it, as you cannot get it anywhere else apart from finishing this encounter. To ensure you get a well-deserved reward with minimum effort, we have prepared the Survival Hunter Mage Tower strategy, which you can find towards the end of the article.
If you still wish to speed up this process and get the reward ASAP, we have you covered here. Check out our Timewalking & Mage Tower Boost services where our professional players complete any encounter for you. We offer fair prices and guarantee the fastest result.
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Best Gear for Survival Hunter Mage Tower
Before you rush into battle, let us warn you about one thing. This challenge is not a common PvE activity you are used to. It is not enough to purchase a top-rank set to one-shot a boss. The main idea of this and other encounters of that kind is to test your personal skills. It is done by implementing certain restrictions usual PvE activities do not have.
Taking your gear as an example, its ilvl is downscaled to 120 while you are in the arena. A similar effect is applied to your character’s level. The latter is lowered to 45 while you are trying to complete this challenge. As a result, you deal less damage, have less HP, and your attack speed is significantly slower.
To compensate for everything mentioned, you need to follow a certain stat priority. Apart from your main stat, Agility, secondary ones matter a lot as well. As a rule, you prioritize Haste and Critical Strike to maximize your damage output during the fight. Only after that, there comes Mastery and Versatility since they do not bring that much of a damage boost.
This is probably the optimal stat order you want to follow during the Survival Hunter Timewalking Mage Tower challenge. As for your equipment, it matters less than in any other PvE content and does not seem to be the crucial factor in achieving victory.
If you still wish to wear the best Survival Hunter Mage Tower gear possible, we have prepared the following table for you. It mostly contains the equipment pieces you can get for defeating the Raid and Mythic+ bosses. Though, none of the mentioned items are mandatory to complete the encounter. You can only count on your skills, not on your armor and weapons. BLOG20
Equipment Slot | Item Name | Source |
Head | Snake Eater's Cowl | Volcoross |
Neck | Amulet of Eonar's Chosen | Nymue |
Shoulders | Blazing Dreamstalker's Finest Hunt | Catalyst |
Cloak | Inflammable Drapeleaf | Gnarlroot |
Chest | Blazing Dreamstalker's Scaled Hauberk | Catalyst |
Wrist | Adaptive Dracothyst Armguards | Leatherworking |
Gloves | Blazing Dreamstalker's Skinners | Catalyst |
Belt | Forlorn Leaf Clasp | Gnarlroot |
Legs | Blazing Dreamstalker's Shellgreaves | Catalyst |
Boots | Flame-Touched Treads | Leatherworking |
Ring | Signet of the Last Elder | Igira the Cruel |
Ring | Thornwoven Band | Waycrest Manor |
Trinket | Cataclysmic Signet Brand | Smolderon |
Trinket | My'das Talisman | Atal'Dazar |
Weapon | Rashon, the Immortal Blaze | Fyrakk |
If you decide to replace this stuff with something you get from Mythic+ content, we are here to help you as well. By ordering our Mythic Carry services, you can forget about low-skill parties and save plenty of time. Our pro players will gladly clear out a dungeon of any difficulty for you. This will take minimum effort and the result is guaranteed.
To enhance your character’s stats even further, you cannot neglect Survival Hunter Mage Tower trinkets we are going to mention below. Apart from pure stat, they provide you with unique on-use abilities, which can be helpful in battle.
Item Name | Source |
Cataclysmic Signet Brand | Smolderon |
My'das Talisman | Atal'Dazar |
Bandolier of Twisted Blades | Igira the Cruel |
Accelerating Sandglass | Dawn of the Infinite |
Coiled Serpent Idol | Volcoross |
If you have no time to farm all these raids to get the required equipment, we have the solution for you. Check out our WoW Raid Boost services where our professional players do this routine job for you. All you are left to do is to enjoy the loot and keep preparing for the challenge. We offer the best market price and guarantee the fastest completion time.
Survival Hunter Mage Tower Best Enchants & Gems
The following extract of our Survival Hunter Mage Tower guide contains all the details you want to know about enchantment and gem choice. Just like trinkets, they grant you additional primary and secondary stats and act as an essential part of your equipment for any type of content. The most powerful options are enlisted in the table below.
Equipment Slot | Best Alternative | Provided Bonus |
Weapon | Sophic Devotion | If the effect procs, you gain a ton of extra Agility for a short period of time. |
Cloak | Homebound Speed | Slightly boosts your Speed stat allowing you to move around the arena faster. |
Chest | Waking Stats | Provides you with additional Agility enhancing your overall DPS. |
Bracers | Devotion of Speed | Works in the same way as the cloak’s enchant does. |
Legs | Fierce Armor Kit | Grants you a bunch of Stamina and Agility to live longer and deal higher damage. |
Boots | Watcher's Loam | Another source of Stamina, which increases your survivability rate. |
Ring | Devotion of Haste | Increases your Haste stat, which is the most important one for you. |
Up next, we have prepared a list of the most powerful Survival Hunter Mage Tower recommended gems you can use during this encounter. Of course, you can try a different variety but this alternative works just fine:
- Fierce Illimited Diamond provides you with additional Agility and Haste stats allowing you to deal overwhelming damage;
- Crafty Ysemerald grants you extra Haste and Crit stats you need more than any others.
To get geared up properly, you need tons of gold. There are various ways of obtaining it in the game but all of them are time-consuming. To purchase everything you want ASAP, you can Buy WoW Gold with our company’s help. This is the fastest and easiest way to become richer. We provide the best market price and guarantee the quickest delivery.
Survival Hunter Mage Tower Best Talent Build
With the updated talent system we have received in Dragonflight, one can experiment with various setups. However, not all of them are equally efficient and suit this encounter in particular. If you do not know where to start, you can use our ready-made solution presented below. The latter focuses on dealing maximum DPS against single targets.
Since this challenge does not have too many adds to fight, Explosive Shot is more than enough to deal with them. This skill will be of great use during the second phase. See the most optimal Survival Hunter Mage Tower 11.1 talent build we have prepared for you.
Copy the following code to export this build into your game:
To get access to all the required talents, you need to reach the maximum level first. In this expansion, the level cap is set to 80. To speed up this process, you can check out our WoW Powerleveling services. In this case, our professional players will boost your characters in the shortest time possible.
Archmage Xylem Fight Strategy
The following paragraph of the article contains the most essential Survival Hunter Mage Tower tips to use in the fight. As we mentioned earlier, each of the 3 stages has its mechanics you need to play around. Some of them are insanely difficult and require you to practice for quite some time before you succeed.
During Stage 1, you are to counter Frost-based abilities, which are constantly cast by Archmage Xylem. The main spell you need to be mindful of is Frostbolt, as it inflicts significant damage. Therefore, you want to interrupt it whenever it is possible. This boss also frequently teleports randomly to the opposite side of the platform, so be prepared for that.
When he does that, he will immobilize you with ice shards. However, using any of your mobility talents will get you out of this trap with no problem. Failing to do so quickly after the boss teleports away will result in Comet Storm, which deals devastating damage to trapped targets.
This stage lasts for 90 seconds and is followed by an intermission. Once it starts, the boss will create dozens of mirror images of himself and begin casting Arcane Annihilation. Do not get lost and quickly look at the minimap. By doing so, you will find the actual boss. Once you do this, shorten the distance and interrupt the cast. Otherwise, this will lead to an inevitable wipe.
After that, Stage 2 begins where you fight the same boss. However, he will use a different set of abilities this time. They are less dangerous if compared to what you have survived during the previous phase. Though, you want to interrupt the Draw Power cast to avoid taking overwhelming damage.
This is the phase where you want to deal the maximum damage possible. For this, you will have only 50 seconds. During this time, you want to lower the boss’s HP to 10% to proceed to the final stage. Otherwise, the intermission will happen again and you will have to pass Stage 1 once again.
Once Stage 3 commences, you will face Corrupting Shadows, who will leave pools of Void wherever he moves. It is crucial to lure him toward the edge of the platform to prevent the spread of this dangerous substance. Additionally, the boss will frequently use Seed of Darkness, which acts as a debuff that spawns Darkness Within. However, using any of your AoE spells is enough to get rid of the smaller mobs quickly. Otherwise, they will reach the one who has summoned them and heal him for a great amount of HP.
Answering the question of how to do the Mage Tower as Survival Hunter, the most important point is to kite the final boss properly. Besides, you want to finish him before the platform is fully covered with Void.
Speaking of a possible Survival Hunter Mage Tower nerf, it will not happen for sure. This is one of the most nerfed specs already. Therefore, it deserves a buff instead for sure. Still, it performs well enough in this challenge, and you can give it a shot if you enjoy this specialization’s playstyle.
Survival Hunter Mage Tower Rewards
Defeating the final enemy ends the encounter. After that, you will be teleported to your original location and receive the reward. The latter represents a unique Survival Hunter Mage Tower appearance, which you can see in the screenshot below.
Those players who consider themselves truly skillful can try to complete all 7 encounters currently added to the game. In this case, you will receive another reward called Soaring Spelltome. This is a special ground mount, which looks like an open book your character stands on to float over the ground.
It is not necessary to spend hours to get the desired rewards. Instead, you can order our World of Warcraft Boosting services and rely on our professional players. They will gladly complete any encounter for you in the shortest time possible. We provide the best market price and guarantee the result.
Fellow heroes, this marks the end of our guide. We hope you had a fun time reading it and learned a lot of new stuff. Whether you are only a beginner or an experienced player, you definitely have found interesting details about the encounter you are to pass with this specialization. Make sure to stay with us, as we will keep updating this article if any changes occur.
What reward do Survival Hunters get from Timewalking Mage Tower?
The most wanted reward has always been a class-specific transmog set. The latter cannot be obtained in any other activity apart from this.
What are the best Survival Hunter talents for Mage Tower?
We highly recommend that you check a separate paragraph devoted to the optimal build you can use for this encounter. Relying on certain talents only is a bad idea.
How do you increase damage as Survival Hunter in Mage Tower?
Do not forget about your pet, keep it alive, and your damage will radically increase.
Is Survival Hunter good for Mage Tower?
It is a decent choice for this challenge if you enjoy playing this specialization.