Vengeance Demon Hunter Mage Tower Guide - The War Within 11.1

By reading this WoW The War Within guide, you will learn every detail concerning Vengeance Demon Hunter Mage Tower gameplay and The Highlord’s Return encounter. It includes BiS gear, the optimal talent build, available rewards, and more.

Read Our Vengeance Demon Hunter Mage Tower Guide

Welcome to another episode of the Mage Tower guide series. After reading this article, you will learn everything you need to know about the Vengeance Demon Hunter Mage Tower The War Within gameplay and the challenge this spec has to complete. 

We will provide the most essential tips and tricks that will help you defeat both bosses with minimum attempts. Also, you will learn what gear and talent build you want to use during this encounter. Make sure to read this article to the end to increase your chances of achieving victory.

Vengeance Demon Hunter Mage Tower Challenge Info

The game’s developers have designed a unique encounter for each role. To find out what challenge is prepared for you in the Mage Tower when playing this specialization, you need to find War Councilor Victoria. She is waiting for you at Deliverance Point, which is a location not that far from Dalaran. To get there quicker, you can always buy and use Dalaran Hearthstone. Once you are in the city, you can get to the required destination by flying on your mount. The entire journey should not take you more than 5 minutes.

When playing this spec, you are to complete The Highlord’s Return encounter, which is designed specifically for tanks. During it, you face off against two bosses and protect two allies. Your enemies are Inquisitor Variss and Highlord Kruul, both should be defeated to complete the encounter. Luckily, the game’s creators have split this challenge into 2 Stages and you do not have to fight them simultaneously.

Since you act as a tank and cannot deal a ton of damage on your own, you will have 2 AI NPCs helping you throughout the battle. They are Velen and Kor’vas Bloodthorn. However, both of them should be protected by all means or you will have to start the encounter from the beginning.

While the second ally does nothing but a bit of damage, Velen plays a huge role indeed. He can summon Holy Ward every 30 seconds of the fight. If you pick it up, you will restore a good deal of HP and cleanse all active debuffs. On top of that, all enemies around you, including the boss, will be stunned for a few seconds. This is a perfect saving tool when you are getting focused too hard or just need some time to recover your breath.

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This is definitely one of the toughest encounters currently available in the game. The reason for this is that you not only have to deal damage but also protect two allies at the same time. To complete this challenge successfully, you cannot go without the Vengeance Demon Hunter Mage Tower strategy. You can find it toward the end of the article. Both bosses’ mechanics and deadliest abilities are described there.

No matter how well you perform when playing a particular spec, you will spend a lot of time practicing before passing this encounter. However, you can go another way and order our Timewalking & Mage Tower Boost services where our pro players can help you deal with any boss for you. We offer reasonable prices and guarantee the result.

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Best Gear for Vengeance Demon Hunter Mage Tower

Being an old-school challenge that saw the world for the first time back in the Legion expansion, the Mage Tower activity already has an established set of rules. They are designed in such a way to as make all players equal for the time of the encounter. Down below, we are going to describe what you can do to increase your chances of achieving victory despite any restrictions.

Starting with your equipment, its ilvl is temporarily lowered to 120, which is a huge debuff. You will be hitting less hard, taking more damage, and casting spells slower. A similar feature is applied to your character’s level since it is decreased to 45. This makes the Vengeance Demon Hunter Timewalking Mage Tower challenge even harder and requires you to be a true master of this specialization.

Since your top-rank gear stops playing practically any meaning, you need to be careful with your stat priority. The correct order is your key to victory in most cases. As a rule, you focus on Critical Strike and Versatility, as they increase your damage output. This is exactly what you need since you will not have other players helping you, only AI NPCs. Besides, you have Agility, which is your priority in any case since it is your main stat.

Here, you can find what Vengeance Demon Hunter Mage Tower gear suits this challenge most. We have compiled a table containing the strongest equipment parts, which can be looted by killing Raid and Mythic+ bosses. However, wearing this gear does not guarantee you are going to complete the encounter effortlessly. In fact, none of the mentioned items are mandatory to pass the challenge since they only slightly boost your character’s damaging potential. BLOG20

Replacing the presented set with a Mythic+ alternative is also a good idea. To get some of its parts, you will need to concentrate on clearing out tons of dungeons. Instead, you can order our Mythic Carry services and let our professional players do the job for you. It is the easiest and quickest way to get the desired loot you need for this encounter.

Up next, we would like to describe what Vengeance Demon Hunter Mage Tower trinkets you can choose from. They act as a source of additional main and secondary stats, which can never be extra. On top of that, you gain unique on-use abilities wearing some of the mentioned items.

To get geared up, you cannot neglect Raiding content anyway. Though, completing a raid can be a time-consuming and challenging task. If you wish to get the required loot quicker and guaranteed, you should check out our WoW Raid Boost services. Our professional players will slay any boss for you and get the required item for you.

Vengeance Demon Hunter Mage Tower Best Enchants & Gems

In this section of our Vengeance Demon Hunter Mage Tower guide, we would like to pay attention to what enchantments and gems you can use to make your character even stronger. Down below, you can find a table with the best options that suit this specialization most.

Equipment Slot Best Alternative Provided Bonus
Weapon Sophic Devotion You have a chance of gaining extra Agility for a short period of time.
Weapon Sophic Devotion The same enchant applies to the second weapon.
Cloak Regenerative Leech Slightly increases your Leech stat to restore a bit of HP when dealing damage.
Chest Waking Stats Passively boosts your Agility influencing your overall DPS.
Bracers Devotion of Leech Another source of Leech to restore HP when dealing damage.
Legs Frosted Armor Kit Provides you with additional Agility. Also, you gain extra armor.
Boots Watcher's Loam Gives you extra Stamina to increase your HP pool.
Ring Devotion of Haste Grants you additional Haste to cast spells quicker and reduce your ability cooldowns.

Up next, we would like to discuss Vengeance Demon Hunter Mage Tower recommended gems you can insert to gain additional main and secondary stats. The list includes the following items:

Purchasing all these and other items is impossible without gold. To get enough in-game currency, you will need to spend tons of time farming it. Instead, you can Buy WoW Gold with our company’s help. We provide the best market price and guarantee the fastest delivery time to any server.

Vengeance Demon Hunter Mage Tower Best Consumables

To ensure you achieve victory, you cannot go without certain consumables. They are a great source of main and secondary stats. You will gain an immense DPS buff to complete this encounter with minimum attempts. The list includes the following items, which you need to buy or craft yourself:

  1. Greater Flask of the Currents grants you an immense amount of Agility maximizing your DPS potential;
  2. Boralus Blood Sausage boosts your secondary stats for a bit;
  3. Astral Healing Potion is used in urgent situations when your HP drops to a critically low level;
  4. Potion of Unbridled Fury increases your damage output by a lot. On top of that, it syncs well with your rings since it deals Fire damage.


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Vengeance Demon Hunter Mage Tower Best Talent Build

Since the Dragonflight expansion has brought a completely new talent system, players can now experiment with a ton of new talent setups. Not all of them are equally efficient and play a great role when it comes to completing the encounter. Down below, you can find the optimal Vengeance Demon Hunter Mage Tower 11.1 talent build that looks as follows.

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Before you gain access to all the required talents, you need to reach level 80. It can take quite a lot of time and effort. Instead, you can order our WoW Powerleveling services to let our professional players boost your character. We guarantee the fastest completion time and provide the best market price.

Inquisitor Variss Fight Strategy

The next two sections of the article are all about fighting tactics you can use to slay both bosses. Here, you will find the most crucial Vengeance Demon Hunter Mage Tower tips and everything concerning the bosses’ mechanics and abilities. This will greatly help you complete the challenge with minimum attempts and save your time.

Let us remind you, the entire encounter consists of two phases, each having unique features we are going to describe further. Starting with Stage 1, you will face off against Inquisitor Variss and 3 annoying mob types.

The main boss’ abilities are Aura of Decay and Life Drain. The first talent works as a debuff, which reduces your Stamina. If you gain more than 5 stacks of it, this can lead to a wipe. As for the second ability, you just want to interrupt it with any CC available or the boss will heal to the maximum.

Adding a few words on adds you are going to fight, they are Tormenting Eye, Nether Horror, and Smoldering Infernal. To avoid the eye’s ability, you just need to look directly at him. Otherwise, you will be knocked away and can fall off the platform. This mob is also immune to physical damage.

Moving further, you should be aware of the fact that you want to get rid of Nether Horror once he spawns. This mob always prioritizes Velen as his main target. You definitely do not want your only healer to die, which leads to a wipe and you need to start over again.

Finally, you have the infernal with his Smash that also knocks you away. Luckily, this mob suffers from the Fel Resonation debuff, which damages him. Therefore, you do not really need to focus him since he dies pretty quickly.

Understanding what target to prioritize is the answer to the question of how to do the Mage Tower as Vengeance Demon Hunter. If you cannot do this, it may lead to numerous wipes and loss of time. Besides, your victory entirely depends on how well you protect your allies.

Highlord Kruul Fight Strategy

Passing the first phase starts Stage 2 where you face off against Highlord Kruul. The latter flies down to the platform right after you defeat the first boss. Being the final enemy, this boss is much deadlier and has a range of annoying abilities. They include Annihilate, Nether Stomp, and Twisted Reflection. His first talent works as a debuff and increases the damage you take from the boss. Here, you will need Holy Ward to cleanse it or you can be one-shot quite easily.

His second spell can throw you off of the platform. Luckily, it is relatively easy to dodge. As for the boss’ third ability, it restores his HP to the maximum once the cast is finished. Your primary goal is to interrupt it by any means. If you fail to do this, Kruul will out sustain you for sure. You can use Holy Ward if you have no other choice to stop the cast.

Finally, you will see purple beams spawning in the arena. Try to avoid them since they greatly slow down your movement speed and push you off of the platform. 

As for a possible Vengeance Demon Hunter Mage Tower nerf, it is unlikely to happen in the nearest future. This specialization simply does not deserve it since it is not overpowered or anything.

Vengeance Demon Hunter Mage Tower Rewards

When you are done with both bosses, the challenge is considered to be over. After that, you will be teleported back to your original location where you will be rewarded with a unique Vengeance Demon Hunter Mage Tower appearance. You can check out the way it looks in the screenshot below.

If you feel confident enough, you can test your skills in all 7 encounters currently available in the game. Completing all of them grants you a unique ground mount. This is Soaring Spelltome and it represents an open book your character stands on to fly over the ground.

Getting all the rewards requires a ton of time, investment, and constant practice. If you simply wish to get the appearance and mount we talked about earlier, we have the solution for you. Make sure to check out our World of Warcraft Boosting services, where our pro players will gladly help you complete any challenge. We offer fair prices and guarantee the result.


Fellow heroes, this marks the end of our guide. We hope you have learned a lot about Vengeance Demon Hunter Mage Tower gameplay and are now ready to test your skills. Make sure to stay with us, as we will keep updating this guide if any updates or changes occur.


What reward do Vengeance Demon Hunters get from Timewalking Mage Tower?

In most cases, players are hunting for nothing but a class-specific transmog set we described earlier.

What are the best Vengeance Demon Hunter talents for Mage Tower?

All the talents supplement each other and work as a balanced system. We highly recommend that you check a separate paragraph devoted to the optimal talent build you want to use in this encounter.

How do you increase damage as a Vengeance Demon Hunter in Mage Tower?

Pressing all your damage-dealing cooldowns is usually enough to slay both bosses. However, your other goal is to keep your allies alive since you are taking part in the encounter designed for tanks.

Is Vengeance Demon Hunter good for Mage Tower?

It is one of the best specs to try out for this challenge. If you enjoy playing it, there is nothing that can stop you from doing it.

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