Augmentation Evoker Guide - The War Within 11.1

Discover our comprehensive Augmentation Evoker guide for The War Within. This in-depth article provides valuable insights and strategies to help you master the Augmentation Evoker specialization. Learn about the optimal rotation, essential abilities, gear recommendations, and effective PvE tactics to maximize your damage output and contribute to your team's success.

Read Our Augmentation Evoker Guide for WoW The War Within

Fellow heroes, are you excited to try the brand-new Evoker’s specialization? Then, welcome to our comprehensive Augmentation Evoker guide for The War Within. After reading this article, you will learn about Augmentation Evoker abilities, talent builds, tier-set bonuses, stat priority, and more.

The Augmentation spec implements a completely unseen-before way of making your allies stronger. You provide friendly targets around you with massive buffs, augmenting their damage output and increasing defense. Contrary to common belief, this specialization is not going to replace any healers during raids or dungeon runs. It fulfills a completely different role yet we are more than sure that every party will want to have at least one Augmentation Evoker playing for them.

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Augmentation Evoker Pros and Cons

Since we are dealing with a wholly new spec, it is important to describe its weak and strong sides. So, after reading this part of the article, you will see whether you want to try Augmentation Evoker in WoW at all or if its playstyle is too different from what you have expected.

Let us begin with the Upsides, including the following points:

  • Strong damage and defense-aimed buffs;
  • Brings a completely new vision of how a support role works;
  • Decent mobility thanks to Hover;
  • Not that difficult to play, as many spells find their targets automatically.

Up next, we would like to describe the Downsides, which look as follows:

  • Cannot boast significant damage output without allies;
  • Can barely compete with fully healer-aimed specs like Restoration Shaman, Preservation Evoker, and others;
  • It is essential to maintain your Ebon Might all the time to remain a valuable member of a party.

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Augmentation Evoker Core Abilities

Just like with any other specialization in the game, you have a set of certain abilities your gameplay is built around. It is important to keep in mind that we are taking a look at a completely new spec. So, it is as vital as ever to find out the strongest WoW Augmentation Evoker abilities you are going to be using most frequently. BLOG20

In this part of the article, we will take a closer look at this spec’s core abilities:

  • Ebon Might – This is your primary buff, which affects up to 4 friendly targets around you. To benefit from it the most, you need to learn to extend its uptime to ensure your allies always have extra primary stats. This can be done by using empower spells;
  • Eruption – Acts as the only Essence spender in your arsenal. It also prolongs Ebon Might and deals decent AoE damage;
  • Upheaval – Since it is an empower spell, it extends Ebon Might duration and deals decent AoE damage;
  • Fire Breath – Despite being available to all Evoker specs, we benefit from it more than any other spec does. It is another empower spell we can cast to extend our Ebon Might and deal AoE damage as well;
  • Prescience – Boosts a chosen ally’s critical chance by 3%, and also allows them to duplicate their damage/healing spells with at 15% power;
  • Blistering Scales – A one-target buff that massively increases its armor. If the buff-affected ally is getting hit in a melee range, this enemy will get a ton of damage back;
  • Spatial Paradox – Can significantly increase your friendly healer’s casting range and let them cast while moving. Just like most of the spec’s buffs, it finds the target automatically if you do not choose a specific person;
  • Timelessness – Can help your ally to generate less threat, meaning they can deal more damage and not be afraid of aggroing all mobs around.

Of course, this list is not final and you will have a ton of other abilities you will be using a lot. On top of that, you will have such legendary Evoker abilities as Time Spiral, Blessing of the Bronze, Zephyr, and others.

Augmentation Evoker Stat Priority

This spec’s performance highly depends on what Augmentation Evoker stats you choose to focus on. To begin with, you always prioritize Intellect since it is your main stat. After that, goes Mastery, as your Mastery: Timewalker will not be that effective if you neglect this stat. When it comes to choosing between Haste and Critical Strike, they are more or less equal and you can choose the one you prefer. Finally, you want to avoid Versatility, as you do not get much value out of it.

So, your general Augmentation Evoker stat priority will look as follows:

  1. Intellect;
  2. Mastery;
  3. Haste;
  4. Critical Strike;
  5. Versatility.

When you get a bit more familiar with the spec, you can start changing this priority and experiment with it the way you want. However, using the suggested alternative will suit you just fine no matter what content you are participating in the most.

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Augmentation Evoker PvE Guide

In this section of the article, we will focus on the spec’s PvE performance. Despite being marked as a “Damage” specialization, you will not be able to deal a ton of it on your own. You will always need teammates to be nearby, as most of your abilities are aimed at improving their DPS or defense. So, if you are going to play this spec, make sure you have a reliable team who knows how to play around you and benefit from your buffs the most.

Best Augmentation Evoker Build – Raiding / Mythic+

You have already got acquainted with the main Augmentation Evoker talents. You already know what role you are executing and what abilities you rely on. Now, it is time to share one of the best Augmentation Evoker builds you can currently choose for either Raiding or Mythic+ dungeons.

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Again, it is only a general recommendation and you can change your Augmentation Evoker talent tree the way you like and experiment with it. After all, the final build depends on many factors such as your group composition, personal playstyle, and the gear you are wearing.

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Augmentation Evoker Best in Slot Gear

Continuing the topic we started above, we would like to share Augmentation Evoker best in slot gear you can wear to maximize your performance in any type of content. The table you see below contains equipment parts from both Raiding and Mythic+ activities. So, make sure you take part in both of them to gear up fully.

Speaking of what Augmentation Evoker embellishments you want to go for, they are as follows:

As you can see, most of the items you are going to wear provide you with extra Mastery. Let us remind you, this is the most important secondary stat for Augmentation Evoker, as the spec’s Mastery: Timewalker scales from it.

Augmentation Evoker Tier Set Explained

During PTR testing of the new spec, the devs surprised us with a spec-unique tier set. The latter will be added to the existing Aberrus Class Sets we already see in the game. Do you wonder what bonuses does Augmentation Evoker tier set give? They revolve around increasing your Ebon Might talent potential:

  • 2-Set Bonus – Ebon Might increases the damage of your empower spells by 30%;
  • 4-Set Bonus – Ebon Might increases allies’ primary stat by an extra 1% of your own.

The 4-set bonus looks extremely strong since it makes your already strong buff even more powerful. If you learn how to extend Ebon Might uptime, this bonus will make this ability a truly deadly weapon.

Augmentation Evoker Enchants & Consumables

By using proper enchantments and consumables, you can significantly increase your chance of claiming victory even in the toughest fights. This part of our Augmentation Evoker PvE guide will be devoted to what enchants and consumables you want to use when playing this specialization specifically.

Just like with all other gear pieces, you want to focus on those enchants and consumables that provide you with extra Mastery, as you benefit from it a lot.

To further increase your most valuable secondary stat, which is Mastery, you need to insert proper gems into your equipment. We highly recommend that you choose gems from the Neltharite family, as they are the ones, which grant you more Mastery. So, your choice should look like this:

  • Keen Neltharite / Sensei’s Neltharite - You can pick one of these, as they provide you with a ton of Mastery, as well as with Haste or Critical Strike depending on what you choose;
  • Skillful Illimited Diamond - This should be your go-to option for the Diamond slot, as it significantly boosts your Intellect and Mastery stats, the ones you value more than any others

Up next, we would like to add a few words concerning what consumables you want to use when playing as an Augmentation Evoker:

  • Refreshing Healing Potion - This is an all-purpose alternative if you lack survivability and die too quickly in fights;
  • Phial of Static Empowerment - It looks like a perfect choice, but it rarely works as intended in practice since you always have to move around to stay alive;
  • Phial of Tepid Versatility - Even though Versatility is our least wanted stat, this phial can greatly increase your survivability, which is always nice;
  • Iced Phial of Corrupting Rage - If you are looking for a damage increase, this phial can be your solution. However, always remember about its drawback;
  • Phial of Elemental Chaos - Depending on how lucky you are and what roll you get, this phial can be a really good option.

Finally, make sure to use Hissing Rune to gain even more Mastery. 

Augmentation Evoker Rotation Guide

As we mentioned at the very beginning of the article, this specialization is not that difficult to play. Besides, some of Augmentation Evoker abilities looked too powerful during PTR. Therefore, we are more than sure this spec is going to be rebalanced/nerfed in the nearest future.

Now, let us talk about Augmentation Evoker rotation varieties you are going to be using in different combat scenarios.

Augmentation Evoker Pre-Pull Rotation

  1. Cast Blistering Scales on your tank;
  2. Ebon Might;
  3. Prescience on your DPS;
  4. Tip the Scales;
  5. Living Flame.

Augmentation Evoker Opener Rotation

  1. Fire Breath (you will have it on the max rank due to Tip the Scales);
  2. Upheaval;
  3. Breath of Eons when people group up a bit;
  4. Prescience on another DPS (you can maintain this buff on two different targets simultaneously if you are using it on cooldown);
  5. Cast Eruption 3-4 times;
  6. Recast Ebon Might if it ends in 4 seconds or sooner.

Augmentation Evoker PvP Guide

Before we begin, it is important to mention that Augmentation Evoker struggles in Arena, as you do not have enough teammates around you to unlock your buff’s full potential. However, you truly shine when it comes to BGS. Finally, we do not know how this spec is going to play in Solo Shuffle, as most of your abilities are aimed at buffing your allies and keeping them alive. 

When it comes to PvP content in general, nothing changes that much. You still need to be as highly efficient as possible in the support role. This involves having high maintenance of crucial buffs on your teammates, such as:

  1. Mastery: Timewalker;
  2. Prescience;
  3. Ebon Might.

You also should not forget about the strategic usage of Hover or Obsidian Scales. On top of that, remember about your defensive maintenance with spells such as:

  1. Blistering Scales;
  2. Lava Shield.

It is important to mention that you need to constantly apply pressure and play aggressively to fully unlock your potential. By constantly maintaining your Ebon Might uptime and using spells like Eruption and Upheaval, you can help your DPS deal tons of damage while staying alive for the entire fight.

Alternatively, if you choose a hit-and-run strategy when playing Augmentation Evoker in PvP, the Born in Flame talent will be of great use here. The goal here is to unleash the highest amount of front-loaded damage when you are pushing for a kill. While your Ebon Might buff is active, you want to press all your aggressive cooldowns and keep spamming Living Flame as often as possible. By using this strategy, you will make it harder for your opponents to catch you. On top of that, you will be able to deal decent damage on your own.

Augmentation Evoker Macros

In this section of our guide, you can find several helpful macros you can use when playing Augmentation Evoker to make your gameplay smoother and more efficient:

  • Blistering Scales Macro

/use [@focus,help][@mouseover,help][@target,help][help][@player] Blistering Scales /stopspelltarget

  • Obsidian Scales Macro

/castsequence reset=2 Obsidian Scales, 5

  • Prescience / Spatial Paradox Macro

/cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] Prescience; Prescience /stopspelltarget

How to Become a Better Augmentation Evoker in The War Within

When people ask themselves how to play Augmentation Evoker, they often forget that key to success lies in constant practice and the ability to learn from your mistakes. So, we are about to share a few vital tips and tricks that will help you become a true master of this specialization:

  1. Study your abilities. Familiarize yourself with each of your abilities, including their effects, cooldowns, and synergies. Understanding how they work together will allow you to optimize your rotation and maximize your damage output;
  2. Learn encounter mechanics. Take the time to study the boss's mechanics and encounter strategies. Knowing when to use your defensive abilities, interrupts, or burst damage can greatly contribute to your effectiveness in the fight;
  3. Positioning is key. Position yourself strategically during encounters. As an Augmentation Evoker, you want to maintain a safe distance from enemies while still being within range to deal damage and buff allies. Position yourself in a way that allows you to avoid incoming attacks and maintain a good line of sight for your abilities;
  4. Coordinate with your team. Communication and coordination with your teammates are essential. Discuss strategies, coordinate crowd control abilities, and plan your burst damage phases together. A well-coordinated team can achieve higher efficiency and better results;
  5. Practice your rotation. Regularly practice your ability rotation to improve your muscle memory and reaction time. This will help you execute your abilities more efficiently, resulting in higher damage output.

Other Articles to Read

If you are willing to try other Evoker specializations, you will definitely be interested in our Preservation Evoker Guide or Devastation Evoker Guide. By reading them, you can become a better healer/damage dealer in no time. If you wish to give a shot to a completely different class, then you might be interested in our Assassination Rogue Guide.


Fellow heroes, this brings us to the end of our guide. We hope you had a fun time reading it and learned a lot of stuff about the brand-new Evoker’s specialization – Augmentation. With the information you have found within these pages, you can surely become a true master of this spec and excel on the battlefield. Since we are going to update this guide quite often, make sure to stay with us to find all the latest details that will help you become even better at playing this spec.


What is the role of the Augmentation Evoker?


This spec represents a mixture of a support/damager role. You always want to stay around your allies and maintain your strongest buff to increase your other allies' DPS and survivability.

How does Augmentation Evoker work?


Your potential is fully unlocked when you are around your teammates and can maintain the most powerful buffs (e.g. Ebon Might) for as long as possible.

What to do with Augmentation Evoker WoW?


This is a completely new specialization, offering players a unique playstyle. You can combine both support and damage-dealing roles, buffing all allies around and constantly generating threat.

Can you make an Augmentation Evoker yet?


Absolutely! Augmentation Evoker has become a playable spec with the release of 10.1.5 patch.

Is Augmentation Evoker good in The War Within?


This is one of the strongest buff-based specs in the game. You should definitely try it if you enjoy providing your allies with strong buffs, increasing their damage output and survivability rate.

Is Augmentation Evoker hard to play in WoW?


Since most of your buffs can find appropriate targets themselves, Augmentation Evoker is not that hard to play.

Is Augmentation Evoker good in PvE WoW?


This is a really strong pick for PvE content, as you can significantly increase your allies’ damage output while keeping them alive even in the toughest combat scenarios.

What is the best rotation for an Augmentation Evoker?


It depends on what situation you find yourself in. However, we have provided the most efficient rotations for this spec earlier in our guide.

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