The long-awaited update for World of Warcraft Shadowlands has finally released, and it is time to look closely at what changes will be present in the Eternity’s End update. Meet our Patch 9.2 Guide!
There are many new things including a new raid dungeon, new ranking PVP mode, new crafting system, new Mythic Plus Dungeons, as well as tons of fresh quests, open world activities, talent trees to research, and ancient mysteries to unfold. Here we collect all the information from Shadowlands patch 9.2 notes, so read on to know more about what new exiting content will be available in the new chapter of Shadowlands story.
Zereth Mortis and its mysteries
As was already stated in our previous articles (and all over the Internet, in WoW 9.2 patch notes), the main feature of patch 9.2 will be a new zone - Zereth Mortis. This is an unbelievably ancient place, where the mysterious First Ones have forged afterlives for souls from across all existence. This place lies deep within the very fabric of Shadowlands and the physics laws we are accustomed to do not work here.
There Heroes of Azeroth will meet new allies, who will help them fight the Jailer’s forces, pushing them back to the gates of the Sepulcher of the First Ones.
Of course, to start your journey in Zereth Mortis your character should be max level. If you have not reach level 60 yet, we can help you with that! Check out our WoW Leveling Boost services!
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The Enlightened
The Enlightened are former members of the Cartel Al who, unlike their relatives in the Cartel, are more obsessed with the First Ones than with profit and glory. They have learned much from their studies of the First Ones, so those who have earned their favor can get access to the secrets and power of the Enlightened.
You will meet the Enlightened at the first Chapter of Zereth Mortis campaign, so it will not take long to find them. Unfortunately, the same could not be said about farming the reputation. There are several ways to farm your way to Exalted with the Enlightened:
Zereth Mortis activities.
- World quests – 125 reputation;
- Daily quests (with a chance to give an Enlightened reputation token) – 75 reputation;
- Weekly quests - 500 reputation;
- Killing rare mobs in Zereth Mortis – 10 reputation (per rare once a day);
- Killing Zereth Mortis world boss and completing related World Quests – 200 reputation.
Eternity’s End campaign.
- First 3 Chapters (Week 1) - 2100 reputation;
- Chapter 4 (Week 2) – 450 reputation;
- Chapter 5, 6, 7 (Week 3, 4, and 5) – 1500 reputation. BLOG20
Regarding rewards you will get from the Enlightened there are plenty of really cool things:
Item Name | Price (gold) | Reputation Level |
Font of Ephemeral Power | 500 | Friendly |
Technique: Contract: The Enlightened | 1000 | Friendly |
Technique: Glyph of the Spectral Lupine | 1500 | Friendly |
Recipe: Crafter's Mark IV | 2500 | Honored |
Recipe: Crafter's Mark of the First Ones | 4000 | Honored |
Memory of Unity | 500 Cosmic Flux | Revered |
Decanter of Untapped Potential | 2500 | Revered |
Lens of Focused Intention | 300 | Revered |
Anointed Protostag Reins | 5000 Reservoir Anima | Revered |
Broker Translocation Matrix | 5000 | Exalted |
Eternal Augment Rune | 50000 | Exalted |
Tabard of the Enlightened | 1000 | Exalted |
Heartlight Stone | 5000 Reservoir Anima | Exalted |
Paragon rewards
For every 10000 reputation above Exalted level you will receive a Paragon rewards chest from Vilo, which will contain:
- 3500-5000 Gold;
- 20x First Flower;
- 20x Progenium Ore;
- 6x Protogenic Pelt;
- 40x Precursor Placoderm;
- 10x Silken Protofiber;
- 40x Protoflesh;
- 1x Progenitor Essentia;
- 1000x Cosmic Flux.
Also, each chest has a chance to give you the following rewards:
- Schematic: Russet Bufonid: A Russet Bufonid Protoform Synthesis schematic;
- Enlightened Portal Research: Addon adding Zereth Mortis as a destination for an Engineer's Wormhole Generator: Shadowlands;
- Sphere of Enlightened Cogitation: Summons an orb and leaves your character pondering, looking at it;
- Walking Staff of the Enlightened Journey: Staff cosmetic transmog;
- Ray Soul: Night Fae soulshape.
The Automa
The First Ones have created this mechanical race to keep their realm of Zereth Mortis in a working condition. Many players have already faced one of these creatures – the Guardian of the First Ones – in the Sanctum of Domination. This time though, the Automa will be friendly to the Heroes of Azeroth. It will help them defend their ancient domain and provide a range of valuable rewards to those who have earned their favor. Note that this reputation is much less important than the Enlightened.
We can safely say both of these reputations are important to your character’s performance in raids, Mythic Dungeons, and PVP. So, your guild and teammates will definitely appreciate it if you get these two reputations to Exalted quickly. We perfectly understand that and have already created two excellent offers, for you to take a look at:
· The Enlightened Reputation boost;
· The Automa Reputation boost.
Cypher of the First Ones
In Zereth Mortis, instead of the old renown progression system, players will have access to the brand-new Cypher of the First Ones system. It only works within Zereth Mortis and provides no benefits anywhere else in the World of Warcraft.
This system revolves around your new faithful companion – a small automa called Pocopoc, who will help you complete various activities in Zereth Mortis. You should use him wisely, because his powers are limited by the Pocopoc Energy resource. It regenerates at a fairly slow rate – one energy every six minutes, and by default Pocopoc only has 10 Energy. Luckily, you can change the amount of Pocopoc Energy alongside other abilities by upgrading the Cypher Research Console.
Cypher Research Console talents tree.

To upgrade the Console, you will need to use a new currency - Cyphers of the First Ones, which you can obtain by completing various activities in Zereth Mortis:
1. Daily Quests: 10-15 Cyphers of the First Ones;
2. Patterns Within Patterns bi-weekly quest: 62-70 Cyphers of the First Ones;
3. Antros Keeper of the Antecedents world boss: 80 Cyphers of the First Ones;
4. Rares, treasure chests, Caches of Creation, and Echoed Jiro (more about the latter two below): 2-4 Cyphers of the First Ones.
Caches of Creation
Caches of Creation are series of puzzles that can be found all across Zereth Mortis. To get access to them you will need to first unlock the Cachial Understanding research. Every day there will be a daily quest related to Caches of Creation, that allows you to track it on map. Other Cashes need to be manually found. But do not worry, Pocopoc will help you find them, pinpointing them on your minimap as you approach one.
Once you find a Cache of Creation you will have two options:
- Use 2 Pocopoc Energy to solve the puzzle yourself;
- Use 9 Pocopoc Energy to overload the Cache and instantly get the rewards.
Puzzle Types
Below you will find all the Caches of Creation puzzles with a quick description:
Cantaric Protolock

Here we have a 10 by 10 square field, with 10 runes on the side and bottom. If you click on a rune, it will change the state of every small square in the column or line. You will need to turn off all the small squares within 7 moves.
Mezzonic Protolock

The objective here is to turn all the squares on the field off. If you click on any square, it will change its state and the state of all 4 squares related to it.
Fugueal Protolock

This one seems harder than the others, but it is quite easy. There are 9 runes with the following characteristics:
- Core shape;
- Number of core shapes;
- Border shape;
- Number of border shapes.
You must place the runes in groups of three based on common characteristics or with no matches on all four characteristics.
Glissandian Protolock

To solve this puzzle, you must match the glyphs according to color.
Toccatian Protolock

The puzzle will be completed if no lines are crossing.
Echoed Jiro
Echoed Jiro is another collectable in Zereth Mortis that allows you to farm a little more Cyphers of the First Ones. To start interacting with them you will need to unlock at least one rank of the Creatian research. If you put more research in Creatian you will gain access to Echoed Jiro in additional places of Zereth Mortis:
- Rank 1: Southwestern Zereth Mortis.
- Rank 2: Southeastern Zereth Mortis.
- Rank 3: Northwestern Zereth Mortis.
- Rank 4: Northeastern Zereth Mortis.
Also, consider researching the Echian to make your Pocopoc track Echoed Jiros.
All this sounds quite complicated and seems like a lot of farming. If you do not have time for this, check out our Cyphers of the First Ones service.
Protoform Synthesis
Here we start to look at the really interesting stuff. With the release of Eternity’s End update players can craft pets and mounts using special schematics and various valuable resources. Such a system is unheard of in World of Warcraft and can completely replace the old mount and pets farming routing, which is certainly a good thing. But how does it work?
Protoform Synthesis is a part of the Cyphers of the First Ones system, so, to use it you will need to unlock its corresponding talents in the Cypher system:
- Pets Crafting: unlocked after researching the Dealic Understanding talent. After that you will need to complete the Protoform Synthesis quest to gain access to Protoform Synthesis pet forge.
- Mounts Crafting: unlocked after researching the Sopranian Understanding talent. After that all you need to do to get access to the system is to compete a short questline called The Final Song.
There are two Protoform Synthesis forges: one for pets and the other for mounts. Synthesis Forge (pets crafting) is located in the western part of Zereth Mortis, just south of Pilgrim’s Gate:

Protoform Repository (mounts crafting) is located in the north-western part of the realm, north of Pilgrim’s Gate:

Crafting Process
All Protoform Synthesis recipes will require certain reagents and Lattices to use. Namely:
- Genesis Mote: The most common Protoform Synthesis reagent, it drops from most of the mobs in Zereth Mortis.
- Rare Reagents: Any Protoform Synthesis recipe requires one Rare Reagent to craft. They are also drops from mobs in Zereth Mortis, but at a much lower drop rate (around 10%). Also note that Rare Reagents are specific to pets or mounts, and there are no Rare Reagents used in both types of Protoform Synthesis crafting.
- Lattices: These are uncommon-quality items, used to craft a specific type of mount or pets. For example, if you want to create a frog-type mount or pet, you should use the Bufonid Lattice. These items drop from specific types of mobs at a relatively low drop rate (with a higher drop chance from Rare mobs).
Below you will find more detailed information about all these reagents and where to find them.
Lattices Drop
Mounts Rare Reagents
Pets Rare Reagents
As you may already guessed, it will take a lot of your precious time to collect all the needed reagents and Lattices for your desired mount or pet. We have a dedicated Protoform Synthesis service if you want to save yourself some time and nerves, so check it out.
Sepulcher of the First Ones
In the 9.2 Eternity’s End raid content, our main enemy will be The Jailer himself, as well as his most powerful minions, like the former king of Stormwind, Anduin Wrynn, enslaved by the Jailer’s ominous power. There will be 11 new bosses in the Sepulcher of the First Ones, with great rewards and more challenging and exciting fights.
We can safely say this will be a very interesting raid content, especially for those who want to finally deal with the Jailer since the release of WoW Shadowlands expansion. As always, the Sepulcher of the First Ones raid will be divided on three main difficulties:
- Normal difficulty: This is the main raiding mode for many players. You will get 252 item level gear from regular bosses and 259 item level gear from the last two bosses.
- Heroic difficulty: Here you will get more powerful rewards, but the encounters will also be significantly more challenging. Aside from 265 item level gear (and 272 item level gear from the last two bosses), you also get a Carcinized Zerethsteed mount. Of course, if you manage to defeat the Jailer himself.
- Mythic difficulty: Only a small percent of players will complete SotFO on this difficulty. The is a real challenge even for the most experienced guilds. Here you will get 278-285 item level gear, the Vessel of Profound Possibilities, Guardian of the Pattern title, and Zereth Overseer mount.
SotFO Mythic is not the only way to get the Vessel of Profound Possibilities (which is a very good boost to your character's performance). Check out our Vessel of Profound Possibilities service to know more.
Progenitor Tier Sets
For new players, who have started their journey in World of Warcraft in the Shadowlands expansion, this system may be completely new, but in reality, Tier Set bonuses are an old school WoW gearing system.
But what it is exactly? You will receive a powerful spec-related bonus for two and four pieces of the Progenitor Tier Set. There are three ways to get these Tier Set pieces:
- Raid drop: Tier Tokens will drop from SotFO bosses (one token for ten people in the raid). There are four types of armor-type specific Tier Tokens: Mystic (Druid/Hunter/Mage), Venerated (Paladin/Priest/Shaman), Zenith (Monk/Rogue/Warrior), and Dreadful (DH/DK/Warlock). Note that you can trade Tier Tokens only if you already have a set piece of appropriate item level in the slot.
- Great Vault: You can get Tier set from your usual Great Vault weekly rewards for PVP, M+ Dungeons or Raids. Note that the Tier piece’s stats will be the same regardless of what activity it came from.
- Creation Catalyst: Using Creation Catalyst and Cosmic Flux you can convert an item into a set piece. This will change the item’s secondary stats to those of the set piece and keep all Valor or Honor upgrades, sockets, and tertiary stats. Note that this option will be available only on Week 8 of the patch.
As stated above, every class and specialization in the game will receive its own powerful Progenitor Tier Set bonus. See all class sets features in the tables below:
Death Knight
Unholy | Frost | Blood | |
2-piece bonus | Every 5 Scourge Strikes that burst Festering Wounds applies Soul Reaper on your target and summons an Army of the Dead ghoul for 15 seconds. | Remorseless Winter grants 8% Critical Strike while active. | While your Dancing Rune Weapon is active, Heart Strike extends the duration of Dancing Rune Weapon by 0.5 seconds and increases your Strength by 1%, persisting for 10 seconds after Dancing Rune Weapon ends. |
4-piece bonus | Your minions deal 5% increased damage. When Soul Reaper's secondary effect triggers, this bonus increases to 25% for 8 seconds. | Consuming Killing Machine fires a Glacial Advance through your target. | When you take damage, you have a chance equal to 100% of your Parry chance to lash out, Heart Striking your attacker. Dancing Rune Weapon now summons 2 Rune Weapons. |
Demon Hunter
Havoc | Vengeance | |
2-piece bonus | Increases Blade Dance and Chaos Strike damage by 20%. | Damage dealt by Immolation Aura has a 10% chance to generate a Lesser Soul Fragment (Shattered Souls). |
4-piece bonus | Metamorphosis duration is increased by 6 seconds. Every 60 Fury you consume reduces the cooldown of Metamorphosis by 1 second. | Consuming a Lesser Soul Fragment reduces the remaining cooldown of your Immolation Aura or Fel Devastation by 1 second. |
Balance | Guardian | Feral | Restoration | |
2-piece bonus | Entering Eclipse (Lunar) creates a Fury of Elune at 25% effectiveness that follows your current target for 8 seconds. | Casting Barkskin causes you to Berserk for 4 seconds. | Each Combo Point spent reduces the cooldown of Berserk by 0.5 seconds. | Healing from Rejuvenation has a 25% chance to grant Renewing Bloom, healing (20.8% of Spell Power) over 8 seconds. Swiftmend can consume Renewing Bloom. |
4-piece bonus | While in an Eclipse, the cost of Starsurge and Starfall is reduced by 20%. | While Berserked, you radiate (26.6% of Attack Power) Cosmic damage to nearby enemies and heal yourself for (39.7% of Attack Power) every second. | Entering Berserk causes you to strike all nearby enemies, dealing (320.2% of Attack Power) Bleed damage over 10 seconds. Deals reduced damage beyond 8 targets. | Every 3 casts of Swiftmend grants you Incarnation: Tree of Life for 9 seconds. |
Beast Mastery | Marksmanship | Survival | |
2-piece bonus | Your Kill Command Critical Strike chance is increased by 15% for each stack of Frenzy your pet has. | Trick Shots now also increases the damage of the affected shot by 30%. | When Kill Command resets, it has a 40% chance to make your next Wildfire Bomb incur no cooldown. |
4-piece bonus | Kill Command critical hits increase the damage and cooldown reduction of your next Cobra Shot by 40%. | Spending 40 Focus grants you 1 charge of Trick Shots. | Your Wildfire Bombs deal 30% additional damage. This bonus is increased to 80% for bombs empowered by Survival Hunter 2-Piece bonus. |
Frost | Fire | Arkane | |
2-piece bonus | Your spells have a 25% chance to call down a Comet Storm on your target enemy. This effect cannot occur more than once every 20 seconds. | Increases the duration of Combustion by 2 seconds. | Increases your Arcane damage dealt to enemies affected by Touch of the Magi by 10%. |
4-piece bonus | Enemies hit by Comet Storm take 2% increased damage from your Frost spells, up to 10% for 8 seconds. | While Combustion is active, your Fire Blast and Phoenix Flames recharge 50% faster. | Touch of the Magi's duration is increased by 4 seconds and grants 25% Mana regeneration for 12 seconds. |
Brewmaster | Mistweaver | Windwalker | |
2-piece bonus | Targets ignited by Breath of Fire deal an additional 4% less damage to you. | Essence Font's residual healing effect is increased by 5% and lasts an additional 2 seconds. | Increases Fists of Fury damage by 40%. |
4-piece bonus | Keg Smash deals an additional 50% damage, heals you for 66% of damage dealt, and grants 66% of damage dealt as maximum health for 10 seconds. | Drinking Thunder Focus Tea summons a Progenitor Rune of Healing, increasing all healing dealt while inside its bounds by 450. | After 10 offensive abilities, your next 3 offensive abilities deal an additional 22% damage. |
Holy | Protection | Retribution | |
2-piece bonus | Casting Word of Glory causes your next Light of Dawn to heal for 50% more and cast twice. Cannot occur more often than once per 30 seconds. | Casting Shield of the Righteous increases your Block chance by 4% for 15 seconds, stacking up to 3 times. | When you benefit from Art of War, you gain Seraphim for 3 seconds. |
4-piece bonus | Each target hit by Light of Dawn has a 50% chance to reduce the remaining cooldown of Avenging Wrath by 2 seconds. | When you take damage, you have a chance equal to 100% of your Block chance to cast Judgment at your attacker. | Art of War has a 50% chance to reset the cooldown of Wake of Ashes instead of Blade of Justice. |
Discipline | Holy | Shadow | |
2-piece bonus | Casting Power Word: Shield or Shadow Mend has a 15% chance to make your next cast of Shadow Mend have no cost or cast time. | Your Holy Words begin Divine Conversation, increasing the cooldown reduction of your next Holy-Word-affecting spell by 15 seconds. | Casting Devouring Plague has a 40% chance to grant Dark Thoughts. Casting Searing Nightmare has a 25% chance to grant Dark Thought. |
4-piece bonus | Power of the Dark Side increases the effectiveness of Penance by an additional 45% and it is triggered when Power Word: Radiance is cast. | Divine Conversation increases the effectiveness of your next Holy-Word-affecting spell by 60%. | Consuming Dark Thoughts causes your shadow to animate after a moment, dealing (125.4% of Spell Power) Shadow damage over 6 seconds to all enemies within 10 yards of your target. |
Assassination | Outlaw | Subtlety | |
2-piece bonus | Shiv causes enemies within 15 yards to take 40% increased damage from your Poisons and Bleeds for 9 seconds. | Your Mastery: Main Gauche has a 25% chance to fire a Pistol Shot. | Shadowstrike has a 15% chance to grant Shadow Blades for 5 seconds. |
4-piece bonus | Vendetta causes Poisons and Bleeds on your targets to expire 100% faster. | Pistol Shot has a 100% chance to load a Hidden Bullet from your sleeves, up to 6 times. After loading 6 bullets, your next Pistol Shot also fires Between the Eyes as though 6 Combo Points were spent. | Your finishing moves have a 3% chance per Combo Point to cast Shadowstrike at up to 5 nearby enemies within 15 yards. |
Elemental | Enhancement | Restoration | |
2-piece bonus | While your Fire Elemental is active, your Lava Burst deals 20% additional damage and you gain Lava Surge every 8 seconds. | Spending Maelstrom Weapon has a 3% chance per stack to summon a Feral Spirit for 9 seconds. | Your critical healing increases the Critical Chance of your next Chain Heal by 2%, stacking up to 50 times. |
4-piece bonus | Casting Lava Burst extends the duration of your Fire Elemental by 1.5 seconds. If your Fire Elemental is not active, Lava Burst has a 20% chance to reduce its remaining cooldown by 10 seconds instead. | Your Feral Spirits' attacks have a 20% chance to trigger Stormbringer, resetting the cooldown of your Stormstrike. | Your Chain Heal critical hits reduce the remaining cooldown of one of your totems by 2 seconds. Your Healing Stream Totem, Healing Tide Totem, Mana Tide Totem, and Spirit Link Totem now also cast Chain Heal with 100% effectiveness when you drop them. |
Affliction | Demonology | Destruction | |
2-piece bonus | Malefic Rapture's damage is increased by 15% and each cast extends the duration of Corruption, Agony, and Unstable Affliction by 2 seconds. | Call Dreadstalkers now has a 100% chance to summon an additional Dreadstalker. | Every 10 Soul Shards spent grants Ritual of Ruin, making your next Chaos Bolt or Rain of Fire consume no Soul Shards and have no cast time. |
4-piece bonus | While Agony, Corruption, and Unstable Affliction are active, your Drain Soul has a 10% chance or Shadow Bolt has a 20% chance to make your next Malefic Rapture cost no Soul Shards and cast instantly. | Your Hand of Gul'dan has a 15% chance per Soul Shard to summon a Malicious Imp. When slain, Malicious Imp grants a Soul Shard and will either deal (85% of Spell Power) Fire damage to all nearby enemies of your Implosion or deal it to your current target. | When Chaos Bolt or Rain of Fire consumes a charge of Ritual of Ruin, you summon a Blasphemy for 8 seconds. |
Arms | Fury | Protection | |
2-piece bonus | Colossus Smash lasts 3 seconds longer and increases your damage dealt to affected enemies by an additional 5%. | Raging Blow deals 15% increased damage and gains an additional charge. | Consuming 30 Rage grants a stack of Seeing Red, which transforms at 8 stacks into Outburst, causing your next Shield Slam or Thunder Clap to be 200% more effective and grant Ignore Pain. |
4-piece bonus | Tactician has a 50% increased chance to proc against enemies with Colossus Smash and causes your next Overpower to grant 2% Strength, up to 8% for 15 seconds. | Raging Blow has a 20% chance to grant Recklessness for 4 seconds. | Avatar increases your damage dealt by an additional 10% and decreases damage taken by 10%. Avatar instantly grants Outburst. |
Torghast Changes
With the release of the Eternity’s End update all Torghast wings (including Twisting Corridors) will have 16 layers, which means more rewards and resources. But the main addition as the new Torghast wing: Jailer’s Gauntlet.

This is a completely new Torghast encounter, with no long and tiring labyrinth-like levels full of mobs, traps, and puzzles. Here we get 8 layers of fast-paced boss rushes. Here are the main features of the new Torghast wing:
- You will get rewards for each even-numbered Layer.
- Layers progress is account-wide.
- Jailer’s Gauntlet will award players with large amounts of Soul Ash and Soul Cinders, which is very convenient for those who want to get their Legendary piece to progress to 245 item level quikly.
- There will be many high-level Anima powers on each layer.
- Those Heroes who manage to complete layer 8 of the Jailer’s Gauntlet will get unique Colossal Ebonclaw Mawrat mount.
We can assure you that this new Torghast wing will be a huge relief for those who did not like traditional Torghast gameplay. If you still find this kind of gameplay boring, check out our Torghast services and save yourself a lot of time. Do not think that going through the Jailer's Gauntlet will be easy, though. You will need every buff you can get, including flasks, potions, food, and more. And do not forget about the repair cost. If you do not want to waste your time farming gold for all this, you can buy WoW Gold from us!
Legendaries Changes
The main change regarding Legendary items is that now players will be able to wear two Legendary pieces at once: one regular Legendary item and one Covenant Legendary item. Also, as now there are Tier Set bonuses and no more Domination sockets, the priority of Legendary item is also changing significantly. For most of the classes the best slot for a Legendary item will be head as it provides higher stats and guarantees socket.
Also, there will be a new rank of Legendary updates: Rank 7 – 291 item level. It will cost you 2000 Cosmic Flux to upgrade you Legendary to this rank. Also note that if you craft a new Legendary item, you will still need the Torghast’s Soul Ashes and Soul Cinders in order to progress through previous Ranks. We have created a special Double Legendary Access service, for those players, who want to get twin Legendaries quickly.
Class Changes
As was expected, there is a lot of class changes going live with the Eternity’s End update. Below we place a quick review these changes for each class.
Death Knight
- Abomination Limb (Necrolord Ability) damage increased by 20%.
- Abomination's Frenzy (Necrolord Runecarving Power) now increases enemy damage taken from the player by 20% (was 10%), and enemies affected by Abomination's Frenzy now also take increased damage from your Minions for the duration.
- Final Sentence (Kyrian Runecarving Power) now grants 4% damage per stack (was 3%), duration reduced to 15 seconds (was 18 seconds), and now grants the Rune and Damage buff on the initial cast of Shackle the Unworthy (and again each time it spreads).
- Rampant Transference (Night Fae Runecarving Power) Strength per stack of Death's Due increased to 3% (was 2%).
- Convocation of the Dead (Conduit) now reduces the cooldown of Apocalypse by 1 second per Festering Wound burst at all ranks and now also increases Festering Wound damage by 15%.
- Eternal Hunger (Conduit) increases Minion damage by 6% (was 3%).
- Embrace Death (Conduit) causes Sudden Doom to increase Death Coil damage by 40% (was 35%).
- Brutal Grasp (Conduit) increases Abomination Limb damage by 30% (was 15%).
- Spellwarden (PvP Talent) now applies Rune of Spellwarding with 50% increased effect (was 100%).
Demon Hunter
- Sinful Brand (Venthyr Ability) can no longer be overwritten by a lower duration Sinful Brand when applied via Metamorphosis.
- Blind Faith (Kyrian Runecarving Power) Versatility bonus is now capped at 20% Versatility.
- Mark of the Cheetah has been at last updated to a new higher-resolution model.
- Kindred Affinity's (Kyrian Runecarving Power) stat bonus for the Druid reduced to 6% (was 8%) and the stat bonus for their partner reduced to 3% (was 8%).
- Sinful Hysteria (Venthyr Runecarving Power) now increases the duration of Ravenous Frenzy by 0.1 seconds with each application (was 0.2 seconds) and you will not be overcome by the Frenzy for 3 seconds after it ends (was 5 seconds).
Guardian Druid
- Frenzied Regeneration healing now reduced by 37.5% in PvP combat (was reduced by 15%).
Restoration Druid
- All healing abilities increased by 10%.
- All damage abilities increased by 10%.
- Lifebloom healing over time increased by 12% and bloom heal increased by 20%.
- Nourish (Talent) healing increased by 15%.
- Overgrowth (Talent) Mana cost reduced by 60%.
- Inner Peace (Talent) now has an additional effect — While channeling Tranquility, you take 20% reduced damage and are immune to knockbacks.
- Germination (Talent) now has an additional effect — Rejuvenation duration increased by 2 seconds.
- The following positive effects will now show up above the player's resource display: Bestial Wrath, Coordinated Assault, Steady Focus, and Trueshot.
- Harmonic Echo (Kyrian Runecarving Power) now also echoes the damage to the primary target affected by Radiant Spark's Vulnerability.
Frost Mage
- Frozen Orb damage reduced by 12%.
- Blizzard damage reduced by 12% and reduces the cooldown of Frozen Orb by 0.25 seconds each time Blizzard deals damage (was 0.5 seconds).
- Comet Storm (Talent) no longer removes Winter's Chill.
- Bonedust Brew's (Necrolord Ability) damage and healing effectiveness has been increased to 40% (was 35%) and the ability can no longer critically strike.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Bonedust Brew to be parried.
- Bountiful Brew (Necrolord Runecarving Power) now extends the duration of Bonedust Brew if it triggers while a target is currently afflicted by Bonedust Brew.
- Fixed an issue that caused Expel Harm to not always deal a consistent amount of damage.
Mistweaver Monk
- Sinister Teachings (Venthyr Runecarving Power) now reduces the cooldown of Fallen Order by 2.5 seconds when you critically strike (was 5 seconds). Does not apply to Brewmaster and Windwalker.
Windwalker Monk
- Reverse Harm (PvP Talent) now increases the healing done by your Expel Harm by 60% (was 100%).
- Fixed an issue that caused Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger's Empowered Tiger Lightning ability to incorrectly doubly affect the damage of Bonedust Brew (Necrolord Ability).
- Ashen Hallow (Venthyr Ability) healing reduced by 15% for all specializations.
- Ashen Hallow (Venthyr Ability) can now be canceled early by pressing its button again.
- Radiant Embers (Venthyr Runecarving Power) now increases Ashen Hallow's duration by 50%. Cancelling your Ashen Hallow early will reduce its cooldown by up to 50%, proportional to its remaining duration.
Holy Paladin
- All healing abilities increased by 6%.
- Ashen Hallow, Hammer of Wrath, Judgment, and Holy Shock damage reduced by 12%.
- Avenging Wrath was removed, which results in a 10% nerf to Avenging Wrath.
- Word of Glory healing reduced by 30% in PvP combat (was 20%).
- Pallid Command's (Necrolord Runecarving Power) Rattling Mage's Unholy Bolt damage reduced by 40%, and Brooding Cleric's Stitch Wounds healing has been reduced by 5%.
Holy Priest
- All healing abilities increased by 10%.
- All damage abilities increased by 15%.
- Symbol of Hope cooldown reduced to 3 minutes (was 5 minutes) and channel time reduced to 4 seconds (was 5 seconds).
- Holy Word: Chastise damage increased by 25%.
- Holy Word: Serenity Mana cost reduced to 2.5% (was 4%).
- Holy Word: Sanctify Mana cost reduced to 3.5% (was 5%).
- Prayer Circle (Talent) now also reduces the Mana cost of Prayer of Healing by 25%.
- Guardian Angel (Talent) now has an additional effect — When Guardian Spirit saves the target from death, it does not expire.
- Afterlife (Talent) now has an additional effect — As a Spirit of Redemption, you may cast Resurrection, which ends the Spirit of Redemption.
- Binding Heal (Talent) has been removed.
- Cosmic Ripple (Talent) has been moved and replaced Binding Heal (Talent) on row 40.
- New Level 30 Talent: Binding Heals — 20% of Heal or Flash Heal healing on other targets also heals you.
- Fixed an issue that caused Holy Ward (PvP Talent) to be removed by crowd-control reduction and Ultimate Form's (Plague Deviser Marileth Soulbind) crowd-control immunity.
- Cloaked in Shadows (Conduit) absorb value now reduced by 33% in PvP combat.
- Discover 2 new glyphs to chance the appearance of the Ghost Wolf form —Glyph of the Spectral Lupine and Glyph of the Spectral Vulpine.
- Frost Shock damage increased by 40%.
- Flame Shock now has a target cap of 6.
- Elemental Conduit (Venthyr Runecarving Power) now also reduces the cooldown of Chain Harvest by 1 second when Flame Shock critically strikes.
- Splintered Elements (Necrolord Legendary) now increases your Haste by 10% (was 8%) for 12 seconds (was 10 seconds).
- Unruly Winds (Conduit) chance to trigger is now 15% to 50% based on item level (was 20% to 35%).
- Magma Fist (Conduit) additional Critical Strike chance is now 12% to 37.2% based on item level (was 15% to 25%).
- Focused Lightning (Conduit) damage or healing increase is now 5% to 12% based on item level (was 1% to 4.5%).
- Chilled to the Core (Conduit) chance to trigger is now 30% to 72% based on item level (was 21% to 35%).
- The root effect from Earthgrab Totem (PvP Talent) now properly counts absorbed damage when determining if enough damage has been taken to break the root effect.
Elemental Shaman
- Chain Harvest (Venthyr Ability) now generates 3 Maelstrom per target damaged or healed.
- Icefury (Talent) now causes your next 4 Frost Shocks to deal 225% increased damage (was 300%).
- Fire Elemental has had the Mana cost of its abilities reduced by roughly 90% and should no longer run out of Mana.
- Storm Elemental's Wind Gust now lasts for the duration of the Elemental instead of 30 seconds.
Enhancement Shaman
- Frost Shock and Flame Shock no longer share cooldowns.
- Crash Lightning Mana cost reduced to 1% Base Mana (was 5.5%).
- Fire Nova Mana cost reduced to 1% of Base Mana (was 5.5%).
- Windfury Totem Mana cost reduced to 1.5% Base Mana (was 12%).
- Lava Lash Mana cost reduced to 0.8% Base Mana (was 4%).
- If you Lava Lash a target that has Flame Shock on them, Lava Lash will now spread Flame Shock to up to 3 nearby enemies in an 8-yard radius. If all enemies in the area are already affected with Flame Shock, it will refresh the duration of Flame Shock instead.
- Feral Spirit no longer shows up under the unit frame totem timers slots. This is to prevent too many Spirits in conjunction with other summons overflowing these slots and despawning spirits prematurely.
- Ice Strike (Talent) and Sundering (Talent) can now properly cause the Flametongue weapon damage effect.
- Ice Strike and Sundering are no longer able to be used while disarmed.
- Healing Surge healing reduced by 29% in PvP combat (was 20%).
- Summon Succubus has been replaced with Summon Sayaad — Randomly summon your Incubus or Succubus. You can speak to the Warlock trainers in Stormwind or Orgrimmar to enact a pact with an Incubus or Succubus, ensuring that only they are summoned.
- Contained Perpetual Explosion (Venthyr Runecarving Power) now caps the amount of bonus periodic damage it provides at 275% when hitting 10 additional enemies.
- Deathbolt (PvP Talent) now deals its damage over 3 seconds (was immediate damage). This periodic effect cannot be dispelled.
Warlock Demons Abilities
- Seduction (Pet Ability) now causes the target to slowly walk towards the demon. It now also has a chance to break on damage taken, rather than always breaking on the first instance of damage.
- Whiplash (Pet Ability) now causes enemies to take 1% increased damage from the Succubus or Incubus each time it strikes, stacking up to 10 times. Duration increased to 15 seconds (was 10 seconds).
- Fixed an issue that prevented Crushing Blow from Recklessness to deal damage if the Warrior was rooted.
- Death Sentence (PvP Talent) has been reworked. Execute/ Condemn charges to your targets up to 15 yards away. This effect has a 6-second cooldown.
Arms Warrior
- Fixed an issue that caused Disarm effects to bypass War Banner's (Arms Warrior PvP Talent) crowd-control reduction and Ultimate Form's (Plague Deviser Marileth Soulbind) crowd-control immunity.
- Defensive Stance now reduces damage taken by 10% in PvP combat (was 20%).
Keystone Master and new Mythic Dungeons
There are not many changes regarding Mythic Plus Dungeons in the 9.2 Eternity’s End update. Namely:
- New Mythic Plus Keystone Affix – Encrypted;
- Tazavesh, the Veiled Market is now split in two wings available to play in Mythic Plus mode (Heroic difficulty available);
- Keystone Master Season 3 will start at March 1st, 2022, with new mount available.
Check out our Keystone Master Season 3 service if you want to get this ultimate achievement and all related rewards quickly and effortlyssly.
Solo Shuffle Arena
New long awaited solo ranked PVP mode is finally added to the game! Now PVP players do not have to depend on their team, and can progress up the PVP-ranking ladder even with no teammates to play with. Such PVP mode has never been in the game before and we are exited to try it out!
Solo Shuffle is played in the 3v3 format. Each match requires 6 players: 4 Damage-dealers and 2 Healers. After 6 rounds with teams of mixed composition, players will receive their rating, depending in their performance during the match.
Since this is not a traditional 3v3 Arena, some new rules were added to make Solo Shuffle Arena experience more pleasant for the players:
- The first team to kill an opponent will immediately win the round.
- Mana regeneration is further restricted.
- If a player leaves, it counts as if his team lost the round.