Protection Warrior Guide - The War Within 11.1

Discover the ultimate guide to playing a Protection Warrior in WoW The War Within. Whether you are a seasoned tank or new to the role, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and strategies to excel in any combat situation. Learn about the strengths and weaknesses of the Protection Warrior spec, master the core abilities and rotations, and delve into advanced tactics for both PvE and PvP encounters.

Read Our Protection Warrior Guide for WoW The War Within

Fellow heroes, welcome to our comprehensive WoW The War Within Protection Warrior guide covering all the details you need to know to master this specialization. Whether you are a seasoned warrior or just starting out, this guide will provide you with the essential knowledge and strategies to excel as a tank in both PvE and PvP.

Discover the core abilities, talents, rotations, and tactics that will make you an unstoppable force on the battlefield. With our comprehensive guide, you will be well-equipped to protect your allies and face any challenge that awaits you in The War Within. Get ready to unleash your warrior prowess and lead your party to victory!

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Protection Warrior Pros and Cons

Before you rush to level up a freshly created character, read the following part of our Protection Warrior tank guide devoted to the spec’s strong and weak sides. This will give you a better understanding of whether you wish to try this specialization at all or not.

Starting with the Upsides, they include the following points:

  • Can deal overwhelming AoE damage;
  • High versatility lets you build as a full tank, single-target damage dealer, or AoE damage dealer;
  • Strong raid utilities like Rallying Cry, Battle Shout, and others;
  • High mobility thanks to Charge, Intervene, and Heroic Leap;
  • Perfect for blocking physical damage due to Shield Block.

As for the Downsides, they are as follows:

  • Weak self-healing capabilities compared to Blood Death Knight or Vengeance Demon Hunter;
  • Rage management is crucial;
  • Can die relatively quickly without Shield Block;
  • There may be some downtime in your rotation;
  • It is vitally important to press your defensive cooldowns on time.

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Protection Warrior Basics

When playing this specialization, your role is to absorb and mitigate damage as the primary tank in group activities. You need to maintain threat, soak up damage, and protect your allies. To achieve this, you rely on the Defensive Stance, which enhances your defensive capabilities and generates more threat. BLOG20

Active mitigation is key, using abilities like Shield Block and Ignore Pain to reduce incoming damage. Your resource is Rage, which is generated through various abilities and spent on powerful defensive and offensive spells. Utilize abilities such as Shield Slam, Thunder Clap, and Demoralizing Shout to mitigate damage and generate threat. 

Taunting and threat management are essential for maintaining control over enemies, while interrupts like Pummel and Shockwave provide additional control and protection for your group. Mastering the basics of Protection Warrior The War Within gameplay involves understanding your role, managing resources, utilizing defensive abilities, and maintaining threat against enemies.

Protection Warrior Core Abilities

In this part of our guide, we would like to cover and describe the most important WoW Protection Warrior abilities you are going to use in any fight. No matter what type of content you prefer, the following abilities are your bread and butter when it comes to defending your allies or dealing damage to your opponents. For your convenience, we have compiled a list of these abilities and attached it below:

  • Shield Slam – A powerful attack that deals damage and generates Rage. Its cooldown can be refreshed by a variety of spells including Thunder Clap, Revenge, and Execute;
  • Revenge – Strikes enemies in front of you, dealing damage and spending Rage. It has a chance to reset the cooldown of Shield Slam;
  • Thunder Clap – Damages and slows enemies in a cone in front of you. It also generates Rage and can be used as an AoE threat tool. On top of that, it can be used to reset the cooldown of Shield Slam;
  • Shield Block – Increases your block chance and blocks all incoming melee attacks for a short duration, reducing damage taken;
  • Ignore Pain – Consumes Rage to mitigate a significant amount of incoming damage, providing a strong defensive tool;
  • Demoralizing Shout – Reduces damage dealt by enemies within a certain radius, helping to mitigate overall damage taken;
  • Charge – Allows you to quickly charge towards an enemy, closing the distance and rooting it for 1 second. It also acts as a Rage generating tool;
  • Last Stand – Temporarily increases your maximum health pool and heals you, providing a substantial defensive boost;
  • Execute – Can be used to finish off a low-HP opponent by spending a lot of Rage;
  • Battle Shout – Use it before every pull, as it provides a decent attack power buff for all raid and party members.

This list is far from complete yet it includes the most iconic and powerful abilities of this specialization. As you can see, we have described not only defensive but also offensive and utility abilities. They will be of great use in any type of content whether you prefer to fight mobs or other players.

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Protection Warrior Stat Priority

Up next, we would like to discuss what Protection Warrior stats are valued most and why. As you have probably guessed already, your primary stat is Strength. Apart from attack power, it also provides you with additional armor thanks to your Vanguard talent. On top of that, it improves your Ignore Pain ability allowing you to reduce more damage.

Moving further, we have secondary stats to distribute. Haste is your highest priority, as it increases your Rage generation, damage output, and damage reduction with Ignore Pain. Besides, it reduces your GCD allowing you to execute your rotation quicker. After that, you should focus on Versatility since it improves your survivability and grants a slight DPS increase.

Finally, you have Critical Strike and Mastery stats, which are less important for you. They do not provide such a noticeable damage reduction buff or anything like that. However, you should always use programs like Simcraft or Raidbots to sim your character. It may turn out that a different stat priority suits exactly your character. If you only begin your journey in World of Warcraft, stick to the following order anyway:

  1. Strength;
  2. Haste;
  3. Versatility;
  4. Critical Strike;
  5. Mastery.

As you become a more experienced player, you can experiment with the priority and see what works best for you.

Best PvE Protection Warrior Builds

With the updated talent system presented in The War Within, players can now experiment with possible talent setups boldly. As we mentioned earlier, you can act as a solo target or AoE damage dealer apart from being a full tank. Nonetheless, not all builds you find on the Internet are equally useful and powerful.

As a rule, your results in Raiding and Mythic+ content depend on what build you use. For Raiding, you want to prioritize a setup that allows you to deal the highest damage against single targets. When it comes to Mythic+ dungeons, you want to clear out tons of mobs and that is why you use a build oriented for AoE damage.

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Protection Warrior Single-Target Raid Build

In this section of the guide, you will find the optimal Protection Warrior raid build. The latter excels in both defending your allies and dealing consistent damage. Again, you can experiment with the build and change it according to your playstyle and needs. However, the suggested alternative works fine in most cases.

To export this build to your game, copy the following string:


Protection Warrior Mythic+ Build

Unlike the previous talent setup, this one optimizes your AoE damage, as you will be fighting hordes of annoying mobs during dungeon runs. The following The War Within Protection Warrior PvE build is what you need to succeed in this type of content with minimum effort.

To try this build in action, copy this string:


Best Protection Warrior PvP Build

The following part of the article covers the most powerful The War Within Protection Warrior PvP build. We are also going to share a few tips on how to excel in PvP battles when playing this specialization.

You can use your high defensive and CC abilities to become a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. You have access to a variety of movement-impairing abilities, including Shockwave, Storm Bolt, and Intimidating Shout, which can help you control the battlefield and keep enemies at bay. Besides, you have strong defensive cooldowns, such as Shield Block, Spell Reflection, and Last Stand, which can help you survive even the most intense encounters.

In PvP, it is essential for you to be aware of your surroundings and use your abilities strategically to control the battlefield. You should focus on disrupting your enemies' movements and preventing them from achieving their objectives. Staying mobile and using Charge and Heroic Leap to reposition yourself can also be crucial in staying alive and putting pressure on the enemy team.

Copy this string to try the build in action:


Before you test your skills in PvP or any other end-game content, it is crucial to reach the level cap. If you are tired of leveling up your characters up to 70 on your own, let our pros do this job for you. Check out our WoW Powerleveling services and see how we can help you with that. We guarantee the best market price and the fastest completion time.

Protection Warrior Best in Slot Gear

Unlike in previous World of Warcraft expansions, there are tons of ways to obtain BiS equipment now. For example, you can use the Crafting Order system to ask other players to create a particular gear piece for you. All you need to do is to gather all the required materials and pay a fee for this service.

Of course, the equipment created through this system can hardly compete with what you get from Raiding and Mythic+ content yet it works just fine for most average players. Besides, it is a great starting point to get geared up and prepare for end-game activities to show your best results there.

Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope Best in Slot Gear for Protection Warrior

To get these equipment pieces, you are to participate in raids and complete them successfully. If you struggle to do this or do not have a reliable party of friends to play with, we have you covered. By ordering our WoW Raid Boost services, our professional players will take care of any boss you cannot defeat on your own. We provide the best market price and guarantee the result!

Mythic+ Best in Slot Gear for Protection Warrior

No doubt, collecting raid items is tough. However, getting your hands on a Mythic+ set is even more challenging. A lot of players are dreaming of a set like this since it is considered to be the best Protection Warrior gear currently available. Theoretically, you can collect all the listed-below items but it will take you an eternity to do so. 

Again, do not be so obsessed with the idea of collecting all the mentioned gear pieces. Instead, focus on exploring the Azeroth and enjoy the game.

Best Upgrade, Spark of Shadowflame, and Embellishment Options for Protection Warrior

With the start of Season 3, the new currency saw the world. We are talking about Dreaming Crests used for gear upgrading. It lets you boost your equipment ilvl up.

Since this currency is a rare find, it should be spent wisely. If you do not know what to upgrade first, follow this priority:

  1. Weapon;
  2. Shield;
  3. Trinkets;
  4. Other slots.

If you are looking for another way to substitute end-game gear, you would enjoy Spark of Dreams for sure. The latter allows you to create such substitutes for Mythic gear. However, it is also quite difficult to find and we recommend spending it to create the following items:

  1. Shadowflame-Tempered Armor Patch x2 – Fill in your weakest pieces of gear;
  2. Primal Molten Longsword;
  3. Primal Molten Defender.

It is also important to add a few words on the Embellishment system and what items with this effect deserve your attention. Remember that you can only wear 2 gear pieces with Embellishments at the same time. Therefore, you usually choose from the following alternatives:

  1. Unstable Frostfire Belt – Provides you with additional Critical Strike and Mastery stats. Besides, your abilities can deal extra Frostfire damage when you are fighting an enemy target;
  2. Shadowflame-Tempered Armor Patch – Your attacks can also inflict additional Shadowflame damage;
  3. Elemental Lariat – This is one of the best options for the necklace slot. It grants you raw stats, which can never be extra;
  4. Allied Wristguard of Companionship – Increases your Critical Strike and Haste stats. You also gain additional Versatility for every ally standing nearby.

The process of gearing up can be quite costly. If you do not have enough gold yet wish to buy everything you want, we have the solution for you. You can Buy WoW Gold with our company’s help at the most attractive price and get it delivered to any server you choose.

Best Protection Warrior Enchants and Consumables

The essential part of the gearing up process is applying the most powerful enchantments to your gear and buying consumables. This will help you live longer, deal higher damage, and improve your overall results in any type of content. You can buy them at the Auction House, as they do not cost too much and are always available. If you have a friend/guild member who can help you with that, it is even better.

Equipment Slot Optimal Choice
Weapon Sophic Devotion
Cloak Regenerative Leech
Chest Waking Stats
Bracers Devotion of Leech
Belt Shadowed Belt Clasp
Legs Fierce Armor Kit
Boots Watcher's Loam
Ring Devotion of Haste

When it comes to consumables, we recommend that you go for Phial of Tepid Versatility for Raiding. If you prefer Mythic+ content instead, Phial of the Eye in the Storm is your number one choice. Sometimes, Phial of Charged Isolation can be a good option as well.

To ensure you deal higher damage, always carry Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power for extra Strength. If you lack AoE damage, which is often the case in dungeon runs, use Potion of Shocking Disclosure. Finally, if you die too quickly or your healer does not cope with their role, go for Refreshing Healing Potion.

You also want to use certain gems to gain additional stats. Here are the best options to purchase:

  • Fierce Illimited Diamond – Grants you extra Strength and Haste stats allowing you to deal higher damage, live longer, and cast spells more often;
  • Energized Ysemerald – Provides you with additional Haste and Versatility improving your overall survivability and damage output.

The most important secondary stat for you is Haste, right? Therefore, using Howling Rune is a must. As for food, you always want to have the effect from Grand Banquet of the Kalu'ak activated. You can also go for Deviously Deviled Eggs, Fated Fortune Cookie, Timely Demise, or Aromatic Seafood Platter since they do not cost that much yet provide decent bonuses.

Protection Warrior Rotation Guide

To ensure you deal the highest damage and live longer, you need to use a particular WoW Protection Warrior rotation for every situation. In this part of our guide, we are going to share the three most powerful rotations you can utilize when playing this specialization. They fit different situations and should be learned by heart to excel in every type of content you take part in.

Protection Warrior Opener Rotation

  1. Ravager to the location where you see most of your enemies;
  2. Charge + Taunt to make this character attack you;
  3. Avatar while Charge;
  4. Shield Block;
  5. Shield Slam (Also, do not forget to use it every time you reset it with Devastate, Thunder Clap, Revenge, or Execute);
  6. Demoralizing Shout;
  7. Thunderous Roar;
  8. Thunder Clap;
  9. Shield Charge;
  10. Continue your usual rotation.

Protection Warrior Single-Target Rotation

  1. Avatar on cooldown;
  2. Demoralizing Shout on cooldown;
  3. Ravager to the location where you see most of your enemies;
  4. Thunderous Roar;
  5. Shield Charge;
  6. Shield Slam (Also, do not forget to use it every time you reset it with Devastate, Thunder Clap, Revenge, or Execute);
  7. Thunder Clap on cooldown;
  8. Execute;
  9. Revenge.

Protection Warrior Multi-Target Rotation

  1. Ravager to the location where you see most of your enemies;
  2. Thunderous Roar;
  3. Shield Charge;
  4. Shield Slam (Also, do not forget to use it every time you reset it with Devastate, Thunder Clap, Revenge, or Execute);
  5. Revenge.

Besides, you always press your Avatar and Demoralizing Shout abilities to deal more damage and take less.

Protection Warrior Leveling Guide

Until you reach level 70, you cannot experience the game to the full. Only after achieving the level cap, you can enjoy end-game content and take part in PvP fights. To speed up this process, you can use a special talent build and a list of consumables.

To try this build in action, copy the following string:


As for the most powerful consumables for leveling, they are as follows:

Upon reaching level 70, you get access to all end-game activities. However, you will need a reliable team to complete them effortlessly. If you do not have one, you can use our World of Warcraft Boosting services to get the required loot with no problem. We offer the best market price and guarantee the result.

Best Primordial Stones for Protection Warrior

You have definitely heard about the Onyx Annulet ring, haven’t you? This item appeared in the game with the 10.0.7 patch and completely changed the meta. By inserting various Primordial Stones in it, you gain unique bonuses and effects, which you cannot obtain by any other means. In this section of the article, we are going to share the most powerful Primordial Stone options you can use for this specialization in particular.

  • Raiding Content

  1. Desirous Blood Stone – Lets you deal extra Shadow damage and heal for that amount;
  2. Prophetic Twilight Stone – Your healing and damaging effect from Primordial Stones trigger each other;
  3. Freezing Ice Stone – This is a great option for single-target damage and if you want to stay as close as possible to the target;
  4. Storm Infused Stone – When dealing critical damage, you also strike 2 nearby enemies;
  5. Humming Arcane Stone – You can deal extra Arcane damage for each Primordial Stone family equipped.

  • Mythic+ Content

  1. Desirous Blood Stone – Lets you deal extra Shadow damage and heal for that amount;
  2. Prophetic Twilight Stone – Your healing and damaging effect from Primordial Stones trigger each other;
  3. Pestilent Plague Stone – Improves your AoE damage-dealing potential;
  4. Storm Infused Stone – When dealing critical damage, you also strike 2 nearby enemies;
  5. Freezing Ice Stone – This is a great option for single-target damage (which is also needed in Mythic+) and if you want to stay as close as possible to the target.

  • World Content

  1. Desirous Blood Stone – Lets you deal extra Shadow damage and heal for that amount;
  2. Prophetic Twilight Stone – Your healing and damaging effect from Primordial Stones trigger each other;
  3. Storm Infused Stone – When dealing a critical hit, you can also inflict Nature damage to 2 nearby enemies;
  4. Freezing Ice Stone – This is a great option for single-target damage and if you want to stay as close as possible to the target;
  5. Flame Licked Stone – While attacking a foe, you can deal extra Fire damage and set them aflame for a short period of time.

How to Become a Better Protection Warrior in The War Within

Here, we are going to share a few Protection Warrior 11.1 patch tips that will help you improve your gameplay. By following this advice, you can become a true master of this specialization in no time:

  1. Understanding your abilities. Familiarize yourself with the core abilities of the spec, such as Shield Slam, Revenge, Ignore Pain, and others we described earlier. Learn when and how to use them effectively in different situations;
  2. Mastering defensive techniques. This specialization excels at tanking and mitigating damage. Practice proper positioning, active mitigation, and cooldown management to maximize your survivability and protect your team;
  3. Studying enemy classes and abilities. Knowledge of other classes' abilities and cooldowns is crucial for PvP success. Understand the strengths and weaknesses of your opponents, and adapt your tactics accordingly;
  4. Communication and teamwork. PvP requires coordination with your team. Communicate effectively, coordinate crowd control and offensive strategies, and work together to secure objectives and defeat your opponents;
  5. Continuous learning and practice. Keep up with the latest updates, strategies, and tactics in PvE and PvP. Watch high-level gameplay, study guides, and participate in these activities yourself to continually improve your skills;
  6. Analyzing your performance. Reflect on your gameplay, identify areas for improvement, and seek feedback from experienced players. Recognize your strengths and weaknesses, and work on refining your playstyle.

Other Articles to Read

Looking for another tank specialization to try? Check out our Protection Paladin Guide to learn about this spec as well. If you would like to act as a damage dealer, then our Fire Mage Guide is what you are looking for. Would you like to keep mastering the spec you are reading about right now? Then, our Protection Warrior Mage Tower Guide will be of great use for sure.


Fellow heroes, this marks the end of our guide. We hope you had a fun time reading it and learned a lot about how to play Protection Warrior. By using the tips and strategies outlined in this article, you will definitely excel in both PvE and PvP types of content. Make sure to stay with us, as we will keep updating this article if any changes or updates occur.


Is Protection Warrior good in The War Within?


With their robust defensive toolkit, including strong mitigation and crowd control options, Protection Warriors excel in mitigating damage and maintaining threat on enemies.

Is Protection Warrior hard to play in WoW?


This is by far not the most difficult spec to master. However, you need to learn to manage your Rage resource to be able to cast the most powerful abilities from your arsenal.

What is the best weapon for a Protection Warrior?


You need to choose between 1H/2H Axes, Maces, Swords, and Polearms. It is advisable to use a one-handed weapon combined with a shield. The latter is necessary to use some of your abilities.

What is the best profession for a Protection Warrior?


Having Mining and Engineering can be a good pair. The first one is perfect to earn extra gold while the second one lets you create different gadgets and gizmos to use in fights.

Is Protection Warrior good in PvE WoW?


This is one of the strong tanks with a wide range of utility, defensive, and offensive abilities under its belt. It is also relatively easy to learn to play it.

How do I maximize DPS as a Protection Warrior? 


Master your basic abilities and learn all three rotations we have described to maximize your damage output in any type of content.

What is the best rotation for a Protection Warrior?


It depends on a particular situation, and you must learn all the rotations we have provided in our article above.

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