Restoration Shaman Guide - The War Within 11.1

Are you seeking to become a skilled Restoration Shaman player in WoW? Our comprehensive The War Within Restoration Shaman guide provides everything you need to know, from fundamental ability explanations to advanced secondary stats and talent setups.

Read Our Restoration Shaman Guide

Greetings, fellow water-benders! Are you eager to excel in World of Warcraft as a Restoration Shaman? Our comprehensive Restoration Shaman healing guide is here to assist you. It encompasses every aspect of playing Restoration, including abilities, talents, equipment, consumables, and ways to improve. Whether you're a seasoned expert or a newcomer to the specialization, our guide has something valuable to offer. We advise beginners to read through the guide from beginning to end for a thorough understanding, but experienced players can also navigate to the section that piques their interest. Let's embark on this journey together and become unstoppable in the game!

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Restoration Shaman Pros and Cons

Each specialization in World of Warcraft has its unique strengths and limitations, and the Restoration Shaman is no exception. It is essential to comprehend these aspects early on, especially if you intend to switch to the Restoration specialization.

Restoration Shamans are a powerful class that should not be underestimated. They possess several advantages that make them a formidable force, including:

  • Excelling in stacked healing while still performing well in non-stacked situations.
  • Raid cooldowns that do not require channeling.
  • The ability to bring an extra combat resurrection with Ancestral Protection Totem, which does not count towards the combat resurrection limit. It can be used as a general safety tool or to deliberately sacrifice players to mitigate entire mechanics.
  • Spiritwalker's Grace, which enables the class to handle heavy movement mechanics that other healers cannot.
  • Exceptional survivability, particularly for a healer.

Nonetheless, the Restoration Shaman specialization also has a few drawbacks:

  • No tank cooldown, requiring raw healing instead.
  • Long cast times outside of cooldowns.

To unlock the full potential of any specialization in World of Warcraft, it's crucial to play it at the highest level. However, starting from scratch and leveling up to level 80 can be daunting and time-consuming, particularly if you don't already have a Restoration Shaman at that level. Fortunately, there's a simple and effective solution. Our The War Within Leveling service can assist you in leveling up your character quickly and efficiently. Our team of experienced players will take your character and level it up to the cap, saving you countless hours of grinding on your own. Our prices are reasonable, and we guarantee successful outcomes.

Restoration Shaman Basics

Restoration Shamans rely on the healing properties of water and their iconic totems to sustain their group members, using Mana as their primary resource. With the ability to use Far Sight and Astral Recall, we can see far into the distance and have our own separate Hearthstone. BLOG20

We possess a diverse range of spells and tools to perform our role, with most of them being more effective when the group is stacked closely together. Along with supportive Healing over Time spells and decent single target heals, we have strong cooldowns that can quickly get us out of dangerous situations. We also have a wide array of utility and the ability to restore Mana to ourselves and allies.

Core Restoration Shaman Abilities

As a Restoration Shaman, your healing spells are powered by Mana. It's crucial to manage your Mana efficiently during each encounter to ensure you can heal effectively throughout.

Let’s explore several important Restoration Shaman abilities. Here are some of the key spells in your arsenal:

  • Healing Wave: This moderate healing spell has a long cast time but is mana-efficient.
  • Healing Surge: A quick and potent single-target healing spell that is expensive in terms of Mana cost.
  • Chain Heal: This spell heals your primary target and then jumps to three other allies, healing each for a reduced amount.
  • Riptide: This spell heals the target and applies a healing over time effect.
  • Earth Shield: This spell applies an aura to your target that heals them whenever they take damage. It must be reapplied after 9 hits and can only heal once every 3 seconds.
  • Healing Tide Totem: This totem periodically heals everyone in its vicinity for a small amount.
  • Spirit Link Totem: This totem balances out the health percentage of all players within its area of effect by redistributing health points. It also reduces the damage taken by everyone within the effect by a small amount.

It's important to note that the list of abilities previously mentioned is not exhaustive. Players should take the time to thoroughly review their spellbook, familiarizing themselves with additional rotational skills and cooldowns and understanding when to use them effectively. While practicing on target dummies can be useful, it's important to eventually tackle more challenging content.

Mythic+ dungeons provide an excellent opportunity for players to put their skills to the test while also earning valuable gear. However, running these dungeons with random groups can often be stressful and negative, particularly for healers who are seeking to gear up and improve their M+ score. Fortunately, there's a solution to this problem. By taking advantage of our Mythic Carry Services, players can team up with our professional players, who will successfully clear any The War Within dungeon for them. This not only ensures success but also provides players with valuable gear and a boost to their M+ score, greatly benefiting them in future adventures.

Restoration Shaman Stat Priority

Let's now shift our focus to the Restoration Shaman stats. 

  • Critical Strike is a valuable stat that increases the chance of triggering Resurgence and doubles the effectiveness of attacks and heals. It's also useful for direct healing.
  • Haste is a multi-faceted stat that serves two purposes. Firstly, it lowers the cast time of your abilities and reduces the Global Cooldown incurred by your spells. This is helpful for increasing healing output within a specific timeframe. However, totems have a static Global Cooldown and are excluded. Secondly, it increases the healing done by the last tick of HoT spells and effects, as well as periodic healing totems like Healing Stream Totem and Healing Tide Totem. It also increases their mana effectiveness. Unlike other stats, Haste doesn't have breakpoints, and every single point of Haste effectively increases the throughput of HoT effects.
  • Mastery is a stat that increases the effectiveness of Mastery: Deep Healing. This mastery increases the healing done by your spells the lower the health of your target is, and the effect is linear. Healing someone at 25% of their maximum health will increase your healing by 75% of your mastery percentage. However, this stat is volatile and can quickly change effectiveness from one fight to another, even from one pull to another. For Mastery to be effective, you need people at low health points for extended periods of time, and even then, it may not beat the other stats.
  • Finally, Versatility is a passive stat that increases both damage and healing output while simultaneously reducing the damage taken.

When it comes to stat priority, Critical Strike and Versatility are consistent and should be prioritized first. However, Mastery catches up in difficult-to-heal content such as progression raiding. The following is a recommended order of priority based on item level for different types of content:

  1. Critical Strike;
  2. Versatility;
  3. Mastery;
  4. Haste

While this guide provides a useful reference for determining gear upgrades, it's important to note that stat priorities may change as you acquire new gear. To get a more accurate assessment of an item's value, consider using a character simulator. This tool can provide insight into how different stats will affect your character's performance.

In most cases, prioritizing higher item level gear is sufficient. However, it's still important to periodically review your stat priority to ensure that you're equipping gear that aligns with your preferred playstyle. This will help you maximize your character's potential and make the most of the gear available to you.

Best Restoration Shaman PvE Builds

The War Within has introduced an updated talent system that provides greater customization options and allows players to create multiple builds. This enhanced system provides more flexibility for different encounters and encourages players to experiment with different talent builds, which aligns with the developers' intentions. By using the best PvE Restoration Shaman talent builds outlined below and saving them in your templates, your Restoration Shaman will be well-equipped to handle any situation that may arise in World of Warcraft. However, it's crucial to keep in mind that success is not solely determined by having the right talent build.

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Restoration Shaman Raid Build

This The War Within Restoration Shaman PvE talent build emphasizes maximizing the usage of Primordial Wave by combining it with various modifiers like Unleash Life and the Season 2 tier set, while also using Chain Heal to fill in the gaps. Despite the focus on Riptide, High Tide is still a great pick for versatility and throughput over Primal Tide Core, although the latter option is still viable.

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Restoration Shaman Mythic+ Build

Creating a well-rounded talent build for dungeons can be challenging, as choosing too much utility can restrict your options for healing, damage, or defensive talents. This talent build strikes a balance between impactful talents and relevant utility spells, making it suitable for a variety of situations, though not necessarily all of them.

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Best Restoration Shaman PvP Build

Restoration Shamans are prized for their versatility in healing, damage output, mobility, and utility spells, making them a valuable addition to any Arena team. In addition to keeping their team alive, their role includes using their disruption abilities to stop incoming spells or damage, while their mana and mastery make them able to sustain their team for extended periods.

With the powerful Riptide spell at their disposal, Restoration Shamans should keep it active on their team as much as possible to maintain their health. Effective use of spells like Grounding Totem, which can absorb any spell that is about to be completed, and Wind Shear, which can interrupt crowd control or big damaging abilities, is essential to disrupting the enemy team's plan.

For those interested in a PvP-focused talent build, consider the following The War Within Restoration Shaman PvP setup, which maximizes the its strengths:

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There are several PvP talents available for Restoration Shamans, and players can select up to three of them to suit their team's strategy. While there are some talents that are more effective for certain tactics than others, the top three options are generally the most useful. However, players can swap them out for other PvP talents, depending on their objectives.

Here are some of the essential PvP talents for Restoration Shamans:

  • Living Tide makes Healing Tide Totem an extremely powerful healing tool, which can be used to heal the entire team during burst or crowd control, if placed beforehand. This is a highly recommended talent.
  • Grounding Totem summons an Air Totem at the caster's feet that redirects all harmful spells cast on a nearby party or raid member to itself. This talent can help you avoid incoming crowd control and even stop some incoming spell damage.
  • Swelling Waves is an excellent talent for passive healing, and it provides significant side healing when combined with the 20% benefit from Earth Shield on the target.
  • Unleash Shield provides situational utility, with the Water Shield benefit dropping a puddle that reduces healing and damage done by 50%. This talent can be used on the healer in a root, or on enemies who are bursting, allowing for exciting gameplay.

Restoration Shaman Best in Slot Gear

The War Within offers a multitude of options for obtaining gear, including raids, Crafting Order systems, and Mythic+ dungeons. While Best-in-Slot (BiS) gear may have lost some of its importance, many players still pursue specific items as their primary motivation for engaging in WoW content.

It's important to consider several factors that can affect gear effectiveness, such as the type of content being played (PvP or PvE) and the other gear equipped. To determine the exact value of any gear for your Restoration Shaman, it's highly recommended that you simulate your character.

When it comes to selecting gear, prioritize items with higher item levels as they offer the most significant boost to your primary stat, Intellect. After that, consider the stat priority mentioned earlier.

Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope Best in Slot Gear for Restoration Shaman

While raiding may not be the fastest way to obtain gear, it can be a rewarding experience for many players. However, if speed is your top priority, it's worth exploring other options such as crafting or Mythic+ dungeons. If you are interested in raiding as a Restoration Shaman in 11.1, below is a list of items to aim for in Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope:

Focusing solely on BiS gear can be counterproductive, as there are often more accessible options that can provide similar benefits. In addition, frequent game updates and changes can render BiS lists obsolete.

It's important to keep in mind that mastering your rotation, learning how to effectively navigate encounters, and collaborating with your team can have a more significant impact on your performance than any single piece of gear. While gear can certainly enhance your character's capabilities, it's not the sole determinant of success.

Mythic+ Best in Slot Gear for Restoration Shaman

For Restoration Shamans, the Mythic+ system provides an excellent opportunity to acquire powerful gear. While completing higher-level keys may seem daunting, the rewards are well worth the effort. By successfully tackling challenging Mythic+ dungeons, you can equip your character with some of the most formidable gear available in WoW's PvE content.

 It's crucial to keep in mind that the list of gear provided earlier serves as a reference to guide you towards the best possible items that can be acquired from the Great Vault and end-of-run chests. While pursuing gear from sources like Mythic+ dungeons, you may come across items that suit your character better than those mentioned in the guide. It's not obligatory to obtain the exact BiS gear set mentioned earlier, as there are other valid options to explore.

The Best Upgrade, Spark of Dreams, and Embellishment Options for Restoration Shaman

Dreaming Crests are a new form of currency in The War Within that serves as a replacement for other types of currencies like Valor and Honor used to upgrade items. The benefit of using Dreaming Crests is that they allow players to upgrade not only PvP gear but also certain raid items. When deciding which items to upgrade, it's generally best to focus on high-impact slots such as weapons and valuable trinkets first.

  1. Vakash, the Shadowed Inferno;
  2. Defender of the Ancient;
  3. Dreambinder, Loom of the Great Cycle;
  4. Pip's Emerald Friendship Badge;
  5. Staff of Incandescent Torment;
  6. Sickle of the White Stag.

Once you obtain Spark of Dreams, you should aim to craft the following items at the highest item level possible. Note that you may use the recrafting system to increase its item level later if you so desire. After crafting your best pieces, you can use sparks to improve slots that you have the lowest item level pieces, aiming to increase your average item level.

  1. Adaptive Dracothyst Armguards;
  2. Venom-Steeped Stompers;
  3. Elemental Lariat;
  4. Allied Legguards of Sansok Khan;
  5. Primal Molten Spellblade.

Crafting gear with Embellishments is a great way to enhance your character's stats and abilities beyond their regular attributes. However, it's important to note that you can only equip two pieces of gear with Embellishments at a time, so choose wisely.

When it comes to selecting the best Embellishments, it's important to consider your character's specific needs and playstyle. For instance, the Elemental Lariat can be incredibly powerful once you have enough gems to maintain its effect consistently. However, it may not be the best option for early in the season when you may not have many gems to work with.

On the other hand, the Undulating Sporecloak can be an excellent choice when survivability is a concern. Its special properties can provide additional protection in tough encounters, making it a valuable addition to your gear set. Ultimately, the best Embellishments for you will depend on your individual preferences and priorities.

  1. Adaptive Dracothyst Armguards;
  2. Venom-Steeped Stompers;
  3. Elemental Lariat;
  4. Allied Legguards of Sansok Khan.

While we understand that acquiring top-tier gear through crafting can be a time-consuming and challenging process, we want to assure you that there are alternative options available to you. If you're looking for a faster and more efficient approach to gathering gold for purchasing gear, our services can help. We offer the option to Buy WoW Gold at reasonable prices and guarantee prompt delivery to your character. With this option, you can save yourself valuable time and effort while still being able to enhance your character's gear and gameplay.

Best Restoration Shaman Enchants and Consumables

It's important to note that enchantments are a valuable addition to your gear, as they can significantly enhance your character's abilities and overall performance in WoW. Here are some of the best Restoration Shaman The War Within enchantments currently available:

For Resto Shamans, the Phial of Elemental Chaos would be a reliable choice in most situations. However, if you're experienced with Mythic+ dungeons, I'd suggest switching to the Phial of Glacial Fury since it deals a considerable amount of damage.

To be well-prepared for various scenarios, it's advisable to have a variety of potions on hand. For raiding, you should consider bringing the Aerated Mana Potion. If you're looking for an alternative to Toxic items, you could opt for the Potion of Frozen Focus. For Mythic+, the Elemental Potion of Power is worth having. It's also important to have enough Refreshing Healing Potions, and in case of emergencies, it's wise to carry the Potion of Withering Vitality.

Don't overlook the benefits of weapon enchantments and feasts before each encounter. The Buzzing Rune is the most useful weapon buff, and you should avoid combining it with the Earthliving Weapon enchantment. If you're using Earthliving Weapon, refrain from using any weapon buffs. For food, Grand Banquet of the Kalu'ak or solo options like Revenge, Served Cold are perfect for raiding, while the Aromatic Seafood Platter is a great choice for Mythic+.

Maximizing your character's potential is essential when tackling challenging content in WoW. One way to do this is by using the right gems for your gear. The Inscribed Illimited Diamond is a great choice for most situations, but if you focus on Mythic+, the Fierce Illimited Diamond might be more suitable. If you have multiple gear sets, you can use both and swap the gear around since you can only equip one prismatic gem at a time.

When it comes to gems, Radiant Alexstraszite or Sensei's Alexstraszite are great options for raiding, while Energized Ysemerald is ideal for Mythic+. You can use as many rare gems as you want.

However, gear enchants and consumables may not be enough to defeat raid bosses, and it can be challenging to find a suitable raid group at times. That's where our WoW Raid Boost services come in. Our skilled team can assist you in obtaining the finest raid items for your character, ensuring you're fully equipped to handle any raid challenge with confidence.

Restoration Shaman Rotation Guide

Becoming proficient in playing Restoration Shaman requires consistent practice. Prior to engaging in real combat scenarios, it is advisable to devote sufficient time to practicing on target dummies. This approach will enable you to become comfortable with your abilities, perfect your rotations, and prepare you to efficiently heal your allies when the action heats up.

Restoration Shaman Healing Rotation and Priority

  1. As a Restoration Shaman, it's crucial to keep a watchful eye on your party or raid members' health. You can use instant heals like Riptide and Unleash Life, as well as quick but costly Healing Surge or Healing Wave depending on the urgency of their health. Avoid using Healing Surge since it drains your mana quickly.
  2. During downtime, prepare for incoming raid damage by using spells that last a while, such as Riptide, Healing Stream Totem, Unleash Life, Earthen Wall Totem, and Healing Rain. These spells should be used a few seconds early, excluding Riptide, and the shortest duration spells should be used last.
  3. To maximize healing, use Cloudburst Totem during intensive moments to multiply your healing.
  4. Use your small cooldowns frequently to reduce the number of filler spells you have to cast. Anything that's a minute or less falls under this category since they provide extremely efficient healing.
  5. Ancestral Guidance is a flexible spell that can be used at any time to assist with tough-to-heal damage. It's not on the global cooldown, which means you can activate it immediately after a cast and start the next cast without interruption.
  6. When prioritizing single-target healing, Chain Heal and Healing Wave are your main filler spells, with Healing Wave taking precedence if you need to conserve mana.
  7. During raid-wide damage, use Spirit Link Totem and Healing Tide Totem in coordination with other healers. Ancestral Guidance in combination with Ascendance is also potent throughput and can be used against very large incoming raid-wide damage.
  8. If there's no healing to be done, switch to the damage rotation and occasionally use your small healing cooldowns in between. However, they don't need to be kept on cooldown in this situation.

Restoration Shaman Damage Rotation and Priority

  1. Stormkeeper;
  2. Healing Rain for Acid Rain (worth on single target already);
  3. (2+ Enemies) Spam Chain Lightning;
  4. Apply Flame Shock;
  5. Lava Burst;
  6. Lightning Bolt.

Cooldown Usage for Restoration Shamans

The key to mastering the Restoration Shaman is practice, and one tool that can be especially helpful is Primordial Wave. This ability not only provides high throughput, but can also compensate for poor player positioning. When used, it applies a heal and Riptide to a target, allowing your next Healing Wave to cleave to all targets with Riptide's healing over time effect. By keeping as many Riptides active as possible and waiting until the cooldown has nearly 2 charges before using Primordial Wave, you can optimize its cleave healing. Although it's not necessary to do so, using Primordial Wave as often as possible is recommended due to its low cooldown and mana efficiency.

Another powerful tool at your disposal is Ancestral Guidance. This ability targets 3 injured allies and distributes 25% of your healing output to each, resulting in a 75% healing increase (excluding totem healing). It can be used in a variety of situations, from heavy ticking debuffs to raid-wide damage or rot damage. Ancestral Guidance can even copy Ascendance healing, creating a potent combination when used together. However, it's important to keep in mind that their cooldowns are not in sync and to find a usage pattern that maximizes each ability's effectiveness. Additionally, always make sure to have Cloudburst Totem active during any of these abilities to absorb part of all healing and overhealing, often resulting in higher effective healing output than the cooldowns themselves.

Restoration Shaman Leveling Guide

As a healer, your damage output may not be very strong. In order to level up faster, I suggest switching to the Enhancement or Elemental spec, which are both great for leveling and can significantly speed up the process. However, if you prefer the safety net that being a healer provides and don't mind a slower leveling pace, then you can certainly level up as a healer.

If you do decide to level up as a healer, here's a talent setup that may help you with the process:

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As a Restoration Shaman leveling up, you won't have a set rotation, but it's important to know which abilities to use. You can refer to the damage rotation section above for guidance.

As you work your way up to level 80, there are some consumables that can make your journey easier.

One great option is Fried Bonefish, which increases your movement speed after defeating enemies. If you're focused on leveling up quickly, try to keep this food buff active as much as possible.
Another option is Gunshoes, which provides a significant boost to your movement speed and doesn't require engineering to use, although it does have a moderate cooldown.

Reaching the maximum level in World of Warcraft is a significant achievement that unlocks many opportunities for your character. If you feel overwhelmed and could use some help with your newly leveled character, we offer The War Within Boosting services. Our skilled team provides these services at competitive prices and with great efficiency so you can get the most out of your WoW experience.

The Best Primordial Stones for Restoration Shaman

Primordial Stones for Raiding and Healing focused Mythic+

When considering which Primordial Stones to socket into your Onyx Annulet as a Restoration Shaman for raiding, there are a few that are particularly beneficial:

  1. Wild Spirit Stone;
  2. Exuding Steam Stone;
  3. Deluging Water Stone;
  4. Desirous Blood Stone;
  5. Cold Frost Stone (for added survivability).

It's important to note that in order to fully maximize the value of the Wild Spirit Stone, it needs to be paired with two healing or nature stones.

Primordial Stones for Mythic+ (Damage focused)

When it comes to maximizing your damage output in Mythic+ as a Restoration Shaman, there are several Primordial Stones that stand out as ideal choices for socketing in your Onyx Annulet:

  1. Storm Infused Stone;
  2. Exuding Steam Stone;
  3. Prophetic Twilight Stone;
  4. Pestilent Plague Stone;
  5. Humming Arcane Stone;
  6. Cold Frost Stone (for survivability).

By using these Primordial Stones, you can increase your damage output and overall effectiveness in Mythic+ dungeons. It's important to note that choosing the right stones for your playstyle and the dungeon you're running is key to success, so be sure to experiment and find what works best for you.

How to Become a Better Restoration Shaman in The War Within

After you've gathered the appropriate gear, enhancements, and sustenance and have mastered your opening moves, you can move on to more advanced techniques as a Restoration Shaman. Here are some valuable tips to assist you:

  • Take the time to explore your spellbook and talents, paying close attention to all aspects, even those not included in suggested builds. Exceptional Shamans are distinguished by their mastery of their specialization.
  • Don't underestimate the importance of target dummy training or running lower-level keys. Our healing and damage abilities are quite intricate and require muscle memory to perform correctly.
  • Instead of focusing solely on "Best in Slot" lists or a single content type, search for equipment upgrades from various sources. The War Within provides gear from nearly every activity, which is advantageous for novices.
  • To become the most informed and prepared player in your group, study raid strategies and dungeon routes.
  • Be a team player! In WoW, individual accomplishments are infrequent. Learn to coordinate crowd control and cooldowns with your party and raid members to achieve remarkable results.
  • Don't be afraid to experiment! As previously mentioned, your talents and abilities are not fixed. Try new approaches and see what works best for you.

Other Articles to Read

At SkyCoach, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive coverage of all your favorite games. Whether you're seeking information on various topics related to World of Warcraft or other games, we invite you to explore our blog. Our blog features in-depth guides and articles on different WoW specializations and in-game activities, making it a valuable resource for players of all levels.

If you're primarily interested in healing and want to learn more about the Holy Priest, or if you're considering trying a new specialization like Enhancement, our blog is the perfect place to start.

For those still focusing on Restoration Shaman, we highly recommend checking out our Restoration Shaman Mage Tower Guide. This thrilling challenge puts your healing skills to the test and offers unique rewards you won't want to miss out on!


Our goal in creating this comprehensive guide was to provide you with all the information about how to play Restoration Shaman in The War Within effectively. We hope that we have answered any questions you may have had and provided you with helpful recommendations to improve your WoW experience. It's important to note that our suggestions are not rigid rules, and you should feel free to try out different talents, gear, and rotations to find what works best for you. After all, WoW is meant to be enjoyed! That concludes our guide for now. We wish you the best of luck in your adventures and hope to see you soon in the Dragon Isles.


Are Restoration Shamans good in The War Within?

Restoration Shamans are proficient healers, particularly in healing groups of players that are close together. They have a range of unique tools to manage lethal influxes of damage and are among the few healers that can continuously area-of-effect heal when dangerous, unexpected damage occurs.

Is Restoration Shaman hard to play in WoW?

While understanding the basics of playing as a Restoration Shaman is relatively easy, mastering the intricacies of this specialization at higher levels, such as advancing in Mythic+ or raiding, can be challenging. It takes a skilled player with a committed mindset to achieve proficiency.

What is the best weapon for a Restoration Shaman?

It is always best to equip a weapon with Intellect, whether it is a two-handed weapon or a one-handed weapon with an off-hand/shield.

What is the best profession for a Restoration Shaman?

While not required, Leatherworking is a great choice as it enables you to craft armor for yourself. Herbalism and Mining are also good choices for general gold-making purposes.

Is Restoration Shaman good in PvE WoW?

Absolutely! With recent buffs and excellent utility, Restoration Shamans are top-tier options for both raids and Mythic+ content, making them highly sought-after in group settings.

What is the best rotation for a Restoration Shaman?

Mastery of cooldowns is crucial for playing Restoration Shaman efficiently. Once you have achieved this, the spell sequence will come naturally. Referencing the WoW Restoration Shaman rotation section of our guide is an excellent starting point.

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