Welcome to our complete Underpin delve guide, travelers. This is the new seasonal boss in The War Within Season 2 we have to deal with this time. We hope you’re fully prepared since it’s a fight you won’t want to miss. In return, you’ll earn a ton of unique rewards, including cosmetics and more.
This WoW Underpin walkthrough explains the boss’s location, the best strategy to defeat him, and covers a full list of loot you’ll receive. We’ll also go over exclusive achievements you can earn. They include the ones like Let Me Solo Him: The Underpin and many others.
In case you’re stuck on this challenge, SkyCoach is here to assist you with Killing The Underpin. Our PROs will take care of this job for you and earn the rewards you wish. We guarantee the best price and the fastest delivery time for your order!
Read our other The War Within guides:
- Mythic+ Dungeon Guide
- Gearing Guide
- Best Classes Guide
- Best Addons
- Leveling Guide
- Best Professions
- Operation: Floodgate Guide
- Liberation of Undermine Guide
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Who is The Underpin in The War Within?
As promised, we’ll be tested with deadly attacks and tricky mechanics each season. The War Within Season 2 brings The Underpin to the scene. This tricky goblin is waiting for brave challengers like you to fight him.
This boss is designed similarly to the Zekvir’s Lair encounter we had in the previous season. It tests your skill to adapt to unique mechanics and overall strategic thinking. If you manage to get through all the challenges, you’ll receive unique Underpin loot, achievements, and more.
WoW The Underpin has everything from AoE attacks to defensive shields and summoned minions. The most difficult part here is that you have to beat The Underpin solo. No teammates will be around to help you. Treat this fight as if you were in the Mage Tower Challenge, basically.
The Underpin Tiers
The Underpin boss comes in two difficulty tiers. Each offers greater challenges, such as new mechanics and better rewards:
- Tier ? is the entry-level version of the fights with the boss having easier mechanics to manage.
- Tier ?? is a much harder version, as the boss hits harder, summon more Cronies, and requires better gameplay understanding in general.
Yes, those tiers have question marks in their names. This is how it is supposed to work. You’re dealing with the most challenging version compared to any delve, after all.
Where is the Underpin Delve
The Underpin location in WoW is in the Demolition Dome within Undermine. It’s hidden behind a set of bleachers in the northern section of the area.
- Exact Coordinates: /way #2349 50.41, 12.19
The fastest way to get there is to use Delve Entrance Finder or fly directly from the nearest flight path in Undermine. If the Underpin delve entrance isn’t available, make sure you’ve completed the required Delve Tiers to progress. BLOG20
How to Unlock The Underpin Delve
Unlocking Underpin delve requires completing high-tier delves and having revives left at the end. The delve is available in two difficulties:
- Tier ? – Clear a Tier 8 delve while keeping at least one life intact.
- Tier ?? – Complete a Tier 10 delve with at least one life remaining.
If you need a hand in Completing Delves, SkyCoach is always there for you. Our PROs can help you with any delve. All tiers are available. We guarantee the best prices and the fastest completion time for your order.
The Underpin Quest
Defeating the Underpin is the only quest available so far. It rewards you with Brann’s Spare Hat upon completion. After meeting the delve requirements, you’ll receive this questline leading to Underpin’s Lair in the Demolition Dome.
During the fight, Brann Bronzebeard assists you by either dealing extra damage or healing you. Besides, his interrupt cooldown is crucial for managing Underpin’s mechanics.
The Underpin Recommended Gear Level
To withstand WoW Underpin fight, you’ll want to meet the recommended gear levels for each tier:
- Tier ? requires at least ilvl of 636 for a reasonable chance of survival.
- Tier ?? is expected to need a much higher item level, especially for newer players.
Proper gear will help you withstand Underpin’s powerful attacks and quickly break his energy shield phase.
The Underpin Strategy
The WoW Underpin strategy is built around precision timing and positioning. You also need to manage his adds along the way. This is by far the toughest Season 2 Delves boss you’ll encounter. Be prepared to encounter a ton of previously unseen mechanics and abilities. This is what you should expect:
Mechanic | Description |
Avoid Underpin’s AoE Abilities |
The Underpin uses Crush and Flamethrower. Both deal heavy area damage.
Deal with Time Bombs |
The Underpin occasionally launches time bombs that explode after a short delay.
Handle Cronies Wisely |
At 20 seconds into the fight, the Underpin summons three cronies to assist him.
Break the Energy Shield |
The most important phase happens when the Underpin reaches 100 Energy.
Pro Tip: Make sure to burn down his shield quickly. This prevents the fight from dragging on too long.
The Underpin Abilities
Most of these Underpin abilities are met during the Tier ? and others are only available throughout the Tier ??. They include the following:
- Crush — The Underpin attempts to crush his enemies with the full force of his mech, inflicting Physical damage to players caught in the area and stunning them for 4 sec.
- Flamethrower — The Underpin attempts to set his foes ablaze, inflicting Fire damage every 0.5 sec to players within 15 yds in front of him.
- Time Bomb Launcher — The Underpin launches several Time Bombs nearby.
- Signal Cronies — The Underpin signals for his Cronies to assist him.
- Molten Cannon — Underpin's Croney powers up his Molten Cannon and fires a powerful orb of molten lava at a player's location, which inflicts Fire damage and knocks back all players caught in its path.
- Disperse Crowd — Underpin's Croney attempts to disperse nearby players with its shield, inflicting Physical damage and knocking back players in the area.
- Black Blood Cannon — Underpin's Croney powers up his Molten Cannon and fires a powerful orb of molten lava at a player's location, which inflicts Fire damage and knocks back all players caught in its path.
- Divert Energy to Shields — The Underpin diverts his mech's energy to shields, powering it down while it attempts to recharge, absorbing 10% of health in damage while the shields hold but taking 100% increased damage while powered down. If Underpin successfully recharges his mech heals for 25%.
- Oil Spill — Disrupting Underpin's attempt to recharge damages his mech, causing it to spill oil nearby every 0.5 sec for 5 sec.
Best Specs to Defeat The Underpin
You can take down Underpin by playing any class and specialization. Specific ones are better for doding AoEs, killing Cronies, and breaking shields faster. Here are the best specs to defeat Underpin:
- Destruction Warlock
- Fire Mage
- Havoc Demon Hunter
- Arms Warrior
- Beast Mastery Hunter
Those specs we’ve chosen are great at dealing burst damage and moving quickly around the arena. Let’s go over each one in more detail. BLOG20
Destruction Warlock
Destruction Warlock is one of the best specs for bursting down Underpin’s shield and handling his cronies with strong cleave damage. Chaos Bolt deals massive single-target damage, perfect for breaking his shield phase quickly before he regenerates health. Rain of Fire and Havoc allow you to cleave multiple Cronies without losing focus on the boss.
Warlocks also have great defensive tools like Dark Pact and Unending Resolve. This makes them tanky enough to survive Flamethrower and Crush if dodging fails. With high burst, sustained AoE, and survivability, Destruction Warlocks shine in this encounter.
Fire Mage
Fire Mage is strong here because of high burst damage and great mobility. Combustion lets you burn down Underpin’s shield fast, stopping him from healing. Living Bomb and Flamestrike help clear Cronies quickly before they stack up. Blink and Shimmer make dodging Crush and Molten Cannon easy. Fire Mage’s burst, cleave, and movement make this fight much smoother. If you like fast-paced, high-damage gameplay, this spec is a top choice.
Havoc Demon Hunter
Havoc Demon Hunter is known for high mobility and consistent AoE damage. Blade Dance and Eye Beam quickly clear Underpin’s cronies, preventing them from overwhelming you. Fel Rush and Vengeful Retreat make dodging Crush and Molten Cannon effortless. Metamorphosis and Chaos Strike provide a strong burst to break Underpin’s shield fast before he heals. With fast movement, self-healing, and high burst, Havoc DH is a perfect pick for this encounter.
Arms Warrior
Arms Warrior brings huge burst damage and strong executes. This makes it a great pick for the Underpin. Mortal Strike reduces healing, helping counter his shield recharge. Whirlwind and Cleave quickly take out cronies before they become a problem. Charge and Heroic Leap help reposition fast to dodge Crush and Molten Cannon. When Underpin’s shield is up, Colossus Smash and Bladestorm ensure it breaks fast. With high burst, AoE, and healing reduction, Arms Warrior is a solid choice for this fight.
Beast Mastery Hunter
Beast Mastery Hunter shines in the Underpin fight with constant damage and mobility. Pets keep attacking nonstop, even while dodging Crush or Molten Cannon. Beast Cleave and Multi-Shot handle cronies fast, preventing them from overwhelming the fight. Exhilaration and Aspect of the Turtle provide solid defense against Flamethrower and AoE attacks. Since pets ignore mechanics, BM Hunters can focus on movement while keeping steady DPS. Their range, mobility, and reliable pet damage make them a top pick for this encounter.
The Underpin Rewards
The WoW Underpin rewards include anything from cosmetics to useful items to swag around. The higher tier you complete, the better ones you can expect to get:
- Golden-Gob Propulsion Rig – A cosmetic back transmog earned by taking down Underpin.
- Brann’s Spare Hat – A stylish helm transmog, rewarded from the Defeating the Underpin quest.
- Pacifist Rig for Brann – A utility curio that drops a defensive MK-1 rig to help in battle.
- Delver’s Gob-Trotter Schematic: Gold – Unlocks a golden tint for the Delver’s Gob-Trotter mount by soloing Underpin.
The Underpin Achievements
The WoW Underpin achievements challenge you to solo the boss, defeat him quickly, or complete special objectives:
- Let Me Solo Him: The Underpin – Defeat Underpin solo on Tier ?? before the next season. Rewards Delver’s Gob-Trotter Schematic: Gold for a golden Delver's Gob-Trotter mount tint.
- Breaking the Bank – Defeat Underpin on Tier ?? before the next season. Grants The Real Deal title.
- My New Nemesis – Beat Underpin before the next season to earn the Golden-Gob Propulsion Rig (a back transmog).
- The Hataclysm – Ask Brann to change his hat ten times after recovering it from Underpin.
This brings us to the end of our WoW Underpin guide, travelers. You’re now fully prepared to take down this Season 2 Delve boss. We’ve covered his intricate mechanics and provided you with strategic tips as well. You’ve also learned about possible rewards and achievements you can earn. Make sure you don’t miss out on this seasonal challenge and earn this precious loot. Good luck, and we will see you in Azeroth!
How to beat the Underpin in WoW?
Dodge AoE attacks, kill Cronies quickly, and break his shield before he recharges.
How hard is the Underpin delve?
It's easier than Season 1’s Zekvir, but the mechanics still require awareness and quick reactions.
What ilvl to beat the Underpin?
Tier ? requires ilvl 636, but higher gear makes the fight much easier.
What is the best spec against the Underpin?
The following specs perform well:
- Destruction Warlock
- Fire Mage
- Havoc Demon Hunter
- Arms Warrior
- Beast Mastery Hunter
What are the rewards for beating the Underpin?
You earn transmog items, a mount tint, titles, and achievements for defeating him.
How to find the Underpin in WoW?
The Underpin's entrance is at /way 50.41, 12.19 in Undermine, behind a set of bleachers.