Windwalker Monk Guide - The War Within 11.1

Looking to master the Windwalker specialization in WoW? Our all-encompassing The War Within Windwalker Monk 11.1 guide has got you covered! From the basics of ability explanations to the intricate details of secondary stats and talent setups, we leave no stone unturned.

Read Our Windwalker Monk Guide

Greetings, fellow martial artists! Are you ready to conquer any challenge that comes your way in World of Warcraft as a Windwalker? Our comprehensive Windwalker Monk DPS guide has got you covered! We've included everything you need to know about playing this specialization, from abilities and talents to equipment and consumables, and much more. If you're already an experienced Windwalker Monk, you can jump straight to the section that interests you the most. However, if you're a beginner, we highly recommend reading the guide from start to finish to get the most out of it. So, let's embark on this journey together and become the ultimate Windwalker Monks!

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Windwalker Monk Pros and Cons

In World of Warcraft, every specialization has its own set of strengths and weaknesses, and the Windwalker Monk is no exception. To make an informed decision about switching to this specialization, it's crucial to understand these aspects beforehand.

As a Windwalker Monk, you'll wield an impressive set of skills that should not be taken lightly. This is due to several unique advantages that set them apart, such as:

  • Versatility in various combat situations.
  • Exceptional mobility capabilities.
  • Potent burst and sustained AOE and Cleave damage.
  • Minimal damage loss when switching targets.

However, it's important to note that this specialization also has some limitations, such as:

  • Being a "Jack of all trades, master of none" in some aspects.
  • Lack of immunity to certain effects.
  • Historically, not scaling as well as other specializations throughout an expansion without buffs.

To unlock the full potential of any specialization, it's crucial to play at the highest level. However, starting from scratch can be intimidating and time-consuming, especially if you don't already have a level 80 Windwalker Monk character. Fortunately, there is a simple and effective solution available: consider using our WoW Leveling service. Our team of experienced players will take your character and level it up to the cap in a short period of time. Our rates are competitive, and we guarantee successful results. Don't let the leveling process hold you back from experiencing the true power of the Windwalker Monk - let us help you reach your full potential!

Windwalker Monk Basics

The Windwalker is a melee DPS specialization that relies on Energy as a resource, which is then converted into Chi to deal damage. Windwalker is a highly mobile specialization that excels in M+ and PvP, but has historically fallen behind other specializations in Raid settings. BLOG20

Windwalkers are versatile and able to fulfill various roles within a group, from providing high mobility and survivability to dealing high AoE or single-target damage. Windwalkers can adjust their playstyle to meet the needs of different situations and content, making them a valuable addition to any group.

Core Windwalker Monk Abilities

As a Windwalker Monk, you rely on two primary resources: Energy and Chi.

Energy is generated passively and the speed of its regeneration is affected by your Haste rating. You have a maximum Energy capacity of 100, and your Energy bar remains full until it's actively used. Any excess Energy generated when you're already at maximum capacity will be wasted.

In contrast, Chi is generated by using specific abilities such as Tiger Palm and Expel Harm. You can hold up to a maximum of 5 Chi at once, but it quickly decays when you're out of combat. However, it doesn't decay while in combat. Similar to Energy, generating additional Chi when you're already at full capacity will result in the new Chi being wasted.

As a Windwalker Monk, you'll find that most abilities in your rotation require Chi to use, while Tiger Palm uses Energy instead. Managing these two resources efficiently is crucial for maximizing your DPS potential.

  • Tiger Palm is a basic ability that deals a small amount of damage to a single target and has a chance to make the next Blackout Kick cost no Chi.
  • Blackout Kick deals damage to a single target and costs 1 Chi.
  • Rising Sun Kick is a high-damage ability that you'll use frequently, but it costs 2 Chi.
  • Fists of Fury unleashes a flurry of punches that deal damage to your current target and any others in front of you. It costs 3 Chi and has a longer cooldown than other abilities.
  • Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger is a powerful ability that summons a glowing tiger to fight alongside you for a brief time. 
  • Flying Serpent Kick allows you to zoom forward and deal small AoE damage where you land.
  • Touch of Karma is an ability that absorbs incoming damage and redirects it to your target.

It should be noted that the abilities mentioned above are not the only ones available to Windwalker Monks. Players should carefully review their spellbook to become familiar with additional rotational skills and cooldowns, and learn when to use them effectively. While practicing on target dummies can be helpful, it is important to eventually take on more challenging content.

Mythic+ dungeons are an excellent way for players to test their abilities while earning valuable gear. However, running these dungeons with random groups can be stressful and negative, particularly for tanks looking to improve their M+ score and gear up. Fortunately, a solution to this problem exists. Players can take advantage of our Mythic Carry services, which allow them to team up with our skilled players to clear any The War Within dungeon. This guarantees success and provides players with valuable gear and a boost to their M+ score, which can greatly benefit them in future endeavors.

Windwalker Monk Stat Priority

Let's shift our focus to the important Windwalker Monks stats. As a melee DPS spec, Agility is your primary stat that increases your attack power and is found on leather gear. Nearly all your damage abilities are based on this, making it your most crucial stat and the most desirable in most situations.

In addition to Agility, Windwalker Monks have secondary stats that affect their performance, including:

  • Critical Strike: This stat increases the chance that your abilities deal 100% increased damage. It can be comparable to Mastery and Versatility depending on their availability.
  • Haste: This stat boosts energy regeneration and reduces the cooldown of abilities like Fists of Fury, Rising Sun Kick, and Whirling Dragon Punch. Although not the most important stat, it's still useful.
  • Mastery: This stat enhances the damage of your abilities, as long as they're not a repeat of your previous cast. It's generally the most desirable secondary stat, but falls behind Versatility when it's more readily available.
  • Versatility: This stat increases all damage dealt and healing done while reducing damage taken. It's the most sought-after stat for Windwalker Monks due to its limited availability.

In the current state of the game, this Windwalker Monk's stat priority for TWW is a reliable and effective choice:

  1. Agility;
  2. Versatility = Critical Strike;
  3. Mastery;
  4. Haste.

This guide serves as a useful starting point for determining whether an item is an upgrade or not. However, as you gain more experience, it's recommended to use a character simulator to accurately evaluate the value of an item's stats. The relative importance of each stat may shift as you acquire new gear, so periodically checking your stat priority can help ensure you are equipping items that align with your desired playstyle. While simulating your character is the most precise way to assess upgrades, prioritizing higher item level gear will usually suffice.

Best PvE Windwalker Monk Builds

The War Within has introduced an updated talent system that allows for greater character customization and flexibility in creating multiple talent builds. This new system encourages experimentation and is designed to provide increased adaptability to different encounters.

By utilizing the talent builds provided below and saving them in your talent templates, your Windwalker Monk will be well-prepared to handle any situation that arises in World of Warcraft. It's important to keep in mind, however, that success isn't solely determined by having the perfect talent build. While Windwalker Monks are known for their solo abilities, success often requires teamwork, especially in a world of lengthy raid queues, unexpected key departures, and frustrating PUG experiences. For those looking to expedite their progress, we offer a range of The War Within Boosting services that are sure to meet your needs.

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Windwalker Monk Raid Build

This The War Within Windwalker Monk PvE build is essential for taking on single-target fights, which make up the majority of raid bosses.

To utilize this build in the game, all you need to do is copy the following string:


Windwalker Monk Mythic+ Build

This talent setup is designed to optimize your AOE damage output, whether you're dealing with multiple targets or adds in Mythic+ or raid fights:

To add this talent build to your character's template, copy and paste the following string:


Best Windwalker Monk PvP Build

Currently, Windwalker Monks are considered to be one of the most effective melee specializations in PvP. They have the ability to apply immense pressure across a wide area as a melee, and their single-target burst damage is almost unparalleled. With just one coordinated setup, a Windwalker Monk can easily eliminate an enemy.

The primary objective of a Windwalker Monk in PvP is straightforward: use your mobility to aggressively attack a target and utilize your powerful single-target cooldowns to burst down your opponents. You also possess crowd control abilities in the form of Paralysis and Leg Sweep, which can be utilized to disable enemy healers. Your primary goal is to force the enemy team to use their defensive cooldowns by constantly outputting damage. By managing your damage buffs, a Windwalker Monk can unleash a devastating amount of damage in a short amount of time.

If you're looking for a talent setup specifically for PvP, the following The War Within Windwalker Monk PvP build is recommended:

Import string:


When choosing your PvP talents, you can select three from the list below. While each of these talents has its unique strengths, some are more suitable for certain strategies than others. Generally speaking, the top three choices are the most versatile and effective, but you can swap them out for other PvP talents based on your team's objectives.

Essential PvP Talents:

  • Turbo Fists: This talent is a must-have when facing teams with melee players. It increases the damage of your Fists of Fury ability while also slowing down any enemies caught in its radius. Moreover, while channeling Fists of Fury, you Parry all incoming attacks, making it an excellent defensive tool to use against aggressive teams.
  • Alpha Tiger: This talent grants you a 30% Haste buff every time you hit a new target with Tiger Palm. Although this effect has a cooldown of 30 seconds, it allows you to switch to new targets quickly and maximize your burst damage output. Pairing Alpha Tiger with other cooldowns can result in a devastating attack that can take down even the toughest opponents.

Situational PvP Talents:

  • Reverse Harm is a game-changing talent that increases the damage and Chi generation of Expel Harm. This helps improve your survivability while keeping your rotation smooth and efficient. Reverse Harm can be used to build up Chi after using Tiger Palm and heal you for a substantial amount when you're under attack.
  • Ride the Wind is another important talent that creates a path of wind behind your Flying Serpent Kick, granting a 25% movement speed increase and immunity to slowing effects to all allies who stand in it. This is especially useful if your healer is being focused by the enemy team, as it allows your entire group to kite away from incoming burst damage.
  • Grapple Weapon is an effective choice when facing melee-heavy teams or Death Knights. It disarms your enemy, preventing them from using their weapons and healing abilities, making it easier for your team to secure a kill.

Windwalker Monk Best in Slot Gear

The world of The War Within is vast and offers players numerous options for obtaining gear, including raids, Mythic+ dungeons, and the Crafting Order system. While the concept of BiS (Best-in-Slot) gear may have lost some significance, many players still enjoy pursuing a specific list of items to improve their Windwalker Monk's performance.

It's important to note that the effectiveness of an item is influenced by various factors, such as the type of content you're participating in and the other gear you have equipped. To determine the precise value of any gear for your character, it's recommended to simulate your Windwalker Monk.

Generally, prioritize items with higher item levels as they provide the most significant boost to your primary stat, Agility. After that, consider the stat priority discussed earlier.

Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope Best in Slot Gear for Windwalker Monk

If raiding is your preferred activity, here's a list of the items you should strive to acquire from Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope. However, it's worth noting that raiding may not be the quickest method for obtaining gear. If speed is your top priority, it's worth exploring other options such as crafting or Mythic+ dungeons.

It's understandable to want to obtain the list of items mentioned above as it can significantly improve your character's power, but it's important not to become obsessed with it. It's easy to fall into the trap of pursuing the "mathematically best" options, but there are often alternatives that are easier to obtain and provide similar benefits.

Moreover, game developers regularly add new gearing options and make changes to the game, which can disrupt the theorycrafting of BiS lists. As such, these lists require constant updating and shouldn't be taken as the gospel truth.

It's crucial to keep in mind that executing your rotation effectively, understanding encounters deeply, and communicating and coordinating with your team can have a more substantial impact on your damage output and survivability than any item on the list.

Mythic+ Best in Slot Gear for Windwalker Monk

When it comes to Mythic+, the system is an efficient means of obtaining gear in WoW The War Within. Completing higher-level keys presents a significant challenge, but it can reward you with some of the best equipment available in WoW PvE.

It's important to emphasize that the items listed previously are just a guide for what to aim for in terms of end-of-run chests and the Great Vault. There may be other gear that you come across during your gameplay that is better suited to your Windwalker Monk. Therefore, it's not essential to acquire the precise set of gear mentioned earlier. Keep an open mind and consider all options when it comes to gearing up your character.

The Best Upgrade, Spark of Dreams, and Embellishment Options for Windwalker Monk

When it comes to using Dreaming Crests to upgrade your Windwalker Monk's gear, it's essential to prioritize your weapons first. Since the currency is limited, it's important to make wise decisions on which items to upgrade first. After upgrading your weapons, consider trinkets and items with the lowest item level.

Once you've acquired the Spark of Dreams, it's recommended to craft the following items at the highest item level possible. Keep in mind that the recrafting system can be used later to increase the item level. After crafting the best pieces, prioritize using sparks to upgrade your lowest item level slots to increase your overall average item level.

The recommended items to craft include:

For Embellishments, the optimal choices in all situations are the Toxified Armor Patch and Alchemical Flavor Pocket mentioned above.

It's important to keep in mind that obtaining all the required materials to craft the equipment mentioned above can be quite expensive and time-consuming. It may take several weeks of dedicated effort to farm everything you need. However, players who don't want to spend that much time and effort can opt to buy WoW Gold from our trustworthy service for a more convenient and fast solution. The prices are reasonable, and the results are guaranteed!

Best Windwalker Monk Enchants and Consumables

Ensuring that your gear is appropriately enchanted is a wise decision. Not only do enchantments significantly enhance your character's abilities, but they also demonstrate to other players that you are a committed and capable member of your class. To assist you, here is an extensive list of the most effective enchantments presently accessible in The War Within:

In order to maximize your Windwalker Monk's potential, it's important to have appropriate potions and phials at your disposal. For all types of content, Phial of Tepid Versatility is the best choice. However, for optimal performance in both raiding and Mythic+ dungeons, Windwalker Monks should always carry an Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power and plenty of Refreshing Healing Potions. In an emergency, a Potion of Withering Vitality may prove useful.

Additionally, enchanting your weapon with a Buzzing Rune can further enhance your abilities, and indulging in a Hoard of Draconic Delicacies before combat can also provide a boost. For those who prefer solo buffs, a plate of Fated Fortune Cookie or Deviously Deviled Eggs can do the trick.

When it comes to gemming your gear, it's recommended to use one Resplendent Illimited Diamond and fill the rest with Radiant Malygite or Radiant Alexstraszite.

It's crucial to understand that even with the best gear enchants and consumables, success in defeating raid bosses isn't guaranteed. Additionally, finding a suitable raid group can be challenging, and missing out on an entire raid lockout is a risk. However, our WoW Raid Boost services can help you overcome these obstacles. Our team of experts can assist you in acquiring the best raid items for your character, maximizing the effectiveness of your gear enchants and consumables. With our support, you can tackle any raid challenge with confidence and ease.

Windwalker Monk Rotation Guide

Let's explore the recommended strategy for playing as a Windwalker Monk, including the opener rotation, single-target, and AoE priorities. Remember, practice is essential to perfecting any skill, so it's best to spend some time honing your abilities on target dummies before engaging in real combat.

Windwalker Monk Opener Rotation

  1. Prior to pulling, use Expel Harm;
  2. On pull, use Chi Wave;
  3. Use Expel Harm again;
  4. Summon the White Tiger Statue;
  5. Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger;
  6. Use Faeline Stomp for Faeline Harmony, if you have that talent;
  7. Cast Tiger Palm;
  8. Activate Serenity;
  9. Follow up with Strike of the Windlord;
  10. Use Fists of Fury;
  11. Finish with Rising Sun Kick (while Fists of Fury is still active).

Windwalker Monk Single-Target Rotation

  1. Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger;
  2. Touch of Death;
  3. Expel Harm if <6 Chi AND about to cap energy;
  4. Tiger Palm if <5 Chi AND about to cap energy;
  5. Faeline Stomp if targets don't have Faeline Harmony debuff;
  6. Rising Sun Kick with Xuen's Battlegear crit buff;
  7. Strike of the Windlord;
  8. Rising Sun Kick;
  9. Fists of Fury;
  10. Blackout Kick TO NOT OVERCAP Teachings of the Monastery;
  11. Chi Wave;
  12. Faeline Stomp.

Windwalker Monk multi-target rotation

  1. Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger;
  2. Touch of Death;
  3. Expel Harm if <6 Chi AND about to cap energy;
  4. Tiger Palm if <5 Chi AND about to cap energy;
  5. Strike of the Windlord;
  6. Rising Sun Kick with Xuen's Battlegear crit buff;
  7. Fists of Fury;
  8. Spinning Crane Kick with Dance of Chi-Ji proc;
  9. Rising Sun Kick;
  10. Blackout Kick DO NOT OVERCAP Teachings of the Monastery;
  11. Spinning Crane Kick;
  12. Chi Burst.

Windwalker Monk Leveling Guide

Windwalker monks are an excellent choice for leveling due to their versatility in taking down single enemies or groups with their AOE abilities. With the help of abilities like Afterlife, Windwalkers can become nearly unbeatable by staggering their enemy's deaths and using their full range of tools.

For a successful leveling process, it's recommended to use the following talent setup:

Sting for copying:


As you progress towards higher levels with your Windwalker Monk, you may want to consider using various consumables to aid you in your journey.

  1. Flask of Spectral Power can help you increase your overall power.
  2. Potion of Spectral Agility can enhance your damage output.
  3. In tight situations, you can use Cosmic Healing Potions to restore your health.
  4. Gunshoes can help you move around faster.

When it comes to leveling your Windwalker Monk, there is no specific rotation to follow. You can refer to the general rotation mentioned earlier in this guide.

Reaching the level cap in WoW offers endless opportunities for your character. If you feel overwhelmed and would like assistance with your newly-leveled character, consider exploring our World of Warcraft Boosting services. Our experienced players provide these services at the best market prices and in the shortest time possible.

The Best Primordial Stones for Windwalker Monk

As a Windwalker Monk, it's important to consider which Primordial Stones to use in your Onyx Annulet for optimal performance. Single-target damage can be greatly enhanced by upgrading these stones as quickly as possible. However, the decision is more complicated for AOE situations and it may be necessary to simulate to determine the best option.

Here are the recommended Primordial Stones to socket in your Onyx Annulet for Windwalker Monks in different scenarios:

For Raiding:

For Mythic+:

How to Become a Better Windwalker Monk in The War Within

Equipping yourself with the right gear, enchantments, and consumables is just the beginning when it comes to mastering a Windwalker Monk. To truly excel in this specialization, here are some advanced tips and tricks:

  • Don't overlook any talents or abilities in your spellbook, even if they're not part of recommended builds. To truly master your specialization, you need to know all its intricacies.
  • Practice your opener and resource management on target dummies or in low-level keys to build muscle memory and ensure you execute correctly in real combat situations.
  • Expand your sources for gear upgrades beyond just "Best in Slot" lists or one type of content. The War Within offers equipment from various activities, providing an advantage to beginners.
  • Stay informed and prepared by researching raid strategies and dungeon routes before entering them.
  • As WoW is a team game, make sure to coordinate with your party and raid members on crowd control and cooldowns to achieve outstanding results.
  • Experiment with different talents and abilities to discover what works best for your playstyle. Don't be afraid to try new things and adapt to different situations.

Other Articles to Read

At SkyCoach, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive coverage of all our favorite games. Our blog offers a wealth of information on various topics related to World of Warcraft, including detailed guides and articles on different WoW specializations and in-game activities.

If you're interested in tanking and want to learn more about the Blood Death Knight, or perhaps you're looking to try a new specialization like Retribution Paladin, we've got you covered.

If you're still focused on Windwalker Monk, we highly recommend checking out our Windwalker Monk Mage Tower Guide. This exciting challenge offers unique rewards and will test your skills with this melee spec to the limit!


Our aim in writing this article was to provide you with a comprehensive resource that covers all aspects of how to play Windwalker Monk in WoW The War Within. We hope that you have found the answers to any unanswered questions you had about this spec in this WoW Windwalker Monk guide. Our recommendations are intended to help you improve your gameplay and have more fun while playing WoW. However, it is important to remember that these are just suggestions, not strict rules. Feel free to experiment with different talents, rotations, and gear to find what works best for you. Ultimately, WoW is a game meant to be enjoyed. That's all the information we have for now. Take care, and we look forward to seeing you in the Dragon Isles!


Are Windwalker Monks good in The War Within?

Absolutely! Windwalker Monks are versatile and can fulfill a range of roles in a group, including high mobility, survivability, AoE, and single-target damage. This adaptability makes them a valuable addition to any team.

Is Windwalker Monk hard to play in WoW?

While the fundamentals of Windwalker Monk The War Within gameplay are straightforward, mastering the specialization's complexities at higher levels of Mythic+ or raiding requires skill, determination, and practice.

What is the best weapon for a Windwalker Monk?

Agility-based weapons, such as a two-handed weapon or a pair of one-handed weapons, are the best choices for Windwalker Monks.

What is the best profession for a Windwalker Monk?

While Leatherworking can provide the benefit of crafting armor for yourself, Herbalism and Mining are also great options for general gold-making.

Is Windwalker Monk good in PvE WoW?

Although Windwalker Monks may not have the highest raw single-target DPS, their mobility and survivability make them quite valuable in Mythic+ and other content.

What is the best rotation for a Windwalker Monk?

Achieving mastery of resource management and cooldowns is crucial for effective Windwalker Monk gameplay. Once you have a handle on those aspects, the spell sequence will become more natural. Check out our WoW Windwalker Monk rotation section for a great starting point.

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