Season 19: Crota’s End and What to Expect
Hello there, Guardians. Time’s arrow marches forward, and so we have almost gotten through (barely) another year of Destiny 2. Grandmaster Nightfalls were beaten, Flawless Runs failed, but despite everything, we are very close to several very important events.
Leaks are scarce, and every Destiny the game news site is eager to propose its own prediction concerning the new season. It is overwhelming, to say the least. So, we have decided to throw you this little article with a comforting “everything we know so far, Destiny news” type of thing.
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The info is unconfirmed, sure, but Destiny’s community is pretty good at guessing what will be next and what to expect. Still, take these predictions with a bit of salt – no one knows for sure what those megaminds at Bungie have in store for us.
We will move on according to the order of stuff being released, so pay attention to these release dates!
Pirate’s End and the New Season
Season of Plunder gave us some really amazing story about the Witness and hinted at what to expect next. Destiny’s 18th season will come to its end on December 6th, with the new season still shrouded in mystery. We do have some crumbs of info about a new dungeon in Destiny 2, though.
On August 28, Destiny Leaks confirmed that Season 19 will not be about Siva and Iron Lords. However, it is quite clear, at this point, that our jolly sovietish friend Rasputin and the lovely Ana Brey will make an appearance.
Considering that for the entirety of the Season of Plunder we were collecting pieces of Nazarec, it is reasonable to assume that Discipline of the Witness will be resurrected, possibly with Rasputin’s help. And it is also possible that after Nazarec’s resurrection, Rasputin will feel somewhat comfortable revealing Neomuna on Neptune - Lightfall’s new playable area.
Do not forget, that right after Season 19 there is the Lightfall, and that whole expansion is supposed to be huge. So Bungie, in one way or another, has to lead us to these huge changes, so chances are – Destiny 2 Season 19 will be fun.
Crota’s End – Destiny 2 New Dungeon
Now to the spicy stuff. It was officially announced that a new dungeon will be revealed on December 9th. Once again – no info, but we are preeeeety certain that Crota’s End raid will be remade into a dungeon. BLOG20
Considering that Bungie absolutely loves to reuse content, we do not expect any major changes, but we are not adamant about that. We have made Day One and Week One offers already, just in case.
The original Crota’s End goes as follows:
The Hellmounth
Basically a warm-up for your fireteam. Cross the bridge and jump into a huge black hole at the end.
The Abyss
This one is interesting. Once you enter, the “Weight of Darkness” debuff is applied to your character. It restricts your movements and, once stacked up to x10, disables your jumping. You might want to get rid of it as quickly as possible by standing near the giant lantern things. These will siphon the Darkness out of you. Be aware, though, that their power is limited, and once the lantern is full it will explode, killing everyone in the area.
The trick here is to move quickly between lanterns, killing knights and ogres on the way. When the bridge at the end of the area is lowered, your fireteam can pass to the next area.
The Gatekeeper
- Why did the chicken not cross the road?
- Because Bungie made that crossing incredibly complicated.
This one is difficult, so stay with us. In this area, you must form a bridge across the huge gap by standing on a plate. The main issue is that when the bridge is fully formed, totems on the sides of the gap destroy it. So that is what you have got to do:
Firstly: Put a single player on all the available plates. Some of them will start activating the bridge, others will do some Hive magic mambo-jumbo with the totems. This should be done at the same time if you want to proceed. While the bridge is being formed, players unoccupied with the plates should find and kill the Swordbearer Knight.
Secondly: The same unoccupied player should pick up the sword and kill the Gatekeaper that appears on the bridge when it is fully formed. When Gatekeaper is killed, the player with a sword should cross to the other side.
Thirdly: Repeat the process until the entire fireteam is on the other side.
Ir Yut Encounter
The Original Ir Yut encounter involves some quality bait and switch action, with some guardians occupying the advantage positions and smashing the boss and others taking some damage to draw his attention.
Fortunately, when making dungeons Bungie often makes them soloable, so chances are that this encounter will be remade from scratch. Therefore, this stage is shrouded in mystery for now. In accordance with Bungie’s usual way of remaking raids into dungeons, a plate deactivating wizard’s shields will probably be introduced.

Son of Oryx, Crota
The final encounter of Crota’s End repeats the mechanic with the Swordbearer. Find the right Knight and smash Crota’s shields with it, until he is accessible to damage from your firearms.
Again, this will probably look different on release, but the main trick in this whole area is “Crota’s Presence” debuff, which deactivates your health regeneration. Another important mechanic is “Crota’s Oversoul.” Basically, when one of your fireteam members dies, Crota summons a huge glowing green orb, which wipes your entire team in 10 seconds unless destroyed. All in all, we expect most of the encounters to be remade, so it could be possible to fly through them by yourself. We do hope, however, that this little guide will help you to feel a bit more prepared before the dungeon’s release.

Crota’s End Lootpool
In the original Crota’s End, there were a few quite impressive looking armor sets including:
- Deathsinger Set for Warlocks;
- Relentless Set for Hunters;
- Willbreaker’s Resort for Titans.

Of course, stat-based armor was not a thing back in the old days, but chances of armor retaining its original appearance are quite high. Bungie often does that, reusing old armor sets with a slight visual upgrade.
Pretty much the same can be said about guns. Some new perks, probably, but the visual part and the gun itself will be untouched. Here is the list, by the way:
- Oversoul Edict Pulse Rifle;
- Fang of Ir Yut Scout Rifle;
- Aidolon Ally Auto Rifle;
- Words of Crota Hand Canon;
- Abyss Defiant Autho Rifle.
- Swordbreaker Sword;
- Murmur Machine Gun;
- Light of the Abyss Fusion Rifle.
- Hunger of Crota Rocket Laucher;
- Song of Ir Yut Machine Gun.
All guns, of course, have a unique dungeon-themed aesthetic. As we said, no info on perks, but we did prepare some offers just in case.
And for sure, there will be some Exotic Weapon, although, it is not clear which one exactly. You are welcome to check out our Day One and Week One offers for Crota’s End, by the way. It sure is nice to be the first one to go through the new content right after the release date.