Season of Plunder’s PvE Meta Guide
Guardians are always looking to improve their gear to get as much as possible from their class. And while there are dozens and dozens of different variations, Destiny’s community forms its own meta with the best combinations of weapons and armor there is. Traditionally, there are specific recommendations for every game activity: Gambit, Vanguard Ops/Grandmaster Nightfalls/Raids, Crucible/Iron Banner or Trials of Osiris.
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Some of them even specialize in a particular Raid or PvP arena. However, you can safely distinguish two major groups of builds on the internet: PvP and PvE-orientated. For example, you can have one more or less viable PvE build and successfully complete every build and GM in the game. You are not going to fly through every PvE activity on Flawless and Solo, that is for sure, but still – better than running with random gear.
And consider that – there are thousands of guns in Destiny 2. Which one should you pick? Why? What guns are the best in Destiny 2? Where to find them? When we at SkyCoach started our Destiny journey, we asked these questions constantly. Our support is basically drowning in “best pve weapons destiny 2,” “destiny 2 best pve weapons,” “destiny 2 meta,” “best weapons destiny 2,” and so on.
So, we have decided to throw in this little guide for your convenience, hoping that the jarring amount of choices will become less jarring for you. Do not worry though. We will keep it simple and short for your convience. Most of Destiny 2’s best PvE weapons in 2022 are in this guide.
We also separated this guide into segments, with each part dedicated for each type of weapon. And tiers! Those are always useful in the best Destiny 2 weapons guides.
Best Destiny 2 PvE Weapons
A – Tier | Arbalest, Night Watch, Funnelweb, Fatebringer, Divinity. |
B – Tier | Eyasluna, Out of Bounds, Doom of Chelchis, Taipan – 4FR. |
C – Tier |
Likely Suspect, Whitherhoard, The Enigma, Brigand’s Law. |
A - Tier
These are the best and are the current Destiny 2 PvE meta. They have a great combination of accessibility and great set of advantages and are a must-have for anyone wanting to succeed in Destiny’s end-game PvE content. BLOG20
Since its release, Arbalest has always been one weird piece of equipment. Not only is it a Linear Fusion Rifle in Kinetic Slot, but also an Exotic. It was nerfed countless times, but is still considered one of the best Destiny 2 PvE weapons of Season 15. After the release of the 30th Anniversary Patch, it finally received its well-deserved buff, joining the list of the best guns in Destiny 2 right now. Now, this gun absolutely rocks in the end-game PvE content, being your go-to tool for shooting these juicy crit spots. It is a very important part of Destiny 2 current meta. Compounding Force and Disruption Break, Arbalest’s origin traits, allow you to quickly deal with enemies’ elemental shields, making them vulnerable to further kinetic damage. The best thing about this gun is its accessibility. Unlike some other viable exotics, Arbalest will not ask you to jump through hoops in some convoluted quest. It is a random drop, and you can get it from Raid, Nightfall, Gambit, or Crucible rewards. You can also buy it from Xur if you are lucky enough! Arbalest Catalyst is much more elusive, though. It is also a random drop, but a rare one. Masterworking it is a matter of grind, and requires 500 kills made with this weapon. Alternatively, you could always ask us to do it for you. Check our offer for Arbalest Catalyst!

Night Watch
Night Watch is the best Legendary Scout Rifle in the game and arguably one of the best kinetic weapons available. It is easy to obtain – Night Watch drops from most of Destiny’s activities. Rapid Hit + Explosive Payload on this gun will make large groups of enemies perfectly manageable, with even yellow-bar enemies being not an issue.

Do you remember Recluse? That cancer of a gun, which completely dominated both PvE and PvP for quite a while? We do. Unfortunately. This is Recluse’s little brother, and it is as infuriating as its ancestor. There is no denying, though, that this gun rocks in PvE. Throw Subsistence and Adrenaline Junkie in the mix, and you have one of the best add clearers in the game. Funnelweb's origin trait - Veist Stinger, will ensure that reloading is a thing of the past for you. You can grab this godroll without farming with the help of our team, by the way. Just saying.

For starters – Fatebringer just looks good. It also packs quite a punch in comparison with other kinetic Hand Cannons and generally feels great, with its downsides being a small mag and obtain through the Vault of Glass raid. Mag issue can be fixed with Tactical Mag or Appended Mag perks. You could also try rolling Rewind Rounds, but this one is quite rare. The Explosive Payload in the second slot will make it your go-to weapon for both bosses and adds, so find yourself a good raid group and do not miss on this weapon. Both Timelost and Normal version are available on our website!

This one is a legend. The entirety of Destiny’s Reddit page is on fire right now because Divinity makes some encounters just too easy. The amount of damage this gun can deal in a short amount of time is absolutely outrageous. If you google “pve meta destiny 2” or “destiny 2 best pve loadout”, chances are – this gun will be right there on the first page. There are literally videos on YouTube with people demolishing Oryx in a matter of seconds, and you should definitely grab it before Bungie does something about this entire thing. The only reason this gun is at the bottom of the A-tier list is because Divinity’s obtain procedure is rather complicated, with the quest having numerous stages, most of which are placed inside the Vault of Glass raid. We do have a remedy just for that, though, if grinding VoG is not on your to-do list any time soon.

B – Tier
Now, these guns are also good, but got moved from A – tier due to some complications in terms of obtaining or handling. They are still good, though, and if you have time on your hands – undoubtedly, try these out.
This Hand Canon made its return from the original game with the 30th Anniversary Patch, and you have to buy the pack to use it. This and the gun’s complete uselessness with wrong perks make it a questionable pick. But oh boy, if you are wealthy and lucky enough to have it in your arsenal with Demolitionist and Outlaw perks – you have got one very powerful tool at your disposal. Eyasluna will reap and tear through adds as well as yellow-bar enemies. And yes, we have a very nice offer just for this gun.

Out of Bounds
Another very perk-dependant gun. This SMG has 12 different perks, which means getting your desired set of rolls is a huge grind-fest. The good news is – it is a common world drop, which means you will have dozens of Out of Bounds weekly in your inventory. And if you are lucky enough to have it with Rangefinder and Killing Wind? Well, you have one of the best guns in Destiny 2. Arc 3.0 made this gun especially useful when paired with an Arc subclass, so make sure to check it out. Out of Bounds godroll is available on our website too!

Doom of Chelchis
This Void Scout Rifle is currently one of the best in the game, so why is it in the B - Tier? Due to Doom of Chelchis being available only through King’s Fall Raid, it will remain unavailable for many players who tend to stay away from difficult content. And King’s Fall Raid is difficult, as we covered in a previous guide. Other than that, it is a great pick for your Energy Weapon slot, and One for All and Explosive Payload perks make it even better. If you are a player who dislikes running through raids, or you were just unlucky with your drops – check out our Doom of Chelchis offer right now. An improved, Harrowed version is also available!

Taipan – 4FR
This is one of the best options for your Heavy Weapon slot in the current meta. This Linear Fusion Rifle is the absolute best in raids and end-game PvE content due to high accuracy and huge damage output. If it has a critical spot – Taipan – 4FR can probably kill it. Field Prep and Firing Line perks make it even better, allowing you to one-shot almost everything which is not a boss. Check our Taipan – 4FR offer right now - godroll options are available!

C – Tier
These are not the best options, but they are still good while you grind for something better. Pretty accessible too, most of these guns and their godroll options are easily obtained without needing to grind.
Likely Suspect
This Fusion Rifle is a good pick for anyone who starts their PvE journey and has The Witch Queen expansion. Likely Suspect is one of the first craftable guns you get in the game, and you can quickly upgrade it to the highest level to craft a godroll version. Perpetual Motion and Golden Tricorn perk combination will get you through most of the tougher enemies in Raids and Nightfalls.

This exotic grenade launcher is easily obtainable through world drops and offers an easy way of dealing with large groups of enemies. If they are static, that is. Witherhoard’s projectiles create a Taken AoE that damages and slowers everything in it. Witherhoard’s Catalyst also makes this weapon drop orbs on every kill, which is useful, but not groundbreaking. It is also quite hard to masterwork due to the large number of grindy quest steps. We could help you with those, though, check our Witherhoard Catalyst offer!

The Enigma
Similar to the Likely Suspect, this gun is one of the first rewards you receive during The Witch Queen campaign. After upgrading it to a higher level, you can craft a godroll version of it, providing yourself with an impressive Special Ammo Weapon with both melee and range potential. Also, it is a very important part of Destiny 2 Season 17’s meta. Add Enhanced Impulse Amplifier, Frenzy, and Suppressing Glaive to the mix while crafting The Enigma, and it will do wonders for you in PvE activities.

Brigand’s Law
Yes, a sidearm. Yes, we have played the game, pinky-promise. While it is not the best Season of Plunder’s arsenal can offer, it is still tolerable when used with the right set of perks and in the right situation. Not one of Destiny 2’s top PvE weapons, but Feeding Frenzy + Surrounded gives Brigand’s Law a bit of additional damage and ammo to work with. Just make sure to stick as closely to the target as you possibly can, and you will be fine. And yes, Brigand's Law's godroll is available on our website!

Q: What is the highest DPS weapon in Destiny 2?
A: In terms of total damage, that would be The Lament, the hardest-hitting sword in the game. You can check out our offer for The Lament if you are interested! In terms of average DPS, you are looking for the Eyes of Tomorrow rocket launcher and Heir Apparent Machine Gun. There are other guns considered “best legendary heavy weapons in Destiny 2” or “best weapons for PvE in Destiny 2”, but they are pretty far from these two. EoT is also available at our website!
Q: What is the best PvE primary Destiny 2?
A: It really depends on your playstyle and game activity of choice. In current PvE meta Ostero Striga is considered the best, while Ace of Spades was, is, and will dominate PvP battlefield for many seasons to come.
Q: What are the best special weapons in Destiny 2?
A: At the moment, your best bet is Divinity.
Q: What are the best PvE perks Destiny 2?
A: Again, it largely depends on what kind of weapon we are talking about. Generally speaking, Surrounded and Sideways are considered the most desired perks by the community.
Q: What weapons are meta in Destiny 2?
A: Every forum and website offers its own meta, both in PvP and PvE, so it is really a matter of who do you trust the most and what game activity is in the centre of your attention.