WoW The War Within Inscription Guide

In another entery of our The War Within Profession Guides we're talking about Inscription. It is, perhaps, the most unique crafting profession in the game. In this WoW The War Within Inscription guide, we'll cover leveling, specializations, gold-making methods and more.

Read Our WoW The War Within Inscription Guide

Inscription is a profession in World of Warcraft that allows players to create glyphs, scrolls, and various magical items. Scribes can craft glyphs to enhance or modify abilities, create scrolls for temporary buffs, and produce Contracts for extra renown from World Quests. In The War Within, Inscription also includes crafting high-end staves, off-hands, PvP trinkets, and Missives to add stats to crafted gear. Scribes can make gold by selling these items or supplying other crafters with essential Treatises and Reagents.

Our War Within Inscription guide is the most complete compilation of knowledge about this profession. It includes a full leveling tutorial, specialization builds, tips on making gold, locations of Inscription treasures, and much more!

Before we jump into the War Within Inscription overview, we’d like to say a few words about SkyCoach’s leading services. If you want to get to the best recipes and start using them to make items for sale or for your character, then we recommend you Buy Inscription Leveling service at SkyCoach. If you entrust this task to veteran WoW players through the SkyCoach service, you’ll get a maxed-out profession and access to the best recipes, along with all of the specializations unlocked.

Read our other The War Within profession guides:

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The War Within Inscription Changes

There aren’t that many changes in the Inscription profession in the War Within compared to the significant overhaul from the previous expansion. Here’s everything worth noting:

  • Contracts: Scribes can now craft Contracts earlier in the expansion, which provide extra renown when completing World Quests. These Contracts are crucial for progression and can be obtained from faction quartermasters once a certain renown level is reached.
  • Algari Treatises: Inscriptionists create Algari Treatises, which are vital for other crafters as they use them weekly to gain Knowledge Points and Artisan’s Acuity.
  • High-End Gear: Scribes can craft high-end staves, off-hands, and PvP trinkets through the Crafting Order system, making these items available for both PvE and PvP content.
  • Missives: Missives, which were introduced in Shadowlands, return to enhance crafted gear with specific stats, including Profession Equipment.
  • Treatises: Scribes can produce Treatises that provide additional Knowledge Points and Artisan’s Acuity to other crafters and gatherers, essential for advancing in their specializations.
  • Darkmoon Cards: While Darkmoon Cards are no longer crafted, they can still be found through farming or dungeons. Specializing in Inscription increases the chance of gathering these cards.

Now that you know what’s new, we can focus on more critical aspects of the profession – equipment and leveling. The following sections of the WoW Inscription guide dive deeper into these topics.

The War Within Inscription Equipment

To get the most out of Inscription, it is advised to use specialized profession equipment. Below, you’ll see a table that lists the best in slot equipment for WoW the War Within Inscription:

Type Item Source
Accessory Novelist's Specs Jewelcrafting
Accessory Forger's Font Inspector Jewelcrafting
Tool Silver Tongue's Quill Inscription

There are other items you can equip for additional profession bonuses, which can be obtained through crafting or bought from other players. Please make sure to have at least one of these items equipped on your character whenever you’re leveling your profession or simply using it to craft something.

The War Within Inscription Shopping List

To start Inscription leveling, we suggest making a list of resources that you’ll use to get through the early recipes. It’s much more time-consuming to worry about getting resources after each time you use a recipe. To make things easier for you, we’ve compiled a sort of shopping list of resources you can use for your recipes and get all the way to level 100.

Luckily, this list of resources will be enough for all of the Enchanting 1-100 WoW The War Within, which is great news because it means that the leveling process is more or less streamlined. 

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Leveling Inscription in The War Within

Now, you’re ready to start leveling Inscription in the War Within. We’ve divided the entire process into 3 segments, which you can see as certain milestones. Reaching each milestone means that you’ve made significant progress and unlocked some cool recipes.

Each segment is going to be described in as much detail as possible and feature a table of recipes and resources that you’ll use to get to the next milestone. If you run out of resources and gold to get more, you can always buy WoW gold at SkyCoach. It’s the easiest and fastest way to get any amount of gold and get back on track leveling your profession.

Inscription Leveling 1-25

For the first stretch of this WoW the War Within Inscription leveling guide, make sure that you buy available profession equipment. It will help you craft the Ink, which will be your most valued recipe to gain levels.

Once you reach level 25, you’ll be able to unlock your first specialization. Make sure to pick Pursuit of Knowledge, which will teach you an important recipe called Algari Treatise on Inscription

Inscription Leveling 25-50

This next stretch starts where you left off. Make sure that you have enough Distilled Algari Freshwater, which you can get from the profession vendor, who is usually found right next to the trainer. You’ll need a whopping 1720 of this Freshwater to craft the items listed below. BLOG20

The Inks and Cyphers are also craftable. This is how many you’ll need:

  1. 61x  Apricate Ink - 305x Luredrop Pigment, 610x Nacreous Pigment
  2. 5x  Shadow Ink - 25x Orbinid Pigment, 25x Blossom Pigment
  3. 20x  Boundless Cipher - 100x Arathor's Spear, 40x Apricate Ink

It may seem like you’re doing some kind of Russian doll recipe, and it is exactly that. Coincidentally, this is the best way to level Inscription WoW. One of the perks of this profession is that you can make most of the ingredients yourself!

Inscription Leveling 50-100

From levels 51 to 100 in Inscription, you’ll focus on crafting Treatises to gain skill points. Initially, continue with the Algari Treatise on Inscription until you unlock recipes for other professions or useful items for your alts. Remember, Treatises are “Bind on Pick Up,” so you must use Personal Crafting Orders from your alts rather than mailing them.

To reach level 100, aim to craft around 60 Treatises. As you near the end, recipes will turn green, making the final skill points harder to obtain. For the last few points, consider completing weapon recipes from specializations, which provide 3 skill points each. These recipes require a Spark of Omen, which is a Bind on Pickup reagent available once every two weeks.

Here’s how to approach the final levels:

  • Crafting Orders: Use weapon recipes like Vagabond's Careful Crutch and Vagabond's Bounding Baton from specializations to gain skill points.
  • Public Orders: These are not very popular and may be scarce, especially on low-population realms. They are not cross-realm, limiting availability.
  • Patron Orders: These player-specific orders can be more frequent and offer epic armor crafting opportunities, though they depend on your current knowledge points.
  • Personal Orders: Advertise your crafting services in the trade channel, focusing on high-quality items to attract more orders.

By strategically using these methods, you can beat the Inscription 1-100 WoW the War Within leveling in no time.

The War Within Inscription Specializations

We’ve already briefly mentioned specializations introduced in Dragonflight, but it’s important you know how valuable and distinct each specialization is so that you can use them to your advantage.

At level 25, you can only get access to one of four Inscription specializations the War Within, but by level 100, you’ll have access to all of them.

Pursuit of Knowledge

Pursuit of Knowledge enhances your Inscription skills by increasing Ingenuity, Resourcefulness, or Multicraft and improving the refund rate of Concentration up to 100%. This specialization should be chosen after you have established a strong foundation in the other specializations. It’s crucial to learn this first because it teaches the Algari Treatise on Inscription, an essential recipe for advancing your Inscription skills.

Pursuit of Perfection

Pursuit of Perfection focuses on improving your ability to mill herbs, craft inks, and produce reagents. This specialization is essential for those looking to mass-produce these materials efficiently. By investing in this tree, you can significantly boost your productivity in these areas.

Careful Carvings

Careful Carvings is dedicated to crafting high-quality Profession Tools, Staves, and Off-hand Weapons. Investing in this specialization allows you to learn recipes for the following epic weapons:

This specialization is perfect for creating powerful and high-demand gear, whether for your own use or for others. BLOG20

Archival Additions

Archival Additions focuses on creating and enhancing items like Darkmoon Cards, Darkmoon Sigils, Vantus Runes, Missives, and Contracts. Specifically:

  • Darkmoon Sigils allow you to use a weaker version of a Darkmoon Card's effect on gear.

This specialization is ideal for those who want to delve into crafting specialized items that offer additional effects or enhancements, making it a versatile choice for various crafting needs.

Best Inscription Builds in The War Within

Specializations and their “skill trees” offer enough freedom to make builds just like classes for your character. But would be the best Inscription builds the War Within for you? That largely depends on your goals. This profession allows you to make vastly different items, and you should decide which type of product you want to focus on the most. Here are a few build ideas for you:

  • Epic Weapon and Gear Crafting.

This build focuses on crafting high-end weapons and profession equipment. It’s ideal for producing epic staves and off-hand weapons, whether for personal use or to fulfill crafting orders from other players. This build maximizes your ability to create top-tier gear that can be sold or used in-game.

  • Ink and Reagent Production.

This build is tailored for players who want to focus on crafting and selling inks and reagents in large quantities. It’s perfect for those aiming to supply the Auction House with a steady stream of essential materials used in various crafting recipes.

  • Contract, Missive, and Rune Sales.

This build specializes in creating and selling Contracts, Missives, and Vantus Runes. It’s best suited for players looking to capitalize on these items in the Auction House, providing valuable enhancements and bonuses to other players’ gear and reputation.

  • Darkmoon Card Enhancement.

This build concentrates on crafting Darkmoon Cards and producing Darkmoon Sigils, which are optional reagents that allow you to apply additional effects to gear. It’s ideal for players who want to specialize in these unique items and provide enhancements through the Darkmoon Card system.

These Inscription builds are designed to cater to different player needs and market demands. They allow you to choose a path that aligns with your interests, whether it's crafting high-quality gear, producing essential materials, or selling valuable enhancements. Each build requires careful investment in the appropriate specializations to optimize production and profitability.

Inscription Trainer in The War Within

There is actually more than one Inscription trainer the War Within, that you can turn to to learn this profession.

NPC Name Location Coordinates
Brrigan Dornogal 48, 70
Quell City of Threads 42, 26.5

These guys should be easy to find, but we’ve also included a screenshot for reference. You know, just in case.

The War Within Inscription Treasures

Knowledge Points is a very limited resource that you spend on unlocking new recipes in the profession specialization skill trees. There are items that can grant you additional points. Below, you’ll find a table listing all of the War Within Inscription treasures and how to find them:

Treasure Location Coordinates
Dornogal Scribe's Quill Dornogal (In Auction House) 57.2, 46.9
Historian's Dip Pen Isle of Dorn, Boulder Springs 55.9, 60
Blue Earthen Pigment Ringing Deeps, Taelloch (In Tower) 62.5, 58.15
Runic Scroll Ringing Deeps, Gundargaz (In Building) 48.6, 34.3
Calligrapher's Chiseled Marker Hallowfall, Mereldar (In Building) 42.8, 49.1
Informant's Fountain Pen Hallowfall, Mereldar 43.2, 58.9
Nerubian Texts Azj-Kahet, Weaver's Lair 55.9, 44.0
Venomancer's Ink Well Azj-Kahet, City of Threads (In Building) 50.1, 30.6

Each of these items will give you +3 Knowledge points, which will be extremely instrumental for unlocking all available recipes.

Making Gold with Inscription in The War Within

In The War Within, Inscription offers diverse gold-making opportunities. Here are some ways Scribes can profit:

  • Selling Items: Craft and sell Contracts, Reagents, Missives, and other items on the Region-Wide Auction House. These are essential for crafting, gaining Renown, and enhancing gear throughout the expansion.
  • Crafting High-Demand Gear: Build a reputation on your realm by crafting sought-after items such as Staves and Off-Hands.
  • Supplying Treatises: Provide Treatises, like the Algari Treatise on Inscription, which are crucial for other crafters and gatherers to earn Knowledge Points.
  • Darkmoon Cards: Although not crafted, Darkmoon Cards can be found through various methods. Specializing in Darkmoon Cards increases your chances of gathering them, offering valuable buffs.

These options provide multiple avenues for making gold and contributing to the in-game economy.

Best Race for Inscription in The War Within

Some races get a bonus for using Inscription, so if you really want to min/max, then create a character with the best race for Inscription the War Within:

Additional skill points mean that the recipes you use stay relevant for longer. In other words, without this racial bonus, a recipe will turn grey (become useless) way earlier than it would with this bonus.


Inscription is a fascinating profession. With its ability to craft essential items like Contracts, Reagents, Missives, and high-demand gear such as Staves and Off-Hands, Inscription stands out as a valuable choice for those looking to make a significant impact on the in-game economy.

Choosing Inscription allows players to capitalize on various gold-making strategies, from selling items at the Auction House to fulfilling Crafting Orders and providing crucial Treatises to other crafters. Additionally, the profession offers unique opportunities like specializing in Darkmoon Cards, which can be highly lucrative for players who enjoy farming and enhancing their gear with buffs.

For players who enjoy a mix of crafting, trading, and specialization, Inscription is an excellent choice. It provides a dynamic and engaging way to contribute to the game’s economy, build a strong reputation on your realm, and maximize your in-game profits. With its diverse applications and potential for profitability, Inscription offers a fulfilling experience for players seeking to excel in crafting and gold-making.


Is Inscription any good in The War Within?


Yes, Inscription is a valuable profession in The War Within, offering the ability to craft a wide range of items, from high-end staves and off-hands to Contracts and Missives. It is essential for players looking to enhance their gear and make a significant impact on the game’s economy.

What is the best profession to pair with Inscription in The War Within?


A good pairing for Inscription is a gathering profession like Herbalism or Mining, which provides the necessary materials for crafting inks and reagents. This combination allows you to gather resources efficiently and craft a variety of useful items.

What is the fastest way to level Inscription in The War Within?


The fastest way to level Inscription involves crafting items that require common materials, such as Algari Treatises and Missives, and utilizing profession equipment to boost efficiency. Ensure you have a steady supply of resources and follow the recommended leveling milestones for optimal progress.

What is the best race for Inscription in The War Within?


For Alliance players, Kul'Tiran provides a +2 skill point bonus to Inscription, while Nightborne offers a +5 skill point bonus for Horde players. These racial bonuses help keep recipes relevant for longer and enhance your crafting efficiency.

Is Inscription profitable in The War Within?


Yes, Inscription is profitable in The War Within. By crafting and selling high-demand items like Contracts, Missives, and Treatises, and supplying other players with essential materials, Scribes can generate substantial gold and contribute to the in-game economy.

What is the best specialization for Inscription in The War Within?


The best specialization depends on your goals. Pursuit of Knowledge is crucial for optimizing your crafting efficiency, while Pursuit of Perfection is ideal for mass-producing inks and reagents. If you focus on high-end gear, Careful Carvings is advantageous, and Archival Additions is great for crafting specialized items like Darkmoon Cards.

How do I learn The War Within Inscription?


To learn Inscription in The War Within, visit trainers such as Brrigan in Dornogal or Quell in the City of Threads. They will provide you with the necessary skills and recipes to get started.

How do you make money with Inscription in The War Within?


You can make money with Inscription by selling crafted items on the Auction House, fulfilling Crafting Orders, and supplying other crafters with Treatises and Reagents. Specializing in Darkmoon Cards can also be profitable through farming and selling these valuable items.

What can you make with The War Within Inscription?


In The War Within, Inscription allows you to craft Contracts, Missives, high-end Staves, Off-hands, and various Reagents. You can also produce Treatises, which are essential for other crafters and gatherers, and enhance gear with Darkmoon Cards and Sigils.

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