WoW The War Within Inscription Guide

Inscription is another valuable crafting Profession available for players in WoW The War Within. Considering all Profession changes introduced with the latest WoW expansion, you will surely need our Inscription guide, so read on to learn more about how to make a fortune with this Profession.

Read Our WoW The War Within Inscription Guide

Inscription is all about versatility and gold making. Just like in previous expansions, Inscription is one of the major professions for players who want to combine a bit of everything. Those who master this profession will be extremely useful for their guilds. On top of it, scribes are walking gold-making machines. As we currently see, this tendency is not going to change much in the upcoming Dragonflight expansion.

All WoW Dragonflight professions, including Inscription, have gotten a massive update. These changes have a huge impact on how we will play. To begin with, all professions now have various specializations. Speaking of Inscription particularly, it has three of them.

The next exciting thing is a list of new recipes that have been added with this expansion. Finally, the new Item Quality implementation is what matters for all professions that interact with creating gear. This can be runes, trinkets, weapons, tools, and more if we are talking about Inscription specifically.

A lot of players are fans of Darkmoon Decks, which are the main feature of this profession. They have remained, yet are presented in a slightly different way. However, we can ensure that this Inscription calling card has only become better. Jumping a bit ahead, you can now craft those cards to compile a deck. Besides, you can find them while exploring the Dragon Isles.

Other than that, your ability to create runes that empower other players’ stats and skills is indispensable. This is how you are going to make a lot of gold right from the game start. As you progress further, a lot of veteran players will be greatly interested in the weapons, tools, and accessories you craft. Those items are super rare and cannot be found anywhere out in the world if you do not create them.

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As you keep reading our WoW Dragonflight Inscription leveling guide, we will talk about the ways that will help you earn extra gold. Naming them fleetingly, they are the Auction House and the new Crafting Orders system. By using both of them, you can sell everything you create to others and charge a fee for this. You can be certain there will always be a high demand for the Mythic weapons you create. Not to mention consumables like runes that noticeably empower other players.

We will also cover the best way to level Inscription up and the most efficient build. On top of that, we will speak about the most unusual and interesting recipes. Some of them include illusion scrolls, profession tools, and all types of cosmetics. The latter is used to change your dragon mounts’ appearance.

Before we plunge into a world full of reagents, missives, and scrolls, let us share with you a way to ease and speed up your gameplay. We all know how important raids are in WoW. No matter what expansion you play, there is no way you will progress and become a better version of yourself without participating in raids.

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Dragonflight Patch 10.2 Inscription Changes

In Patch 10.2, Inscription has received the following new recipes:

Inscription Applications and Benefits

In previous expansions, all professions were kind of interlinked with each other. However, this tendency has become stronger and more noticeable in Dragonflight. Speaking of Inscription in particular, you interact with other players even more often than you imagine. Just like with any crafting profession, the more you master Inscription, the better items you will create. This is how you make gold, as everything you create will eventually become more expensive. Let us take a closer look at what you can craft and offer to others:

  • Missive is a type of optional reagent that you can attach to armor or weapons. Doing so guarantees this piece of equipment will have a specific stat. For instance, you want your profession tool to have increased Crafting Speed. To have this, you need to attach a Draconic Missive of Crafting Speed to it.
  • Darkmoon Deck has gotten an update in the upcoming expansion. It can now be upgraded to Darkmoon Deck Box. This item has a higher level, gives more stats, and is overall more powerful. To create it, you need to have a basic version of your deck and a bunch of resources to get a better alternative.
  • Staves are rare weapons that other players usually hunt for. Just like in previous expansions, they are powerful and difficult to find. Nothing changed here much.
  • Sigils are a new way of empowering your Darkmoon Deck Boxes. For example, you can add a Sagescale Sigil to make your deck only shuffle when you jump. This is quite a convenient and useful tool if you want to take out aces when you need them most.
  • Weapon enchants are a type of consumables players use most while raiding or clearing dungeons. For instance, we have a Buzzing Rune that increases your Critical Strike Rating for 2 hours. If you are more into being supportive, use Chirping Rune that gives you a chance for additional healing.
  • Profession equipment is what all professions have now. Players will look forward to buying this from you as it improves their overall profession performance and the created item quality. As a scribe, you can craft such equipment for players who are into Alchemy, Cooking, and Inscription.
  • Contracts are a must-have thing for those who wish to gain a reputation while interacting with a particular race. For example, they can be Centaurs, Tuskars, or others. Keep reading our Inscription leveling guide further to see how contracts can help you and other players progress in specialization mastering.
  • Treatise is an absolutely game-changing item. Down below, you will learn more about what Knowledge Points are. For now, you just need to know they are used to allow you to progress further in a spec you choose. However, those points are a pretty rare find and are difficult to get. As a scribe, you can create a treatise for each profession. If, for example, a blacksmith uses it, that player will get one Knowledge Point. Use this as your main gold-making tool as they will always be in great demand, especially after the expansion’s launch.

As you can see, scribes are literally irreplaceable in the game. They can create many rare, yet useful items. Players of all professions and classes will gladly pay you just to get one of them. Everything depends on which spec you are going to choose to level up first. It will determine how much gold you can make and what things to craft. We will cover this topic further when we get to our build paragraph. BLOG20

General Inscription Changes in Dragonflight

With so many profession changes brought into the game, all crafting professions, including Inscription, have become even more valuable. The game’s developers have redesigned everything we knew about professions before this expansion. Starting with the most noticeable updates, a profession icon and the in-game interface have been altered. The interface has become much more convenient and clear to use.

All professions now have special gear to wear. Your character will change its clothes when you perform a profession-related action. Speaking of Inscription, it can be creating a rune or scroll, for example.

As we have mentioned earlier on, the specialization system is a new game-changing mechanic. Not only does it add more realism to WoW, but it also allows you to become a true artisan in a chosen sphere. If we talk about Inscription in particular, we have three specs at our disposal. All of them are different and influence your game style. By mastering one of them, you can become a valuable specialist known around the server.

It may happen that you do not know or have not decided yet what spec you want to progress in. To solve this problem, you can ask your friends or guild members what they want you to master in. Another solution is to check what the market needs most. For example, weapon enchants are always in high demand just before raiding days resets. They are also a necessary part of dungeon clearing. Our Dragonflight Inscription overview will provide detailed information concerning every spec. This will help you decide what you want to master foremost.

Lastly, we want to mention the Crafting Orders system. Though, this implementation is not only about scribes. However, exactly they and all other craftspeople can get the maximum out of it. Do you see how many precious items you can create, right? We bet that each of them will be in great demand once the expansion goes live. Your mailbox will burst with dozens of orders. Make sure to only take those you can complete and set a decent price for your services.

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Become Richer with the Auction House

We have already mentioned the Auction House, and that it can help you earn some extra gold. Now, it is time to dive deeper into details and look at the way it works. To put it straightforwardly, you use this tab to sell your stuff for a price you state yourself. You can also buy anything you want at the Auction House if you agree with the cost. Let us show you the whole process step by step:

  1. Once you open the Auction House, you will see a list of items sold on your server. The prices may vary quite noticeably, as all players are hunting for maximum gold. Your primary goal is to find the most beneficial deal for you. Sometimes, it requires you to wait for a day or two to see how prices change.
  2. When being a crafter, no matter what your profession is, you usually want to sell things. However, being a scribe usually makes you buy stuff as well. For instance, if you have not learned Herbalism to combine with Inscription, you will need some herbs. You cannot create most of your crafts without them. Before buying a particular item, make sure to compare the prices and choose the best deal.
  3. It may happen that you have nothing to offer. In this case, you can buy a thing, wait for its price to go higher, and then sell it. By doing so, you can earn some extra shiny coins and lose nothing.

As you can see, playing as a scribe gives you a lot of gold-making opportunities. The Auction House allows you to bring them into action and earn a lot of gold. You just need to make sure you know what the market needs from you. If you pick up the right moment, this will be your goldmine.

The Crafting Orders Mechanic Explained

This system is another tool that can help you make extra money. Unlike the Auction House, it is aimed at crafting professions in particular. As a scribe, you can take other players’ orders and complete them for a fee. By doing so, you not only earn shiny coins you like so much. You can also make this the fastest way to level Inscription in WoW Dragonflight if you are lucky enough with orders. 

Connected with the newly-implemented First Craft Bonus mechanic, it allows you to get one Knowledge Point every time you craft a new item. This is a great opportunity to combine the gold-making and leveling your profession processes together.

There will be plenty of alchemists or cooks asking you to create their profession tools for them. They have no other choices. This is how all professions will be interconnected in the Dragonflight expansion.

Though, if you wish to create an order yourself, you want to consider who will see it. As a client, you may want your order to be as you wish. Therefore, you can choose to make it visible only to certain people:

  • A particular person;
  • Everyone on the server;
  • Your guild members only;
  • Your friends only.

By choosing a particular person or group of people, you lower the chances of encountering a low-skill artisan. At the same time, if you were lucky to meet the player who completed your order in no time and you were satisfied with the result, you can work with them again. In this case, create a private order and no one can execute it except for the chosen person.

The Way Knowledge Points System Works

As we have stated above, all professions have changed beyond recognition. This mechanic in particular is absolutely game-changing. These points are difficult to find, but they are necessary to progress further in a chosen talent branch. By maxing out a specific field, you become a specialist in creating rare items and all sorts of consumables.

As a scribe, you have a lot of options to choose from. This profession is all about diversity and available alternatives. One thing is for certain, you will be useful for your guild members and powerful enough on your own. We will cover this topic later in our WoW Inscription guide, as the new expansion gives us a few builds to wrap our minds around.

For now, let us focus attention on a list of locations where you can get those precious points. Some methods are quite straightforward, while others are far from obvious. Anyway, you can learn the chosen talent tree quicker than other players. This is a valuable boost considering how important specializations will be in the upcoming expansion. Without further ado, here is how you can get more of those points:

  1. While exploring Valdrakken, make your way to Thaldraszus. You will find an NPC named Rabul located there. This vendor sells unique items you cannot find anywhere else. You are granted 15 points every time you buy one of these. As a scribe, you need to look for Dusty Scribe’s Runic Drawings. Though, it is not that plain and simple. To buy all of them, you need to complete a couple of steps. It will become available for purchase for the first time when you have 100 Artisan’s Mettle and 25 skill points in Inscription. For the record, you get Artisan’s Mettle for crafting items and moving further in the profession in general.

    This item will become available for purchase for the second time when you have 200 Artisan’s Mettle. Another challenging task you need to complete before buying it is to establish a valued reputation with the Artisan’s Consortium.

    This item will become available for purchase for the third time when you have 300 Artisan’s Mettle. On top of it, you need to establish an esteemed reputation with the Artisan’s Consortium.
  2. Traveling around the Dragon Isles is full of surprises. One of them is called a Dragon Shard of Knowledge that you may be lucky to find. The best thing you could do with it is to return it to the Master Artisan named Khadin. He is located in Ohn’aran Plains, not that far from Maruukai. If you decide to do so, he will reward you with the points you need to master specializations.
  3. We mentioned the First Craft Bonus system earlier on in our Dragonflight Inscription guide as it is one of the best ways to earn those points so far. Just keep creating items you have never created before. Every time you do this, you will receive one point for sure. Luckily, you have a lot of options when playing as a scribe. Even if you do not really need a particular thing, you can still craft it just to get a point and then sell it to others at the Auction House.
  4. Completing weekly quests is the only method that guarantees you practically infinite points. You can take such a quest from a trainer located in Valdrakken. The only downside of this method is it is only available once a week.

As you can see, there are several ways to get extra points to master specs you consider important. However, this does not mean you can waste them mastering a random talent branch. Take some time to learn what the market and other players need in general. It may happen that your offer will not be as in demand as you expect it to be.

Returning to the First Craft Bonus mechanic in particular, you will need many rare resources to craft particular items. For example, you have a Draconic Vial, which seems easy to find at first glance. Nonetheless, to buy it of higher quality, you will need to interact with a player who is into Jewelcrafting. Only this person can create you a Draconic Vial of tier 2 or 3 quality.

Consequently, you need a decent amount of gold to buy all the stuff you need. Once the expansion launches, the lack of gold will be huge. You can solve this problem by buying WoW Gold with our help. This is a completely safe and reliable way to get some extra in-game gold. Having enough shiny coins in your pocket is what boosts your leveling speed impressively.

Inscription Specs: Everything You Need to Know

You definitely have been waiting for this part of our Dragonflight Inscription leveling instruction most of all. All professions have various specializations that directly influence your game process. By mastering one or two of them, you will become an artisan in those fields. Theoretically, playing as a scribe, you can learn all three talent trees. However, you will need a ton of Knowledge Points for that. Therefore, you should rather focus on a particular sphere and get deeper into it.

To sell everything you create, you should know what the market currently needs. By asking your friends or guild members about their existing needs, you can determine what talent branch is more sought-for.

Understanding this is vitally important at the expansion’s launch. Thousands of players will try to get ahead of you by leveling up faster. Your primary goal is to be smarter and not waste any points until the market stabilizes a bit. It may take a few days or weeks. In the long run, you will benefit from waiting for so long.

After all, you can learn the first specs as early as you hit level 25 in your profession. It means that a lot of gaming moments can influence your decision about what spec to master first. Take your time and do not hurry up to make the final choice. The following Inscription specs description will help you as well.

Before we jump to the specs themselves, you need to learn more about crafting-specific stats. This change has been implemented in the game together with the specialization system. Everything you craft can acquire the following stats:

  • Resourcefulness increases your chance to use fewer reagents than necessary;
  • Crafting Speed is pretty self-explanatory, as it increases your crafting speed by a certain %;
  • Inspiration increases the chance to acquire a bonus skill that can be attached to the item you craft;
  • Multicraft increases the chance to create the same item requiring no additional resources for that.

As a scribe, you will see a lot of these stats when mastering any of your specializations. That is why it is so crucial for you to know what bonuses they provide. For now, let us plunge into the world of Inscription specs presented in Dragonflight. BLOG20

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Rune Mastery Specialization

The first spec is all about improving your overall Inscription skills. You also learn how to use resources economically. Mastering this branch grants you additional Inspiration, Resourcefulness, and Multicraft.

  • Rune Mastery (you can spend up to 40 points mastering it) is where you begin. Every time you spend one of the precious points we discussed above, it grants you an additional score of Crafting Skill. Learning this spec to the cap, you get access to all sub-specs available in this branch. It also improves your overall crafting stats making you a better scribe.
  • Perfect Practice (you can spend up to 30 points mastering it) is devoted to making you an economical artisan. To learn it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Crafting Skill for each point invested. Maxing it to the cap provides you with +30 Resourcefulness.
  • Infinite Discovery (you can spend up to 30 points mastering it) is all about making you a more inspired scribe. To learn it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Crafting Skill for each point invested. Maxing it to the cap provides you +30 Inspiration.
  • Understanding Flora (you can spend up to 20 points mastering it) is important for faster milling and more. To learn it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Crafting Skill for each point invested. Maxing it to the cap provides you with +30 Multicraft, +20 Resourcefulness, and +10% Milling Speed.
  • Flawless Inks (you can spend up to 20 points mastering it) is important for faster ink crafting and more. To learn it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Crafting Skill for each point invested. Maxing it to the cap provides you with +20 Multicraft, +15 Inspiration, and +10% Ink Crafting Speed.

Archiving Specialization

The second spec is all about archiving various texts like Missives or Treaties. It will also teach you everything you need to know concerning Darkmoon Decks and other types of trinkets. Just like the previous talent tree, it increases your crafting stats significantly.

  • Archiving (you can spend up to 30 points mastering it) is the starting point. Every time you spend one of the precious points we discussed above, it grants you an additional score of Crafting Skill. Maxing it to the cap grants access to all sub-specs available in this branch. It also provides you with +20 Inspiration, +5 Resourcefulness, and all your archiving crafts become 10% faster.
  • Darkmoon Mysteries (you can spend up to 40 points mastering it) is devoted to creating those famous and much-beloved decks. To learn it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Crafting Skill for each point invested. Maxing it to the cap provides you with the ability to create a Bundle O’ Cards: Dragon Isles and all other available Darkmoon cards.
  • Fire (you can spend up to 30 points mastering it) will teach you everything about the fire element. To learn it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Crafting Skill for each point invested. Maxing it to the cap provides you with the ability to create Darkmoon Deck Box: Inferno and extract Awakened Fire. On top of it, you are granted +10 Inspiration.
  • Frost (you can spend up to 30 points mastering it) will teach you everything about the frost element. To learn it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Crafting Skill for each point invested. Maxing it to the cap provides you with the ability to create Darkmoon Deck Box: Rime and extract Awakened Frost. On top of it, you are granted +10 Inspiration.
  • Air (you can spend up to 30 points mastering it) will teach you everything about the air element. To learn it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Crafting Skill for each point invested. Maxing it to the cap provides you with the ability to create Darkmoon Deck Box: Dance and extract Awakened Air. On top of it, you are granted +10 Inspiration.
  • Earth (you can spend up to 30 points mastering it) will teach you everything about the earth element. To learn it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Crafting Skill for each point invested. Maxing it to the cap provides you with the ability to create Darkmoon Deck Box: Watcher and extract Awakened Earth. On top of it, you are granted +10 Inspiration.

Make sure to plunge deeper into deck creation, as the game’s developers have added more powerful versions of standard decks. One of the builds that we will discuss in this guide is all about this feature. You should definitely give it a try to see how it works in the game. For now though, let us continue further.

  • Scale Sigils (you can spend up to 20 points mastering it) are what you need to empower your Darkmoon Decks even more. Those sigils are a type of optional reagents used to modify a shuffling effect. To learn it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Crafting Skill for each point invested. Maxing it to the cap provides you with the ability to learn any sub-spec of your choice.
  • Jetscale Sigil (you can spend up to 10 points mastering it) makes your deck stop shuffling when you draw the Ace card. To learn it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Crafting Skill for each point invested. Maxing it to the cap provides you with +5 Inspiration and +5 Resourcefulness.
  • Bronzescale Sigil (you can spend up to 10 points mastering it) makes your deck shuffle noticeably faster. To learn it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Crafting Skill for each point invested. Maxing it to the cap provides you with +5 Inspiration and +5 Resourcefulness.
  • Sagescale Sigil (you can spend up to 10 points mastering it) makes your deck shuffle only when your character jumps. To learn it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Crafting Skill for each point invested. Maxing it to the cap provides you with +5 Inspiration and +5 Resourcefulness.
  • Emberscale Sigil (you can spend up to 10 points mastering it) allows you to remove even cards from your deck when shuffling. To learn it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Crafting Skill for each point invested. Maxing it to the cap provides you with +5 Inspiration and +5 Resourcefulness.
  • Azurescale Sigil (you can spend up to 10 points mastering it) makes your deck shuffle from highest to lowest cards in sequence. To learn it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Crafting Skill for each point invested. Maxing it to the cap provides you with +5 Inspiration and +5 Resourcefulness.

As you can see, the whole Archiving talent tree is mainly focused on Darkmoon Deck creation and its empowerment. Even though the expansion has not been released yet, we bet that those decks will be in huge demand right after. Becoming an artisan in this field makes you a great fighter on your own and lets you ramp up your friends’ and guild members’ combat potential.

  • Shared Knowledge (you can spend up to 30 points mastering it) focuses on creating contracts, missives, and treatises. To learn it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Resourcefulness for each point invested. Maxing it to the cap provides you with the ability to learn any sub-spec of your choice. On top of it, you are granted +30 Resourcefulness, +10 Multicraft. As an extra bonus, your missives and treatises crafts become 10% faster.
  • Contracts and Missives (you can spend up to 20 points mastering it) are used for different purposes. The first part focuses on contracts, which are to gain extra reputation while interacting with a particular race. The second part is all about attaching a specific crafting stat to a piece of equipment. We have already introduced an example of how both of these features work at the beginning of our guide. To learn it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Crafting Skill for each point invested. Maxing it to the cap provides you with +30 Inspiration and +20 Multicraft. On top of it, you can create your contracts and missives 10% faster.
  • Draconic Treatises (you can spend up to 20 points mastering it) focus on creating treatises for each profession. By studying these notes, a player is granted one Knowledge Point in their profession. This will be an extremely useful and expensive thing at the expansion’s launch and further in the. So, make sure to master this sub-spec if you are a true gold hunter. To learn it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Crafting Skill for each point invested. Maxing it to the cap provides you with +10 Resourcefulness and +10 Multicraft. On top of it, you can create your treatises 10% faster.

Runebinding Specialization

The third and last spec is more combat-oriented. It focuses on creating stat-empowering runes and high-tier weapons. Besides, you can create particular profession tools for several other professions. Just like the two previous specs, mastering it grants you additional crafting stats. 

  • Runebinding (you can spend up to 30 points mastering it) is your basis. Every time you spend one of the precious points we discussed above, it grants you an additional score of Crafting Skill. Learning this spec to the cap, you get access to all sub-specs available in this branch. On top of it, you learn more about the Optional Reagents use. The latter allows you to improve your item level on Staves and Codexes you create. It also provides you with +20 Inspiration, +25 Resourcefulness, and all your Runebinding crafts become 10% faster.
  • Woodcarving (you can spend up to 30 points mastering it) is devoted to specifying the secondary stats on Woodcarving goods you create. To learn it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Resourcefulness for each point invested. Maxing it to the cap provides you with +30 Inspiration and all your Woodcarving crafts become 10% faster.
  • Profession Tools (you can spend up to 20 points mastering it) is pretty self-explanatory and devoted to creating profession tools. For example, it can be a Scribe’s Resplendent Quill. To learn it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Crafting Skill for each point invested. Maxing it to the cap provides you with +10 Inspiration.
  • Staves (you can spend up to 30 points mastering it) allows you to create powerful staves that cannot be found anywhere out in the world. You also learn about Finishing Reagents which influence your staves’ crafting quality. To learn it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Crafting Skill for each point invested. Maxing it to the cap provides you with +35 Inspiration and +10 Resourcefulness.
  • Runic Scripture (you can spend up to 30 points mastering it) is devoted to Finishing Reagents which influence your Codexes’ crafting quality. To learn it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Crafting Skill for each point invested. Maxing it to the cap provides you with +50 Inspiration and +10 Crafting Skill.
  • Vantus Runes (you can spend up to 20 points mastering it) is devoted to Finishing Reagents which influence your Vantus Runes’ crafting quality. To learn it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Crafting Skill for each point invested. Maxing it to the cap provides you with +15 Inspiration, +20 Resourcefulness, and +10 Multicraft.
  • Fauna Runes (you can spend up to 20 points mastering it) is devoted to Finishing Reagents which influence your Fauna Runes’ crafting quality. To learn it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Crafting Skill for each point invested. Maxing it to the cap provides you with +15 Inspiration, +20 Resourcefulness, and +10 Multicraft.

As you can see, there are a lot of alternatives to choose from. In fact, there are so many of them that certain players create several characters, all focusing on Inscription. However, they choose to specialize in different talent trees. It definitely takes much time and effort to achieve this.

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Inscription Specializations: General Details

The whole specialization tab will be locked for you until you hit level 25 in Inscription. Once you reach this point, you can start mastering one of the three specs to your liking. Before doing so, take your time and think about what spec tree you should learn first. We have prepared the following list to let you see what path you need to go through to unlock all three specs:

  1. Achieving level 25 unlocks the first spec branch;
  2. Achieving level 50 unlocks the second spec branch;
  3. Achieving level 100 unlocks the third spec branch.

Remember, there is no sense in opening another talent branch if you are not ready to invest Knowledge Points in it. The latter becomes rarer, as you progress further in your specialization and the game in general. BLOG20

Despite having treatises, you are unlikely to have an infinite amount of those precious points. Before learning a particular spec, consult with your friends, guild members, and learn what the market’s needs are at the moment. By doing so, you will not waste your points in vain and can earn extra gold.

The Secrets of Leveling Up Inscription in Dragonflight

The Dragonflight expansion is about to be released. To have an opportunity to be ahead of other players, you need to level your profession up faster than anyone else. Luckily for you, our guide provides you with this information. 

Here, we show an approximate list of items you need to have to reach level 65 in Inscription. You may wonder why exactly this number and not higher. The answer is simple, as you can only reach level 65 by learning the recipes from your profession trainer. To get to the cap, which is level 100, you will need to put much in more effort than just crafting the items from the following list we suggest.

By following this path, you will not only get to level 65, but also earn around 18 Knowledge Points. This is especially important since Dragonflight changes the way leveling your profession up works. You can no longer mass-produce items to achieve the level cap. The game’s developers have made it harder this time. Therefore, getting to level 65 is already a big step. After all, you will already have access to two specs to your taste. Check out the table, we hope it helps.

Required Profession Level Items You Need to Craft Required Materials
  • x125 Any Herb
  • x30 Any Basic Ink.
  • x2 Any Weapon Rune
  • x9 Any Missive
  • x7 Any Missive
  • x10 Any Missive

Playing as a scribe has always been tough to level up. Luckily, you now know how to level Inscription fast in WoW Dragonflight even before the expansion gets out. This method is far from perfect though since it requires you to have a lot of gold. It will play a key part because you have to buy a lot of resources at the Auction House.

The first tip that can ease your path to level 65 is to combine Inscription with another profitable profession. In our case, it is definitely Herbalism. Since you must mill herbs to get pigments, it would be nice if you can gather them yourself.

The second tip if you do not feel like leveling your profession up on your own is to order our WoW Powerleveling services. Our professional players will take care of your character and get it boosted in the blink of an eye. All you have to do is to enjoy your upgraded hero once we have done our job. Make sure to check out the prices and plans to choose what suits you best.

Inscription Trainers in Dragonflight

As you already understand, trainers are a vital part of your leveling up. You cannot reach even level 65 without them. They can help you sharpen your skills and learn new abilities. Unfortunately, there are only two Inscription trainers in the Dragon Isles so far. Here are their locations:

  • Custodian Cynegos is located in Camp Antonidas in the Azure Span;

  • Talendara is located in the market of Valdrakken in Thaldraszus.

Do not forget to visit them to progress in your profession faster and more efficiently. They are your key to crafting higher-level gear that will bring you tons of gold.

Inscription Build Varieties

Since Inscription is all about versatility, we have thought it would be nice to share some builds we consider powerful. Of course, the expansion has not gone live yet, but the basics of those builds will remain the same even after its launch. All builds presented below focus on various spec branches. Consequently, your game style will differ significantly as well.

Ink Master Build

Beginning with the build that is more oriented for people who are not fully into Inscription. This can be helpful if you do this profession on a side and combines it with something else. It focuses on the Rune Master specialization. Your primary activities will be milling and creating inks. You do not even need level 65 to benefit from this build, having level 25 is enough. This is how your leveling path should look:

  1. Put 10 points into Rune Mastery to unlock an ability to learn a sub-spec;
  2. Start mastering Understanding Flora, which gives you extra Resourcefulness and Multicraft when milling herbs. Maxing it to the cap makes the milling process 10% faster;
  3. Learning the Flawless Inks spec next provides you with extra Inspiration and Multicraft. Maxing it to the cap gives you a huge Multicraft bonus. Doing this allows you to get more inks for each successful craft;
  4. To fully master this build, you only need around 60 Knowledge Points. It is a great choice for those who want to create runes and sell them in large amounts. Such consumables are always in high demand and will be bought in a few minutes.

Darkmoon Deck Build

Judging by the build’s name, it focuses on creating a powerful Darkmoon Deck. It will require you to get deep down into Inscription and spend a lot of points learning everything. Your primary activities will be crafting cards and empowering your deck as a whole which should contain eight Aces to destroy everybody you encounter. This is how your leveling path should look:

  1. Put 10 points in Archiving to unlock an ability to learn a sub-spec;
  2. Start mastering Darkmoon Mysteries to create bundles of cards. Spending 10 points will be enough to learn the next sub-spec, which is one of the four natural elements of your choice;
  3. It is hard to tell, which element is stronger at this moment. This will become clearer once the expansion goes out and players try this build in all of its variations;
  4. As you progress further and your deck becomes more powerful, you can start mastering Scale Sigils. Not all the effects they provide are equally useful. So, you may want to wait for a while to see, which one actually is the best for PVP in particular.

Tool and Weapon Crafter Build

Playing as a scribe, you can create profession tools and top-rank weapons to sell to others. This build is more about being useful to people around and making as much gold as possible. This is how your leveling path should look like:

  1. Put 10 points in Runebinding to unlock an ability to learn a sub-spec;
  2. Open Woodcarving to make your way to Profession Tools;
  3. If you decide to focus on creating combat weapons instead, you choose to learn Staves instead of Profession Tools;
  4. You can combine both of these sub-specs, but we highly recommend that you specialize in one particular sphere to craft maximum-quality items.

Dragonflight Patch 10.1 Inscription Changes

In Patch 10.1, professions have gained a variety of new recipes. Scribes can learn them from Scridorsa the Chiseler who can be found in Loamm, the main city of Zaralek Cavern. Also, make sure to talk to Ponzo to earn Ponzo’s Cream and Glimmerogg Timeshare Voucher. They can be exchanged for recipes like Contract: Loamm Niffen.

As for other Inscription recipes introduced in Patch 10.1, they are as follows:

As you can see, you have a large variety of new recipes ranging from glyphs to runes. You can even create different dragon customization options.

Dragonflight Patch 10.0.7 Inscription Changes

In Patch 10.0.7, Inscription received a few minor updates. Scribes can learn the recipe Technique: Arcane Dispelling Rune from Trader Hag’arth. The latter can be found in Morqut Village when you land in The Forbidden Reach.

When exploring this area, you will discover Hastily Scrawled Rune. By using this curio, you can create Arcane Dispelling Rune to summon Arcantrix. The latter is the special rare that can only be summoned this way. It drops a variety of loot, which is impossible or extremely difficult to get somewhere else. You can even obtain Knowledge Points if you are lucky enough.

Final Words

This is the end of our guide. Hopefully, you have learned a lot about such an interesting profession as Inscription. By using our complete leveling guide, you can become a true artisan in this profession. We will keep updating this guide as any updates come into the game. Make sure you stay with us and enjoy playing as a scribe.


How do I level up Inscription in Dragonflight?

We have described a lot of ways, which you can use to level your profession up in the shortest time. Our table will help you get ahead of other players once the expansion goes live. At the same time, buying all the necessary resources and visiting trainers on time is your key to fast leveling.

What can you make with Inscription in Dragonflight?

It is easier to say what you cannot make with this profession. To put it shortly, you can craft items like Missives, Contracts, Weapons Enchants, Runes, and many more. Playing as a scribe opens up a lot of opportunities and options for you to choose from.

How do I make money with Inscription in Dragonflight?

By creating the items we have mentioned above and other expensive things, you will become rich. Right at the expansion’s launch, thousands of players will be greatly interested in Treaties as well. Make sure to sell them for the highest price possible.

Is Inscription profitable in Dragonflight?

This has always been one of the most profitable profession. Looks like this tendency is not going to change in the upcoming expansion as well. You can create and sell dozens of rare and top-quality items and consumables. By using the Auction House and Crafting Orders system, you will always have a client looking forward to buying your stuff.

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