WoW The War Within Leatherworking Guide

Leatherworking has always been a perfect choice for those willing to create various armor types. Specializing in the mail and leather armor variations, the goods you create are always in high demand. Just like any other crafting profession, this one also depends on quality and tier ranks. To get richer, you constantly need to improve your skills to create better gear. In this WoW The War Within Leatherworking guide, we will teach you everything you need to do so!

Read Our WoW The War Within Leatherworking Guide

Leatherworking allows you to craft a variety of items, including Leather and Mail armor, Consumables, and more. In this WoW The War Within Leatherworking guide, we cover the profession’s changes, leveling strategies, specializations, and so on.

As we jump into our The War Within Leatherworking overview, we can help you with leveling this prof. At SkyCoach, you can Level Up Leatherworking up to level 100 in a jiffy. Our PROs will take care of grinding XP for you while you invest your time into what you really enjoy.

Read our other The War Within profession guides:

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The War Within Leatherworking Changes

Starting our WoW Leatherworking guide, let’s take a closer look at what changes this profession received in The War Within. At the core, it works in the exact same way as in Dragonflight. You take skin gathered with the help of Skinning and turn it into rarer items.

We also have four new specializations to cover later in this article. As usual, you can craft a variety of new recipes added specifically with World of Warcraft The War Within. A few notable examples include Tracker's Chitin Hauberk, Rune-Branded Mantle, Thunderous Drums, and Steelsmith's Apron.

The War Within Leatherworking Equipment

Similarly to the previous expansion, we have received a new set of WoW The War Within Leatherworking equipment. It includes two accessories and a tool, allowing you to see special visual effects when performing a profession-related action. You also gain extra stats like Multicraft, Crafting Speed, and others.

Item Description Required Profession to Craft
Hideshaper's Cover +49 Multicraft Leatherworking
Arathi Leatherworker's Smock +49 Multicraft Leatherworking
Proficient Leatherworker's Toolset +61 Resourcefulness, +61 Crafting Speed Blacksmithing
Artisan Leatherworker's Toolset +61 Resourcefulness, +61 Crafting Speed Blacksmithing
Proficient Leatherworker's Knife +132 Random Stat Blacksmithing
Artisan Leatherworker's Knife +100 Random Stat Blacksmithing

You use separate slots to equip these items, and they do not interfere with your basic gear. Also, note that special Leatherworking equipment cannot be transmogrified.

The War Within Leatherworking Shopping List

Your path to successful Leatherworking leveling starts with preparing all the required materials. The following shopping list contains all the needed materials to get to level 62 in Leatherworking. From this point, you can craft any recipes you want, as you will have a much larger choice than before:

We highly recommend buying these items of the lowest quality. This does not influence the amount of XP you get at all. See what is available on the Auction House and get the cheapest.

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Leveling Leatherworking in The War Within

Leveling Leatherworking in The War Within happens through crafting equipment, consumables, and tools. You gain much more XP when crafting the item for the first item. This feature is called “First Craft Bonus” and it was added back in Dragonflight. This is what you mainly rely on when only starting your Leatherworking 1-100 WoW The War Within journey.

By using the shopping list we have shared above, your leveling will be as a breeze. To save extra time, it is better to buy all the materials on the Auction House. Farming it on your own might save you a penny, but you will spend more time in the long run.

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Leatherworking Leveling 1-50

Let’s play big and start by moving from level 1 up to 50 in our WoW The War Within Leatherworking leveling guide. The main idea revolves around crafting recipes corresponding to your proficiency. You want to benefit from the First Craft Bonus as often as possible to earn the most XP.

The way you distribute Knowledge Points is mainly up to you. However, you want to have enough KPs when you reach level 70 and start moving to the cap. Crafting as many items for the first time as possible is the best way to level Leatherworking in WoW.

Here is what you want to craft to make it from 1 to 50 in Khaz Algar Leatherworking:

Always follow the exact same order when crafting the items as you see them on the table. Otherwise, you risk crafting recipes when they become yellow, meaning you will gain less XP.

Leatherworking Leveling 50-100

Upon reaching level 50 and further, you unlock more options for how to level Leatherworking fast in WoW. This is because of the variety of recipes you can learn from your specializations. Earning XP from Crafting Orders when crafting Profession Equipment is also a viable choice for leveling at this point.

Here is the fastest way to level Leatherworking in WoW The War Within up to 100:

Level Range Materials

1x Tracker's Toughened Links (30x Gloom Chitin, 1x Sunless Carapace)

1x Spelunker's Practiced Britches (30x Stormcharged Leather, 1x Thunderous Hide)


1x Spelunker's Practiced Hat (30x Stormcharged Leather, 1x Thunderous Hide)

1x Tracker's Toughened Headgear (30x Gloom Chitin, 1x Sunless Carapace)

62-70 11x Tracker's Toughened Headgear (330x Gloom Chitin, 11x Sunless Carapace)

At this point, you have more options to pick from. Try crafting the following items:

1x Stormbound Armor Kit (1x Gloomfathom Hide, 2x Crystalfused Hide, 60x Stormcharged Leather)

1x Defender's Armor Kit (1x Profaned Tinderbox, 2x Crystalfused Hide, 60x Gloom Chitin)

1x Writhing Armor Banding (1x Vial of Kaheti Oils, 1x Chitin Armor Banding)

91-100 Keep crafting Optional Reagents and Leg Armors up to 100. Occasionally, finish Crafting Orders for creating Profession Equipment.

Using a Spark of Omens to craft Epic armor pieces is a must when making it to level 100. This is an ultra-rare crafting reagent you earn once in two weeks. It will help you a lot in terms of benefiting from the First Craft Bonus. You should also monitor the demand for specific items on the Auction House before spending it to craft something.


The War Within Leatherworking Specializations

Each spec is tied to a particular theme, allowing you to focus on a field you like more. Ideally, you want to have a perfect mixture of the specs to reach level 100 efficiently. Depending on how you distribute your KPs, you will have access to different recipes and a range of stat bonuses. Here is a list of all The War Within Leatherworking specializations:

  1. Learned Leatherworker
  2. Luxurious Leathers
  3. Concrete Chitin
  4. Flawless Fortes

Each specialization is unlocked when you reach a specific level in the profession. The first one becomes available at level 25, the second at 50, the third at 60, and the final one at 75. Whenever you unlock the chosen spec, you will have the whole tree to open in the future. Use your Knowledge Points wisely to open the most useful sub-specs first.

Learned Leatherworker

Learned Leatherworker is the first specialization unlocked in Leatherworking in The War Within. This is a sort of “generic” or your “stat” tree in this profession. Most of the nodes you open here are nothing but pure prof stats you need to become more proficient in Leatherworking.

Here is what you mainly use the Learned Leatherworker specialization for in WoW:

  • Increase the effectiveness of Concentration and Ingenuity for all patterns.
  • Improve your ability to craft multiple consumables and reagents at the same time.
  • Improve your reagent saving capabilities when your Resourcefulness activates.

We highly recommend that you start working on this specialization only when you invest enough points into other specs. The reason for this is that all the stats you gain (Resourcefulness, Multicraft, etc.) are nothing without your ability to craft specialized items.

Luxurious Leathers

Luxurious Leathers is the second specialization unlocked in Leatherworking in The War Within. This one allows you to craft Leather Armor of the highest quality to use on your own or sell to others on the Auction House. This spec is your bread and butter in terms of making extra gold and being useful via the Crafting Order system.

Here is what you mainly use the Luxurious Leathers specialization for in WoW:

  • Learn to craft epic Rune-Branded Leather Armor.
  • Increase your Ingenuity, Resourcefulness, and Skill when crafting Leather Armor.
  • Customize Leather Armor you make with Optional and Finishing Reagents.

If your goal is to make Leather Armor, start focusing on this tree above everything else. Apart from gaining access to tree-unique recipes, you will also enjoy extra profession stats.

Concrete Chitin

Concrete Chitin is the third specialization unlocked in Leatherworking in The War Within. To describe it briefly, it works in the exact same way as Luxurious Leathers. You have the same sub-specs and a range of stats available. The only difference is that you specialize in crafting Mail Armor instead.

Here is what you mainly use the Concrete Chitin specialization for in WoW:

  • Learn to craft epic Glyph-Etched Mail Armor.
  • Increase your Ingenuity, Resourcefulness, and Skill when crafting Mail Armor.
  • Customize Mail Armor you make with Optional and Finishing Reagents.

Go for this specialization if you wish to create top-notch Mail Armor and sell it to others or wear it by yourself.

Flawless Fortes

Flawless Fortes is the fourth specialization unlocked in Leatherworking in The War Within. This is a sort of symbiose, allowing you to craft Embellished gear, Profession Equipment, and more. You will also learn how to craft Leg Enchants, as well as Leatherworking Reagents.

Here is what you mainly use the Flawless Fortes specialization for in WoW:

  • Improve your ability to craft Profession Equipment.
  • Gain additional Skill and Resourcefulness when crafting Armor Kits and other consumables.
  • Learn to craft Embellishments with various effects.

We highly recommend learning this specialization along with one of the armor-crafting ones. It will help you earn a ton of gold by selling crafted stuff you make.

Best Leatherworking Builds in The War Within

When it comes to the best Leatherworking builds in The War Within, we advise that you focus on the one that is connected to armor crafting. It does not matter if you decide to go for Leather or Mail Armor types, as they both sell well. For now, we have outlined the following strongest builds for Leatherworking specialists in TWW:

  • Armor Crafter (Luxurious Leather/Concrete Chitin + Flawless Fortes + Learned Leatherworker)
  • Reagent Crafter (Flawless Fortes + Learned Leatherworker + Luxurious Leather/Concrete Chitin)

The names of these builds speak for themselves, but we recommend taking a closer look at what order you want to unlock sub-specs for each setup.

Armor Crafter

Going for the Armor Crafter build is the most straightforward and obvious option. You choose either Luxurious Leather or Concrete Chitin to specialize in. Below, you can see an example of what nodes you want to unlock first and how many KPs to invest in:

  1. Luxurious Leathers (10 Points) – Put in at least 10 Points to gain access to a sub-specialization in this tree.
  2. Shaped Leather Armor – Go for this option if you wish to craft Tunics, for example. If you prefer other gear slots, choose the right one.
  3. Shaped Leather Armor (10 Points) – Put in 10 Points to gain access to a sub-spec.
  4. Tunics – This is just an example you can go for, as you are free to choose whichever armor slot you like.
  5. Tunics (20 Points) – Put in 20 Points in Tunics to be able to craft Tunics at the maximum quality.
  6. Shaped Leather Armor (20 Points) – Put in 20 Points in Shaped Leather Armor to open all the recipes in this sub-spec.

Once again, this is just an example of how you can start developing this build. See what gear slots are in higher demand and craft those accordingly. In the long run, you want to learn to create all equipment slots at the highest quality possible.

Reagent Crafter

The Reagent Crafter build focuses on maxing out the Flawless Fortes specialization first. Here is an example of how you can start working in this direction and craft strong Reagents:

  1. Flawless Fortes (10 Points) – Put in 10 Points to gain access to a sub-specialization in this tree.
  2. Spotless Stitching – This node is responsible for crafting Reagents and Armor Kits.
  3. Spotless Stitching (30 Points) – Put in 30 Points in this node to benefit from extra stats and craft higher-quality Reagents and Armor Kits.
  4. Flawless Fortes (20 Points) – Put in 20 Points in the starting node to craft even better items.

After you have mastered the art of creating Reagents, you can invest some points into Learned Leatherworking. This will let you create top-notch items and grant more stats.

Leatherworking Trainers in The War Within

To learn Khaz Algar Leatherworking, you need to visit NPCs found across cities of the new continent. Here is a list of all Leatherworking Trainers in The War Within we know about:

  • Marbb - Isle of Dorn, Dornogal, /way 55 68
  • Phillip Taversil - Hallowfall, Mereldar, /way 43 55
  • Ghesh - Azj-Kahet, City of Threads, /way 44 19.6

The War Within Leatherworking Treasures

Similarly to other TWW profs, you can uncover hidden Knowledge Treasures for Leatherworking. Each finding contains 3 Knowledge Points you can distribute across your chosen specializations and sub-specs. Here is a list of all The War Within Leatherworking treasures:

Treasure Name Coordinates Zone
Earthen Lacing Tools 68.18, 23.4 Dornogal
Dornogal Craftsman's Flat Knife 58.68, 30.74 Isle of Dorn
Underground Stropping Compound 47.07, 34.84 Ringing Depths
Earthen Awl 64.30, 65.35 Ringing Depths
Arathi Leather Burnisher 41.52, 57.81 Hallowfall
Arathi Beveler Set 47.46, 65.11 Hallowfall
Curved Nerubian Skinning Knife 60.00, 53.93 Azj-Kahet
Nerubian Tanning Mallet 55.20, 26.85 Azj-Kahet

Note: You need to reach level 25 in Leatherworking before being able to discover these treasures.

Making Gold with Leatherworking in The War Within

The two main ways you can use Leatherworking for making gold in The War Within is to craft Armor and Profession Equipment. Both item types will remain in high demand throughout the entire expansion. The same goes for crafting and selling Reagents. This is the reason why we recommend investing all your KPs in the corresponding trees.

As a Leatherworker, you have plenty of options for what items to create and sell. You can make any gear slot belonging to either Leather or Mail armor type. Combining this with Profession Equipment or Reagents, you can make plenty of gold in the long run.

To learn more about farming gold in WoW, you can read our specialized The War Within Gold Making Guide available by clicking this blue link.

Best Race for Leatherworking in The War Within

We can only recommend going for Kul’Tiran when playing for Alliance as the best race for Leatherworking in The War Within. They will benefit from +2 Skill Points by default. No Horde race gets any benefits exactly for this profession, meaning you can go for any you like.


This brings us to the end of our WoW Leatherworking guide, heroes. You are now fully prepared to craft top-notch gear, profession equipment, reagents, and more. We have outlined the best leveling methods for Leatherworking, all the specializations, and the strongest builds. As we learn more about this prof, we will update the guide accordingly. This is it for now, and we will see you in Azeroth!


Is Leatherworking any good in The War Within?


Leatherworking is the best profession for crafting top-notch Leather or Mail armor parts. They can be used by the crafter themselves or sold on the Auction House for extra gold.

What is the best profession to pair with Leatherworking in The War Within?


Skinning is the best profession to pair with Leatherworking, as you will need much skin for most of your recipes.

What is the fastest way to level Leatherworking in The War Within?


The fastest way to level Leatherworking is to benefit from the First Craft Bonus. You need to unlock and use recipes to create items you have never crafted before.

What is the best race for Leatherworking in The War Within?


As an Alliance player, you can go for Kul’Tiran to benefit from their +2 Skill Points bonus for Leatherworking specifically.

Is Leatherworking profitable in The War Within?


Leatherworking has always been a profitable profession since you craft a variety of items that are sold quickly at any stage of the game. They include Leather and Mail gear parts, equipment tools, reagents, and more.

What is the best specialization for Leatherworking in The War Within?


Both Luxurious Leathers and Concrete Chitin are the best specializations for Leatherworking. They allow you to create either Leather or Mail equipment to use on your own or sell to others.

How do I learn The War Within Leatherworking?


Visit these trainers to learn Leatherworking in The War Within:

  • Marbb in Isle of Dorn, Dornogal
  • Phillip Taversil in Hallowfall, Mereldar
  • Ghesh in Azj-Kahet, City of Threads

How do you make money with Leatherworking in The War Within?


You can make tons of gold with Leatherworking by selling Leather or Mail gear parts, reagents, profession tools, and more.

What can you make with The War Within Leatherworking?


Leatherworking in WoW is mainly centered around crafting Leather or Mail equipment, reagents, and profession equipment.

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