Tarisland Professions Guide

By reading our comprehensive Tarisland professions guide, you can learn about Forge, Alchemy, Jewelry, and Tailoring. Find out about the best profs overall, as well as great picks for beginners, gold making and other in-game aspects like PvE and PvP.

Read Our Tarisland Professions Guide

Professions in Tarisland are one of the most vital aspects players have to learn about. They help create valuable items like weapons, armor, potions, and so on. Apart from boosting your character stats and overall performance, they are also a great gold-making tool. In our Tarisland professions guide, we will go over each occupation present in the game. We will also determine the best prof choices for new players, as well as for PvE and PvP encounters.

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What Are Professions in Tarisland

If you have played any MMORPG project before, Tarisland professions would not be a great discovery. However, the devs have brought a few changes to spice up things. The main distinct feature here is that not any one specific prof can survive without the other one.

To put it briefly, you will have to buy some reagents from a player who specializes in a different profession than you. This makes people chat with each other and use the Trade Center to get the required ingredients.

A clear example of this codependency can be traced when trying to craft Dauntless Boots as a Tailor. To create this item, you will have to collect the following materials from other professions:

  • x1 Elementary Yellow Crystal created by Jewelry Makers
  • x1 Elementary Dye created by Alchemists

The same works with other examples as well. Keep reading our Tarisland professions overview, read about every prof in detail, and you will see why these interconnections matter.

Upon reaching level 18, you will be given a task to choose your profession. At this point, you can pick the one you like. Just make sure it fits your playstyle, and you know what benefits you can get from leveling it up later.

Here is a complete Tarisland profession list we have at global launch:

  1. Forge
  2. Jewelry
  3. Alchemy
  4. Tailoring

No matter what prof you opt for, you will be using the same resource to progress in it – Vigor. By spending it, you perform both crafting and gathering actions. One point of Vigor is restored in 15 minutes. You can get a sort of cashback and get 10 Vigor for spending 100 Vigor in case you have a Monthly Pass. The latter is sold for the real money in the in-game shop. We highly recommend that you do not waste any minute and spend this resource as soon as it is full.


Forge allows players to create a variety of crafting tools and collection tools to ease other professions’ workflow. An example of an item like that is the Elementary Tool Chest. This one lets you spend 2 less Vigor when gathering stuff and randomly produce 1-3 Fine materials when doing so. This prof also lets you act as a sort of Blacksmith and craft the following gear parts:

  • Helmets
  • Armor
  • Gauntlets

When you begin mastering Forge, you start with the basic materials like Copper Ore. The latter can be discovered while traveling around the world of Tarisland. Once you get more proficient, you can create Elementary Copper Ingot and its enhanced version called Intermediate Copper Ingot. They will be further used in more advanced recipes.

Speaking of which, you can also create a variety of bombs, especially useful in PvP encounters. An example of an item from this category is the Elementary Copper Bomb. It deals plenty of AoE damage and features a 60-second cooldown.

As for PvE content, Elementary Cardiac Booster and its more advanced alternatives are what you are looking for. This tool lets you resurrect a teammate during a raid, for example. It has a shared cooldown among the entire party and features a 3-second preparation timer. It is worth noting that the resurrected players will only have 10% HP, meaning they can easily die again if not healed properly.


Jewelry, as the name suggests, is used to create a wide range of bijouterie your character wears. As a beginner, you start with the basic material called Citrine Particle. It can be further used to craft Elementary Yellow Crystal. The latter can also be upgraded to Intermediate Yellow Crystal and so on. A few examples of what items you can craft when specializing in Jewelry are as follows:

  • Necklaces
  • Rings
  • Accessories

When equipped, they provide stat boost or unique effects. Apart from that, jewelry makers are known for the Gems they can craft. The latter can be of several tiers starting from 1 to 3. When inserted into a piece of gear, they also grant additional stats. To get a Gem from any category, you need to craft a specific chest first:

  • Ruby Chest
  • Topaz Chest
  • Sapphire Chest

Once opened, they can drop a random Gem, increasing a particular stat. An example of a Tier 3 Gem is Cardinal Pyro Stone. It gives +70 Strength when inserted into a chosen piece of armor. BLOG20

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Alchemy revolves around herb gathering and crafting a variety of potions and mixtures. Your path starts with the basic reagents like Dandelion Seeds. As you become more proficient, you can create an Elementary Solvent, as well as its Intermediate version. The same goes for Elementary Dye and its Intermediate alternative. As mentioned, Alchemists in Tarisland mainly focus on crafting different potions, such as:

  • Attack Potion
  • HP Potion
  • Crit. Potion
  • Combo Potion
  • Defense Potion
  • High Energy Potion
  • Shield Potion
  • Team Potion Basin

All the potions listed have the names that say it all. However, Team Potion Basin is quite a unique item you need to look at. The latter can be used by any member of your party (up to a total of 20 uses) to increase Attack and HP for 1 hour. This is especially useful in group content like Raids or Battlegrounds. Any potions you see above can be created in their Intermediate and Advanced versions.

Alchemy in Tarisland also serves for crafting Runes, which act similarly to Gems. They are applied to your equipment and also boost your character’s stats. For example, you have Attack Runes and Defense Runes.


Tailoring specializes in working with different textiles to create a bunch of equipment parts similar to Forge. A few examples of what gear they can craft are listed below:

  • Greaves
  • Leather Gauntlets
  • Boots

Apart from this, Tailors can craft a variety of packages to enlarge your inventory to store more goods. These bags are also split into three categories, each being better than the previous analog:

  1. Linen Package – 6 extra slots
  2. Large Linen Package – 8 extra slots
  3. Rune Linen Package – 10 extra slots

No player can refuse an item like this when clearing a challenging Raid or long-lasting Dungeon. Those who master Tailoring in Tarisland can craft Emblem Chests as well. They can be of several tiers from 1 to 3. An example of a Tier 1 Emblem Chest is Reversal. The latter grants +5 Stamina and a 13% chance to recover HP by 0.06% of your max HP per sec for 5 sec when being hit.

Best Tarisland Profession Overall

Alchemy is the best Tarisland profession due to its versatility during any stage of the game. Be it early or endgame content, potions created by Alchemists are valued equally. No player will ever enter a Raid or Dungeon without having a few HP Potions or Attack Potions. These little phials can greatly increase any character’s stats or save your life in a critical situation.

Items produced by Alchemists cannot be replaced compared to professions like Tailoring or Forge. Everything they craft is just a weaker version of what you can get from endgame activities as loot. It does not work like this with consumables, as others will always have to either craft them on their own or buy them from you.

Best Tarisland Profession for Beginners

Forge is the best Tarisland profession for beginners due to its simplicity and the obvious value it brings. Once you master it, you can craft a variety of powerful items you can wear yourself or sell to others. You can also gather a large range of ores to sell in the Trade Center and earn extra gold at any stage of the game.

Being an exquisite Blacksmith will help you gear up faster and help your friend do the same. Consequently, it will make each Raid or Dungeon run noticeably easier. Finally, a Cardiac Booster you use to resurrect a teammate is a must-have tool every party should have. BLOG20

Best Tarisland Profession for Making Gold

Jewelry is the best Tarisland profession for making gold thanks to Gems only. Well, of course, players need specific Necklaces, Rings, and Accessories too. However, Gems are too powerful to ignore whether we are talking about lower or higher-level players. The bonuses they provide can be crucial in both PvE and PvP encounters.

To make things clear, look at how greatly you can increase your stats by inserting Tier 1 Gems:

Chest Name Gem Name Increased Stats
Ruby Chest Cardinal Pyro Stone Strength +24
Cardinal Smoldering Stone Attack +1
Topaz Chest Lion’s Eye Glancing +6
Bear’s Eye Omni +6
Owl’s Eye Cooldown +6
Sapphire Chest Hill Stone Stamina +24
Dawning Stone Resilience +6

Again, this is just Tier 1 we are talking about. Imagine what bonuses you can get when you insert Gems of higher tiers. This is what makes Jewel Makers the richest players on any server. Every person will always want to have extra stats, whether they focus on PvE or PvP. Consequently, there will be a high demand for items from this category all the time.

Best Profession for PvE in Tarisland

When it comes to the best Tarisland PvE profession, the choice would probably fall on Alchemy. The reason for this is a variety of potions that are too good to ignore. In fact, PvE content of any level can hardly be completed without using at least HP Potions and other consumables Alchemists create.

Speaking of why Alchemy is so valuable, Runes deserve your attention, too. Similarly to Gems, they are applied to your gear to grant extra stats. Both potions and Runes scale as you level up your characters, meaning you will receive better bonuses throughout the game.

Best Profession for PvP in Tarisland

As for the best Tarisland PvP profession, we would recommend Forge as the preferable option. There is only one reason why this prof is so good when fighting other players – Copper Bombs. They can be of several quality levels, but having at least an Elementary Copper Bomb is a big deal already. It can greatly increase your damage output and help you win the toughest battles.

Apart from making bombs, Blacksmiths create specific gear parts like Gauntlets, Armor, and Helmets. Compared to basic stuff you can buy from NPCs or loot from usual mobs, these self-crafted alternatives are much better. By wearing this gear, you can significantly boost your chances of winning any PvP encounter in Tarisland.

How to Level Up Professions in Tarisland

To learn more advanced recipes and master the chosen profession in Tarisland, you need to level it up first. The most straightforward way to do this is to start with the basics. If we take Forge as an example, you need to begin with gathering raw ore materials.

They can be turned into something like Elementary Copper Ingots you use to create basic items. Once you do this several times, your skill in Forge grows. At a specific point, you will have more complex recipes become available. Along with that, you also need to make sure your character is of the required level.

To sum up the entire profession leveling process in Tarisland, it looks like this:

  1. Gather basic materials;
  2. Turn them into something better;
  3. Use the upgraded ingredient to craft an item;
  4. Rinse and repeat until you level up the profession.

Similarly to other MMORPGs, leveling up Tarisland professions can take some time. However, you will get access to exclusive items and tools in the long run. They can be used by yourself or sold to others to gain extra gold.

Can I Change a Profession in Tarisland?

Players can change a profession in Tarisland but this decision has a serious drawback. When you start leveling up a new profession, all the XP you have earned for your previous prof will be reset. If you are ready to deal with it, find the right profession trainer and talk to them to swap to a new profession.


In our Tarisland professions guide, we have described all four profs currently available in the game. Each of them features its own pros and cons serving a specific purpose. We have also outlined the best profession picks for new players, gold making, as well as PvE and PvP.

For now, Alchemy stands as the strongest choice when it comes to choosing the in-game occupation. However, the rest of them are also worth your attention if you find them useful for a particular situation or fitting your playstyle. Stay tuned and check this article occasionally to see how the meta evolves. Once we spot any changes, we will immediately update this text to provide you with the latest details.


What is the best profession in Tarisland?


Alchemy is the best and most versatile profession in Tarisland. It is a great choice for players of any level, as it lets you craft potions to use in every aspect of the game. Whether you enjoy PvE or PvP, having a bunch of HP Potions will never hurt.

What is the most useful profession in Tarisland?


Both Tailoring and Alchemy can contest the title of being the most useful profession. The first one brings special bags to add extra space to your inventory. The second one allows you to create potions to use on your own or to sell to others.

What is the hardest profession to level in Tarisland?


Tailoring would be the hardest profession to level, as it has fewer items that are in constant demand. This means you will need to craft them less often, which slows the leveling process a lot. Still, you can keep crafting stuff just for the sake of leveling and keep it to yourself or sell it to NPCs just for a thank you.

What is the most profitable gathering profession in Tarisland?


Jewelry is considered to be the most profitable due to gems you can create when specializing in it. They greatly increase a character’s stats, meaning every player would want to insert them into their gear parts. This applies to players of any level, as having extra stats is always nice.

What is the best profession for new players in Tarisland?


Forge is the best profession for new players since it works in a straightforward way and is always needed around. Bombs are required for PvP, crafted gear parts are perfect to prepare for Raids and Dungeons. Not to mention quality-of-life tools like a Cardiac Booster to resurrect a teammate during an instance run.

What is the best PvE profession in Tarisland?


Finishing any PvE content would be practically impossible, if not for potions you get from Alchemy artisans. This profession features tons of valuable potions and mixtures to boost your stats for the time of instance. Consider buying them or crafting on your own if you are experienced in Alchemy enough.

What is the best PvP profession in Tarisland?


By mastering Forge, you can create a wide range of bombs to use in PvP. This is what makes this profession the most obvious pick regarding this aspect. Apart from that, players who specialize in Forge can craft better equipment to wear during these fights to gain additional advantage.

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