Engineering has always been the greatest profession for experiments and crafting utilities. The latest World of Warcraft expansion continues this tradition by adding more unique tools. In this WoW The War Within Engineering guide, we will cover the profession’s changes, provide the best tips for leveling it, describe specializations, and more.
As we jump into our The War Within Engineering overview, we would like to share the best leveling method for it. At SkyCoach, you can Level Up Engineering up to level 100 in a jiffy. We offer the best price and guarantee the fastest results. Save your time and forget about the grind!
Read our other The War Within profession guides:
- Herbalism Guide
- Mining Guide
- Alchemy Guide
- Blacksmithing Guide
- Jewelcrafting Guide
- Leatherworking Guide
- Enchanting Guide
- Tailoring Guide
- Inscription Guide
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The War Within Engineering Changes
Starting our WoW Engineering guide, let’s cover the most important changes introduced with The War Within. Unlike many other crafting professions (e.g. Tailoring), Engineering has a bit more changes coming with this expansion. No worries, nothing too big. The prof’s main idea remains the same – you still craft all sorts of gadgets and tools to assist you in a battle.
The greatest feature is the introduction of a new soulbound called Pile of Rusted Scrap. This item is the key component for most of your Engineering recipes, especially early on. You also use it to learn the recipes, not just craft them.
The main sources of Pile of Rusted Scrap include:
- Mob Drops
- Pilfer Through Parts
You will obtain Pile of Rusted Scrap by just slaying mobs while leveling or exploring the world. They drop from Humanoid mobs with a decent chance. While we do not know the exact rate, you can expect to get one piece of it every 5-10 mobs down.
The second option is to gather 5 Pilfer Through Parts and use it to craft 1 Pile of Rusted Scrap. Be mindful that this source is much more expensive compared to farming mobs. We recommend using it when you reach higher levels and do not have this much time for wandering around and farming Humanoids.
The War Within Engineering Equipment
Speaking of the changes we have received, you can also gather a new set of The War Within Engineering equipment. It includes two accessories and a tool available in two different rarities. Using these items provides you with extra stats like Multicraft, Resourcefulness, and others.
Item | Description | Required Profession to Craft |
Bismuth Brainwave Projector | +49 Multicraft | Engineering |
Aqirite Brainwave Projector | +49 Multicraft | Engineering |
Scrapsmith's Gloves | +61 Resourcefulness, +61 Crafting Speed | Leatherworking |
Charged Scrapmaster's Gauntlets | +61 Resourcefulness, +61 Crafting Speed | Leatherworking |
Bismuth Fueled Samophlange | +132 Random Stat | Engineering |
Aqirite Fueled Samophlange | +100 Random Stat | Engineering |
By wearing these gear pieces, you will not only have extra stats but also enjoy unique animations when crafting Engineering stuff. They also do not take extra inventory slots, as the developers have added separate ones specifically for these items. Keep in mind that Engineering equipment cannot be transmogrified.
The War Within Engineering Shopping List
Your first steps in Engineering leveling should involve gathering all the necessary materials used for early crafting. By using this shopping list, you have all the required stuff to make it up to level 40 in Khaz Algar Engineering. Once you get to this threshold, the variety of recipes available for crafting becomes several times more:
- 260x Bismuth
- 22x Aqirite
- 4x Crystalline Powder
We suggest that you always purchase these items of the lowest quality. This does not affect the amount of XP you get when crafting recipes with them. BLOG20
Leveling Engineering in The War Within
Leveling Engineering in The War Within involves crafting Tinkers, Gadgets, Guns, and other devices. Along with that, you can create items like Goggles and Bracers. The first ones can only be used by Engineers, while the second one suits players of all professions. The much-beloved “First Craft Bonus” introduced back in Dragonflight stays in this expansion as well. This feature is what you gain most of your XP from early on.
Thanks to the shopping list we have prepared, your Engineering 1-100 WoW The War Within journey will be completed in almost half the time. You just need to gather all the listed materials or purchase them on the Auction House.
Getting to level 100 from that point would be more difficult and expensive. The reason for this is that you will have to buy rare materials from other players. If you lack the in-game currency, you can Get WoW Gold at SkyCoach at the most reasonable rates.
Leveling Engineering 1-40
Starting our WoW The War Within Engineering leveling guide, let’s see what you want to craft early on. Since your goal is to reach the level cap rather than craft something useful for yourself, you might find specific recipes unusual.
As you level up, you will also have to distribute Knowledge Points to unlock the chosen specialization and sub-specs for them. If you have no idea what builds to stick to, we will describe this part later in our guide as well. For now, let’s focus solely on leveling and how you can reach level 40 first.
So far, the best way to level Engineering in WoW is to benefit from the First Craft Bonus. This system is generous enough to earn a ton of XP for creating a single item for the first time. Hunting for fresh recipes to craft is key to this and other crafting professions.
Here is a list of items you need to craft to reach level 40 in Khaz Algar Engineering:
When making it from 33 to 40, you might have more options rather than just crafting the Bismuth Fueled Samophlange. It depends on what you have explored so far and what recipes have managed to unlock. If you have any new recipes, go ahead and craft them to activate the First Craft Bonus again.
Engineering Leveling 40-100
Crafting Gadgets, Tinkers, Guns, Bombs, and other tools is how to level Engineering fast in WoW after getting to level 40. It is particularly difficult to list any specific items at this point. You should have multiple recipes to work with to gain the First Craft Bonus from. Also, you want to use the brand-new Inventing system as often as possible.
The Inventing system allows you to discover new recipes and add them to your spell book. You can activate the Invent ability every 24 hours. You can never predict what recipes you will discover next. Let’s take the Prototype: Potion Bomb of Speed, for instance. By activating this prototype, you will learn how to craft the Potion Bomb of Speed, and its recipe will appear in your profession spell book.
Keep inventing new recipes, as it will grant you points to level 100. Along with that, you can craft rare toys to earn extra points. Relying on the Inventing only would take too much time to reach the cap. Therefore, you can also craft Convincingly Realistic Jumper Cables for extra XP. This item does not cost too much, and the materials for it are easy to find:
- 1x Convincingly Realistic Jumper Cables (10x Pile of Rusted Scrap, 2x Handful of Bismuth Bolts, 2x Whimsical Wiring, 1x Gyrating Gear, 1x Safety Switch)
You will have to craft around 70 pieces of this item to get to level 92-95. Crafting it after reaching this threshold makes little sense, as you will get skill points less often. Finish the rest of the levels with Inventing. BLOG20
The War Within Engineering Specializations
With the introduction of fresh recipes and tools to experiment with, WoW TWW also brings brand-new specializations for Engineering. Each of them is built around a specific theme, allowing you to focus on the field you love more in this profession. By investing your Knowledge Points, you can unlock the chosen specs and sub-specs for it. Here is a list of all The War Within Engineering specializations:
Each specialization is unlocked when you reach a certain level in the profession. The first one becomes available at level 25, the second at 50, and the final one at 75. Whenever you unlock the chosen spec, you will have the whole tree to work with in the future. Think twice before investing your precious KPs, as you will not be able to reallocate them once again.
Engineered Equipment
Engineered Equipment is the first specialization unlocked in Engineering in The War Within. As the name suggests, this spec is all about creating gear. A few examples of what you can create include Profession Equipment, Guns, Goggles, Bracers, and so on. You also learn how to apply Finishing Reagents and earn extra stats when moving deeper through this tree.
Here is what you mainly use the Engineered Equipment specialization for in WoW:
- Gain significant skill bonuses when crafting equipment of all types.
- Learn how to enhance your equipment crafts with Embellishments, Missives, and Cogwheels.
- Unlock new combat and profession equipment schematics.
This is an all-purpose specialization you do not want to miss if your goal is to craft equipment. We are sure it will be popular throughout the entire TWW expansion and will never lack in demand.
Devices is the second specialization unlocked in Engineering in The War Within. You can craft a variety of Explosives, Tinkers, and other devices thanks to this spec. Apart from this, you also gain extra stats, and your devices have a much lower chance of malfunctioning.
Here is what you mainly use the Devices specialization for in WoW:
- Become increasingly confident handling your own devices to reduce their chance of catastrophic outcomes.
- Master an undisclosed technique to retain explosives despite their obvious explosions.
- Improve your ability to efficiently craft tinkers, explosives, and other devices.
This is a supremely useful specialization if you often use gadgets in fights. They become a more reliable tool since you are almost 100% sure they will work as intended.
Inventing is the third specialization unlocked in Engineering in The War Within. This spec has a bit of everything from increasing your profession stats to crafting Reagents and Cogwheels. By learning this spec deeper, you can also craft a brand-new mount that can only be created by Engineers.
Here is what you mainly use the Inventing specialization for in WoW:
- Gain significant improvements to skill towards all Engineering crafts.
- Become scrappy with your scrap for efficiency gains.
- Elevate your ability to invent new gadgets and learn from your mistakes.
You might think that this specialization lags behind the other two. However, we have prepared a separate build using Inventing as the main spec in it. Check it out in the game to see what it is capable of yourself.
Best Engineering Builds in The War Within
Due to three different specializations and a range of items to craft, you can experiment with Engineering builds as you like. Depending on what part of this profession you like more (e.g., crafting gear or devices), the choice will vary accordingly. We have prepared a list of the best Engineering builds in The War Within to try out:
- Armor Crafter (Engineered Equipment + Inventing + Devices)
- Reagent Crafter (Inventing + Engineered Equipment + Devices)
- Device Crafter (Devices + Inventing + Engineered Equipment)
It is easy to suggest what each build is all about. We will go over the suggested sub-spec unlock order. Remember that this is just an example and you are free to experiment with these builds and change them to your taste.
Armor Crafter
Armor Crafter is the most straightforward build that always remains in high demand. By specializing in it, you can craft a variety of items to use on your own or sell on the AH. The talent tree allows you to focus on creating the following stuff:
- Left Tree (Guns, Bracers)
- Right Tree (Profession Gear, Goggles)
You can choose whatever tree you like, relying on your preferences and your server's meta. We would recommend sticking to Profession Gear, as these tools are often sought-after by players who specialize in different profs.
Here is an example of what Armor Crafter build might look like:
- Engineered Equipment (10 Points) – You need to put in at least 10 Points to be able to learn a sub-spec.
- Inventor’s Necessities (10 Points) – To get access to Profession Gear.
- Profession Gear (30 Points) – Learn this sub-spec from top to bottom to be able to craft profession equipment of the highest quality.
- Engineered Equipment (+30 Points) – Maxing out the first node will additionally increase the quality of everything you craft with this spec, including prof gear.
If you decide to get deeper into the Armor Crafter build, you can start working on other equipment slots as well. For example, consider learning Guns, especially if you are playing as a Hunter, to gain the maximum benefits from your own weapon.
Reagent Crafter
Reagent Crafter is the second possible build, allowing you to strengthen your own character and earn extra gold whenever needed. By maxing out the Inventing tree needed for this build, you will also gain plenty of stats.
Here is an example of what Reagent Crafter build might look like:
- Inventing (10 Points) – You need to put in at least 10 Points to be able to learn a sub-spec.
- Parts (40 Points) – Get Cogwheel recipes, gain Multicraft stat, and learn how to craft the required parts for Crowd Pummeler 2-30.
- Inventing (+30 Points) – Gain extra skill points.
By maxing out Inventing, you will be able to craft all the basic reagents at max quality.
Device Crafter
Device Crafter is the final build we will cover within our WoW TWW Engineering guide. It focuses on creating Tinkers and Explosives of all kinds to use in fights on your own or sell to others on the AH.
Here is an example of what Device Crafter build might look like:
- Devices (10 Points) – You need to put in at least 10 Points to be able to learn a sub-spec.
- Explosives (30 Points) – Max out this branch immediately to maximize the quality of the explosives you craft.
- Devices (+30 Points) – Put in extra Points to max out the first node as well. This will let you create the highest-quality explosives.
After you refine the Devices tree to the top, you can move to the Investing tree. This will provide you with extra stats to craft even better items. BLOG20
Engineering Trainers in The War Within
To learn Khaz Algar Engineering, you need to find a special NPC on this brand-new continent. So far, we have discovered only one Engineering Trainer in The War Within:
- Thermalseer Arhdas – Isle of Dorn, Dornogal, /way 49.0 56.0
The War Within Engineering Treasures
Similarly to other TWW professions, Engineers can find Knowledge Treasures to speed up their leveling process. By opening a single treasure like this, you will earn 3 Knowledge Points to spend on learning specs and sub-specs deeper. Here is a list of all The War Within Engineering treasures:
Treasure Name | Coordinates | Zone |
Dornogal Spectacles | 64.8, 52.8 | Dornogal |
Rock Engineer's Wrench | 61.36, 69.62 | Isle of Dorn |
Earthen Construct Blueprints | 64.53, 58.79 | Ringing Depths |
Inert Mining Bomb | 42.67, 27.29 | Ringing Depths |
Arathi Safety Gloves | 41.59, 49.00 | Hallowfall |
Holy Firework Dud | 46.32, 61.36 | Hallowfall |
Puppeted Mechanical Spider | 56.83, 38.68 | Azj-Kahet |
Emptied Venom Canister | 63.00 11.24 | Azj-Kahet |
Note: You need to reach level 25 in Engineering before being able to discover these treasures.
Making Gold with Engineering in The War Within
Engineering is one of those crafting professions you can never go wrong with. It is super useful in all aspects, including gold making. Just imagine how many items you can offer to others. Be sure that there will always be a person who is ready to pay for everything you have. As an Engineer, you can craft this stuff to sell for extra gold:
- Crafted gear like Bracers and Goggles
- Guns like P.0.W. x2 for Ranged classes
- Tinkers like Tinker: Heartseeking Health Injector
- Utility devices like Irresistible Red Button
- Mounts like Crowd Pummeler 2-30
All this costs a ton of gold, and you can be sure that Engineering stays relevant throughout the entire TWW expansion. To learn more about farming gold in WoW, you can read our specialized The War Within Gold Making Guide available by clicking this blue link.
Best Race for Engineering in The War Within
When playing for Alliance, you can choose Gnomes as the best race for Engineering in The War Within. They have +5 Skill Points by default. Going for the Kul’Tiran race would not be a mistake as well since they have +2 Skill Points. Unfortunately, no Horde races can boast any specific bonuses related to this profession.
To conclude our WoW Engineering guide, we have covered all the details you need to become a skillful Engineer. With the tips outlined in this text, you can level up Engineering, learn all the best recipes, and find out about each profession specialization. As we discover more information about this prof, we will update this article accordingly. This is it for now, heroes, and we will see you in Azeroth!
Is Engineering any good in The War Within?
Engineering is arguably one of the strongest crafting professions in TWW. Learning it allows you to craft a ton of utility items, as well as gear and even mounts.
What is the best profession to pair with Engineering in The War Within?
Engineering is best paired with Mining since you need a lot of ore for many recipes of yours.
What is the fastest way to level Engineering in The War Within?
The fastest way to level Engineering is to craft Devices, Tinkers, Guns, and gear like Goggles and Bracers.
What is the best race for Engineering in The War Within?
The best race to specialize in Engineering is Gnomes if you are playing for Alliance. No Horde race has special benefits for this profession.
Is Engineering profitable in The War Within?
Engineering is a superbly profitable profession due to a large variety of items you can craft and offer to others.
What is the best specialization for Engineering in The War Within?
The best Engineering specialization in TWW is Engineered Equipment since it lets you craft a ton of unique gear, as well as Profession Equipment.
How do I learn The War Within Engineering?
You can learn Engineering by talking to your profession trainer Thermalseer Arhdas in Isle of Dorn, Dornogal.
How do you make money with Engineering in The War Within?
You can earn a ton of gold with Engineering if you monitor the Auction House and offer the items players need most. They can be anything from Guns to Devices and other utility tools.
What can you make with The War Within Engineering?
Here is a list of things you can create with Engineering in WoW:
- Crafted Gear
- Guns
- Tinkers
- Utility Devices
- Mounts