Tailoring allows you to create all sorts of Cloth items, including utility slots like bags, to increase your inventory and bank space. In this WoW The War Within Tailoring guide, we will go over the profession’s changes, leveling tips, specializations, and more.
Before you start reading our The War Within Tailoring overview, let us share a method of how you can level it. At SkyCoach, we offer you Level Up Tailoring up to level 100 in a moment. Save your precious time and enjoy the best price on the market.
Read our other The War Within profession guides:
- Herbalism Guide
- Mining Guide
- Alchemy Guide
- Blacksmithing Guide
- Jewelcrafting Guide
- Leatherworking Guide
- Enchanting Guide
- Engineering Guide
- Inscription Guide
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The War Within Tailoring Changes
Beginning our WoW Tailoring guide, let’s start with the basics and see what changes The War Within has brought for this profession. Unlike gathering professions (e.g., Herbalism), Tailoring cannot boast too many changes coming with this expansion. You still craft Cloth armor and other items made of this material. In most cases, you will earn gold by selling this gear, as well as bags.
Just like before, Tailoring remains a great profession pick for classes like Mage or Warlock. The reason for this is that you can gear up from top to bottom without relying on others. While you mainly specialize in creating Cloth armor and bags, you also craft reagents and spellthreads. A few notable examples of the items you can create include Duskweave Bag, Weavercloth Bolt, Daybreak Spellthread.
The War Within Tailoring Equipment
A new set of The War Within Tailoring equipment was introduced with the expansion's launch. It consists of two accessories and a tool, coming in two possible rarities. This leaves us with six items to work with in total. Wearing these items grants you a variety of bonuses like Multicraft, Crafting Speed, and more.
Item | Description | Required Profession to Craft |
Weavercloth Tailor's Coat | +49 Multicraft | Tailoring |
Artisan Tailor's Coat | +49 Multicraft | Tailoring |
Proficient Needle Set | +61 Resourcefulness, +61 Crafting Speed | Blacksmithing |
Artisan Needle Set | +61 Resourcefulness, +61 Crafting Speed | Blacksmithing |
Spring-Loaded Bismuth Fabric Cutters | +132 Random Stat | Engineering |
Spring-Loaded Aqirite Fabric Cutters | +100 Random Stat | Engineering |
While having these items on, you will see a different animation when performing a profession-related action. This equipment does not take extra slots in your inventory and is placed in separate ones. Also, special Tailoring tools cannot be transmogrified.
The War Within Tailoring Shopping List
Your Tailoring leveling journey starts with acquiring all the necessary materials. We have prepared this shopping list, allowing you to reach level 62 in Tailoring. From this point, you have more recipes to choose from, yet leveling becomes more difficult overall:
- 200x Weavercloth
- 10x Storm Dust
- 40x Writhing Sample
- 4x Leyline Residue
If you have the option to buy these items of the lowest quality, go for it. This does not influence how much XP you get for creating the required stuff. BLOG20
Leveling Tailoring in The War Within
Leveling Tailoring in The War Within involves crafting Cloth items, such as armor and bags. You can additionally create reagents and spellthreads to use on your own or sell to others for extra gold. Similarly to other crafting professions, you gain most of your XP from the “First Craft Bonus,” the feature added back in Dragonflight.
By using the shopping list we have prepared above, you can get to level 62. This is more than half of your Tailoring 1-100 WoW The War Within journey. After that, you need to read our separate guide to ensure you reach the cap with no problem.
Getting to level 100 can be expensive since you need a ton of materials to work with. At SkyCoach, you can Get WoW Gold to buy everything you need in the game. Do not waste your time on farming the currency on your own.
Tailoring Leveling 1-65
Let’s start our WoW The War Within Tailoring leveling guide with the basics. When making it from 1 to 65, you gain chunks of XP from practically anything you craft. This is possible thanks to the First Craft Bonus we have just mentioned.
You can distribute your Knowledge Points in a way you want or follow one of our builds described further in the article. No matter what build you choose, always remember – crafting as many items for the first time as possible is the best way to level Tailoring in WoW. The same tip applies to other crafting professions in general.
Here is a list of items you need to craft to get from 1 to 65 in Khaz Algar Tailoring:
Following the suggested order when crafting the items is crucial during these levels. Otherwise, you will lose a ton of XP due to specific recipes turning yellow.
Tailoring Leveling 65-100
Crafting optional reagents, bags, or spellthreads is how to level Tailoring fast in WoW after you get to level 65. You do not have to create any specific items since you might have different recipes than we suggest. Crafting any of them will provide you enough XP, especially if you have recipes that correspond to your level.
Consider crafting these items for the fastest way to level Tailoring in WoW The War Within up to 100:
- 1x Dawnweave Reagent Bag (2x Adorning Ribbon, 4x Delete me 10, 30x Spool of Dawnthread)
- 1x Dawnthread Lining (1x Adorning Ribbon, 2x Delete me 10, 6x Spool of Dawnthread)
- 1x Daybreak Spellthread (5x Adorning Ribbon, 5x Gleaming Shard, 8x Delete me 10, 12x Spool of Dawnthread)
- 1x Artisan Chef's Hat (300x Artisan’s Acuity, 1x Adorning Ribbon, 5x Leyline Residue, 3x Gleaming Shard, 12x Exquisite Weavercloth Bolt)
- 1x Artisan Enchanter's Hat (300x Artisan’s Acuity, 1x Adorning Ribbon, 5x Leyline Residue, 3x Gleaming Shard, 12x Exquisite Weavercloth Bolt)
- 1x Artisan Alchemist's Robe (300x Artisan’s Acuity, 1x Adorning Ribbon, 5x Leyline Residue, 3x Gleaming Shard, 12x Exquisite Weavercloth Bolt)
These are only a few examples you can go for to reach level 90 in Tailoring in a jiffy. After this point, consider crafting epic armor if you have the corresponding recipes available. They will provide you with way more XP than any other recipes at this level range. The only problem is that you need a Spark of Omens, which you earn every two weeks, to craft these recipes. BLOG20
The War Within Tailoring Specializations
The biggest change we have witnessed with the launch of WoW TWW is the introduction of new specializations for Tailoring. Each of them revolves around a specific theme, allowing you to get more extensive knowledge in this or that field of the profession. You use your precious Knowledge Points to progress through the chosen sub-specs of each tree. Here is a list of all The War Within Tailoring specializations:
Each specialization is unlocked when you reach a specific level in the profession. The first one becomes available at level 25, the second at 50, the third at 60, and the final one at 75. Whenever you unlock the chosen spec, you will have the whole tree to open in the future. Use your KPs wisely to open the most useful sub-specs first.
Threads of Devotion
Threads of Devotion is the first specialization unlocked in Tailoring in The War Within. This is a “generic” tree since it is built entirely around creating Cloth armor. If you decide to focus on this branch, you will be able to apply reagents to the items you craft in the future.
Here is what you mainly use the Threads of Devotion specialization for in WoW:
- Consecrate Weavercloth into powerful Consecrated Equipment.
- Gain additional Skill when crafting Consecrated Equipment.
- Ascend your Consecrated Equipment to a higher item level.
- Add Optional and Finishing Reagents to empower Consecrated Equipment further.
If your goal is to work with the crafted gear, you definitely need to start with this specialization first. Once you get deeper into it, you will be able to complete Crafting Orders for others to earn extra gold.
From Dawn Until Dusk
From Dawn Until Dusk is the second specialization unlocked in Tailoring in The War Within. This spec is what you need to create Dawnweave Bolt and Duskweave Bolt, the new top-notch crafting materials used for many high-tier Tailoring recipes. You will never be able to craft specific armor pieces and bags without these materials.
Here is what you mainly use the From Dawn Until Dusk specialization for in WoW:
- Learn recipes centered on the magical consistency of Dawn’s light and Dusk’s shadow.
- Craft Duskweave and Dawnweave Bolts more frequently each day.
- Craft unique Optional Reagents used by all sorts of adventurers.
- Imbue Duskweave and Dawnweave threads into powerful set bonus equipment.
The ability to create Duskweave and Dawnweave Bolts more often than once per day is the biggest bonus you get when progressing through this tree.
Quality Fabric
Quality Fabric is the third specialization unlocked in Tailoring in The War Within. This spec is all about crafting spellthreads and optional reagents. As you progress through this tree, you will unlock special recipes and get a significant stat bonus.
Here is what you mainly use the Quality Fabric specialization for in WoW:
- Craft powerful Spellthreads used by all kinds of adventurers.
- Become an expert in embroidering quality Finishing Reagents used in various crafts.
- Perfect your ability to unravel and weave the highest quality cloth.
- Improve the quality of the materials you use and perfect your tailoring empire.
This is a whole different tree if compared to the first specialization, for example. If you decide to go for a particular build revolving around crafting these materials, this is your specialization option for sure.
Textile Treasures
Textile Treasures is the fourth specialization unlocked in Tailoring in The War Within. This spec is your bread and butter you want to learn for extra profession skills. They include Multicraft, Ingenuity, Resourcefulness, and others. By learning this spec, you can ensure you craft items of the highest quality possible.
Here is what you mainly use the Textile Treasures specialization for in WoW:
- Increase the amount of cloth you find across Khaz Algar.
- Increase the effectiveness of Resourcefulness for all recipes.
- Increase the effectiveness of Ingenuity for all recipes.
- Increase the effectiveness of Multicraft for all recipes.
We highly recommend that you include this specialization in any build you choose. No matter if you are going to focus on creating Cloth armor or reagents and spellthreads, Textile Treasures should never be omitted.
Best Tailoring Builds in The War Within
Due to having four different-themed specializations, you have a variety of build options in Tailoring. It is difficult to tell how the meta will develop in the future, but we are sure that crafting Cloth armor and bags will always bring you gold. No matter if you will focus on completing Crafting Orders or simply selling them on the Auction House. Here is a list of the best Tailoring builds in The War Within:
- Armor Crafter (Threads of Devotion + Textile Treasures + From Dawn Until Dusk + Quality Fabric)
- Duskweave and Dawnweave Bolts Crafter (From Dawn Until Dusk + Textile Treasures + Threads of Devotion + Quality Fabric)
- Cloth Farmer (Textile Treasures + Threads of Devotion + Quality Fabric + From Dawn Until Dusk)
You can clearly see what each of these builds revolves around by looking at the names.
Armor Crafter
Choosing the Armor Crafter build is the most reliable and simple option among others. The reason for this is that players will always need Cloth armor and bags to wear. Here is our suggestion of what nodes you want to unlock first and how many KPs to invest in:
- Threads of Devotion (30 Points) – Putting in 30 Points will open all sub-specs in this tree. You will also be able to apply optional reagents to any armor slot you choose to craft in the future.
- Weighted Garments – This is the middle tree you can choose, but you can go for any you want, depending on the gear pieces you wish to craft. Weighted Garments lets you create Robes and Leggings.
- Weighted Garments (30 Points) – Let’s imagine you have chosen this sub-spec (or any other), max it to the cap to learn all the possible Cloth recipes.
If you choose this build, you will eventually learn all three branches and be able to craft all armor slots available. It is just a matter of preference what slot you want to opt for above others.
Duskweave and Dawnweave Bolts Crafter
Once again, the name of the build says it all since these bolts will be in high demand throughout WoW The War Within. Initially, you can only craft these bolts once per day, which is quite a long cooldown to wait for. This specialization lets you decrease the downtime and craft higher-tier bolts of both types.
Going for Dawnweave Tailoring or Duskweave Tailoring is entirely up to you and the situation on your server. Both sub-specs are equally good and allow you to craft unique recipes. In our example, we will stick to Dawnweave Tailoring:
- Dawnweave Tailoring (20 Points) – Unlock this tree as early as possible to be able to craft the Leg enchant for faster leveling.
- Dawnweaving (20 Points) – Getting this branch to the cap allows you to reduce the cooldown of the Dawnweave Bolt from 17 hours to 8.5 hours.
- Dawnweave Tailoring (10 Points) – Put in more points to make the sub-spec hit the cap and unlock the most exquisite armor recipes.
- From Dawn Until Dusk (30 Points) – Put in 30 more Points to get access to all the recipes, including the ones for crafting bags.
The main idea behind this build is to craft both Dawnweave and Duskweave Bolts with a minimum cooldown. Whichever one you prefer to start with is up to you, as there is no wrong choice.
Cloth Farmer
Despite being built around the Textile Treasures specialization, this setup needs other specializations to be unlocked first. By going the suggested leveling route, you will be able to farm much more Cloth compared to other Tailoring builds in WoW TWW:
- Quality Fabric (30 Points) – Maxing this branch allows you to pick up Q3 clothes.
- Go for either Duskweave Tailoring or Dawnweave Tailoring in From Dawn Until Dusk specialization. This is necessary to loot Duskweave or Dawnweave from humanoids.
- Textile Treasures (30 Points) – Putting 30 Points into this tree is what lets you loot much more Cloth from humanoid enemies.
- From Dawn Until Dusk (30 Points) – Max this spec out to earn both Cloth varieties.
This build is a good combination of how you can use the looted materials for both crafting or selling on the Auction House. Either way, you can earn plenty of gold in the long run and always be in a high spot of the current profession meta. BLOG20
Tailoring Trainers in The War Within
To learn Khaz Algar Tailoring, you have to talk to NPCs found across cities of the new continent. There are currently three Tailoring Trainers in The War Within you can learn from:
- Kotag - Dornogal /way 55 74
- Layne Pontelle - Mereldar /way 43 55
- Silkswooner Waree - City of Threads /way 49.7 17.5
The War Within Tailoring Treasures
Just like all other TWW professions, you can discover hidden Knowledge Treasures for Tailoring. Opening one grants you 3 Knowledge Points that can be used to learn sub-specializations more deeply. Here is a list of all The War Within Tailoring treasures:
Treasure Name | Coordinates | Zone |
Earthen Tape Measure | 56.20, 60.95 | Isle of Dorn |
Dornogal Seam Ripper | 61.45 18.45 | Dornogal |
Runed Earthen Pins | 48.89, 32.85 | Ringing Depths |
Earthen Stitcher's Snips | 64.20, 60.33 | Ringing Depths |
Arathi Rotary Cutter | 49.30, 62.30 | Hallowfall |
Royal Outfitter's Protractor | 40.11, 68.13 | Hallowfall |
Nerubian Quilt | 53.26,53.10 | Azj-Kahet |
Nerubian Pincushion | 50.25, 16.77 | Azj-Kahet |
Note: You need to reach level 25 in Tailoring before being able to discover these treasures.
Making Gold with Tailoring in The War Within
Tailoring is a superbly beneficial profession when it comes to making gold. From regular Cloth armor crafting to gathering Cloth and selling it to others, your options are almost limitless. As a rule, making gold with Tailoring comes down to the following alternatives:
- Doing Crafting Orders and creating Cloth Crafted Gear.
- Creating Spellthreads, Optional Reagents, and other crafting materials.
- Selling Bags and Profession Equipment to other players who need them.
- Gather rare Cloth used for high-tier recipes and sell it to others.
You can combine several of the methods described depending on how much time you have and what things you like to do. In our opinion, crafting and selling Cloth armor and bags is the most profitable and always-in-demand alternative to making gold with this profession.
To learn more about farming gold in WoW, you can read our specialized The War Within Gold Making Guide available by clicking this blue link.
Best Race for Tailoring in The War Within
Choosing Kul’Tiran when playing for Alliance is the only best race for Tailoring in The War Within in terms of starting bonuses. They will benefit from +2 Skill Points by default. No Horde race gets any benefits exactly for this profession, meaning you can go for any you like.
To sum up our WoW Tailoring guide, we hope you found what you came here for. We have done our best to describe Tailoring from top to bottom. With a variety of Cloth armor, bags, reagents, and spellthreads to craft, you are a true jack of all trades. Thanks to our guide and outlined leveling tips, you can become the best tailor on your server. Good luck, and we will see you in Azeroth, heroes!
Is Tailoring any good in The War Within?
Tailoring is the best profession for creating high-tier Cloth armor, Bags, and a variety of Optional Reagents.
What is the best profession to pair with Tailoring in The War Within?
Any gathering profession like Skinning, Herbalism, or Mining can be a great addition to Tailoring.
What is the fastest way to level Tailoring in The War Within?
The fastest way to level Tailoring is to craft a variety of Cloth armor, Bags, and Optional Reagents. You also want to benefit from the First Craft Bonus as often as possible for maximum XP.
What is the best race for Tailoring in The War Within?
As an Alliance player, you can go for Kul’Tiran to benefit from their +2 Skill Points bonus for Tailoring specifically.
Is Tailoring profitable in The War Within?
Tailoring is one of the most profitable crafting professions for making gold. You can use it for creating Cloth armor, Bags, Optional Reagents, as well as Spellthreads.
What is the best specialization for Tailoring in The War Within?
Threads of Devotion is by far the best and most picked specialization since it revolves around crafting Cloth armor.
How do I learn The War Within Tailoring?
You can visit several Khaz Algar Tailoring trainers to learn more about this profession:
- Kotag in Dornogal
- Layne Pontelle in Mereldar
- Silkswooner Waree in City of Threads
How do you make money with Tailoring in The War Within?
You can make gold with Tailoring by creating Cloth armor, Bags, Spellthreads, Optional Reagents, and other crafting materials.
What can you make with The War Within Tailoring?
Tailoring in WoW is all about crafting Cloth armor, as well as other items like Bags. You can also create Spellthreads and Optional Reagents.