WoW The War Within Tailoring Guide

Tailoring is one of the most popular professions in World of Warcraft and is irreplaceable for everyone who wants to create powerful cloth gear for his classic range caster or for sale, because the demand is going to be huge! In this guide we will tell you everything you need to master this Profession and make tons of gold with it!

Read Our WoW The War Within Tailoring Guide

Tailoring is another major crafting profession that is undoubtedly going to be in huge demand in the upcoming expansion. To start with, it has a ton of cloth armor to offer for various classes. They all differ in quality and tier ranks. Consequently, the deeper you master the profession, the better item you can produce. The game’s creators have also added the Profession Tool mechanic with this patch. We will talk about it in detail further, but for now, you should know that tailors create such tools for as many as six professions.

Not to mention numerous accessories and toys that only tailors can create. Much-enjoyed and highly-popular bags have remained and even evolved. In fact, we now have reagent bags where you can store your reagents without taking place in the main inventory. Just like armor, they differ in quality providing you with more extra slots, as your crafting skills improve.

The biggest change that goes for all WoW Dragonflight professions, including Tailoring, is the specialization system. Those talent trees are going to have a direct impact on your playing style. Speaking of Tailoring in particular, you have four branches to focus on. Choosing one or two of them determines what goods you can create. The final crafting quality depends on how many Knowledge Points you invest in this or that branch.

As a crafter, you are closely interlinked with another new implementation. It is called the Item Quality system. To put it simply, your goods can have various quality levels. The better quality, the better stats a particular item has. Consequently, it is going to cost a lot more and can be easily sold at the market.

Another major change lies in a ton of new recipes available. Tailors now have various garments to offer. No matter at what game stage you are, you have armor to offer to everybody. Mastering this profession to the cap, you can create unique Mythic gear that will be in huge demand for sure.

Returning to the Profession Tool system for a moment, you are going to make a fortune by creating those tools. Considering the fact you can create special equipment for six classes, you will always have private orders to execute. All you need is to progress in your profession as fast as possible.

For that, we will share a few tips on how to get to level 65 quicker than other players. Make sure to read our WoW Dragonflight Tailoring leveling guide up to the end to become the best. Reaching this level will be enough to focus on two specs of your choice. Then, all you have to do is to sharpen your skills in those fields and create the most high-quality gear possible.

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Tailoring Applications and Benefits

Being a tailor is super beneficial. Your cloth armor is in great demand among magic-dependent classes (e.g. mages, warlocks, and priests). Not to mention the highly-valued profession tools you can create in this expansion. Finally, everyone around would love to have extra space in their backpacks. This is where tailors come in handy again!

To get as rich as possible, you only need to find the right vector to develop your skills. We are now talking about specializations. Right now, it is impossible to tell which talent tree is going to show the best results. Therefore, focusing on cloth armor creation and mixing it with a bit of profession tool crafting looks like the most promising option. To understand the overall picture better, let us look at a brief list of items tailors can create:

  • To start with, you are mainly going to interact with all sorts of Wildercloth items. They are your basic reagents. You use those clothes to create Wilderthread, which is another must-have item for everything you create;
  • Moving to the higher-rank reagents, you have various Bolts to choose from. They differ in quality going up to the rarest ones that have a long cooldown;
  • Divided into the Reagent and Regular categories, the bags you craft are always in demand. The first one is used to save your reagents without taking up space in your inventory. The second, just like always, increases the number of slots you have to carry whatever you need;
  • You have Optional and Finishing reagents you can attach to everything you create. This will make your crafts stronger and more expensive;
  • As a tailor, you can create three main sets that differ from one another in terms of quality and stats provided. Keep in mind, that with the new Item Quality system, even the most basic set can be strong enough if you boost it up to tier-five quality. We will talk more about those sets further in our Tailoring leveling guide, as you need to learn a particular spec to craft them;
  • Profession Garments are one of the main reasons why many players are likely to opt for Tailoring. You are going to supply as many as six classes with special equipment that cannot be found anywhere but crafted by a tailor. People mastering Alchemy, Enchanting, Herbalism, Tailoring, Fishing, and Cooking are going to hunt for those garments for sure;
  • We have three types of Spellthreads, which are basically intellect-enchants for your leggings. They are used to permanently increase their stats and provide some extra bonuses. Depending on quality, they require different resources and cost more;
  • Toys and Cosmetic Items are not a necessary part of the game, but it may be nice to have a toy to cuddle from time to time. A lot of veteran players would appreciate such little things and pay a good deal to get them from you;
  • To make you realize how closely you are interlinked with other professions, you can now create special banners for herbalists and miners. They provide them with extra stat bonuses. Though, they only work in the Dragon Isles.

We have described nearly everything you can create when playing as a tailor. However, your cloth sets require extra attention. The most high-end versions of them grant a lot of extra stats and unusual bonuses. You can be sure magic-oriented classes will pay a fortune for them.

Further in our guide, we will talk about all four specs you have at your disposal. This will give you a better understanding of what tailor you want to be. However, you will be able to make a lot of gold no matter what talent tree you choose to focus on. The final decision depends on your personal preferences. BLOG20

General Tailoring Changes in The War Within

We can say for sure, some of the newly-implemented changes are game-changing. The game’s developers have decided to bring many features with this expansion. We are not going to mention Dragonriding and many others in this guide. For now, we are only interested in the updates concerning professions.

Starting with the small details, we see redesigned profession icons and the in-game interface as a whole. The latter has become more user-friendly and is easier to navigate around.

Another interesting detail that brings more realism to the game is the special profession gear. Your character equips it every time you perform a profession-related action (e.g. create a cloth bag). For now, we see three slots for this kind of equipment. Besides, it does not take up space in your inventory. Playing as a tailor, you have huge scissors and an elegant robe. This gear is not just a cosmetic accessory, it grants you extra bonuses and makes you better at your profession.

We have already briefly mentioned the revolutionary specialization system. By introducing it to the game, the developers have made it even more realistic. Speaking of Tailoring in particular, we have got four specs at our disposal. Unlocking them all is possible yet does not make too much sense. To achieve this, you need a ton of Knowledge Points. Further in our WoW Dragonflight Tailoring leveling guide, we will analyze all possible ways to get them. Though, you need to keep in mind that the process is far from easy.

Since the expansion has not gone live yet, it is particularly difficult to tell what spec will be stronger. It seems that the game’s creators have done it so that the balance is nearly perfect. Down below, we will describe all the Tailoring specs in detail so that you can make a wiser choice. 

We will also share the builds that look promising. However, no build is ideal and every strategy has its strong and weak sides. More importantly, the overall market state and the way trading is done can strongly influence your decision on what specialization to master first.

The Auction House is not the only tool you can use for this kind of monitoring. The newly-implemented Crafting Orders mechanic works for that purpose as well. As a crafter, you want to use it to execute other players’ orders. However, it may happen that you want to buy things yourself. The latter situation happens less often since your main goal is to sell cloth armor, bags, and profession tools. By following this strategy, you can get the maximum out of this mechanic and become richer.

All the equipment we have mentioned is a must-have thing for players of all levels. They will gladly buy it from you to pass another dungeon. Sometimes, the gear matters so much that no matter what skill cap five players have, they cannot clear a particular dungeon. Though, looting high-rank rewards is a pleasure we all hunt for.

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Getting Rich as a Craftsman

We have already said enough about the market and its importance. However, let us talk more about the Auction House in particular. Playing as a crafter, a tailor in our case, is all about selling the stuff you create.

Remember, all professions are interlinked with each other. Sometimes, you may need particular resources yourself. It means every player has something to give you and vice versa. As a tailor, you need leather for some recipes. Having no Skinning profession combined with Tailoring leaves you in a weak position. In this case, you have no other option than buy it from other people. That is why you need to know what a daily trading session looks like:

  1. First thing, you find the Auction House tab. There, you will find hundreds of offers from people around the server. Those players can be of various classes and profession. Every one of them wants to sell a specific item for as much as possible. This will be especially noticeable shortly after the expansion goes live. Even if you desperately need something, it might be a good idea to wait for a few days. During the first week, the prices will be inflated as ever.
  2. Playing as a tailor or any other crafter, you mainly focus on selling things. Doing this brings you a decent income only when you learn more about your profession. Besides, you may want to learn Skinning to have it in pair with your Tailoring. In this case, you will always have enough skin. It may save you a good bit of gold in the long run.
  3. If you consider yourself venturesome enough, you can try to do the following trick. Find an item with the most highly-volatile price. Buy it and keep it until the cost goes up at least for a bit. Then, you just want to sell it and enjoy the price difference. If you do everything right, you do not lose your resources and gain a few pennies.

The most difficult yet important point is to always keep in mind why you create those things. Sure, some of them you can use yourself. However, the major part of them must be sold for as much as possible. Only then, you gain the maximum benefits out of your profession.

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The Crafting Orders in a Nutshell

Playing as a tailor or any other crafter has become even more beneficial in the upcoming expansion. Combining this newly-implemented mechanic with a bit of luck in expensive orders, you can not only become richer yet progress further in your profession. For you, this might be the best way to level Tailoring in WoW Dragonflight, as you get everything you need to stay ahead of others.

On top of this, make sure to execute those orders that can proc the First Craft Bonus. Every time it happens, you are going to get Knowledge Points and Artisan’s Mettle just as a reward. They are what you need to master a specialization you consider important. Consequently, you will be able to create higher-quality items and sell them for more gold.

As a tailor, you have a lot of options to focus on. Not all of them are equally popular and expensive. For example, your cloth armor is always in higher demand than anything else. Though, profession tools can arouse players’ interest as well. Specializing in one of these fields will make you a true artisan in what you do. Therefore, you will get more private orders and can state a higher fee for that.

It may happen that you need a rare item yourself and only another person can craft it. We can assure you this situation is inevitable. In this case, you should know the whole process of creating an order yourself. The most important part here is to make it visible to a particular group of people:

  • A specific person;
  • Everyone on the server;
  • Your guild members only;
  • Your friends only.

If you do not really care about the order, make it seen by everybody around. However, if it is an expensive item and you want it to be done delicately, your friends or guild members can help you out. Getting closer to the late-game stage, you may find a particular person who can craft anything for you. In this case, create a private order just for them.

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The Sources of Knowledge Points

You already know that Knowledge Points serve for mastering your profession specs. However, they are quite rare and become more difficult to find as you progress in the game. In one of the paragraphs of our Dragonflight Tailoring overview, we will share the spots where you can find profession trainers. 

As any crafter, including a tailor, mastering one of the chosen specs is the key to success. To put it another way, you want to create higher-level items as soon as possible. It will allow you to dominate the market and set the prices you consider reasonable. BLOG20

By reading our Dragonflight Tailoring leveling walkthrough, you will learn what specialization of all four is actually worth your points. Spending them in vain brings neither gold nor useful items to use yourself. Also, read about possible builds, you may find some of them particularly interesting just for you.

The game’s creators have added various sources of those valuable points to the game. Knowing all of them can help you get enough of them and learn a spec or two you like most. After that, you will become better at a particular sphere and start creating top-rank items. Here are all the available sources for the moment:

  1. You know the first method well enough already. Using the First Craft Bonus is the easiest and effortless way to get a lot of those rare points. You just need to create new items whether you need them yourself or someone asks you to. This feature works for gathering professions (e.g. Mining) as well. It procs every time a person gathers a new node. You can also encounter one-time treasures and quests while traveling around the Dragon Isles. They cannot be discovered or completed more than once, but the reward is usually generous.
  2. We have mentioned profession trainers above. By visiting the one in Valdrakken, you can take a weekly quest. Doing it successfully grants you 3 points you need to master your specs. You will only be allowed to take it once you hit level 25 in Tailoring. Mastering the profession further unlocks an additional quest when you get to level 50.
  3. You may see people talk about a mysterious Dragon Shard of Knowledge. You can only find this item after you talk to an NPC named Khadin. He is located in the Ohn’aran Plains. After visiting him, you will be able to discover Dragon Shards all around the Dragon Isles. Returning them to Khadin guarantees you 1-3 points. The reward is a bit RNG-dependent, but it is still nice.
  4. While traveling around the Dragon Isles, you will undoubtedly visit Valdrakken. There, you should talk to an NPC named Rabul. He may seem like a usual vendor at first. Though, he has something special for you. This stranger has a specific item, Dusty Tailor’s Diagrams. You can buy this item three times, each grants you 10 Knowledge Points. However, you cannot do it right away since you meet specific requirements foremost.

    You will be allowed to purchase this item for the first time when you have 100 Artisan’s Mettle and at least level 25 in your profession. You get this mettle for creating new items for the first time and mastering your profession as a whole.

    You will be allowed to purchase this item for the second time when you have 200 Artisan’s Mettle. On top of it, you need to establish a valued reputation with the Artisan’s Consortium. If at least one condition does not comply, you cannot get access to the second purchase.

    You will be allowed to purchase this item for the third time when you have 300 Artisan’s Mettle. Besides, you need to establish an esteemed reputation with the Artisan’s Consortium. If at least one condition does not comply, you cannot get access to the second purchase.
  5. Find some scribe friends around your server. Those players who specialize in Enchanting, can create Draconic Treatises. The latter grants you a Knowledge Point when you use this item. Though, there is a limit and you cannot have more than 1 point per week. Buying this stuff is a good idea, but take some time after the expansion goes live, as the prices will be dreadfully inflated.

These are all the sources available for you to gain some extra points. We are sure that the game’s creators will add more of them in future patches. Still, there are enough ways to master one or two specs to the cap and enjoy the game. See which specialization you like most and do not forget to monitor the market to make the right choice.

Playing as a tailor or another crafter often puts you in a tricky position. Your profession is great from all angles, but choices must be made. It means you either need to learn everything about cloth armor or get deeper into profession tool creation, for instance. The only way out of this if you want to be an expert in everything is to create an alt specializing in the same profession.

Though, this is a time-consuming and tiring process. To speed it up, you can Buy World of Warcraft Boosting from our company. We offer legit services where our professional players do the job for you. All you need to do is to enjoy your boosted alt character and create things you want. This is a reliable and safe method to save up your time and enjoy the game without farming and grinding.

Tailoring Specs: Everything You Need to Know

The most eagerly awaited feature of the entire expansion is the specialization system. By using this mechanic, you can create your own unique playing style. It allows you to become a true artisan in a chosen sphere. In the long run, you can craft top-rank items and sell them at a crazy price. When playing as a tailor, you usually choose between cloth armor and profession tool creation. These talents will always be in high demand, as all players around want to wear the best gear possible. Though, you will learn more about the specs as you keep reading our WoW Tailoring guide.

To progress further in your profession, you will need a bunch of Knowledge Points. Some of you might think that spreading those points among all four talent branches is a good idea. However, we highly recommend that you focus on one or two spheres. In this case, you will be able to craft rare items only a few people can offer.

No matter what specs you choose to master, you will still find your niche. There are no better or worse builds since everything depends on you and your preferred playing style. Before you can make any choice, you need to get to level 25 in your profession. After this, you can choose only one spec to learn. Try to monitor the market and ask your friends or guild members what things they find rare and expensive. Only then, you should start learning a particular spec.

Playing as a crafter, you will be interested in another exciting profession update. It is devoted to crafting-specific stats. They can be attached to the items you create providing various bonuses. This is what they are all about:

  • Resourcefulness increases your chance to use fewer reagents than the recipe requires;
  • Crafting Speed is pretty self-explanatory, as it increases your crafting speed by a certain %;
  • Inspiration increases the chance to acquire a bonus skill that can be attached to the item you create;
  • Multicraft increases the chance to create several of the same items without spending extra resources.

As a tailor, you will definitely enjoy having Resourcefulness maxed to the cap. Spending fewer resources to get the desired item is always nice and seems super profitable.

Tailoring Mastery Specialization

The first spec tree as the name suggests is all about becoming a more proficient tailor. It is devoted to creating items of higher quality using fewer resources. Mastering it provides you with additional Resourcefulness, Inspiration, and Skill.

  • Tailoring Mastery (you can spend up to 30 points mastering it) is where the learning path starts. Spending one of those valuable points we discussed above grants you an additional score of Crafting Skill every time. Learning this spec, you get access to all sub-specs available in this branch. It also improves your overall crafting stats making you understand the art of Tailoring better and providing you with +14 Skill. As an extra bonus, your tailoring crafts become 15% faster.
  • Cloth Collection (you can spend up to 50 points mastering it) is devoted to collecting more fabric while traveling around the Dragon Isles. To unlock it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also allows you to collect more fabric by 1% for each point invested. Mastering it to the cap grants you up to 100% increase when collecting cloth. On top of that, you learn how to collect Wildercloth Bolts and various Wildercloth types.
  • Sparing Sewing (you can spend up to 30 points mastering it) is devoted to crafting goods economically. To unlock it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Resourcefulness for each point invested. Mastering it to the cap grants you +30 Resourcefulness. On top of that, you save up to 50% of reagents when creating new items.
  • Shrewd Stitchery (you can spend up to 30 points mastering it) is devoted to becoming a more diligent tailor. To unlock it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Inspiration for each point invested. Mastering it to the cap grants you +30 Inspiration. On top of that, you gain up to 50% extra Skill when creating new items.

Textiles Specialization

The second spec tree is about weaving fabric into bolts. It is devoted to embroidering different types of items and unraveling all types of fabric. Mastering it provides you with additional Resourcefulness, Inspiration, and Skill. You also gain extra Multicraft and Crafting Speed.

  • Textiles (you can spend up to 30 points mastering it) is devoted to creating different reagents and becoming a more proficient tailor. Spending one of those valuable points we discussed above grants you an additional score of Skill every time. Learning this spec, you get access to all sub-specs available in this branch. Maxing it to the cap provides you with +5 Inspiration, +20 Crafting Speed, and +5 Resourcefulness. As an extra bonus, you learn the recipe for Illustrious Insight. The latter increases your Skill when creating items and reagents.
  • Spinning (you can spend up to 25 points mastering it) is devoted to unraveling fabric and spinning all types of threads. To unlock it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Skill for each point invested. Mastering it to the cap grants you +20 Resourcefulness, +10 Skill, and +15 Crafting Speed. On top of that, you learn to extract Rousing Elements from Wildercloth. To do this, you need to unravel it.
  • Weaving (you can spend up to 20 points mastering it) is devoted to transforming weaving cloth into bolts by weaving it. To unlock it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Skill for each point invested. Mastering it to the cap grants you +20 Inspiration and +80 Multicraft.
  • Embroidery (you can spend up to 30 points mastering it) is devoted to embroidering bags and banners from simple types of fabrics. To unlock it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Skill for each point invested. Mastering it to the cap grants you +25 Resourcefulness, +10 Skill, and +20 Inspiration. On top of that, you learn everything about Embroidery Thread Finishing Reagents and how to apply them to various items.

Draconic Needlework Specialization

The third spec tree is all about creating high-rank pieces of equipment. It is devoted to using the magic of Bronze and Azure Dragons to create special gear. Mastering it provides you with additional Resourcefulness, Inspiration, and Skill. You also gain extra Multicraft and Crafting Speed.

  • Draconic Needlework (you can spend up to 30 points mastering it) is devoted to creating unique garments using Azureweave and Chronocloth reagents. Spending one of those valuable points we discussed above grants you an additional score of Skill every time. Learning this spec, you get access to all sub-specs available in this branch. Maxing it to the cap provides you with +15 Inspiration and +10 Resourcefulness. As an extra bonus, you learn the recipe for Illustrious Insight. The latter increases your Skill when creating Azureweave and Chronocloth bolts and items.
  • Azureweave Tailoring (you can spend up to 30 points mastering it) is devoted to creating Azureweave gear. To unlock it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Skill for each point invested. Learning this spec, you get access to all sub-specs available in this branch. Mastering it to the cap grants you +10 Resourcefulness and +20 Inspiration. On top of that, you learn the recipe for Azureweave Bolt, Azureweave Mantle, and Azureweave Robe.
  • Azureweaving (you can spend up to 20 points mastering it) is devoted to creating Azureweave Bolts. To unlock it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Skill for each point invested. Mastering it to the cap grants you +20 Multicraft and +5 Skill. On top of that, you learn to use less magic to create Azureweave Bolts.
  • Chronocloth Tailoring (you can spend up to 30 points mastering it) is devoted to creating Chronocloth gear. To unlock it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Skill for each point invested. Learning this spec, you get access to all sub-specs available in this branch. Mastering it to the cap grants you +10 Resourcefulness and +20 Inspiration. On top of that, you learn the recipe for Chronocloth Bolt, Chronocloth Gloves, and Chronocloth Leggings.
  • Timeweaving (you can spend up to 20 points mastering it) is devoted to creating Chronocloth Bolts. To unlock it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Skill for each point invested. Mastering it to the cap grants you +20 Multicraft and +5 Skill. On top of that, you learn to use less magic to create Chronocloth Bolts.

Garmentcrafting Specialization

The fourth and last spec tree is all about creating various combat equipment. It is also devoted to crafting profession gear available in the Dragon Isles. Mastering it provides you with additional Resourcefulness, Inspiration, and Skill.

  • Garmentcrafting (you can spend up to 30 points mastering it) is devoted to creating Cloth Armor. Spending one of those valuable points we discussed above grants you an additional score of Skill every time. Learning this spec, you get access to all sub-specs available in this branch. Maxing it to the cap provides you with +10 Skill, +5 Inspiration, and +5 Resourcefulness. As an extra bonus, your tailoring crafts become 15% faster.
  • Outfits (you can spend up to 40 points mastering it) is devoted to creating chest and leg equipment pieces. To unlock it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Skill for each point invested. Learning this spec, you get access to all sub-specs available in this branch. Mastering it to the cap grants you +10 Skill, +10 Resourcefulness, and +10 Inspiration. On top of that, you learn the recipe for Dragoncloth Tailoring Vestments. The latter increases your overall Tailoring skills.
  • Robes (you can spend up to 10 points mastering it) is devoted to creating cloth robes and tunics. To unlock it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Skill for each point invested. Mastering it to the cap grants you +10 Skill. On top of that, you learn the recipe for Vibrant Wildercloth Vestments.
  • Leggings (you can spend up to 10 points mastering it) is devoted to creating leg equipment pieces. To unlock it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Skill for each point invested. Mastering it to the cap grants you +10 Skill. On top of that, you learn the recipe for Vibrant Wildercloth Slacks.
  • Outerwear (you can spend up to 50 points mastering it) is devoted to creating hand, feet, head, and back equipment pieces. To unlock it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Skill for each point invested. Learning this spec, you get access to all sub-specs available in this branch. Mastering it to the cap grants you +20 Resourcefulness and +20 Inspiration. On top of that, you learn the recipe for Market Tent.
  • Gloves (you can spend up to 10 points mastering it) is devoted to creating hand equipment pieces. To unlock it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Skill for each point invested. Mastering it to the cap grants you +10 Skill. On top of that, you learn the recipe for Vibrant Wildercloth Handwraps.
  • Footwear (you can spend up to 10 points mastering it) is devoted to creating foot equipment pieces. To unlock it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Skill for each point invested. Mastering it to the cap grants you +10 Skill. On top of that, you learn the recipe for Vibrant Wildercloth Slippers.
  • Hats (you can spend up to 10 points mastering it) is devoted to creating hand equipment pieces. To unlock it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Skill for each point invested. Mastering it to the cap grants you +10 Skill. On top of that, you learn the recipe for Vibrant Wildercloth Headcover.
  • Cloaks (you can spend up to 10 points mastering it) is devoted to creating cloaks. To unlock it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Skill for each point invested. Mastering it to the cap grants you +10 Skill. On top of that, you learn the recipe for Vibrant Wildercloth Shawl.
  • Embellishment (you can spend up to 40 points mastering it) is devoted to creating waist, shoulder, and wrist equipment pieces. To unlock it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Skill for each point invested. Learning this spec, you get access to all sub-specs available in this branch. Mastering it to the cap grants you +10 Resourcefulness, +10 Inspiration, and +10 Skill.
  • Belts (you can spend up to 10 points mastering it) is devoted to creating waist equipment pieces. To unlock it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Skill for each point invested. Mastering it to the cap grants you +10 Skill. On top of that, you learn the recipe for Vibrant Wildercloth Girdle.
  • Armbands (you can spend up to 10 points mastering it) is devoted to creating wrist equipment pieces. To unlock it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Skill for each point invested. Mastering it to the cap grants you +10 Skill. On top of that, you learn the recipe for Vibrant Wildercloth Wristwraps.
  • Mantles (you can spend up to 10 points mastering it) is devoted to creating shoulder equipment pieces. To unlock it, you need to have 10 or more points spent in the main spec. It also grants you an additional score of Skill for each point invested. Mastering it to the cap grants you +10 Skill. On top of that, you learn the recipe for Vibrant Wildercloth Shoulderspikes.

Tailoring Specializations: General Details

You have now learned everything about Tailoring specs. The specialization tab unlocks when you get to level 25 in your profession. In the next paragraph, we will provide information concerning how to level Tailoring fast in WoW Dragonflight by creating certain items. By using these tips, you will have access to two specs already. This gives you a choice whether you want to spread your saved points to learn a bit of everything or master one particular spec. The whole path to opening four specs looks like this:

  1. Achieving level 25 unlocks the first spec branch;
  2. Achieving level 50 unlocks the second spec branch;
  3. Achieving level 75 unlocks the third spec branch;
  4. Achieving level 100 unlocks the fourth and last spec branch.

Despite opening two specs after reaching level 50 after our tips, we highly recommend that you take it slowly. You can never tell what spec is going to be in the highest demand. As for now, we can only suggest that a lot of tailors will focus on the fourth talent tree. However, the market dictates its conditions. Even the spec that seems the worst at first glance can turn out to be necessary for many players around you. BLOG20

Consulting with your friends or guild members can help you make the right decision. Though, there is no wrong choice either since you can sell everything you create anyway. It only influences at what price you can do it.

The Secrets of Leveling Up Tailoring in Dragonflight

Here, we want to share a leveling table with you. By using it, you can hit level 65 in Tailoring faster than anyone else. This is an approximate list of materials, but serious changes are not likely to occur. As a tailor, you want to level up your profession as quickly as possible to sell the most expensive gear you can possibly create.

Unfortunately, the Dragonflight patch has made the whole leveling process a bit more complicated. If you remember the way it worked in previous expansions, you will be surprised. From now on, you can no longer mass-produce the cheapest item you find in your recipe list. On top of that, your profession trainer cannot teach you everything to reach the profession’s level cap. Our table provides tips that will get you to level 65 by allowing you to learn all the available recipes as well. Your path to level 100 may vary depending on your playing style.

Finally, your profession is not that powerful if you do not invest enough Knowledge Points in its specializations. All your armor-creating potential lies in the fourth spec, for example. Therefore, mastering one or two of them is an essential part of leveling your profession up. Our tips are built in such a way you can earn as many of those rare points as possible.

Required Profession Level Items You Need to Craft Required Materials
  • x35 Cloth Unraveling.

The whole leveling process is not that difficult. However, a lot of tailoring recipes require a bunch of leather to craft the items from the list. Therefore, it may be a wise decision to combine Tailoring with Skinning. The latter provides you with enough leather to craft anything you want. Besides, you will not have to monitor the Auction House all the time and buy the stuff from there.

All of us would like to have our characters leveled up as quickly as possible. Nonetheless, not all of us have enough time for this. If you are also looking for the fastest way to level Tailoring in WoW Dragonflight, we have a solution for you. By ordering our WoW Powerleveling services, you cannot only get your character boosted, but also max your profession to the cap effortlessly. Make sure to check our prices and available plans to see how we can help you.

Tailoring Trainers in Dragonflight

Progressing further in your profession is not possible without visiting trainers from time to time. They are your key to learning new recipes, skills, and abilities. Without them, you will not be able to create higher-quality equipment. Consequently, you will not get rich, which brings the whole idea of playing as a crafter to zero. Playing as a tailor, you can find your trainers in the following places:

  • Zayn Starmaker is located in Wingrest Embassy in the Waking Shores;

  • Krillonn is located in Ruby Life Pools in the Waking Shores;

Weaver Ylutai is located in Teerakai in Ohn’ahran Plains;

Threadfinder Fulafong and Threadfinder Pax are located in the market of Valdrakken in Thaldraszus.

Visiting these NPCs will make you a true specialist in Tailoring. Do not forget about it and you will succeed in what you do.

Possible Tailoring Builds

The expansion is about to go live soon. We have prepared a few builds that look the most promising from our point of view. Before we begin, remember that there is no perfect build. Our much-enjoyed WoW is a well-balanced and fair game. If you like a particular build, go ahead and try it. Just choose the one you prefer and see how it works for you.

Bolt Maniac Build

This build will be extremely useful if you do not mind leveling up a few alts. Your main activity will be creating as many bolts as possible. You see, they have a daily cooldown by default. Waiting for this much and having only one character will take an eternity for you to craft anything. Therefore, you should create a few characters and do the following:

  1. Start mastering Draconic Needlework once you hit level 25 in your profession;
  2. When you unlock two sub-specs of your choice, go for either Azureweave Tailoring or Chronocloth Tailoring;
  3. Both branches are equally profitable. The only difference is going to be in what items you can create;
  4. Creating several characters and mastering different sub-specs gives you an opportunity to have both bolt variations. Besides, you will hardly feel any cooldown if you create five characters for each talent branch;
  5. Use them to create, for example, reagent bags that will definitely be in high demand.

Farmer Build

As the name suggests, this build is all about providing you with the maximum cloth. The whole idea is quite simple and does not require you to put in it many Knowledge Points. Therefore, you can mix it with the first build if you have some extra points to spend. The whole build looks as follows:

  1. Put 10 points into Tailoring Mastery to get access to your sub-specs;
  2. Start mastering Cloth Collection and keep doing it until you max it out;
  3. Doing so will give you a huge boost to how much cloth you can collect from humanoids you kill.

Cloth Armorer Build

As we see it, this build is going to be highly popular since armor is what every player needs. As a tailor, you can create practically any piece of equipment and sell it to others. This whole build requires a ton of points to invest in, but it is worth it. This is how it looks:

  1. Put 5 points into Garmentcrafting to get access to your sub-specs;
  2. Here, you have a lot of options for what to start mastering. For now, it is impossible to tell which piece of gear will be in the highest demand;
  3. Try mastering Outfits, as you will be able to craft Dragoncloth Tailoring Vestments after investing 20 points into this sub-spec. This is your profession gear that only tailors can create. That is why do it yourself and increase your overall Tailoring skill;
  4. Finally, you can dive deeper into Robes, as they will be in demand among magicians. Or you can spread your extra points by learning to create every piece of equipment.

Reagent Crafter Build

This build can hardly exist on its own. However, you can pair it up with any other build suggested. As the name suggests, you will be able to extract various reagents from Wildercloth and create more bolts thanks to the Multicraft bonus. The whole leveling process looks like this:

  1. Put 5 points into Textiles to get access to your sub-specs;
  2. Start mastering Spinning or Weaving, both are equally good. They just serve for different needs;
  3. For example, learning Spinning first lets you extract Rousing Elements when unraveling Wildercloth. You can use this to make more gold by selling them on the market;
  4. Maxing out Weaving is beneficial as well if you wish to get more bolts, which becomes possible thanks to the Multicraft bonus.

Dragonflight Patch 10.1 Tailoring Changes

In Patch 10.1, professions have gained a variety of new recipes. Tailors can learn them from Rossmar who can be found in Loamm, the main city of Zaralek Cavern. Also, make sure to talk to Ponzo to earn Ponzo’s Cream and Glimmerogg Timeshare Voucher. They can be exchanged for recipes like Pattern: Reserve Parachute.

As for other Tailoring recipes and items introduced in Patch 10.1, they are as follows:


This is the end of our Dragonflight Tailoring guide. We hope you have learned a lot about this amazing profession. Using it wisely, you can earn a lot of gold and always stay ahead of other players. Make sure to stay with us, as we will update this guide when any changes occur.


How do I level up Tailoring in Dragonflight?

By using our leveling table, you can quickly unlock access to creating high-level gear. This is your key to becoming a rich and high-demand tailor. On top of that, do not forget to visit your profession trainers to learn new recipes.

What can you make with Tailoring in Dragonflight?

As a tailor, you have a ton of options to choose from. However, the majority of players will likely focus on cloth armor creation. The latter is always in high demand and can be easily sold to others. Though, profession tools are an extremely important part as well. Choosing anything of these two will make you rich.

How do I make money with Tailoring in Dragonflight?

As a crafter, your primary goal is to create things and sell them to players around. Luckily, tailors are always sought after and you can always find a thing or two to sell. Taking profession tools as an example, you have six professions to supply with them.

Is Tailoring profitable in Dragonflight?

Absolutely. This is one of the most beneficial profession. Being a tailor means being a walking gold-making machine. Everything you create will be immediately purchased on the market. Your cloth armor is especially popular among magicians, for example.

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